Sam Kennedy

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Joey Smith
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by Joey Smith »

The U.S. government can not satisfy its promises to pay. It's going to have to renege on its promises in order to even function.

I really thought that you were less of a retard than this.

First, the U.S. can always just print money to satisfy its obligations (hell, that has been the entire fiscal policy of the totally brainless Bush Administration). Yes, it will cause some inflation but that will shrink the debt.

Second, the U.S. can put reduce future obligations such as raising social security to age 72, requiring a co-pay for medicare that keeps the little old ladies from running to the emergency room every time they are lonely, and other expedients. But the easiest way to slow the bleeding is to declare victory and withdraw from Iraq.

Third, many foreign nations effectively tie their currency or economy to the dollar so that there is greater demand for it than any other currency (though Bush has weakened the dollar).

Fourth, nobody has the practical ability to collect against us or our assets.

Fifth, whatever the U.S.'s financial situation, it does not create any defense to the current payment of taxes, any more than bankruptcy of the holder of a note excuses the payor from paying on the note.

Notably, the debt grew to large proportions under the fiscally-irresponsible Ronald Reagan, ballooned further under Bush1, and then grew by astronomical leaps with Bush2 who has tried to conduct effectively two wars abroad without raising taxes, all of whom I presume that you supported (I supported Reagan, but couldn't stand the Bushes because of their horrible fiscal irresponsibility, and McCain will be more of the same).
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by SteveSy »

Joey Smith wrote:
The U.S. government can not satisfy its promises to pay. It's going to have to renege on its promises in order to even function.

I really thought that you were less of a retard than this.

First, the U.S. can always just print money to satisfy its obligations (hell, that has been the entire fiscal policy of the totally brainless Bush Administration). Yes, it will cause some inflation but that will shrink the debt.
Now that's retarded. It won't cause "some" inflation it would cause hyperinflation. Would you like me to list the numerous countries that have tried this and failed? You can't dump trillions of printed dollars in to the world markets and expect the dollar to hold any value.
Second, the U.S. can put reduce future obligations such as raising social security to age 72, requiring a co-pay for medicare that keeps the little old ladies from running to the emergency room every time they are lonely, and other expedients. But the easiest way to slow the bleeding is to declare victory and withdraw from Iraq.
That won't fix it, its far beyond simple fixes like that. You really need to read some reports.
Third, many foreign nations effectively tie their currency or economy to the dollar so that there is greater demand for it than any other currency (though Bush has weakened the dollar).
There is already talk of foreign countries making moves to distance themselves from our currency and for good reason.
China "The Dollar is losing its status as the world currency" ... hp?id=3936
Fourth, nobody has the practical ability to collect against us or our assets.
True, but then if it ever gets that far no one is going to lend us money either and our nation will collapse. Again, read some reports, out nation is heavily funded by foreign money.

Fifth, whatever the U.S.'s financial situation, it does not create any defense to the current payment of taxes, any more than bankruptcy of the holder of a note excuses the payor from paying on the note.

Start by reading this: ... likoff.pdf
Written by:
Laurence J. Kotlikoff is an economics professor at Boston University and a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. From 1981 to 1982 he was senior economist for taxation and Social Security with the Council of Economic Advisers.
It's not that long and you'll at least have some insight in to how big the problem is.

If you would like me to post some GAO reports showing your statements are all flawed I would be happy to, just ask.
Last edited by SteveSy on Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by Prof »

Stevesy, since as usual, you miss the point, I'll note that GAP defines "insolvency"--and bankruptcy, even if it is in the dictionary, is not a term that GAP or the statutes use.

"Insolvency" is defined simply, on a balance sheet test, as assets being less that liabilities.

Assets, however, include not just fixed assets -- and I have not analyzed the GAO statements but they make no sense in the context of the US's property, including, for example, all of the mineral rights in areas such as the ANWR.

Finally, assets include income and sources of income. Since the US can tax its citizens on captital gains, income (corp. and personal), can impose other taxes such as taxes on imports, sales taxes on gasoline and the like, you need to add the value of that taxable income stream to your analysis of the net assets of the US government. You are simply never going to get to insolvency for an entity as wealthy and tax powerful as the US.

Quit blowing smoke and focus on the actual problem of a huge national debt controlled by foreign nations and indivisuals in an ever "flat" world (thank you, Mr. Friedman). Especially, you should focus on the Bush administration's decision to fight the Iraqi war without any concern over financing that war except by borrowing from the Arabs and Singapore.

As my old econ prof. said, "It's not the national debt, it's who owns that debt."
"My Health is Better in November."

Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by SteveSy »

Prof wrote:Finally, assets include income and sources of income. Since the US can tax its citizens on captital gains, income (corp. and personal), can impose other taxes such as taxes on imports, sales taxes on gasoline and the like, you need to add the value of that taxable income stream to your analysis of the net assets of the US government. You are simply never going to get to insolvency for an entity as wealthy and tax powerful as the US.
Germany was pretty powerful at one point also, its money was turned to worthless paper.

Our great wealth as a nation is less than our great debt, that's the facts. Yes the government can tax, but that too has limits. How long do you think this country would last if taxes were doubled? That's only part of what it would take to solve the problem. Exactly why do you think corporations would start up or continue doing business here under those conditions. We have already lost a significant portion of our manufacturing base to foreign countries. That would simply put the nail in the coffin and tax revenues would plummet. ... likoff.pdf

No, we aren't financially dead yet. But to pretend we won't and can't die is, well, retarded. Our country falls under the same financial rules as all others fall under. Yes we are bigger, and wealthier, but we also have a much, much larger debt. Our path is unsustainable the people we pay to tell us our fiscal situation have said so and if we don;t do something now, right now we're committing economic suicide. Yet for some really stupid reason we have folks like you and Joey in office who just bury their head in the sand and pretend nothing is really wrong all we have to do is raise the retirement age a few years or maybe raise taxes a little and all is well. That just isn't going to cut it, not even close.
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by Prof »

I can't speak for Joey, but you obviously do not read my posts, since I am probably as concerned about the national debt as you are, if for somewhat different reasons.

And, comparing post WWI Germany to the US today is silly. You know enough history to understand what happened to Germany as a result of WWI and the world-wide Great Depression to find the comparison unworkable.

Again, quit blowing smoke about insolvency -- a term you do not understand because you do not understand the term "asset."

You should focus on both the size of the debt and the entites who hold that debt as well as the unsustainable expenditures of the national and state governments under the current administration (as well as under Ronnie).

If Obama is as fiscally irresponsible as the current administration, I'll criticize him, too. But, the only way to control the national debt is to cut expenses and raise taxes -- just like you and I do -- cut expenses and get a second source of income, deliver fast food, or get my wife to go back to work
"My Health is Better in November."

Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by SteveSy »

Prof wrote:I can't speak for Joey, but you obviously do not read my posts, since I am probably as concerned about the national debt as you are, if for somewhat different reasons.

And, comparing post WWI Germany to the US today is silly. You know enough history to understand what happened to Germany as a result of WWI and the world-wide Great Depression to find the comparison unworkable.
Fair enough.
Again, quit blowing smoke about insolvency -- a term you do not understand because you do not understand the term "asset."
I do understand. Did you read the document I posted? It considers all of the factors you listed and more.
You should focus on both the size of the debt and the entites who hold that debt as well as the unsustainable expenditures of the national and state governments under the current administration (as well as under Ronnie).
That sounds like a democrat speaking. The debt would explode under a democratic president, even if we got out of Iraq. In fact at this point it won't matter who is president, they have very, very tough times ahead of them.
If Obama is as fiscally irresponsible as the current administration, I'll criticize him, too. But, the only way to control the national debt is to cut expenses and raise taxes -- just like you and I do -- cut expenses and get a second source of income, deliver fast food, or get my wife to go back to work
But just like you and I if we charge to much for our services we get less income not more. The tax the rich scheme will fail. They unlike the rest of us can simply relocate their operations elsewhere, while we are stuck here trying to find work, maybe not you, from an ever decreasing business base. Increasing taxes does not necessarily increase revenues, its far more dynamic than that. For one the rich won't pay them anyway, they have an army of lobbyists to create loopholes, not to mention they simply raise their rates which falls right back on the little guy. It also makes us less competitive further increasing the trade deficit while lowering the income of the companies that are based here thereby decreasing tax revenues.

Taxes aren't the solution, revenues are at an all time high with the tax cuts in place. Its with the unsustainable spending which is dedicated for the most part towards entitlements. In the near future they consume almost the entire federal budget.

Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by Nikki »

What the hell does Steve's take on the federal budget have to do with Sam Kennedy?

Does every thread have to devolve into a Steve debate?

Perhaps the web site and forums should be renamed to something like "Sykes vs the World"

Enough. Take the ranting and raving over to the appropriate forum and get back on topic.
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by LPC »

Nikki wrote:Does every thread have to devolve into a Steve debate?
No, only those threads in which people decide to debate Steve.
Dan Evans
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by grixit »

Must. Resist. Obvious. Comment.
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by SteveSy »

Nikki wrote:Enough. Take the ranting and raving over to the appropriate forum and get back on topic.
Just filling dead space anyway, this thread wouldn't have gone past two pages. Everyone here is quite aware of what's involved in the sovereign citizen argument, not that it legitimizes the off topic posts, just saying.
Last edited by SteveSy on Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by LPC »

SteveSy wrote:bump
No bump.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by SteveSy »

Sorry, I didn't know that wasn't allowed. Was just trying to put it back on track.
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by ASITStands »

Ran across information showing Sam Kennedy's real name is Gene Berkowitz.

There are three civil cases listed and no criminal:
Name Court Case No. Filed NOS Closed
1 BERKOWITZ, GENE nysdce 1:1992cv00714 01/29/1992 720 05/29/1992
2 BERKOWITZ, GENE nysdce 1:1992cv00714 01/29/1992 720 05/29/1992
3 BERKOWITZ, GENE njdce 1:1990cv04731 11/29/1990 140 12/04/1992
Haven't reviewed them yet. No appellate or bankruptcy cases.
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by ASITStands »

A recent e-mail was interesting:
Sam Kennedy wrote: Hello folks,

TAKE NO PRISONERS is dedicated to bringing you the truth, good or bad, hot or cold. Tonight (Sunday, August 31) at 9 PM EST on the Republic Broadcasting Network, I must regretfully bring you news which may be viewed unfavorably by some. A new technology that has taken the patriot movement by storm is, sadly, fatally flawed. Upon close scrutiny, an incurable defect was found hidden in plain sight. The rapid spread of this technology is such a classic case of falling prey to our own desires, that the opportunity for grace is unmistakable. I cannot imagine the Lord providing a better opportunity to improve our discernment and restrain the legendary patriot knee-jerk tendency to act upon half-truths, partial information and inadequate preparation. During the broadcast, I will supply you with the details for you to confirm the information independently on the internet as the night unfolds. I think you'll find this to be a fascinating and illustrative development.

Also, another last minute development has been added to the program: the inside story of how IRS is responding to the thousands of ZYA and Reverse ZYA filings they have received. This is a remarkably candid insider’s report with specific suggestions about modifying procedures to assist our public servants in fulfilling their duties.

Notwithstanding, the bulk of tonight’s broadcast remains dedicated to dissecting the case transcript I distributed by email earlier this week, and interviewing Tom Schaults about his creative trial strategies. I intend for this to be a potent double feature. Those who master this information will have their remedy. The case dissection will be incorporated as part of the curriculum in the “Deconstructing the De facto Courtroom” instructional manual I am striving to have ready for the North American Event at the end of October. At this time, about half the law merchant and sovereign courtroom strategies, scripts and techniques have been assembled. History suggests it will be finished the day before the meeting, just in time to process the Event CD. (Please contact for more information).

Time permitting, I would also like to share a couple of stories about the problems being experienced in law firms that have encountered the Attorney Repellent Package. With all the heat you take from attorneys, you might find this information to be...amusing.

Finally, it appears that Republic Broadcasting was unable to successfully archive the August 10th 2008 broadcast of TAKE NO PRISONERS. I appreciate the many emails expressing concern. May I suggest that if you have any involvement whatsoever in BIC, ZYA, commercial remedies, court cases or patriot controversies, if your back is to the wall or any of this information might be helpful to you, that you join me and our worldwide audience LIVE at 9 PM EST this evening, rather than relying on the archive. The address is: ... listenlive

Thanks for reading. And if you have no objection, would you kindly forward this email to your list?

God bless,
Sam Kennedy

PS. If anyone has a transcript of last week’s program, please contact me at The usual transcript makers have decided to focus on equity. We wish them well and thank them for their previous service.

- Attorney Repellant Package:
- Contract Dispute Settlement Package:
- Collecting in Bankruptcy Seminar on CD:
- Rockland Mass. Seminar:
The Save America Crusade

* BIC = Beneficiaries-in-common
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* PLEASE NOTE: The email address from where these weekly emails are sent is not monitored. Questions sent to that address are lost forever.
I'd like to know about the fatal flaw highlighted in the first paragraph.

ZYA = Zero Your Account It's a PDF instruction sheet written by Kennedy.

I've disguised one e-mail address.
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by The Observer »

ASITStands wrote:I'd like to know about the fatal flaw highlighted in the first paragraph.
The fatal flaw is that they realized that the method failed 100% of the time every time it was tried.
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by wserra »

The Observer wrote:The fatal flaw is that they realized that the method failed 100% of the time every time it was tried.
I'm surprised that it's only 100%. Take a look at Zero Your Account (ZYA) and the "Attorney Repellant Package" to see what I mean.

These are some dumbclucks.
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by ASITStands »

The Observer wrote:The fatal flaw is that they realized that the method failed 100% of the time every time it was tried.
Just above the link I provided someone stated:
Someone heard Sam say the reason Sam's OID method is not working for Ealine is that Elaine made reference to "1099-OID", which is in all CAPS, and therefore a fiction. Everyone know how stupid that is. He says had she used "1099-oid" (no CAPS), the federal clerk and judge would already resigned, the Director of Prisons would immediately released her fearing the reprisials of holding a "sovern" person, the New York Times would have had a full page editorial exposing the wrongful holding of Elaine, and she would be the democratic canidate for the presidency of the United States. That Sam, is he not some kind of guy? If only Elaine would listen to all of Sam's radios shows.
Granted, it's hearsay, but it does provide some comic relief.

Gotta stay away from them ALL CAPS fictions!

I wondered (hope, hope) whether Kennedy had decided his 1099-OID program had some sort of fatal flaw (which it does, but I'd hoped he might have reached the same conclusion).

The fact it fails 100% of the time ought to be a clue.
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by cynicalflyer »

More fun from Sam
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sam Kennedy
Date: Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 11:54 AM

For questions, please send your email to

Hello folks,

Based upon the number of recent inquiries, it appears the United States is
down to its final trump card (short of overt marshal law). T'is the season
of contempt (hearings).
From sea to shining sea. Global suppression of
truth from behind the misnomer curtain. We know it's not you, and we will
lock you away to prove it. Or like Lincoln said to congress, We promised
the states a republican form of government, and they shall have it even if
we have to destroy them to deliver.

My friends, at the end of this email you will find my notes on the subject
of contempt from: "Deconstructing the De facto Courtroom: lawful remedy to
kidnapping under color of law." Please excuse any typos, it's a first
draft. They were pasted into this email fully formatted, but if your
browser is not set to permit html formatting, you will only see plain
paragraphs without the assistance of color, highlighting, underlining and
structure. Still, the text alone should be interesting. Entering your own
formatting to emphasize importance could be a worthwhile educational

I am working hard on the manual and anticipate that it will be ready in time
for the North American BIC Law Merchant Event at the end of October.
this time, I've laid out five different step-by-step methods of engagement,
a hot-linked table of contents, appendices with actual courtroom discourse,
references, and a section of essential "one-liners" to be memorized for
immediate recall under pressure. This response to the Judge's Manual of
fraud and tyranny is meant to be an easy, but complete, study when used as
part of an overall structured learning curriculum. I hope this will be of
interest for those entering shark infested waters. I envision an army of my
countrymen entering those dens of deception and exposing the misnomer,
paying the claims, shaming the traitors into compliance, and walking out
free of business as usual (tyranny). Do you not believe that men and women
who achieved today's unparalleled levels of commercial skill cannot acquire,
learn and apply this knowledge?

NOTE TO ATTENDEES: For Americans planning to fly in to Syracuse, New York,
buses depart Syracuse at 7 AM and 5:15 PM for the small town where the
meeting is to be held from the Greyhound terminal. I suggest planning your
flight to arrive in Syracuse in time to make the connection. (Return buses
leave for Syracuse every day at 6:50 AM and 1:25 PM.) We are also looking
at some alternative transportation options.

For your convenience, arrangements have been made with a well known local
travel agency to assist you in planning. Usually they can find a better
deal at a more convenient time than internet services – especially meeting
connections. They know the Syracuse airport well. The information will be
included in your admission ticket. Attendees should contact Laura at for their information. No such information can be released
to non-attendees.

Folks, I am making every effort to ensure that this is TRULY an event; one
worth every second of travel whether you're driving in from Ottawa or flying
in from L.A. We will present all of the latest BIC technology, special
information for Canadians that Americans will likely find fascinating, the
latest tax remedy information, all of the enforcement protocols, and yes,
the courtroom deconstructing curriculum that should finally end: "I gave
them the instrument but they ignored it." Attendees will leave
understanding the power of the administrative default. For questions,
please contact Laura as noted above.

Finally, I apologize for attempting to jam so much information into the last
few shows but we're in a full court press to dispense usable information. I
am very aware of the limited sources for this type of information. This
Sunday we will continue dissecting the court hearing with a bit more
patience and detail, and discussing the primary enforcement issues such as
contempt, authority, jurisdiction, defending instruments, paying in the
courtroom, defending removals, psych evals, orders to hire counsel, and all
the other repugnant de facto schemes applied without conscience by men and
women acting under color of law. I will also share the week's breaking
news, sudden developments, insider information as it appears, and the core
issues of fear, faith and fraud. May I suggest downloading last Sunday's
program for the update on IRS internal reaction to ZYA and additional wisdom
from Tom Schaults on trials and tribulations. I apologize that I was unable
to update you about some of the recent law firm turmoil when confronted
with the Attorney Repellent Package. I believe you will enjoy their frenzy,
and the difficulty of would-be adversaries who can't even find an attorney,
as they confront a growing number of people who will not be sucked into
argument. This little concoction, the Attorney Repellent Package, is really
the vanguard of the war on terror.
It is nothing less than a trip to the
mirror for the garden variety attorney; a visit to their own conscience and
morality as they are forced to confront the validity or vapidness of their
core beliefs. It forces them to consider their own willingness to destroy
people for the mere act of satisfying their claims. By changing the status
quo, the Attorney Repellant Package is the forefront of a much grander
scheme. What would be the effect on the adversarial abomination when we
offer to pay instead of argue in tens of thousands of cases, especially now
that we are about to disseminate the tools for courtroom enforcement?

I hope the contempt notes which follow are helpful to you. Also, if you
happen to have a transcript of either of the last two programs (August 24
and 31), would you mind sending it along to:

I would be very appreciative.

I hope you will join me Sunday night, 9 PM EST at the Republic Broadcasting
Network, for TAKE NO PRISONERS. And remember, the Republic archives are
filled with a wealth of previous information completely free of charge in
the TAKE NO PRISONERS section.

If you have no objection, would you kindly forward this email to your list?

God bless,
Sam Kennedy

- Attorney Repellant Package:
- Contract Dispute Settlement Package:
- Collecting in Bankruptcy Seminar on CD:
- Rockland Mass. Seminar:
"Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty." -- General Henry M. Robert author, Robert's Rules of Order
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by fortinbras »

Everyone know how stupid that is. He says had she used "1099-oid" (no CAPS), the federal clerk and judge would already resigned, the Director of Prisons would immediately released her fearing the reprisals of holding a "sovern" person, the New York Times would have had a full page editorial exposing the wrongful holding of Elaine, and she would be the democratic candidate for the presidency of the United States.
Please tell me what drugs this guy is taking and whether he will share!
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by LPC »

CaptainKickback wrote:What is in the attorney repellant package? A big sign that says, "I need an attorney that will work pro bono."?

Just curious.
Well, you know what lawyers use for birth control?

Their personalities.

(Thank you, thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week.)
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.