Now, I have to ask: Why would sleeping violate the permit?? (Not that this is unwelcome news -- but I'm just curious. I'm sure there's more to it than what ol' Bobby's telling us.)Schulzie wrote:August 22, 2008
Government Vetoes Planned Hunger Fast!
... Last Tuesday, WTP Chairman Bob Schulz met for the third time with the staff of the National Park Service (NPS) to discuss the details of WTP’s permit for the hunger fast. The fast was originally scheduled to start on August 11, but was rescheduled to start on September 16, due to the current five week break by Congress.
Until Tuesday, the conditions of the permit included a 24 hours a day, 7 days per week hunger fast, with tents as shelters, provided there were “no sleeping bags, blankets and pillows for comfort.” Chairs would be allowed.
Last Tuesday, NPS informed Bob that no one would be allowed to sleep during the hunger fast! Anyone caught sleeping, they said, would be cited for violating the permit. The cost would be $75 for each citation plus court costs. Bob argued, without success, that our Hunger Fast was a First Amendment expression of our disgust with the Government’s failure to respond to our Petitions for Redress, and that a “no sleeping” rule would, in effect, amount to a denial of First Amendment Rights to Petition, Speech and Association.
Absent the initiation of yet another legal challenge, or hungering by People on 2-3 day shifts, the Park Service's “no sleeping” Rule effectively cancels the large scale hunger fast.
Schulzie's Hunger Strike Canceled
Schulzie's Hunger Strike Canceled
- Princeps Wooloosia
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Re: Schulzie's Hunger Strike Canceled
As if the Capitol Mall were the only place that Schulz could skip a meal.
We should all get together and convince him that his only remaining option is self-immolation.
We should all get together and convince him that his only remaining option is self-immolation.
Re: Schulzie's Hunger Strike Canceled
Well, Bobby isn't canceling out on Washington altogether -- after all, one has to spend the deluded supporters' money on something! Here's what he has planned for September 16th:fortinbras wrote:As if the Capitol Mall were the only place that Schulz could skip a meal.
We should all get together and convince him that his only remaining option is self-immolation.
Here is what WTP will do to celebrate the 221st anniversary of the signing of the Constitution and to draw some attention to the fact that the Government is not only violating the Constitution, but is refusing to respond to the People’s Petitions for Redress.
On Tuesday evening, September 16, 2008, we will gather at the area of the National Mall known as Constitution Gardens, which includes a memorial to the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence and is situated between the WW II Memorial and the Viet Nam Memorial. ...
6 PM, September 16th to 6 PM September 17th will be a day to celebrate our Constitution. For some, it will be a day of celebration and fasting. For others still, it will be a day of celebration, fasting and prayer.
WTP will provide tents and chairs and a mobile bathroom set up for our overnight use. There will be a stage, a sound system and a large video screen.
We will not sleep. J Instead we will watch movies all night on a large screen, including “1776,” “Washington, Your Fired,” “America, Freedom to Fascism” and other films apropos.
From sunrise to 9:30 a.m. on September 17th, we will be inspired by several widely recognized inspirational speakers (to be announced later).
At 9:30 AM we will march from Constitution Gardens to the front of the White House for a silent, one-hour vigil. As many of us as possible will be wearing “V” for Vendetta costumes to give expression to the fact that we are becoming a police state. (Click here to obtain a "V" costume). We will be carrying signs and banners demanding that the President “Respond to the Petitions for Redress” and “Obey the Constitution.”
After returning to Constitution Gardens for a break from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM, we will walk from Constitution Gardens to the U.S. Capitol for a silent, one-hour vigil. As many as possible will be wearing “V” costumes. We will be carrying signs and banners demanding that the members of the House and Senate “Respond to the Petitions for Redress” and “Obey the Constitution.”
At 3:00 PM we will return to Constitution Gardens for a short workshop on organizational development.
At 6:00 PM we will say our goodbyes and Godspeeds to one another.
- Infidel Enslaver
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Re: Schulzie's Hunger Strike Canceled
Translation: Event cancelled due to lack of interest.
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"The real George Washington was shot dead fairly early in the Revolution." ~ David Merrill, 9-17-2004 --- "This is where I belong" ~ Heidi Guedel, 7-1-2006 (referring to
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Re: Schulzie's Hunger Strike Canceled
Cyanide and Kool-Aid would be a sentimental favorite.fortinbras wrote:We should all get together and convince him that his only remaining option is self-immolation.
Re: Schulzie's Hunger Strike Canceled
This just in:
Washington, DC August 24, 2008
Vendors Sue We The People
Approximately 50 street vendors have filed a class-action suit in the District Court for Washington, DC against the We The People Foundation (WTP).
They are alleging that the multiple rescheduling and final cancellation of WTP's mass demonstration and hunger strike have caused them financial distress.
In anticipation of this large-scale event, the vendors have applied, and paid, for licenses to open their stands in the advertised area and have purchased supplies adequate to cater to the expected thousands.
A spokesman for the group stated that the cancellation of the massive event has caused them to lose thousands of dollars and to miss out on bidding for locations for other events.
"Whoever this Bob Schulz is, he obviously doesn't care about the people that he is hurting. Not only did he cancel several events, but the march he plans to hold means we will have to clear the streets for him and his V-people."
"We fully intend to recover what we spent in anticipation of the events he annoounced and advertised."
We have not been able to contact a spokesperson for We The Prople for comment.
On the positive side, the H-Street Costume Shop is strongly in favor of the revised event. "We cleaned up the last time WTP was in town. They rented over a hundred "V" costumes at around $150 each. We hope to see the same business next month."
- Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Schulzie's Hunger Strike Canceled
My pure, uneducated on the subject guess: Sleeping = Vagrancy?Trippy wrote:
Now, I have to ask: Why would sleeping violate the permit?? (Not that this is unwelcome news -- but I'm just curious. I'm sure there's more to it than what ol' Bobby's telling us.)
"Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty." -- General Henry M. Robert author, Robert's Rules of Order
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Re: Schulzie's Hunger Strike Canceled
My corrupted, uneducated mind agrees. Imagine how many homeless people would stage a hunger strike for a warm place to sleep. While I couldn't begrudge them for it, it would cause a serious problem for a multitude of others.cynicalflyer wrote:My pure, uneducated on the subject guess: Sleeping = Vagrancy?Trippy wrote:
Now, I have to ask: Why would sleeping violate the permit?? (Not that this is unwelcome news -- but I'm just curious. I'm sure there's more to it than what ol' Bobby's telling us.)
ETA: Although there'd be more truth in a homeless person's hunger strike than there would be in Bob's.
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Re: Schulzie's Hunger Strike Canceled
I am just waiting to see if Schulz starts a new grievance comittee to petition the government to restore his constitutional right to sleep.
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"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: Schulzie's Hunger Strike Canceled
Just what do these wackos think the right to petition entails?
Are you saying that Ron Paul serves as a convenient chew toy to keep stupid puppies occupied so they don't roll in the garbage? -grixit
- Illuminati Obfuscation: Black Ops Div
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Re: Schulzie's Hunger Strike Canceled
The right to work in a cube farm?Evil Squirrel Overlord wrote:Just what do these wackos think the right to petition entails?
Oh wait, did I say work?
When chosen for jury duty, tell the judge "fortune cookie says guilty" - A fortune cookie
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Re: Schulzie's Hunger Strike Canceled
The exchange between Schulz and Ron Paul's chief of staff is priceless... ... emails.htm ... emails.htm
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Re: Schulzie's Hunger Strike Canceled
Aye carumba! They think the right to "annoy and waste time" is garaunteed in the Constitution?
Are you saying that Ron Paul serves as a convenient chew toy to keep stupid puppies occupied so they don't roll in the garbage? -grixit
- Princeps Wooloosia
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Re: Schulzie's Hunger Strike Canceled
Judging from his litigation, Schulz is claiming that the Constitutional right "to petition for the redress of grievances" means that the govt has to respond to every such petition, either by granting the redress or a detailed explanation of why it won't. Although Schulz won't admit it -- although I am sure that his lawyer Mark Lane already knew this when he demanded $75Gs up front for handling the case -- the Supreme Court, at least twice, rejected that line of reasoning. Lincoln once said that if his office responded to every criticism they'd have no time for any real work.Evil Squirrel Overlord wrote:Just what do these wackos think the right to petition entails?
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Re: Schulzie's Hunger Strike Canceled
Well, this exchange shows just shows how badly Schulz is out of touch with reality. But even worse, how clueless he is. Here is Schulz, entering into communications with a man named Lizardo. L-I-Z-A-R-D-o. LIZARDo. Can we make it any clearer? Bob, you failed to recognize that your last hope for getting your petition answered has failed - the shape-shifting lizard faction of the Illuminati has already infiltrated the last Congressperson's staff and has taken control. Give it up already.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff
"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: Schulzie's Hunger Strike Canceled
Schulz and Lizardo both appear to be ignorant of the current practice regarding petitions for redress sent to members of Congress. Ron Paul's office, like all Congressional offices, receives and acts upon petitions for redress on a regular basis. They're called constituent correspondence. To the best of my knowledge, each petitioner receives redress or an explanation as to why the law, the facts of their case, or political reality prevent redress. Schulz, if he were not pretending that the right of petition is dead, might have pointed that out to Lizardo. The real reason that Schulz's "petitions" have not been treated as petitions is that they are not petitions. Why no one has explained that rather obvious defect to him is a mystery to me.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat
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Re: Schulzie's Hunger Strike Canceled
Someone please confiscate this man's Blockbuster card.CaptainKickback wrote: Is that Dr. Emilio Lizardo, who with the help of Professor Hikata first pierced the dimensional barrier in the later 1930s? This began a series of events that was finally resolved by "outside assistance" in conjunction with members of Team Banzai, Blue Blaze Irregulars, members of the Hong Kong Cavaliers and Dr. Banzai himself. Mysteriously, it all occured around the time Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems went belly up and was shown to be a fraud.

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Re: Schulzie's Hunger Strike Canceled
and less catering, toowebhick wrote:My corrupted, uneducated mind agrees. Imagine how many homeless people would stage a hunger strike for a warm place to sleep. While I couldn't begrudge them for it, it would cause a serious problem for a multitude of others.cynicalflyer wrote:My pure, uneducated on the subject guess: Sleeping = Vagrancy?Trippy wrote:
Now, I have to ask: Why would sleeping violate the permit?? (Not that this is unwelcome news -- but I'm just curious. I'm sure there's more to it than what ol' Bobby's telling us.)
ETA: Although there'd be more truth in a homeless person's hunger strike than there would be in Bob's.
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Your concern is duly noted, filed, folded, stamped, sealed with wax and affixed with a thumbprint in red ink, forgotten, recalled, considered, reconsidered, appealed, denied and quietly ignored.