Robert Beale is at it again ...

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Robert Beale is at it again ...

Post by ASITStands »

God 'wants me to get rid of' the judge

Couldn't find the previous thread describing how he took to the road at the first trial. Anyway, he's back on the docket appearing altogether insane. Should be interesting.
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Re: Robert Beale is at it again ...

Post by Famspear »

Another poster boy for tax protesters.
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Dr. Caligari
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Re: Robert Beale is at it again ...

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Otro loco mas.
Dr. Caligari
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Re: Robert Beale is at it again ...

Post by Dezcad »

I'm surprised that this didn't work:
"I do not consent to this proceeding!" Beale said.
followed by this compelling argument:
"Are you trying to force me to present myself as a U.S. person against my will? Well, that is a capital crime," Beale said.

But what wasn't surprising was when he finally started with his Cheek defense -
Beale said he truly believed that his income was not taxable, and informed the Internal Revenue Service in writing. "I thought everybody should be doing what I was doing," he said. "I wasn't hiding anything. I wanted to be a hero. But a lot of people who try to do that end up in jail, just like me."
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Re: Robert Beale is at it again ...

Post by VinnyZ »

A new client of mine works for Comtrol Corp. I prepared his taxes a couple of weeks ago.

As my office is quite a ways from Maple Grove, I had never seen a W2 from them before.

When I looked at it I thought: "Comtrol where I have heard of that company before?????" Then, it came to me. I asked if this was the company that had the nutjub for a former owner. The client said "Yes" and we left it at that.
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Re: Robert Beale is at it again ...

Post by Famspear »

UGA Lawdog wrote:There's a guy who writes a column for under the pen name Vox Day. He claims to be a Mensan and a sci-fi novelist.

Anyway, I used to occasionally exchange e-mails with him asking him why he promoted tax protester nonsense in some of his columns. I said, among other things, as one Mensan to another, you're not making us look good.

Lo and behold, I later find out his real name is Ted Beale and he is the son of Robert Beale the tax protester fugitive.

Obviously, this acorn didn't fall far from the tree.
See also

I didn't realize that the son was also promoting tax protester crap.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet
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Re: Robert Beale is at it again ...

Post by Famspear »

And of course, the half-wits at lost horizons are now rapt with admiration of a "First Amended Petition and Complaint" that Beale allegedly filed in a Minnesota state tax case: ... cd=8&gl=us

Here's the place in lost horizons where crackhead "Richardf614" provides the link to the Beale document:

Hilariously, a crackhead named "PeacefulKancer" responds to "Richardf614" as follows:
Richard, reading cases like that seriously make my head hurt. I can barely understand what (a) the case is about and (b) what was the result. Kudos for you for being able to understand it all!
(bolding added)

These poor, miserable fools. What a mess.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet

Re: Robert Beale is at it again ...

Post by Nikki »

Way back when I was in high school (some time before dirt was invented), I seriously aced the SATs and some associated achievement tests. [SIDE NOTE: One of my teachers at that time berated me for only getting 775 on the English achievement.)

I received an invitation from the local Mensa chapter to attend a meeting where I would be automatically inducted into this elite society.

Following the meeting, the only thing which stuck in my mind was Groucho's remark (paraphrased because I don't remember the exact quote): "I would never join a club which would have me as member."

I forgot about that meeting for many years, until I saw the movie Revenge Of The Nerds at which time I realized that the people portrayed in the movie were significantly closer to having lives than were the Mensa members I met.

Perhaps the best referent for Mensa lies in a Simpsons episode in which they take over the city only to fail miserably for having absolutely no common sense.

Unfortunately, cancelling one's Mensa membership approaches the difficulty of canceling a SSN. It's even worse than that tattoo which appeared after a collegiate night of White Russians.
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Re: Robert Beale is at it again ...

Post by Demosthenes »

100% of incoming freshmen at Berkeley (more than 4,000 students) are invited to join Mensa because the minimum SAT score to get in exceeds the minimum Mensa score. The only ones who actually joined were the lonelier, geekier, arrogant guys.

Re: Robert Beale is at it again ...

Post by Nikki »

If a guy is interested in meeting girls, he's a LOT better off taking a keyboarding course than in joining Mensa.

When I was in High School, two of my electives were typing (keyboarding not having been invented) and home economics. SCHWING !!!
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Re: Robert Beale is at it again ...

Post by tracer »

Right now, I work for a company that builds robotic systems used in automated drug discovery.

What I've discovered that's rather surprising is the number of females in the life sciences. All the other hard-science-related disciplines -- physics, chemistry, mathematics, the various branches of engineering, etc. -- seem to be populated almost exclusively by geeky males. But the life sciences? They're a veritable pick-up bar.

I guess young women just can't resist the allure of nucleotide sequencing, or something.