This will work for sure!

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Dr. Caligari
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This will work for sure!

Post by Dr. Caligari »

From one of the resident geniuses at SuiJuris:
Just an update. The so called court went on without me. The Justice of the peace sent me another "bench order" telling me to pay the fine or my drivers license "may be" suspended. I accepted it for value and returned it. And wrote on it "I am not a PERSON, you have not proven jurisdiction over the man, standing on the land, and you are not my Judge, God is my Judge."

Friday, I got a letter from the court collections, telling me my payment was late and if I did not pay I may be suspended.

I went to the county recorder and got a copy of the Justices' oath of office. I wrote another presentment and told the justice his offer was refused, I specifically wavied the benefit privilige of paying the fine, haveing my DL suspended, or a warrant issued for my arrest.

I again said I was NOT a 14th Amendment CITIZEN, and without documented contracts between the State and myself, signed with my complete understanding and consent in a court of record, I was not subject to the US jurisdiction.

I reminded the Justice his oath was to the Constitution of the states and the laws of Arizona. I asked for a registerd copy of ARS 28 from the court to prove it is LAW. Since his oath is only to uphold the Constitution and the Law, anything he did outside of that is a violation of the of his oath.

Then I reminded him it was illegal for him to practice law. So, if ARS 28 is not law, and he cannot practice law in a court, he is either violating his oath, or the law.

I also wrote I knew he is an employee of a publically traded company, (I looked up the Courts on Burns and Bradstreet and included the info) and I reserved my right not to do business with his company and did not give consent for his company to act on me or any property or right I retained.

I also put his order for me to pay was a vilolation of HJR 192 and the Trading with the Enemy act. Any payment on my part in Federal Reserve Notes or redemable in said notes, would be treason and a crime against the people and the Consitution, so I cannot, in good faith, be made an to accomplice in a Federal crime by paying his buisness anything.

I then ordered him to stop his harrasment of me or he would be charged. I then put a 1 cent US postal service stamp on the lower right hand corner of each page of the letter and another on the back lower rt. corner, singed over them in blue ink, had the post master hand cancel each stamp and signature and mailed it to him.

I have my 1099 OID's and I am ready to file them for the theft of the promissory note and the payment I already made with the 169 $ signes on a piece of paper. (Both are legal bank notes and discharge the debt once accepted) both were accepted and then dishonored and not returned, so that is theft.

I still have my drivers license...
Dr. Caligari
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Re: This will work for sure!

Post by . »

singed over them
If it doesn't work it clearly will be because he sang the wrong tune.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
Cpt Banjo
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Re: This will work for sure!

Post by Cpt Banjo »

...I looked up the Courts on Burns and Bradstreet...
Burns & Bradstreet...weren't they a vaudeville comedy team?

Seriously, if one were to set out to write a parody of the tactics adopted by a typical anti-government, sovereign-citizen numbnut, it wouldn't be half as loony as this chowderhead's supremely imbecilic post. What's the deal with the stamps? Are they supposed to have some special mojo that will scare off the JP?

It's like humorist Dave Barry says, you can't make this stuff up.
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Re: This will work for sure!

Post by Imalawman »


He's making a traffic issue into something that will likely ruin his life for a long time.
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Red Cedar PM
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Re: This will work for sure!

Post by Red Cedar PM »

Dr. Caligari wrote:From one of the resident geniuses at SuiJuris:
I then ordered him to stop his harrasment of me or he would be charged. I then put a 1 cent US postal service stamp on the lower right hand corner of each page of the letter and another on the back lower rt. corner, singed over them in blue ink, had the post master hand cancel each stamp and signature and mailed it to him.
He forgot to have the postmaster put his seal in wax on each page using his secret Illuminati decoder ring. He also forgot to write "REFUSED FOR CAUSE" on each page in red. What is this, amateur night?
"Pride cometh before thy fall."

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Grixit wrote:Hey Diller: forget terms like "wages", "income", "derived from", "received", etc. If you did something, and got paid for it, you owe tax.
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Re: This will work for sure!

Post by grixit »

This will not end well. I hope no bystanders get hurt.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: This will work for sure!

Post by Imalawman »

Red Cedar PM wrote:
Dr. Caligari wrote:From one of the resident geniuses at SuiJuris:
I then ordered him to stop his harrasment of me or he would be charged. I then put a 1 cent US postal service stamp on the lower right hand corner of each page of the letter and another on the back lower rt. corner, singed over them in blue ink, had the post master hand cancel each stamp and signature and mailed it to him.
A bigger problem is that he put the stamps in the lower right hand corner and we all know that they go in the UPPER right hand corner. tsk tsk tsk, such a rank amateur.
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Re: This will work for sure!

Post by Demosthenes »

What a fricken' moron. Everyone knows it's the combination of the color and the wax in a red crayon signature that effectively removes the natural born sovereign from the gov's jurisdiction. It's both signature and seal in one quick step. Yeesh.
Judge Roy Bean
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Re: This will work for sure!

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Are you sure this isn't a re-run? I get the feeling that from time to time these bozos just make up stories to keep the myth alive.

I think they learned it from Van Pelt.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: This will work for sure!

Post by The Observer »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:Are you sure this isn't a re-run? I get the feeling that from time to time these bozos just make up stories to keep the myth alive.

I think they learned it from Van Pelt.
No, I think they saw what Van Pelt was offering and decided to see if they could improve upon it.
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Judge Roy Bean
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Re: This will work for sure!

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Seriously, some of these have to be made up with the intent to fuel the sovereign movement.

As we progress toward more and more on-line access to court records, we may eventually be able to simply quash the myths, but in the mean time we should take any such things with a 50Lb block of livestock salt.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: This will work for sure!

Post by Randall »

And wrote on it "I am not a PERSON,
The court should agree and have the animal control office pick him up and see if anyone claims him at the pound. Of course the claimant will have to pay the fines and get him registered, probably needs a rabies shot and neutered as well.

Re: This will work for sure!

Post by Leftcoaster »

Randall wrote:
And wrote on it "I am not a PERSON,
The court should agree and have the animal control office pick him up and see if anyone claims him at the pound. Of course the claimant will have to pay the fines and get him registered, probably needs a rabies shot and neutered as well.
That is still giving them too much credit. How about an order from the bench that he is sentenced to be composted?
Mr. Mephistopheles
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Re: This will work for sure!

Post by Mr. Mephistopheles »

Randall wrote:
And wrote on it "I am not a PERSON,
The court should agree and have the animal control office pick him up and see if anyone claims him at the pound. Of course the claimant will have to pay the fines and get him registered, probably needs a rabies shot and neutered as well.
Even better, local ordinances may require him to be microchipped. :twisted:
Doktor Avalanche
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Re: This will work for sure!

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Mr. Mephistopheles wrote:
Randall wrote:
And wrote on it "I am not a PERSON,
The court should agree and have the animal control office pick him up and see if anyone claims him at the pound. Of course the claimant will have to pay the fines and get him registered, probably needs a rabies shot and neutered as well.
Even better, local ordinances may require him to be microchipped. :twisted:
And let us not forget the shock collar.
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Mr. Mephistopheles
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Re: This will work for sure!

Post by Mr. Mephistopheles »

Doktor Avalanche wrote: And let us not forget the shock collar.

He's happy to be part of the club. Good flunky.