Dogwalker's Idiocy, Part 37

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Re: Dogwalker's Idiocy, Part 37

Post by cynicalflyer »

Demosthenes wrote:Reno submits yet another dumb dumb document:
This is yet another document a TX notary has signed without the actual person present before her.

I think the TX Secretary of State needs a call.
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Re: Dogwalker's Idiocy, Part 37

Post by Demosthenes »

More stupidity from Reno's daddy.
From: Jose M.
Date: Aug 27, 2008 10:33 PM
Subject: Who sent me that file? ? ?
Body: Who was it that sent me a file with a PDF(?) of Judge George Singal's oath of office?
I need it again, please..

keep the faith

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Re: Dogwalker's Idiocy, Part 37

Post by . »

Well, it never hurts to accumulate yet more evidence that might be useful in an insanity defense, even if you don't need to because you are obviously totally bonkers and have already been busy demonstrating same for a long, long time.

Or something like that. Even if you haven't been charged with anything and don't expect to be.
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Re: Dogwalker's Idiocy, Part 37

Post by cynicalflyer »

Demosthenes wrote:Reno submits yet another dumb dumb document:
And the response from the court:
08/26/2008 ENDORSED ORDER as to Cirino Gonzalez RE 508 Commercial Notice of Fiduciary Liability. Text of Order: No action necessary. So Ordered by Chief Judge George Z. Singal. (jar) (Entered: 08/26/2008)
"Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty." -- General Henry M. Robert author, Robert's Rules of Order
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Re: Dogwalker's Idiocy, Part 37

Post by webhick »

You know your daddy loves you when you're lying under a bus and he's flashing a crappy "Power of Attorney" to the bus driver in an attempt to get him to back over you a few more times.
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VanMeters Revenge

Re: Dogwalker's Idiocy, Part 37

Post by VanMeters Revenge »

CaptainKickback wrote:I wonder if and when donna Van Meter will realize that reno and his daddy are nuttier than a Texas pecan log and should be avoided (the Gonzalezes, not the yummy pecan log).
I think the world of the both of them, Reno has nothing to do with these filings, and Jose is being a father, doing whatever he thinks is going to help his son. I would have to say, such filings may have worked for the likes of Menard or winston shroud or whatever his name is that does the whole UCC stuff, but I see its not for Danny. I rather not see reno end up in Dannys situation, but im not saying he shouldnt fight this, just hopefully his fathers actions wont hamper Renos own efforts. His father is doing this out of concern for him, this i understand he is willing to give any and all angles a try.
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Re: Dogwalker's Idiocy, Part 37

Post by cynicalflyer »

VanMeters Revenge wrote: I think the world of the both of them, Reno has nothing to do with these filings, and Jose is being a father, doing whatever he thinks is going to help his son. I would have to say, such filings may have worked for the likes of Menard or winston shroud or whatever his name is that does the whole UCC stuff, but I see its not for Danny. I rather not see reno end up in Dannys situation, but im not saying he shouldnt fight this, just hopefully his fathers actions wont hamper Renos own efforts. His father is doing this out of concern for him, this i understand he is willing to give any and all angles a try.
Such help is counterproductive. Sometimes, doing nothing is better than doing something to make matters worse. Put another way, "The First Rule of Holes: If You Are in One, Stop Digging" Everyting that associates Reno's name with "asinine, frivolous filings" in the judge's mind is a bad thing.
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Re: Dogwalker's Idiocy, Part 37

Post by notorial dissent »

Donna, if you really want to do Reno some good, tell Daddy to button it, sit on his hands, and develop permanent laryngitis, since to date, all he has managed is to make it worse, and worse Reno doesn’t need, he has done enough of that for himself, and he doesn’t need any more help. Irritating and wasting the time of the judge who is ultimately going to decide your fate is just plain damn stupid.
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Re: Dogwalker's Idiocy, Part 37

Post by . »

Reno has nothing to do with these filings
Power of Attorney rule number 1:

Don't grant one to a blithering idiot. If you did, revoke it.
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Re: Dogwalker's Idiocy, Part 37

Post by grixit »

Try this one, Donna. Read the filings. Apply your own common sense to them.

First, Reno is somehow divided into two entities. One is the "flesh and blood" person, the other the "strawman" corporation. Ask yourself, have you ever actually seen this? This is supposed to be an invocation of real legal principles so ask yourself, what law book, what legislative act, what civics textbook mentions this? None. This is something made up by the movement, it has no more relationship to actual court procedures than the stork has to reproduction. If you disagree, cite a clear statement that isn't from a tp source and isn't a miscellaneous collection of partial quotes.

Second, some of the filings refer to a debt action. Again, how does that fit with reality? Reno was arrested, indicted, tried, and sentenced for a crime, he was not sued for owing money. You can be fined for a crime or given the choice of a fine or imprisonment, but if the judge requires imprisonment, then that's what you get, you cannot convert your sentence into a debt, pay it off and go free. Again, if i'm wrong, please cite anyone who actually did that. Certainly there have been people who had plenty of money who nonetheless went to prison.

Then there's a filing that purports to appoint someone as a fiduciary, a super trustee of Reno's finances without their knowledge or consent and requires them to settle his debts. Do you really believe this is possible? If so, what's to stop me from sticking you with my bills?

And how is this person to settle the debt that it is claimed is the real legal situation that Reno is in? Oh yes, use a magic bank account that every citizen has from birth but only a few people know about. Do you believe that? If so, why not tap your own account and by yourself a new house or car?

And finally, the designated fiduciary having failed to do what was required, the court is ordered to imprison him, and release Reno. Again, if you don't pay for my mortgage, can i just have you locked up?

One last question: do you honestly believe that Jose is helping Reno by "any and all angles" with these documents?
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Re: Dogwalker's Idiocy, Part 37

Post by LPC »

VanMeters Revenge wrote:I think the world of the both of them, Reno has nothing to do with these filings, and Jose is being a father, doing whatever he thinks is going to help his son.
Jose is very close to committing a fraud on the court by signing pleadings without adequately disclosing his identity. He is definitely engaged in the unauthorized practice of law by filing pleadings in court without a lawyer, because only a lawyer can represent another person in court.

I think that the only reason that the judge has not enjoined Jose from further filings is that the judge doesn't yet realize that Jose is signing Cirino's name.
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Re: Dogwalker's Idiocy, Part 37

Post by wserra »

VanMeters Revenge wrote:such filings may have worked for the likes of Menard or winston shroud or whatever his name is that does the whole UCC stuff
Except they didn't.

If anyone tells you this horsepucky actually "worked", ask then for a verifiable cite. Be prepared for an answer along the lines of "it never got that far" - nonsense because, if there was a "filing", there was a case to file it in. Ask for the title, court and docket number. Be prepared for more excuses. And, if you ever do get a real case cite, be further prepared for it to be a traffic case where the cop didn't show up - sorta different from a federal indictment.

Shrout and Menard sell this stuff. What do you think they're going to say, "Pay me for gibberish"?
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Re: Dogwalker's Idiocy, Part 37

Post by LPC »

VanMeters Revenge wrote:Jose is being a father, doing whatever he thinks is going to help his son.
Hell is full of good intentions.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
VanMeters Revenge

Re: Dogwalker's Idiocy, Part 37

Post by VanMeters Revenge »

Dont recall saying I was on board with this UCC stuff I dont understand it I have trouble with old VCR instructions to get that damn flashy 12:00 to stop, what the hell do I know about your judical system when one, the Constitution is totally ignored for the most part and not dare anyone mention it in the presence of the courts or its officers. Officers and Officals of the court took an oath which they in a majority have fallen short to uphold, besides the total negligence of the court to respect it, theres that whole Patriot ACT that has taken presidence over law, handing judges ungodly powers to abuse and deny people the most simplist of rights to a fair trial, freedom of speech, for one to represent themselves as well. See I guess I got alot of what I thought this country stood for all ass backwards, fellas, so why would I or could i fantom such concepts such as these UCC theories?
I want the best possible outcome for Reno without him taking a plea deal, I do believe he is innocent of anywrong doing as well as others that stand in support with him. I feel that David his lawyer has not been working in Renos best interest but that is only because we are not the ones signing his pay check at the end of the day, so we get what we paid for huh?
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Re: Dogwalker's Idiocy, Part 37

Post by Demosthenes »

I would have to say, such filings may have worked for the likes of Menard or winston shroud or whatever his name is that does the whole UCC stuff
They've never won anything. They've made up phony wins to sell materials to desperate people in the movement. Like all the other promoters in the movement, they're con artists.

If you care what happens to Reno, talk to Jose. If Jose wants to know why the crap he's filing is indeed crap, invite him to post here and people will answer his questions.
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Re: Dogwalker's Idiocy, Part 37

Post by ASITStands »

Unless there's some new development of which I'm not aware, Winston Shrout has not released his own tax liens with this gibberish. He sells this stuff to the unsuspecting.

That's all. That's it. Nothing more, and anyone who tells you differently is either just as duped as everyone else or lying. If they want your money, it's likely the latter.

None of this stuff has worked for anyone anywhere. Period.
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Re: Dogwalker's Idiocy, Part 37

Post by Demosthenes »

Looks like Winston even has some new liens.

Original Filing Date: 1/4/2007
Amount: $11,848
Filing Number: 200701040000285

Original Filing Date: 9/15/2005
Amount: $37,858
Filing Number: 200509150000065
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Re: Dogwalker's Idiocy, Part 37

Post by Demosthenes »

Jason is still in transit, but Bob Wolffe has arrived at his new temporary home: MDC Brooklyn
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Re: Dogwalker's Idiocy, Part 37

Post by Gregg »

. wrote:
Reno has nothing to do with these filings
Power of Attorney rule number 1:

Don't grant one to a blithering idiot. If you did, revoke it.
I cannot see that he ever did grant ne, unless I'm reading this gibberish wrong or missed a document, isn't the power of attorney signed "for Cirino Gonzales" which kind of makes it pointless?
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Re: Dogwalker's Idiocy, Part 37

Post by grixit »

VanMeters Revenge wrote:what the hell do I know about your judical system when one, the Constitution is totally ignored for the most part and not dare anyone mention it in the presence of the courts or its officers.
Care to give examples?
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