Submarine Veteran Losthead Moderator "weasel-wording"

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Re: Submarine Veteran Losthead Moderator "weasel-wording"

Post by LPC »

Submarine Veteran wrote:You are a MORON and will soon be unemployed...l
Is this the same "Submarine Veteran" who previously wrote:
Submarine Veteran wrote:based on the flurry of immediate insults, this does not appear to be a group that can hold open and honest discussion.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: Submarine Veteran Losthead Moderator "weasel-wording"

Post by Nikki »

Submarine Veteran wrote: Gee Danny Boy!

You are certainly not verbose in this reply however you are clearly not erudite!

You are a MORON and will soon be unemployed...l

Well done Hoagie Boy, you managed to accomplish in two days what usually takes most TPs a week or more.

You've run out of cut-and-paste arguments from your bomb-throwing hero and have nothing left but what passes for your intelligence.

Either argue facts about the income tax system (omitting your military service which was paid for by OUR tax dollars) or be prepared to be on the receiving end of flying cows and comfy chairs.

Re: Submarine Veteran Losthead Moderator "weasel-wording"

Post by Paul »

When you've spent as much time as I have around nuclear missiles, it'd take a hell of a lot more than the likes of any of you pencil-necked geeks to scare me.
And? In NavAir, we humped nukies onto planes by hand. That was after they assembled them right in the middle of the mess deck while people (ok, enlisteds, not the officers) were eating. (The little signs over the hatches to the mess decks on a carrier say "Enlisted Dining Facility and Weapons Assembly Area", except for some that mention that the space is also used as an overflow operating room.
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Re: Submarine Veteran Losthead Moderator "weasel-wording"

Post by LPC »

Submarine Veteran wrote:When you've spent as much time as I have around nuclear missiles, it'd take a hell of a lot more than the likes of any of you pencil-necked geeks to scare me.
So now we get to play "mine is scarier than yours"? Truth and reality are dependent on the scariness of our past life experiences? The meaning of the Internal Revenue Code depends on whether your testicles glow in the dark?

What's really weird to me is that this message came in response to "Welcome, SubVet."
Dan Evans
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Re: Submarine Veteran Losthead Moderator "weasel-wording"

Post by wserra »

wserra wrote:Assume that the Sixth Circuit rules against Hendrickson, and the Supreme Court denies cert. Will you then agree that he is wrong about the law?
Apologies for quoting myself. However, IMHO, this is the point at which these guys become very interested in cloud patterns. Those who actually have a few firing neurons see the dilemma: the Sixth will affirm the DC and SCOTUS will deny cert, so agreeing means that, in the relatively near future (Sixth Circuit? Hello?), they will have to cease being crackheads and move on to the next TP scam. OTOH, disagreeing makes it completely clear that this is not a good faith misunderstanding of the law, but rather a disagreement. Hello, LH logs and Hendrickson customer lists; bye-bye, Cheek.

Calling all you brave patriots - diller? SV? Bulten? Anybody home?
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Re: Submarine Veteran Losthead Moderator "weasel-wording"

Post by The Observer »

wserra wrote:Calling all you brave patriots - diller? SV? Bulten? Anybody home?
Given the fact the Subvet in the space of two days has gotten his gluteus maximus handed to him and has now resorted to name calling as his last line of defense for CtC: how many hours haveto pass without a response from Subvet before we can officially announce that he has left the building?
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff

Re: Re:

Post by RyanMcC »

Dr. Caligari wrote:
Submarine Veteran wrote:Pursuant to the current law, in the case of natural persons, the only person authorized to assess my "tax" is me. See Section 93 of the Revenue Act of 1862.
The Revenue Act of 1862 is not "current law." It was repealed more than 120 years ago.
Washington - Jan. 26 1871 -

The Sentate today voted to repeal the income tax after Jan 1, 1871 by a vote of twenty-six to twenty-five. The debate has been uninteresting, because little or nothing new has been contributed to the subject, either of arguements or facts. Mr. Johnston made a long speech favoring the repeal of all internal taxes, and submitted an amendment to that effect to the pending bill, which failed, of course, as he afterwards failed to vote for the unamended resolution of repeal.

A large number of Senators took part in the discussion, the speeches generally being very brief. Messrs. Buckingham, Cole, Corbett, Flanagan, Conkling, and Carpenter advocated the repeal; Messrs. Morrill of Vermont, Howell, Tipton, and Craign opposed it.

A point urged by several against repeal was that the cry as Mr. Cragin called it, came from the small number of people who pay the tax and not from the body of the people not affected by it.

About 4 o'clock a motion to go into Executive Session was voted down, and being thus evident that a majority of the Senate were determined on a speedy settlement, after the usual number of speeches by those who "did not want to occupy the time of the Senate longer," but "felt constrained to explain the reason for the votes they were about to give," a call of the yeas and nays was ordered. The call was the most interesting proceeding of the day.

The yeas led the list for some time, and when thirteen Senators had voted for the resolution only five had voted against it. Then there was a change, and first one side then the other was ahead. Finally the call was concluded with a vote of twenty-five. There was the usual pause for those who had not voted at first to record themselves before the declaration of the vote. Mr. Cameron was the only one to accept the priviledge and he voted "yea," and decided the fate of the resolution.

The Sentate immediately adjourned, thinking enough was accomplished for one day, and accordingly refusing to go into secret session for the consideration of the executive business.

The Ways and Means Committee further considered the question of repeal, and received from Commissioner Pleasonton the promised statistics reguarding the ammount of tax expected from this source under the law as it now stands.

The ammount (given in detail elsewhere) is a little over $8,000,000 from personal income, and a little over $4,000,000 from corporations, or $12,500,000 all told. No vote has yet been had in committee.

New York Times - January 27, 1871 ... 838A669FDE
(I wish I cut and pasted that article, but I had to type it out by hand).
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Re: Submarine Veteran Losthead Moderator "weasel-wording"

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Submarine Veteran wrote:
Doktor Avalanche wrote:Wow..I haven't seen Quatloos this hoppin' since John J. Bullshite and SFBFKADVP.

Welcome, SubVet. Unfortunately for you nobody's going to start labelling anyone a troll and indiscriminately removing their posts.

Sure hope you got your asbestos drawers on today.
When you've spent as much time as I have around nuclear missiles, it'd take a hell of a lot more than the likes of any of you pencil-necked geeks to scare me. Asbestos is for PUSSIES like JJ McNab...

Any takers this might be a bit too subtle for SubVet?
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Re: Submarine Veteran Losthead Moderator "weasel-wording"

Post by Demosthenes »

Poor Mr. Freeman. Doesn't have a leg to stand on legally so he has to resort to "mine is bigger than yours" bravado.
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Re: Submarine Veteran Losthead Moderator "weasel-wording"

Post by Prof »

I am continually amazed at the "tax denier" crowd. Submarine Veteran's big arguments seem to go as follows:

I served in the Navy.
I handled nuclear weapons.
I have studied under Pete.
I really do not understand what he is arguing, and do not understand that a 19th Century tax statute has been repealed.
I ignore Pete's legal troubles.
I ignore the legal difficulties of his followers.
I ignore case law holding that Pete's theories are preposterous and frivolous.

But, if you question me, my response is to refer to Demo by a most vulgar term.

This is not discourse or argument. SubVet just wants to outshout and ignore.

Every time I am tempted to offer direct comments on either Lost Horizons or Sui Juris, I remind myself that I should not try to offer comments to folks whose grasp of reality is quite slim.

By the way, Subvet, although I am a lawyer, I am not a tax lawyer, and I am always opposed to the IRS. And, I'm an Army vet (2nd Psyop Gp, 13th Psyop BN, 1971-72).
"My Health is Better in November."

Re: Submarine Veteran Losthead Moderator "weasel-wording"

Post by Truthstalker »

There are mariners...and then there are submariners.

BTW I never realized how much Bonaparte looks like a fag.
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Re: Submarine Veteran Losthead Moderator "weasel-wording"

Post by wserra »

The Observer wrote:how many hours haveto pass without a response from Subvet before we can officially announce that he has left the building?
Well, it's now been four days since the original question. By TP "logic", he is in default, and everything he owned is now mine.

That might be enough to get me on the subway.
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Re: Submarine Veteran Losthead Moderator "weasel-wording"

Post by Imalawman »

I was out of town on work all last week. Seems I missed all the fun. It is rather funny to read these threads after being gone for a while. Man, I can see why TPs can't hold their own here. Its impressive the volume of response just one post will generate. But I am sad that I seem to have missed all the fun. :(
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Re: Submarine Veteran Losthead Moderator "weasel-wording"

Post by webhick »

Imalawman wrote:But I am sad that I seem to have missed all the fun. :(
Don't be sad. Duck hunting season just started on another thread.
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Re: Submarine Veteran Losthead Moderator "weasel-wording"

Post by Quixote »

Imalawman wrote:I was out of town on work all last week. Seems I missed all the fun. It is rather funny to read these threads after being gone for a while. Man, I can see why TPs can't hold their own here. Its impressive the volume of response just one post will generate. But I am sad that I seem to have missed all the fun. :(
Hothouse orchids such as SubVet and Diller72 can't handle the chill winds of an open and honest discussion of the issues.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat
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Re: Submarine Veteran Losthead Moderator "weasel-wording"

Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

Can we discuss asebestos? I have a bunch of it I am looking to get rid of. In fact I'll pay you to take it away.

Why aren't there abestos deniers willing to make abatements?
Are you saying that Ron Paul serves as a convenient chew toy to keep stupid puppies occupied so they don't roll in the garbage? -grixit

Re: Submarine Veteran Losthead Moderator "weasel-wording"

Post by Truthstalker »

Can we discuss asebestos? I have a bunch of it I am looking to get rid of. In fact I'll pay you to take it away.
You might want to contact Larry Silverstein. He had the "mother of all asbestos problems" and was able to solve it and make an extra seven billion to boot!

Re: Submarine Veteran Losthead Moderator "weasel-wording"

Post by agent86x »

Truthstalker wrote:
Can we discuss asebestos? I have a bunch of it I am looking to get rid of. In fact I'll pay you to take it away.
You might want to contact Larry Silverstein. He had the "mother of all asbestos problems" and was able to solve it and make an extra seven billion to boot!
Er, no, and no. Hopefully, you're being sarcastic on both counts.

Asbestos was only used on about the first 40 floors of one tower before it was banned in construction in the late '60s. The WTC had no more of an asbestos problem than any other building built before then.

As to his "making" seven billion dollars, you don't seem to understand how insurance works
Since 9/11, Silverstein has (1) continued to pay $120 million a year in lease payments to the Port Authority for non-existent rental space; (2) not collected any rent for that "space"; (3) rebuilt WTC7 at a cost of about $864 million, and (4) is on the hook to pay for the rebuilding of the Freedom Tower at Ground Zero; (5) and the insurance settlement was closer to $4.6 billion. ... sure_N.htm
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Re: Submarine Veteran Losthead Moderator "weasel-wording"

Post by grixit »

Evil Squirrel Overlord wrote:Can we discuss asebestos? I have a bunch of it I am looking to get rid of. In fact I'll pay you to take it away.

Why aren't there abestos deniers willing to make abatements?
Hmm, well you need asbestos denier gurus first. So write a book called "Asbestos: Nature's Tiny Accupuncture Needles" Describe the wonderful health benefits of asbestos and how the medical establishment is trying to cover it up. In the last chapter, suggest that the now enlightened reader offer a discount asbestos removal service so that they can stockpile this amazing substance before it is completely supressed. In fact, you'll probably make more money selling the book than you'll spend hiring one of your dupes, er, disciples, to do the job for you.
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Re: Submarine Veteran Losthead Moderator "weasel-wording"

Post by Truthstalker »

Er, no, and no. Hopefully, you're being sarcastic on both counts.