Sam Kennedy

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Sam Kennedy

Post by Demosthenes »

What can you all tell me about this promoter? I'm running into his name in interesting ways the last few days.
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

Looks like your typical counter-media talk show host.

Wait a second... digging deeper into the Illuminati files....and the nuttiness pops out!
5. PREPARE MY COURT. I will not petition their fictions for a toothpic. I ISSUE ORDERS from MY jurisdiction, as the court. MY court is the court of Yaweh, the One supreme court, a superior court to all others, the original jurisdiction (The Constitution is NOT the original jurisdiction. It’s NO jurisdiction. It’s consolidation; discrimination, in violation of treaty. Like plasma television, it was an interim technology until men were ready to apply the truth. The Constitution has never had authority over an insect, let along living men. It remains an effective tool when used politically to exploit the need of public officials and judges to pay it lip service. I enjoy evoking their public admission of its legendary rights and remedies]. In earthly terms, one way of many to present a sovereign court is:
Are you saying that Ron Paul serves as a convenient chew toy to keep stupid puppies occupied so they don't roll in the garbage? -grixit

Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by Leftcoaster »

Evil Squirrel Overlord wrote:Looks like your typical counter-media talk show host.

Wait a second... digging deeper into the Illuminati files....and the nuttiness pops out!
5. PREPARE MY COURT. I will not petition their fictions for a toothpic. I ISSUE ORDERS from MY jurisdiction, as the court. MY court is the court of Yaweh, the One supreme court, a superior court to all others, the original jurisdiction (The Constitution is NOT the original jurisdiction. It’s NO jurisdiction. It’s consolidation; discrimination, in violation of treaty. Like plasma television, it was an interim technology until men were ready to apply the truth. The Constitution has never had authority over an insect, let along living men. It remains an effective tool when used politically to exploit the need of public officials and judges to pay it lip service. I enjoy evoking their public admission of its legendary rights and remedies]. In earthly terms, one way of many to present a sovereign court is:
Who do I send the bill for the new keyboard and monitor to?
Mr. Mephistopheles
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by Mr. Mephistopheles »

Oh it gets better:
14. FIRE ALL ATTORNEYS. If I work with these first line soldiers of Pontius Pilate, I confess my status as a U.S. person. I often choose my timing carefully, usually just before the fireworks begin. I might fire, or I might suggest they run the other way using commercial process. No attorney has ever attempted to remain in my way once I made my position known. As a sovereign man, all non-commercial process served on attorneys would be in care of the Bar association by registered mail, stamps only.
(emphasis mine)

He's discovered Pontius Pilate's connection to the Illuminati.

Here's the direct linkie to his "Manual of Freedom. ... reedom.doc

I don't know what this guy's on, but he really should back the dosage down just a bit.
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by Demosthenes »

At least one of his followers has taken Kennedy's crap seriously enough to begin the arrest warrant procedures against two federal judges, a prosecutor, a public defender, and a clerk of the court. The follower is currently a fugitive, and when caught and prosecuted, he's likely to spend many years in prison.
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by LPC »

Mr. Mephistopheles wrote:Here's the direct linkie to his "Manual of Freedom. ... reedom.doc
If this guy believes even a third of what he's written, and he is definitely scary-crazy, and possibly dangerous-crazy.
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Mr. Mephistopheles
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by Mr. Mephistopheles »

LPC wrote:
Mr. Mephistopheles wrote:Here's the direct linkie to his "Manual of Freedom. ... reedom.doc
If this guy believes even a third of what he's written, and he is definitely scary-crazy, and possibly dangerous-crazy.
Yeah, he's a Ph.D. dissertation in Abnormal Psychology looking for a place to happen.
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by The Observer »

Demosthenes wrote:At least one of his followers has taken Kennedy's crap seriously enough to begin the arrest warrant procedures against two federal judges, a prosecutor, a public defender, and a clerk of the court. The follower is currently a fugitive, and when caught and prosecuted, he's likely to spend many years in prison.
The real question is why any of these followers never seem to do the obvious thing and ask for proof that the promoter's tactics actually work. And by "proof" I mean something more substantial than the promoter telling his marks to trust and believe him - like a court case in support of the promoter's theory.

If you recall I went through a long and tedious exercise with David "I'm Merrill, dammit" Van Pelt asking for direct proof that his magical UCC filings worked. In the end all he could come up with was some suspicious looking documents that claimed a tax lien got released. Any person with a lick of common sense could see at that point that perhaps Van Pelt's method might not work.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Evil Squirrel Overlord
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

The Observer wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:At least one of his followers has taken Kennedy's crap seriously enough to begin the arrest warrant procedures against two federal judges, a prosecutor, a public defender, and a clerk of the court. The follower is currently a fugutive, and when caught and prosecuted, he's likely to spend many years in prison.
The real question is why any of these followers never seem to do the obvious thing and ask for proof that the promoter's tactics actually work. And by "proof" I mean something more substantial than the promoter telling his marks to trust and believe him - like a court case in support of the promoter's theory.
If you really want to know...
[Cool Hand Luke]What we have here is a failure of rational thinking...[/Cool Hand Luke]

Or more aptly: What we have here is a classic case of a carismatic personality telling people what they want to hear. I would like to hear that I am the Emporer of the Inner and Outer Solar System, however in my quest for unlimited power a critical thinking gene switch was turned on and now I forced to rule a small plot of land in a major city because of the Queen*.

*If I settled across the Mississippi River in Minneapolis I would be subject to the rule of Louis XX (a.k.a. Louis Alphonse, Duke of Anjou, Gen X Legitimist claiment to the throne of France.)
Are you saying that Ron Paul serves as a convenient chew toy to keep stupid puppies occupied so they don't roll in the garbage? -grixit

Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by Leftcoaster »

The Observer wrote: The real question is why any of these followers never seem to do the obvious thing and ask for proof that the promoter's tactics actually work. And by "proof" I mean something more substantial than the promoter telling his marks to trust and believe him - like a court case in support of the promoter's theory.

If you recall I went through a long and tedious exercise with David "I'm Merrill, dammit" Van Pelt asking for direct proof that his magical UCC filings worked. In the end all he could come up with was some suspicious looking documents that claimed a tax lien got released. Any person with a lick of common sense could see at that point that perhaps Van Pelt's method might not work.
I believe that most people sucked into these things are those who are so desperate to believe that things aren't as they really appear to be, that they readily latch on to these hare-brained notions as the only "logical" explanation for why their lives are as terrible as they think they are (not realizing that it's about to get a whole lot worse). Ironically, as things get worse, it only proves to some of them that they are "right" and that they need to press on until they can make the authorities see "the truth." I would say that they suffer from an acute allergy to Occam's Razor.

Yes, some of them are just out and outgreedy, especially those who are already well off (why all the dentists and chiros?). Yes, some of them are just plain stupid. At then end of the day however, I think you'll find that most of them at some level, are just highly susceptible to accepting the most outlandish conspiracy as being more believable than the most simple truth. Also a history of cranial trauma.
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by ASITStands »

Demosthenes wrote:What can you all tell me about this promoter? I'm running into his name in interesting ways the last few days.
In my limited experience, Sam Kennedy is a promoter of commercial remedies [acceptance for value, bond in common, promissory note, etc.] and redemption theory.

I know of no one who's actually claimed success with his theories and practices. In fact, just as has been suggested, many have asked for proof and not found any forthcoming.

It's always, "That will be discussed in the next seminar."

I've not listened to any of his material, as it's just too difficult to follow the twists and turns, and my poor old brain gets lost in the strangeness. You have to enter another world.

I never remember the sequence, but Winston Shrout, Sam Davis and Vic Beck are all associated with Sam Kennedy, as the each build on the other's theory.
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by wserra »

ASITStands wrote:I never remember the sequence, but Winston Shrout, Sam Davis and Vic Beck are all associated with Sam Kennedy, as the each build on the other's theory.
With the predictable results:

"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by jg »

Evil Squirrel Overlord wrote:Or more aptly: What we have here is a classic case of a carismatic personality telling people what they want to hear. I would like to hear that I am the Emporer of the Inner and Outer Solar System, however in my quest for unlimited power a critical thinking gene switch was turned on and now I forced to rule a small plot of land in a major city because of the Queen*.
You are the Emporer of the Inner and Outer Solar System; however in your quest for unlimited power a critical thinking gene switch was turned on and you are now forced to rule a small plot of land in a major city because of the Queen.

Please send your payment of $1000, in cash (unmarked bills), to TellMeWhat_I_WantToHear PO Box 041000 Panacea, Florida 32346

May 29th, 2008
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by PatriotGames »

I don't blame everybody here for thinking the way they think about what Sam Kennedy preaches. However, you are wrong about almost everything you say about his teachings.

You must first know that almost all governments in the world govern foreign, belligerant corporations which are property of the crown. We have been hooked into becoming property of the crown as well by accepting their property (NAMES) as our own under the legal maxim that an accessory attached to a principal(a property) becomes the property of the owner of the principal.

Since a citizen is in fact a subcorporation owned by the government corporation without their knowledge, a remedy HAS TO be provided because no corporation can force you to be its employee. If there was no remedy their acts would be unlawful and that corporation would be shut down.

This is why in the criminal code under section 126, 127 shows that it can be used to escape and step out from the system. And since the corporation is bankrupt owing the IMF, pledging the life and labor of the men and women living in these countries, and the money the corporation uses has no value, they had to create a remedy for that too.

The people bring the commercial energy to the system, and since we are a part of a bankrupt corporation which the government governs, we bring the credit to the system. The birth certificate is our remedy. We can and have issue promissory notes to pay for anything we need or collect the dividends of the fund directly, known as the security of the person in the bill of rights. We can present the proper forms to the IRS/CRA and receive those taxes back plus interest for our purchase, which will discharge the national debt instead of creating double entry accounting which makes double the debt of the iten you have purchased.

I have done this, I have taught others to do this, and Sam Kennedy is telling the truth. Him and his guests are not lying. You people on this forum who are very government like, operating precisely like a government fear-mongler trying to scare us from the truth.

To be Free, Think Free.. :D


Post by Nikki »

Until you can post the image of a document backing up what you are alleging, a valid legal citation supporting your claim, or a specific case reference documenting one of your many successes, you remain, EITHER a pathetic, loser troll merely parroting information because you lack the intelligence to understand what you are being fed OR a lying POS posting here to compensate for an excess of space in the front of your BVDs,

Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by SteveSy »

PatriotGames wrote:I don't blame everybody here for thinking the way they think about what Sam Kennedy preaches. However, you are wrong about almost everything you say about his teachings.
To be Free, Think Free.. :D
Thank you for your post. As you've probably seen I'm not a Quatloosian, I'm a delusional fool according to them. With that said, maybe you can answer some questions for me.

Let's assume for the sake of argument you're correct about all the stuff you just said.

1. Do you honestly think the "conspirators", Lawyers, Judges, Police etc, will just leave you alone once you expose their conspiracy?

2. If the conspirators are that corrupt to hide this binding information from the general public what makes you think they would all of a sudden step back and say he's nailed us leave him alone? After all, no one would be the wiser, except for them, if they pretended what you told them was a load of delusional crap? Your theory of remedy is based on the premise that the conspirators, namely the judge, would follow the law as you have interpreted it. Why would they do that even if its true, they're conspirators?

3. I've read hundreds and hundreds of cases and seen the sovereign person argument used many times.I have never seen it win in court. Now of course I will admit maybe they're involved in yet another conspiracy and hiding the wins. Is this happening?

Even if you're right, I find it impossible to believe anyone can win against the conspirators with the information. At best, as I see it, its information you can retain and pass along with the knowledge that you have exposed their conspiracy but there's no chance in hell of winning with it. I could see a clerk mistakenly filling some of the stuff, but that's short lived until someone in authority finds out about it and has it removed by court order, not to mention possible criminal charges. I personally haven't seen the fear in them, even if it is true they're going to pretend it isn't and nothing will happen to them for doing it. Remember to get any of this enforced you have to have someone enforce it.

Admittedly, my position is similar in the respect I believe I've exposed a fraud by the system. However, I'm not holding on to the misconception that my information will win in court. I find it disingenuous that anyone can would say it will. There's no reason for a judge to side with me, they simply don't have to, even if I'm right, and nothing will happen to them for doing it. Juries have their information spoon fed to them by the judge. You won't get to show them the truth as you see it, the judge has the power to stop you before you do. So relying on the premise that you would win under a jury because they're average people is ill conceived.

Thanks for your response.
Last edited by SteveSy on Sat Aug 30, 2008 2:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by Demosthenes »

PatriotGames doesn't even live in the US. He's Canadian.

Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by Nikki »

Demosthenes wrote:PatriotGames doesn't even live in the US. He's Canadian.
Sounds like a job for NoName.
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by . »

Here's the most important thing that Sybil has ever said here (never mind the Cunuck nut-ball):
Sybil wrote:I believe I've exposed a fraud by the system
Proving that he is, in fact, totally nuts, just as everyone here has long suspected.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.

Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by SteveSy »

. wrote:Here's the most important thing that Sybil has ever said here (never mind the Cunuck nut-ball):
Sybil wrote:I believe I've exposed a fraud by the system
Proving that he is, in fact, totally nuts, just as everyone here has long suspected.
People, some very educated, expose fraud in and by the "system" all the time. I don't see why you're so infatuated with being a troll. Your post has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic and is merely an attack on character, a textbook troll post.
Last edited by SteveSy on Sat Aug 30, 2008 3:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.