Victoria's post raises the question as to why IRS letters showing no tax owed are proof positive of whatever fantasy the recipient is currently embracing, but IRS letters proposing a frivolous filing penalty are proof that the IRS doesn't understand the law? The matter becomes more puzzling when the same CTC warrior who previously received his get out of tax free card from the IRS receives a letter pointing out that his return, the same one that got him that big fat refund, is frivolous and giving him 30 days to get straight or be assessed a $5,000 stupidity penalty. If the IRS was right before, why is it wrong now?Speaking of fantasy, a user called "Victoria" writes, at losthorizons:
I received my proof that private sector pay is absolutely EXCLUDED from taxable income, and that Hendrickson was dead on. This IRS letter was confirmation no tax was owed, and amounts witheld (SS and medicare) were overpayments and a refund was due. Shenanigans notwithstanding.
And why, when CTC returns are filed for several years, do some returns result in refunds and others, essentially identical, in nasty penalties?
It is a puzzlement. I hope someone from LH will drop by to explain it to me. I would have posted this on the LH Forum, but I was banned for asking impertinent questions.