Hendrickson wants his followers to make videos

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Hendrickson wants his followers to make videos

Post by Famspear »

Hendrickson now wants help from his followers. At losthorizons, he writes:
C'mon, Warriors! Let's Do A Video! IT'S IMPORTANT, And No One Else Is Going To Do Your Part In The Project!

Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little."
-Edmund Burke


People, this kind of war doesn't get won by the side that tries to stay in the shadows, or that can't be bothered to get involved...

"It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men."
-Samuel Adams

http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... 3b58dc6aab

And here:
C'Mon, People! Let's Make A Warrior Video!


"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little."

-Edmund Burke

As we all know, seeing is believing, and more people will watch a ten-minute video than will read a web page or printout. Having watched the remarkable outreach success of the video presentations made to promote the Ron Paul Revolution, I think that the truth about the income tax needs to take a page from that play-book.

Therefore, I'm asking everyone to spend a few minutes in front of his or her webcam to record a brief testimonial to be included in a video compilation that I suspect will help get the word out like nothing else. An example of what I mean can be seen here [link not reproduced]. This is recorded at 640 x 480, VGA format, and saved as a .wmv (Windows movie file). (.Avi, .mpeg1 or .mpeg2 formats are also fine, but please try to stick with one of these.) Finished file size is about 1.5MB for this statement, the text of which is, "I'm (your name). I learned the fascinating truth about the income tax at losthorizons.com. Then I filed a tax return knowledgably for the first time in my life and got back every penny withheld from me, including Social Security taxes."

This script should be modified if appropriate to your victory. For instance, yours might be:

"I'm _________. I learned the fascinating truth about the income tax at losthorizons.com. Then I shut down an IRS "deficiency proceeding" and got a nice, polite "closing notice" from from the agency by acting on my new knowledge of the law," or,

"I'm ________. I learned the fascinating truth about the income tax at losthorizons.com. Since then I have filed tax returns knowledgably for the first time in my life and have gotten back every penny withheld from me, including Social Security taxes, for three years now," or,

"I'm ________. I learned the fascinating truth about the income tax at losthorizons.com. Since then I have filed tax returns knowledgably for the first time in my life and have gotten hard-copy IRS acknowledgements that I had no taxable income for the years involved, and owed no taxes at all."

I'm ________. I learned the fascinating truth about the income tax at losthorizons.com. Then I filed a tax return knowledgably for the first time in my life. I haven't gotten my money back yet, but as soon as that accurate return went in the mail, I got back my dignity as a confident, self-governing free American."

Show the checks, notices, transcripts and so forth, as I have done in the example. Keep the clip short (but unrushed). If you are inspired to add something motivational after the script, please do! Just keep it to a single, concise additional sentence. Then email me your clip, and we'll show the YouTube world that free men and women don't wait on some political (or other) process before exercising their rights.

By the way, everyone is more than welcome to also create and post complete videos of their own, as well...

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Re: Hendrickson wants his followers to make videos

Post by Famspear »

And here's the sample video, made by the Blowhard himself:

"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet
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Re: Hendrickson wants his followers to make videos

Post by grixit »

I wonder how many CTCers realize how enormous, skilled, clever, and cruel the "make fun of amateur video" industry is out there. I bet when they first hear that someone has made a compilation of their work and put it on Youtube, they'll think it means they've made converts.
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Re: Hendrickson wants his followers to make videos

Post by Nikki »

On a whim, I ran Pete's taxt annuncement through BabelFish, selecting English output. The results were surprising:
Sucke\\\\\Fellow Warriors: I'm in deep shit. I'm facing a number of civil legal actions and possibly criminal charges. I have to pay back all the refunds I received.

Frankly, I'm running out of money. I need to sell more books, but the Internet site just isn't drumming up enough business.

So, before you all get hauled into court and realize there's no one behind the curtain, I need your help.

Post a rosy video directing all the wannabe tax evaders to LoserHeads. That way, I can sell more books before you all bail out and switch over to Freedom Law School.
In closing, that video and accompanying messages WILL get in front of people who care and matter.
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Re: Hendrickson wants his followers to make videos

Post by The Observer »

People, this kind of war doesn't get won by the side that tries to stay in the shadows, or that can't be bothered to get involved...
Hate to break the bad news to you, Pete...but that is exactly what 99.8% of your followers are - people who have been hiding in the shadows for years or sitting on the sidelines and encouraging others to stand out in the open and catch the spears.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff

Re: Hendrickson wants his followers to make videos

Post by Nikki »

CaptainKickback wrote:
Nikki wrote:In closing, that video and accompanying messages WILL get in front of people who care and matter.
You mean Sharon Osborne, that other dude and The Hoff? :twisted:

Or did you mean Dave Atell and the new Gong Show.

In either instance, it would mirror what real life will be, little participation, all very amateurishly done and there will be a very early exit.
I was thinking more along the line of people who work for government agencies known only by their initials -- two or three of them.

As a side thought :twisted: Pete still doesn't have enough government agencies breathing down his neck. Is there anyone here (besides Demosthenes, of course) who can put together a sufficient paper and financial trail to show how Pete is actually funneling money to the terrorists?
notorial dissent
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Re: Hendrickson wants his followers to make videos

Post by notorial dissent »

It just comes to mind, that if Petey’s sheep do all make videos, just how much easier it will be to track them down when it comes time for their own trials for failure to file and fraud, and what really good prosecution evidence the videos will make.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Hendrickson wants his followers to make videos

Post by Nikki »

notorial dissent wrote:It just comes to mind, that if Petey’s sheep do all make videos, just how much easier it will be to track them down when it comes time for their own trials for failure to file and fraud, and what really good prosecution evidence the videos will make.
None of them are vulnerable to failure to file actions since they all filed returns -- fraudulent returns, but valid returns.

If you look at their discussions of the various IRS letters they've received and the postings on Pete's victory wall, they are already in deep doodoo from an administrative standpoint.

They've received notices of intent to levy, $5,000 frivolous filing penalties, adverse CDP decisions, etc.

In all lkelihood, the only reason the government isn't pursuing refund recovery lawsuits against all of them is that there are too many for DoJ to deal with.

However, as soon as the first one or two are hauled up on criminal charges, there will be a mass exodus from Pete's camp. The majority of them will run to the next available guru (Peymon, are you ready for a vast influx of new business?) while the few who have some functioning brain cells left will bite the bullet and get themselves back into the system.
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Re: Hendrickson wants his followers to make videos

Post by webhick »

notorial dissent wrote:It just comes to mind, that if Petey’s sheep do all make videos, just how much easier it will be to track them down
I think it's apparent now. Pete's trying to get as many followers to incriminate themselves as he can so he can use it for leverage during his own negotiations with the government.
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Re: Hendrickson wants his followers to make videos

Post by FreeTaxTruthPatriot »

webhick wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:It just comes to mind, that if Petey’s sheep do all make videos, just how much easier it will be to track them down
I think it's apparent now. Pete's trying to get as many followers to incriminate themselves as he can so he can use it for leverage during his own negotiations with the government.
Like the ammount of his paycheck for being a secret undercover government-paid Illuminai shill. :twisted:
notorial dissent
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Re: Hendrickson wants his followers to make videos

Post by notorial dissent »

webhick wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:It just comes to mind, that if Petey’s sheep do all make videos, just how much easier it will be to track them down
I think it's apparent now. Pete's trying to get as many followers to incriminate themselves as he can so he can use it for leverage during his own negotiations with the government.
Ya think????
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Hendrickson wants his followers to make videos

Post by Nikki »

webhick wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:It just comes to mind, that if Petey’s sheep do all make videos, just how much easier it will be to track them down
I think it's apparent now. Pete's trying to get as many followers to incriminate themselves as he can so he can use it for leverage during his own negotiations with the government.
If this were posted by anyone other than the Queen of Chemically-Induced Insights, I would suggest that it is attributing too much intelligence and forethought to Pete.

However, given the QoCII's accurate record of prognostication, augury, and insight, it might be a good idea to search out the double-secret records associated with Pete's release from his last prison sojourn.

They just might include a long-term plan for Pete to set up a massive false flag operation to assist in the elimination of a significant portion of the tax gap.
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Re: Hendrickson wants his followers to make videos

Post by Famspear »

At losthorizons, a loser called "kilbey" writes:
I think it says a lot about CtC education that Pete's not in jail. When you think about that fact, and the fact that he "lost" his appeal, it's kind of laughable- since that is the best they [the government people] can do, although they'd LOVE to put him behind bars.
http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... 68afd#5568

(quotation marks in original; bolding added).

Yes, "kilbey", you are correct when you point out that Peter Hendrickson "lost" his appeal on the erroneous tax refund case. Pretty "laughable" all right.

It's just as "laughable" as the fact that Hendrickson has already "spent" time in "prison" as a result of a "conviction" on a "federal tax offense." "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha." Oh, "ho-ho-ho-ho", yes that's a good one!

I just can't wait to see if you, kilbey, find it "kind of laughable" if and when Hendrickson is indicted in connection with his Cracking the Code tax evasion scheme. I suppose that you, kilbey, will be "laughing" just as hard as you are now if and when Blowhard Hendrickson ends up going to "prison" again, especially since you profess to believe that what the government has already done to Hendrickson is "the best they can do."

Hey, kilbey, are you going to hide in the "shadows," or are you gonna make a "video" for the increasingly desperate PeterEricBlowhardMeister -- complete with your own name and face -- so we can all share in the "laugh"? Oh, pleeeeezzz...... Come on, kilbey, we all need a good "laugh."
Last edited by Famspear on Sat Jul 05, 2008 8:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet
notorial dissent
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Re: Hendrickson wants his followers to make videos

Post by notorial dissent »

Question for those who’ve been around longer than I have, has Pete ever been known for doing anything for anyone other than himself?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Hendrickson wants his followers to make videos

Post by Nikki »

He most certainly did.

Some years ago, he made a contribution to the Postal Services annual canned goods collection.

Unfortunately, he misread the list of things they wanted -- he didn't understand what bombe' meant.
Red Cedar PM
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Re: Hendrickson wants his followers to make videos

Post by Red Cedar PM »

I'd like to see SubVet or JJB do their stupid ass videos. It would make me feel better that their criminal fates are sealed.

What's the over/under until Pete gets a cert. denied?
"Pride cometh before thy fall."

--Dantonio 11:03:07
Grixit wrote:Hey Diller: forget terms like "wages", "income", "derived from", "received", etc. If you did something, and got paid for it, you owe tax.
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Re: Hendrickson wants his followers to make videos

Post by grixit »

I'd rather see Pam, Hanson & Hanson, and others on the far fringe.
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Re: Hendrickson wants his followers to make videos

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Red Cedar PM wrote:I'd like to see SubVet or JJB do their stupid ass videos. It would make me feel better that their criminal fates are sealed.

What's the over/under until Pete gets a cert. denied?
The current over-under is 6.
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Re: Hendrickson wants his followers to make videos

Post by webhick »

FOILED AGAIN! It looks like Pete won't have much leverage with the government. No one is going to make a video for him:
Victoria wrote:Pete.. we probably haven't responded because we don't know how to make a video? And maybe we feel this country is on the edge of marshall law and we don't want to be the first in the new FEMA camps?
kae wrote:I agree with Victoria. Making video's are not as easy as they say, plus by the sounds and looks of things everyone is busy writing letters. Frustration levels are not hidden from the camera's eye.
Yep, the reasons are:
  • Don't know how (apparently Pete hasn't written a book called "Cracking the Webcam")
  • Doesn't want to call any undue attention to oneself and end up on the IRS radar as a CtCer (and threw in a little end-of-the-country paranoia to cover up the real motivation)
  • Too busy pissing into the wind to help someone else piss into the wind.
  • Testimonial would suck because everyone can see "It doesn't work" written on the person's face.
When chosen for jury duty, tell the judge "fortune cookie says guilty" - A fortune cookie

Re: Hendrickson wants his followers to make videos

Post by Nikki »

Also, the backdrop of all of the narrator's possessions piled at the curb in front of his double-wide would not generate a great deal of confidence.