Sam Kennedy

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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by The Observer »

Against my better judgement (usually this occurs when my morbid curiousity gets hold of me) I took a peek at wserra's toxic link above regarding the "attorney repellent package."

The first thing I noticed was some unexpected honesty:
The ATTORNEY REPELLENT PACKAGE is NOT for court cases, tax cases, criminal cases, foreclosure or family court.

I am forced to agree with the good Dr. Kennedy - this package should never get within a hundred miles of a courthouse.
The Attorney Repellant Package is ordered by EMAIL and delivered by EMAIL. It is NOT for general distribution. It can only be ordered using a credit card issued in the name of the ordering party (not a disposable gift card, even if registered). NO orders are processed without ALL of the requested personal information on the order form (including social security number) as part of our screening and security measures. Your personal information is embedded in your copy of the package to discourage distribution, and copying is reported to our server. I regret the need for such measures, and appreciate your understanding. Past abuses which have injured our colleagues require these precautions. As I do not want you to waste funds, orders are reviewed to screen out inappropriate uses such as foreclosures, IRS disputes, divorce, custody and court cases, among others.
Wow - not only is Kennedy telling us that he cannot trust the paytriot community to not copy and pirate his materials, but he wants every customer's federally-imposed SSNs as surety. What happens if a prospective paytriot has already paid for a package from another promoter that eliminated their SSN? Will Kennedy sell them the SSN Restoration Package so they can purchase his line of swill? And even more important, how does embedding their SSN in the e-mailed product prevent illicit copying - I imagine a computer-literate person can figure out how to get around that? Is Kennedy willing to go to court in order to protect his "intellectual" property?
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by LPC »

The Attorney Repellant Package is ordered by EMAIL and delivered by EMAIL. It is NOT for general distribution. It can only be ordered using a credit card issued in the name of the ordering party (not a disposable gift card, even if registered). NO orders are processed without ALL of the requested personal information on the order form (including social security number) as part of our screening and security measures.
The same information could also be used for identity theft, but that's purely coincidental.
Your personal information is embedded in your copy of the package to discourage distribution,
Merely embedding your name, address, and telephone number would be a waste of time. It's the social security number that provides *real* copy protection.
and copying is reported to our server.
Kennedy reports copyright violations to a piece of electronic equipment?

Or does he mean he complains to his waitress?
Dan Evans
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by Demosthenes »

When you're enjoined, to avoid being held in contempt (aka put in the pokey), the court requires you to provide a detailed list (full name, SSN, ect.) of the people who bought your package. Maybe Sam wants to ensure he doesn't have to spend time in jail...
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by cynicalflyer »

Your personal information is embedded in your copy of the package to discourage distribution, and copying is reported to our server.
1) I would be shocked to find him sophisticated enough to gin up a user/document protect that complex. If he really did find a way to copy protect that well, the RIAA would hire him in a minute to put p2p music file swapping out of commission tomorrow.

2) Assuming he did it as a Word Doc or PDF, cut and paste of the contents into notepad and resaving as plan .txt will fix any embedded meta data.

3) Let's assume he really is moderately talented and locked the contents with Windows IRM or cranked the PDF security to "password protect" levels. Simple to bypass. My favored method is converting the document with an online conversion tool (lately I have been loving from original format (.doc or .pdf) to .txt.

Hmmm. Maybe Mr. Cynicalflyer has a fun project for the weekend.

(insert evil chuckle here)
"Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty." -- General Henry M. Robert author, Robert's Rules of Order
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by fortinbras »

Maybe he's clever and maybe he isn't, but would a guy who's written an anti-lawyer manual be able to ... (1) find a lawyer to handle an infringement lawsuit for him? (2) be able to handle such a lawsuit, probably in a distant court, himself? (3) be able to persuade the judge that he ought to get all the proceeds from the sale of an anti-lawyer book?

In addition, if I were sued by him, I would insist in discovery that he divulge his list of customers -- to prove, for example, that he could suffer a significance loss of money from the infringement.

Copyright law was revised about 20 years ago, but the previous law contained an exclusion for "immoral works" - presumably immoral books could not get copyright protection (not that it mattered much; the Mafia had very considerable control over the porn industry and it was not known for using litigation to protect its turf) and I would suggest that this book falls into that category, although not for the usual reason.

Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by PatriotGames »

I cannot believe all the responses since I've posted..
1. Do you honestly think the "conspirators", Lawyers, Judges, Police etc, will just leave you alone once you expose their conspiracy?
They wont have a choice because I am out of their jurisdiction..
and through a claim of right which, due to nonresponse, I have been certified estoppal and default judgement by a notary public, which is proof that I am not a corporate fiction belonging to their corporation who is subject to any act or statute.
2. If the conspirators are that corrupt to hide this binding information from the general public what makes you think they would all of a sudden step back and say he's nailed us leave him alone? After all, no one would be the wiser, except for them, if they pretended what you told them was a load of delusional crap? Your theory of remedy is based on the premise that the conspirators, namely the judge, would follow the law as you have interpreted it. Why would they do that even if its true, they're conspirators?
Like a cornered dog, it might not be pretty when everybody is aware of this..
One thing that can be done.. say you're driving without a license or a registered vehicle (which by the way means transfer of complete ownership for a partial.. scary), a police officer will harass you (ask for license, etc), assault you (removal from car and cuffed), kidnap you (arrest you), commit crimes against humanity, racketeering, etc.
They will then summons me to court, to which i will bring my estoppal and proof of sovereignty and their lack of jurisdiction.. and then address the felonies that the police officer has committed. They will have a choice to either educate these officers properly in a lawful manner of sovereign procedures or I will prosecute them in a court de jure to the full extent of the law.
3. I've read hundreds and hundreds of cases and seen the sovereign person argument used many times.I have never seen it win in court. Now of course I will admit maybe they're involved in yet another conspiracy and hiding the wins. Is this happening?
Most likely they have not sent out a claim of right and established estoppal and default judgement.. with that there is no more controversy, its saying here is my proof that you have no jurisdiction over me.

Court is definitely an art, and it required the art of questioning.. if you put the judge on the spot and ask "For the record, what jurisdiction do you claim to be operating under?" he will have to answer, and his answer will be penal or civil, which is maritime law also known as contract law. The only way they have power over us is through fraudulent contracts.
I'll post my latest article after this that will explain why they're fraudulent.

I appreciate your non-biased response questioning my response..
At least you're giving it an open-minded fair shot.
<See next post for my article>

Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by PatriotGames »

Security of a Person

“Everyone is entitled to life, liberty and the security of the person”
- Canadian Bill of Rights (1982).

These words are misleading and deceptive like many others written in legalese.
“Person”, as defined in many acts/statutes, means ‘a corporation’ or a ‘corporate entity’.

To understand what the security of a person means, one must first know that the Canadian de facto government, is de facto (section 15 of the criminal code) because it is simply governing the corporation called CANADA; not the land called Canada. In fact the two have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

This corporation, which has cleverly disguised itself as our government, has no more authority over you than McDonalds Corporation. The only way it has authority over us is through contract law or maritime law. As you read on, you will find they use a great deal of deception to make every contract a person signs, favourable to them.

A proper government (a de jure government) cannot lawfully be a corporation, and would be designed to publically serve the people. It’s only purpose would be to ensure nobody is violating another man’s rights to life, liberty and property.

When we register our children, there are three important things to know:

1. The definition of register in a law dictionary is:
“The transfer of complete ownership for a partial.”
Think about the implications of this when you register your baby, or even your car.

2. On the birth certificate is the registered child’s name, in all capital letters. This name is not the name of your child, but in fact a corporation owned by the province in which you live. When your child uses that name and signs for it during their lifetime, they are creating joinder between them and the corporation, and creating contracts that prove you are in their jurisdiction; a jurisdiction of coercion, and slavery. This is why they have the authority to tell someone that they have to act in a certain way; because they literally own your body.

3. The birth certificate is a receipt, evidencing one’s share in the corporation called CANADA. The corporation of CANADA is bankrupt, to the IMF and has pledged the life and labour of all the people with person status who have a birth certificate for repayment of their debt. There is a security evidenced on the birth certificate that represents the total output of the corporation CANADA divided by the number of people. Since we the people bring all the commercial energy to the system, we have a societal exemption, and that exemption is called the security of a person.
If you look in the Bills of Exchange Act, you will find that we are supposed to be able to walk into a store, write the words ‘accepted for value’ and ‘consumer purchase’ as well as ones social insurance number and signature on a bill of exchange, and this will be payment for the item, with the funds coming out of our security. It is in fact your signature that allows them access to this fund. But corporations would have no idea what you are talking about and would call you a thief, simply because they have been deceived like the rest of us. And so, we are forced to use another method.
Public policy HJR 192, created in 1933 after the declaration of bankruptcy of our corporate de facto government, states that since a debt cannot be paid with a debt, all people are required to discharge the debt. This policy, and the Uniform Commercial Code is based upon and even dates back to biblical law; like the lord’s prayer, which reads “forgive us this day our debts as we forgive our debtors.”

We are in fact the creditors in this system, but the government has not told us this, simply because they want us to believe we are in debt, which is a deceptive lie; because it is CANADA and its sub-corporations that are the debtors. They want us to believe this brilliant deception so that they can confiscate our life, labour and property.
Everything in society has been funded by our birth certificate bond accounts.

When you sign your pay cheque, you’re endorsing it, and it is the tip of the pen that created the money through your signature. The money is then taken from your security and placed into your bank account.
Why do these bonds even exist in the first place?
The corporation of CANADA has issued us corporations guised as our names that we use to create contracts, which give them the legal right to confiscate our property. There is a legal maxim that states: An accessory attached to a principal becomes property of the owner of that principal; we are the accessory, the name/corporation is the principal, and the corporation of your province in which you live is the owner of that principal. The owner of the provincial corporations is the CANADA Corporation, and this is the principal on which they operate.

So, since they have issued us a name, without telling us that when we sign for that name, we are in fact giving them legal right to that property, EVERY contract we make with them is unlawful. There are four requirements of a lawful binding contract and this would fall under full disclosure, which we are not given. Since everything they do to gain authority over us is fraudulent, they had to create a remedy for us, and hope the people would never discover it... but we have!

They take everything from us using deception; so to avoid being charged with fraud, the remedy was to provide everything for us, hence the public policy that is being violated by the people every day. This is all because through deception, they made us believe we have to pay for things with our labour, which is in fact not true, since it is our labour that creates everything.

Say you’re a carpenter, your neighbour is a farmer. You fixed up his run-down house and built a new barn for him, and he repaid you with food for years to come. This is how society was intended to run, and everything works out perfectly in such a system. It’s basically like they took a system that works, and laid down a layer of deception on top of that system. They made us believe that we need money, and without it we will parish, which is the foundational object that makes one different from another; when in fact what we need is each other. Through the educational system, through the news and other forms of media, we are trained to recognise only the differences between us and others, instead of recognising that we are all one!
Divide and conquer is the motto.
“Money” is not what we want or need, and as people we are given the rights to everything we could need, we just need to open our eyes to the truth.

And if we all begin to administer our own affairs properly, instead of violating public policy HJR192, life would begin to run more smoothly, and most importantly – poverty and corruption would cease to exist.

The process begins when we make a purchase.
Since it would be a hardship for every time you enter a store to try and educate the cashier on the bills of exchange act, there is another method to discharge the company’s debt.

We simply pay the cashier like they expect, but also hand them a copy of an IRS form 1099oid, along with a 1040v, which shows them that you are forwarding this information onto the IRS, who is a third party collector for the debt of the UNITED STATES (exactly like the CRA for the corporation of CANADA). (The IRS and CRA belong to the IMF, which belongs to the World Bank, which belongs to the United Nations.)

Now, since we have told the corporation that we are sending in the 1099oid and 1040v to the IRS, this tells them that we have shown due diligence and that we know we are the creditors, and now the IRS will go after that corporation to get the funds. Now that corporation is forced to send the funds to the IRS, or has to be willing to face charges of tax evasion. What that is doing is in fact discharging the corporation’s debt. This almighty national debt that you hear of is in fact the debt of the corporations, not the debt of the people, hence we are the creditors.

That is the step that most people fail to administer. Because we are failing to tell the IRS that we have made a purchase from a certain company, they are forced to come after us instead of the corporations to get their money to balance their books.

When we do this, what happens is called double-entry accounting, where the corporation is withholding funds, and we are forced to pay the IRS to balance their books. What then happens is there are two sets of debt in circulation because the corporation withheld funds, by failing to forward them to the IRS.

Now, the money which was loaned to the corporation by the Federal Reserve or Bank of Canada, and is subject to interest, will now increase the national debt of CANADA. This is why inflation exists; simply because we are failing to do our part to discharge the public debt, therefore increasing the time that money is in circulation, which increases the interest on the loaned money from the Bank of Canada, which forces them to create more money to pay for that interest!

In Summary, the security of the person is the stock certificate of CANADA evidenced by our birth certificates. By demanding what is rightfully ours to begin with, as stated in the Bill of Rights, the certificate and the dividends of that stock must flow to us.
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by The Observer »

PatriotGames wrote:One thing that can be done.. say you're driving without a license or a registered vehicle (which by the way means transfer of complete ownership for a partial.. scary), a police officer will harass you (ask for license, etc), assault you (removal from car and cuffed), kidnap you (arrest you), commit crimes against humanity, racketeering, etc.
They will then summons me to court, to which i will bring my estoppal and proof of sovereignty and their lack of jurisdiction.. and then address the felonies that the police officer has committed. They will have a choice to either educate these officers properly in a lawful manner of sovereign procedures or I will prosecute them in a court de jure to the full extent of the law.
Let us just assume the worst case scenario here and assume that a police officer has kidnapped(arrested) you for not driving with a license and failing to register your vehicle. Once you are in court and provide the judge with your estoppal and proof of sovereignty and address the felonies that occurred, and the judge fails to educate the police officers, just exactly how are you going to pursue a prosecution when you are sitting in a jail cell? Have you ever successfully prosecuted any police officer in a court de jure? If so, what were the practical results? If not, what evidence do you have that people can be successful at prosecuting police officers while sitting in jail?
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by PatriotGames »

This is something i'm just scratching the surface of and am learning more about everyday..

A man named Tom Schultz has used this approach in court, and i believe it motivated the court to retrain the entire department. I dont have a reference to this, BUT..
I do know that from the original jurisdiction, we can arrest a judge, and his bond if he is not acting lawfully and order him to appear in your court de jure.
First you must establish a grand jury of other sovereign patriots as well.
If in court he's not complying with what you say, you can say I am ready to present affidavits of probably cause for your arrest, now sherrif the only question is are you going to help or interfere with this arrest, which one will it be?
perhaps at that time the judge will comply, if not you would get the sherrif to arrest thejudge.

Sounds insane, but lawfully if we dont consent to their jurisdiction, of slave status and proove we are in gods jurisdiction, we have every right to arrest them. In fact, in BC, Canada, robert menard is creating a de jure police department, designed to police, police.. ensuring that they are performing lawful procedures with officers serving the only purpose a lawful government should - keeping the peace; ensuring nobody violates another mans rights. They will also be carrying guns, so they will not be taken lightly.
If a foreign corporation claiming to be our government can establish a police department, why the hell can't we? and the answer is of course we can.. the creation of our own Canadian de jure lawful government by the people is underway.

It's all about educating the proper people, and having everythign in place to prosecute unlawful actions that may be legal in their jurisdiction. I plan to prosecute at least one officer when the time comes, once i do that.. word will spread like wildfire, and at least in my province they will be more knowledgeable of their authority, or lack thereof.
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by The Observer »

Thanks for responding - many of the "patriots" that come here to explain their views seem to disappear after the first wave of questions are posted.
PatriotGames wrote:This is something i'm just scratching the surface of and am learning more about everyday..
This causes me concern - why are you advocating to people to pursue an strategy that you are admitting that you haven't learned yet? Isn't there a great probability that it won't work precisely because you lack knowledge about it?
A man named Tom Schultz has used this approach in court, and i believe it motivated the court to retrain the entire department.

Not to be difficult but I need actual facts to show that something happened, not your belief. Secondly, I am more interested in what happened to this Tom Shultz person. If he remained in jail, I would have to say that the process really didn't work. If that is the case, then we are still dealing with the fact that the government requires driver licences and vehicle registration.
I dont have a reference to this, BUT..
Sorry, I can't allow BUTs - I really do need references.
I do know that from the original jurisdiction, we can arrest a judge, and his bond if he is not acting lawfully and order him to appear in your court de jure.
I know you have alleged this, but you still haven't explained how you are going to be able to prosecute this judge if they already have you in handcuffs and sitting in jail.
First you must establish a grand jury of other sovereign patriots as well.
Isn't this kind of hard to do when you are behind bars?
If in court he's not complying with what you say, you can say I am ready to present affidavits of probably cause for your arrest, now sherrif the only question is are you going to help or interfere with this arrest, which one will it be?
perhaps at that time the judge will comply, if not you would get the sherrif to arrest thejudge.
How likely is it that the sherriff would arrest a judge for failing to put this same sherriff on trial for falsely arresting you?
Sounds insane, but lawfully if we dont consent to their jurisdiction, of slave status and proove we are in gods jurisdiction, we have every right to arrest them.
Yes, it sounds downright insane. I still can't figure out how you are going to arrest a judge when you are behind bars.
In fact, in BC, Canada, robert menard is creating a de jure police department, designed to police, police.. ensuring that they are performing lawful procedures with officers serving the only purpose a lawful government should - keeping the peace; ensuring nobody violates another mans rights.They will also be carrying guns, so they will not be taken lightly.
Sounds like Robert Menard is setting up a situation that could result in violence and death. Do you think that he would rescue you from jail? If so, what if the rescue attempt resulted in your death?
If a foreign corporation claiming to be our government can establish a police department, why the hell can't we? and the answer is of course we can.. the creation of our own Canadian de jure lawful government by the people is underway.
You can do anything you want. What you are not taking into account is that there are consequences for your actions. We had 6 people down in New Hampshire who thought they had the right to do what they wanted, regardless of what laws were on the books. They believed that they could declare themselves free of government jurisdiction and that judges could be held accountable in their court de jures. All of them are sitting in jail today because they took action on those beliefs. Not one judge involved has been sucessfully "prosecuted" nor "arrested".
It's all about educating the proper people, and having everythign in place to prosecute unlawful actions that may be legal in their jurisdiction. I plan to prosecute at least one officer when the time comes, once i do that.. word will spread like wildfire, and at least in my province they will be more knowledgeable of their authority, or lack thereof.
Word will spread like wildfire, but I'm afraid it will only be about what an utter failure your attempt was. I sincerely hope it doesn't result in you being killed.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by wserra »

PatriotGames wrote:This is something i'm just scratching the surface of and am learning more about everyday..
I'd keep studying. BTW, you do realize that you're corresponding here with people who studied the law through college, law school and 30+ years of practice, right?
A man named Tom Schultz has used this approach in court, and i believe it motivated the court to retrain the entire department. I dont have a reference to this,
Imagine my surprise.
I do know that from the original jurisdiction, we can arrest a judge, and his bond if he is not acting lawfully and order him to appear in your court de jure.
Let me take a wild-ass guess: you don't have a "reference" for this either.
First you must establish a grand jury of other sovereign patriots as well.
Remember, if they don't face Runnymede, what they do doesn't have the force of law.
Sounds insane
You oughta listen.
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by Dezcad »

PatriotGames wrote:This is something i'm just scratching the surface of and am learning more about everyday..

I do know that from the original jurisdiction, we can arrest a judge, and his bond if he is not acting lawfully and order him to appear in your court de jure.
First you must establish a grand jury of other sovereign patriots as well.
If in court he's not complying with what you say, you can say I am ready to present affidavits of probably cause for your arrest, now sherrif the only question is are you going to help or interfere with this arrest, which one will it be?
perhaps at that time the judge will comply, if not you would get the sherrif to arrest thejudge.

It's all about educating the proper people, and having everythign in place to prosecute unlawful actions that may be legal in their jurisdiction. I plan to prosecute at least one officer when the time comes, once i do that.. word will spread like wildfire, and at least in my province they will be more knowledgeable of their authority, or lack thereof.
If you reallywant to do some research and see how well this works, I suggest you Google "Emilio Ippolito" and his "Common Law Court".

Here's a quick summary:
June 9, 1998, Florida: Emilio Ippolito, founder of the Constitutional Common Law Court in Tampa, Florida, is sentenced to 11 years in prison on multiple counts of obstructing justice and sending threatening letters.
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by fortinbras »

I followed the Ippolitto case. He repeatedly threatened the judge and tried to rally militia-types to kidnap the judge. His daughter, Susan Mokdad, was his partner in craziness and she also got sent to prison, where she died a couple of years ago.

If PatriotGames can name one instance where this arresting the judge business worked (I can recall an instance where there was a courtroom shootout where the judge and the kidnappers were killed), I'd like him to provide the details.

Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by Leftcoaster »

PatriotGames wrote: Sounds insane, but lawfully if we dont consent to their jurisdiction, of slave status and proove we are in gods jurisdiction, we have every right to arrest them. In fact, in BC, Canada, robert menard is creating a de jure police department, designed to police, police.. ensuring that they are performing lawful procedures with officers serving the only purpose a lawful government should - keeping the peace; ensuring nobody violates another mans rights. They will also be carrying guns, so they will not be taken lightly.
If a foreign corporation claiming to be our government can establish a police department, why the hell can't we? and the answer is of course we can.. the creation of our own Canadian de jure lawful government by the people is underway.
In fact - as in the real world fact - Robert Menard (or Freeman-on-the-Land Robert-Arthur: Menard, as he prefers to be known) is 8 kinds of crazy. Yes, I know exactly who he is. The notion that he is going to try and form an armed police force is as scary as it is amusing. Amusing because Bob hasn't a pot to p*ss in, and scary because he is ex-infantry, and actually knows how to handle a firearm.

check out his website for much unintended hilarity.

Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by PatriotGames »

I dont advocate anything I have said in this post as of yet..
There will be a time that I can say I have tried all of my theories out though, at which point I will tell people that It has and can be done. As of now it is hearsay, like almost everything in life..

Most laughable comment of the day award goes to - "Wserra" for this comment:
I'd keep studying. BTW, you do realize that you're corresponding here with people who studied the law through college, law school and 30+ years of practice, right?
lol.. Law school he says.
School where they teach only the de facto governments contract jurisdiction and its statutes which they claim are law.
June 9, 1998, Florida: Emilio Ippolito, founder of the Constitutional Common Law Court in Tampa, Florida, is sentenced to 11 years in prison on multiple counts of obstructing justice and sending threatening letters.
Emilio Ippolito is a corporation owned by the state of florida.. the man that got thrown in jail was not the name, whether he knew that I would hope so but do not know. It was his choice to confess his person status into the governments jurisdiction when he was on trial.
He obviously did not have the proper knowledge and did not administrate the proper procedures of a sovereign man..

Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by PatriotGames »

LoL Who are you people!?!?

Honestly, I feel like I'm in a room full of Rothchild's and Rockefeller's...

You're all close minded, ignorant, and it seems like nobody in here wants to be free.

Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by Nikki »

United States of America, Plaintiff-appellee, v. Tom Schultz and James Chaplin, Defendants-appellants
United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit. - 17 F.3d 723
March 10, 1994

Summary: reversed convictions due to the Government's failure to prove that financial institutions were federally insured. No FDIC -- No federal juridsiction under the relevant statute.

Doesn't sound like a "citizen's Court" victory.
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by cynicalflyer »

PatriotGames wrote:
June 9, 1998, Florida: Emilio Ippolito, founder of the Constitutional Common Law Court in Tampa, Florida, is sentenced to 11 years in prison on multiple counts of obstructing justice and sending threatening letters.
Emilio Ippolito is a corporation owned by the state of florida.. the man that got thrown in jail was not the name, whether he knew that I would hope so but do not know. It was his choice to confess his person status into the governments jurisdiction when he was on trial.
He obviously did not have the proper knowledge and did not administrate the proper procedures of a sovereign man..
This is a parody, right? I mean, you are kidding?
"Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty." -- General Henry M. Robert author, Robert's Rules of Order
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Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by cynicalflyer »

PatriotGames wrote:LoL Who are you people!?!?

Honestly, I feel like I'm in a room full of Rothchild's and Rockefeller's...

You're all close minded, ignorant, and it seems like nobody in here wants to be free.
Ok, this has got to be a parody. It is too perfectly worded from the standard militia/common law court wack job playbook.
"Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty." -- General Henry M. Robert author, Robert's Rules of Order
17th Viscount du Voolooh
Posts: 1088
Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:15 pm

Re: Sam Kennedy

Post by ASITStands »

Pursuant to my earlier post, and the e-mail from Sam Kennedy, it's not Tom Schultz but Tom Schaults. It appears he's a promoter or practitioner working with Kennedy.

The only cases on Pacer:
Name Court Case No. Filed Chapter
1 SCHAULTS, DENISE J. pawbke 93-02478 10/07/1993 AP
2 SCHAULTS, DENISE J. pawbke 92-23565 08/13/1992 13
3 SCHAULTS, THOMAS L. pawbke 93-02478 10/07/1993 AP
4 SCHAULTS, THOMAS L. pawbke 92-23565 08/13/1992 13