August 11 is tomorrow

A collection of old posts from all forums. No new threads or new posts in old threads allowed. For archive use only.

What will the GREAT FAST be?

Bob won't show up
It'll only be Bob and his videographer
There will be a vast groundswell of support
No votes
If it comes off, it will last 1 day
1 week
1 month
No votes
Until Bob dies
No votes
Until Bob announces his death would be wasted
Until Ron Paul rides to the rescue
In a toga-dude-type miracle, he manages to GAIN weight
Total votes: 40

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Re: August 11 is tomorrow

Post by Famspear »

OK, so Bob Schulz does not always come through for Freedom and the American Way. He does not always do what he says he's going to do. He doesn't have to do that. He's special. The rules don't apply to Bob. But that does not mean that others can be let off the hook. It's obvious that the world is not giving the SchulzMeister the respect that Schulz-ee-poo deserves. This, from one of the web sites for Bob Schulz, dated 27 July 2008:
The Ron Paul Question:
Will He Respond?

An interesting and potentially serious situation is developing regarding Rep. Ron Paul. It appears as though Ron’s staff may not have informed the Congressman of the Petitions for Redress, notwithstanding: a) the fact that there exists proof that on June 30 the Petitions for Redress were properly served on Ron Paul at his district office in Texas by a constituent; b) the fact that on June 30, Bob Schulz dropped in to Ron Paul’s DC office to deliver a personal letter to Ron Paul, along with a copy of the Petitions for Redress: and c) Ron Paul’s public declaration in 2001 that the People’s First Amendment Right of Redress includes an inherent Right to a response to their Petitions for Redress.

Last week, Plan supporter Ray Mills had the opportunity to personally speak to Ron Paul in Boone, NC at a Ron Paul rally and book signing event. Ray was able to question Ron Paul regarding the Petitions and his intention to respond. Rep. Paul stated he knew nothing about the service of the Petitions for Redress and that he would look into the matter.

Last Friday (July 25), Bob Schulz spoke by phone with Ron’s chief of staff, Tom Lizardo, about the Petitions for Redress. Tom said he was generally aware of the Petitions but would have to check with his Legislative staff to see what was being done about them. Tom did express a concern of his. He asked if Bob believed the Right to Petition required Ron Paul to respond to every communication received by him from any constituent. Bob told Tom he did not believe each and every communication would necessarily receive the protection of the First Amendment as a proper Petition for Redress requiring a response. Bob then sent Tom a definition of a proper Petition for Redress – one that would require a response.

Needless to say, a serious situation would ensue should Ron Paul fail to respond, responsively (i.e., with formal, specific answers to the questions in the Petitions for Redress). Absent such a response[,] Ron Paul’s credibility as an adherent of the Constitution could quickly be called into question.

The Constitution is not a menu. Rep. Paul is an official of the U.S. Government, and as a true believer and outspoken defender of the Constitution he cannot be found defending only some of its provisions, such as the war powers, money, privacy and tax clauses, while disobeying another, such as the accountability clause of the First Amendment. Again, it is important to note he has publicly admitted such an obligation to Respond.

Ironically, should Ron Paul fail to Respond to the Petitions, he would in effect, not only be ignoring the affirmative duty expressly placed upon him by the last ten words of the First Amendment, he would (through his "Campaign for Liberty") be left promoting the notion of majority rule as the sole avenue of recourse by which the People can (peacefully) cure constitutional torts or secure their individual Rights.

In other words, Ron Paul's potential failure to Respond would place him in the awkward position of publicly embracing political principles endemic to a pure democracy, while simultaneously holding himself, as a duly elected official, beyond the legal construct protecting the actual exercise of Individual Rights and Popular Sovereignty as guaranteed by the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and numerous other expressions of Fundamental Law dating back to Magna Carta.

It is time to move the battle for Liberty beyond the limited paradigm of electoral politics and governance by the majority: It is time to exercise the individual Right to Petition our Government for Redress of Grievances and Restore Constitutional Order. ... -07-27.htm

(bolding added).

Ron Paul: Just not good enough to live up to the high standards set by Bob Schulz.
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Re: August 11 is tomorrow

Post by fortinbras »

So gratifying that Schulz came up with a definition of a proper petition for redress of grievances. The Supreme Court has been very hesitant to conjure up a definition for fear of excluding something inadvertently.

Ron Paul, and certainly some members of his staff, ought to remember the trouble that Schulz dragged Rep. Bartlett of Md into, back in the winter of 2001-2002. With that as a warning, Ron Paul should keep a safe distance from Schulz and any of his projects.
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Re: August 11 is tomorrow

Post by Quixote »

So gratifying that Schulz came up with a definition of a proper petition for redress of grievances.
But it does make Bob's failure to ever send a proper petition for a redress of grievances to anyone, other than the courts, even more puzzling.
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Re: August 11 is tomorrow

Post by Trippy »

Nikki wrote:BREAKING NEWS :!:

It's official. Bob is a no show
I'm not surprised -- since he had only 44 people commit to doing this with him.

Re: August 11 is tomorrow

Post by Nikki »

Effective immediately, whenever mentioning any one of the petitons for redress, it will be mandatory to accompany it with an appropriate photograph from Milton Berle, Benny Hill, Monty Python, The Cage Of Fools, etc.
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Re: August 11 is tomorrow

Post by webhick »

Nikki wrote:Effective immediately, whenever mentioning any one of the petitons for redress, it will be mandatory to accompany it with an appropriate photograph from Milton Berle, Benny Hill, Monty Python, The Cage Of Fools, etc.
What about petitions for redress? Or dereliction of the possessed? Can I get fries with that?
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Re: August 11 is tomorrow

Post by Kimokeo »

"The Constitution is not a menu. Rep. Paul is an official of the U.S. Government, and as a true believer and outspoken defender of the Constitution he cannot be found defending only some of its provisions"

Actually, I don't believe this is true. Ron Paul belongs to the Legislative Branch. So, as a legislator he can choose not to defend some provisions of law. In fact, as we've stated many times to those who don't agree with the law, he can propose to change them.

Changing the law could equate to not defending the existing law. But, that would be ok. If the law needed to be changed, then I would expect him to do so - especially if HE believed the law needed to be changed.

So, Ron Paul, you may choose to not defend the law. In fact, you don't have to defend the Constitution in its whole, if you believe the law/Constitution should be changed/amended.
As a representative, we don't expect you to accept that which you can change.
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Re: August 11 is tomorrow

Post by fortinbras »

A few years ago, another Schulz adherent started another much publicized "fast unto death" -- this time not in a public place -- but called it off after about a week with a purported Gandhi quotation that a fast only works on someone who loves you enough to care if you live or die, and obviously the IRS didn't love him therefore no point to the fast.

Even if Schulz carries on his fast exactly as promised, with no cheating at all, his death will probably be very private -- on his last day he'll be too weak to come to the Capitol Mall or wherever, he'll stay at home or be taken to a hospital and die there out of the limelight and the newspapers might not report it at all. So, if Schulz really wants his death to grab attention, he should do self-immolation. Go out on the Capitol Mall, sit on the ground, pour gasoline all over himself (two gallons would be more than enough), and strike a match. We really should all encourage him to make that demonstration of his determination!

As the saying goes, if you build a man a fire he'll be warm for a day but if you light a man on fire he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
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Re: August 11 is tomorrow

Post by fortinbras »

The We The People website has only a press release issued at least a week ago (probably more like a month or more ago): ... m#Protests

I haven't visited the site, but "midway" between the Washington Monument and the Capitol puts it somewhere around the back of the Air & Space Museum. It's a hunger strike with entertainment; you can't beat that with a stick! And others are invited to participate in their own hunger strikes for as long as their personal situations allow (I can volunteer to do it for a half-hour).
The only downside is thinking of poor Bob sneaking meals inside the Porta-Potty.

Re: August 11 is tomorrow

Post by Nikki »

With respect to the two previous posts:

1 - The above-named self-sacrificial tax protestor discussed self-immolation, but never went through with it. It seems he was not able to obtain a "self immolation permit" from the DC Government. Also, his intended act violated open burning restrictions during a significant drought.

2 - As to Bob's location, I have wasted several lunch hours scouring the Mall for his location. Unless he is disguised as an Irish Setter, chasing frisbees, or as a 20-something lady sunbathing, he isn't there. I seriously doubt that he'd be there in disguise since he's such a publicity whore. If he were to show up, he'd have his personal videographer, hundreds of signs and posters, an information booth, and a few dozen personal sheeple in "V" masks. None of the above were observed. Ergo -- he wimped out.