More prison time for Schiff?

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Re: More prison time for Schiff?

Post by Famspear »

The U.S. Bureau of Prisons web site now (26 August 2008) shows Irwin A. Schiff (prisoner number 08537-014) as being "in transit" again. Considering his age (about 80), I hope it's not health problems that would be causing him to be moved again.

Despite the bad things he has done, I think that his story is a sad one. Sad not only for him, but for his victims.
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Re: More prison time for Schiff?

Post by Demosthenes »

Schiff is "in transit" because he's on his way back to Las Vegas for his resentencing hearing scheduled for mid September.
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Re: More prison time for Schiff?

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Demosthenes wrote:Schiff is "in transit" because he's on his way back to Las Vegas for his resentencing hearing scheduled for mid September.
What? No junket at Ceasars? :twisted:
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Re: More prison time for Schiff?

Post by jg »

Just who is it that decides that this is the best, or even a proper, use of limited resources?

Common sense is not so common.
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Re: More prison time for Schiff?

Post by OnceSane »

Given his age, Schiff should hope that the judge gives him more time. If he were granted his freedom tomorrow, what would he have? Now, he's being fed, housed and given medical care by the very system he did his best to not support and encourage others not to support.
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Re: More prison time for Schiff?

Post by Demosthenes »

OnceSane wrote:Given his age, Schiff should hope that the judge gives him more time. If he were granted his freedom tomorrow, what would he have? Now, he's being fed, housed and given medical care by the very system he did his best to not support and encourage others not to support.
Schiff would do just fine out of prison. He has a rich son, and millions offshore.

Re: More prison time for Schiff?

Post by Nikki »

How much does he still in taxes, interest, etc?

Does the collection statute toll or run while you're in prison?

Perhaps this is all a clever ploy on his part to just outlast the liens.

Re: More prison time for Schiff?

Post by TheSaint »

jg wrote:Just who is it that decides that this is the best, or even a proper, use of limited resources?
It does seem kind of petty, adding a month to an 80-year-old man's eight-year sentence.

Not that I have any sympathy for the little weasel.
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Re: More prison time for Schiff?

Post by Demosthenes »

jg wrote:Just who is it that decides that this is the best, or even a proper, use of limited resources?
In this case, the 9th Circuit.
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Re: More prison time for Schiff?

Post by The Observer »

CaptainKickback wrote:
Nikki wrote:How much does he still in taxes, interest, etc?

Does the collection statute toll or run while you're in prison?

Perhaps this is all a clever ploy on his part to just outlast the liens.
Hypothetically, could the government go after his estate to satisfy outstanding tax debts? Even if they were off shore, provided the government could show it was part of a tax dodge?

Just curious.
Prison time does not extend the statute for collection. However, if the IRS could show in court that Schiff engaged in fraud to evade collection, they could pursue collection against those assets which were specifically involved in the fraudulent behavior. Typically this would be associated with proof that there nominees or phony companies set up to hold assets that were or could have been encumbered by the tax lien.

But offshore accounts are notorious in that you have to know where they are and what is in them and what name are the accounts being held in - information that just isn't readily available, certainly not information that Schiff is going to cough up to the IRS.

If an estate is opened upon the death of Schiff, the IRS could certainly pursue any assets controlled by the estate. But I seriously doubt that Schiff would have arranged his affairs so that an estate would be necessary to dispose of his assets.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Re: More prison time for Schiff?

Post by . »

11 more months
15 contempt citations
Only about 22 days each. Victory!
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Re: More prison time for Schiff?

Post by Paul »

We used to call this "dogpiling."