Reno's sentencing

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Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by wserra »

lastlady wrote:Hi Guys! I thought I would join in all the fun.
Welcome to Quatloos, lastlady.
So I was wondering what the point of this thread was? To point out how stupid Reno and his family and friends are?
More exactly, the point of the thread is to point out the stupidity of what Reno and his family and friends are doing. I don't know them, so don't know if they are stupid or just acting stupidly out of fear. But they are at least acting stupidly.
I will say I was shocked out how interested you all are, I had no idea people were watching this closely who weren't supportive, other than the feds themselves.
Not everyone is watching that closely, but a couple of people are, and they report to the rest. Around here, people do that - follow what interests them, and report to the group. It's pretty efficient.
I wasn't trying to be mean with my Quatloos comment just something I dug up on the interenet that made sense to me.
But it is nonsense which you made no effort to verify or disprove. Does it concern you to post nonsense?
The tone of this forum is so hostile and just plain mean spirited,
Perhaps you ought to define "mean spirited". When one who knows better sees papers submitted to a court which contain such nonsense that that they can only cause more trouble for the one who submits them, is it "mean spirited" to say that so that others do not do the same? When one who knows better sees someone in a lot of trouble taking positions that will only aggravate his situation, is it "mean spirited" to say so? When someone who knows what patriotism is notes that supplying 50 caliber sniper rifles to a self-centered nutcase is not particularly patriotic, is that "mean spirited"?
Hell you get access to stuff I didn't even know existed.
Yes, that access to superior information is part of what I meant by people who know better.
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Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by Demosthenes »

Last Lady, if you'd like to know why Jose's UCC filing nonsense will only make Reno's prison sentence worse, or why following Joe Haas' "legal" advice never seems to get you anywhere productive, feel free to start a thread and ask questions. If you ask your questions nicely, you'll find that people here will bend over backwards to provide you with substantive answers.

You might want to start with why certain trial events (a motion hearing, for example) can take place in Maine, while other events (the trial, a plea agreement hearing, the sentencing) must take place in New Hampshire unless Reno signs off on the change.

Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by lastlady »

Hi Demothenes,

Thank you for your kind suggestions. However, you know Jose and Joe Haas's actions are not mine. I do not agree with much of what Jose has been doing. I am not sure it is very good for Reno and his case. Frankly I am not as educated or informed to really start a diologue with respect to the UCC and other actions by Joe Haas (which mostly I don't understand.) I will say this, Reno is a good person who has not murdered, raped or assaulted anyone and I do care about him as a good friend, his intentions were to prevent harm weather you believe it or not, if you knew him like I do you would see he may be misguided (I am not saying he is because his intentions with what he is doing are not understood here) but he is a good and decent person. Do I agree that what he is doing is good for him? No! But I support him as an individual. I will write more as I respond to the many posts on this thread. but I just want to make it clear that Joe and Jose do not speak or work on my behalf.

I'd like to add that you mention below that a plea agreement hearing must take place in New Hampshire unless Reno signs off on that. Well if that is true than you must understand a plea agreement hearing did take place in Maine, not New Hampshire on June 13th and Reno did NOT sign off on that. Here is the link to the page with the plea agreement unsigned by Reno. ... =3868.7755

Third section if signed Reno would agree to waive his Constitutional and all rights to a plea hearing in New Hampshire but he did not sign and they did it anyway. How is it that the Court can just do what it wants if we are a nation of laws?
Demosthenes wrote:Last Lady, if you'd like to know why Jose's UCC filing nonsense will only make Reno's prison sentence worse, or why following Joe Haas' "legal" advice never seems to get you anywhere productive, feel free to start a thread and ask questions. If you ask your questions nicely, you'll find that people here will bend over backwards to provide you with substantive answers.

You might want to start with why certain trial events (a motion hearing, for example) can take place in Maine, while other events (the trial, a plea agreement hearing, the sentencing) must take place in New Hampshire unless Reno signs off on the change.

Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by lastlady »

CaptainKickback, First great name it is cracking me up. :)

I didn't get the sense originally that members on this forum, posting on this thread truly cared, and I was at a loss for the point and agenda here. I am learning and getting a better sense now as I start to engage with you guys and (girls?). I don't mind raw truth, I prefer it actually, but there were mean things and name calling and as you would probably be for the ones you love and care for, I got defensive and protective.

This situation is very serious and spending your life in federal prison is hard for me to digest, even if Reno had done all the things he is being accused of. If I got the sense that people were upset because they felt he was hurting himself and not just mocking or making fun of him I guess I would have reacted differently at first. Thank you for giving me a sense that I may have been wrong with my first impression about people's intentions here.

I will say Reno is acting on his own behalf, and not following instructions from his father or anyone else. It can be argued that he does not understand the law, and the law may be unjust, or extreme in it's punishments, but my impression is he is attempting to understand the law, with limited access and make those who are violating his rights accountable.

Remember Reno has worked in Law Enforcement, as a Corrections Officer, and had other positions in LE and the military and he has told me how he was trained to violate people rights, including physical abuse, and how to get "away" with it. So lets agree that injustice does happen, and when it is happening to you and you're in jail, it's a very difficult place to be, so maybe we could give him a little slack for the "mistakes", what do you think?

Hey I am filled with passion and hope and I have to disagree with you about a great uprising, I feel it and see it now, and I am ever hopeful we CAN be the change we seek in this world. It is the idealist that change the world not the realists.
CaptainKickback wrote:LastLady, if you notice this forum almost never bans anyone and almost never, ever, ever redact's a person's posting.

With that said, some of us watch people like Reno and his ilk because their gyrations and machinations, when coupled with what they "know" is a big laugh-fest. We are amazed that someone that others claim is "so smart," or "really knows the law" continually do things that only serve to make the hole they are in deeper and wider.

We do not sugar coat situations, we will give you the raw unvarnished truth and often it is not what people want to hear, or is in direct opposition to what "friends" are saying. Considering those "friends" are probably NOT attorneys and the folks laying out the truth here are, it ends up we here are correct (or close to it) each time.

In the case of Reno, all the cr*p he and his dad are pulling accomplishes nothing except to annoy and potentially piss off the judge, you know the person who will decide his sentence. That is just f'ing stupid. Reno's "friends" will give him horsesh*t advice about fighting the fight, or the judge doesn't know "the real law" or it's all unconstitutional. And in the end, the advice here will be spot on and the "friends" of Reno will just disappear and blow away.

Therfe will be no great uprising, no cry and hue across the land for the plight of Reno, Danny or Jason, because other than their families, no one gives a tinker's damn about them and those who have heard of them probably consider them idiots and their actions tend to bear that out.
Last edited by lastlady on Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by lastlady »

I am sorry I have yet to figure out how to quote as you do.

But let me say Thank you for your Welcome. Thanks for the explanation on the point of the thread. Reno's friends aren't influencing him. His father acts on his own behalf, I don't want to go into detail but please don't assume what Jose does is by Reno's direction. I don't feel able to expand but Reno has not supported the UCC stuff from the beginning. Friends are not doing any legal work nor telling him what you've suggested. I apologize for the Quotloos comment posted on NHFREE. You are correct in your criticism. I will not delete it but will write something on the forum to update them on my feelings and experiences. The comment was not mine and I have since included the source.

A quick thought of mean-spirited was the soup spelling out Reno is an idiot, I can see the humor but again it triggered me because I care so much for Reno, and he is not an idiot, but I will agree from your perspective the moves he is making legally make no sense. i will expand on that thought a bit later to maybe shed some light on what Reno's intentions truly are.

He did not supply a 50 Caliber Rifle to anyone. Reno never hurt anyone, he never threatened anyone, and I know him to be a decent good person, even if you disagree with his politics, feelings about the Federal Reserve or Federal Income tax, he never hurt anyone.

And lastly as far as superior access to information, maybe I can learn from you and that is in part why I am here.

wserra wrote:
lastlady wrote:Hi Guys! I thought I would join in all the fun.
Welcome to Quatloos, lastlady.
So I was wondering what the point of this thread was? To point out how stupid Reno and his family and friends are?
More exactly, the point of the thread is to point out the stupidity of what Reno and his family and friends are doing. I don't know them, so don't know if they are stupid or just acting stupidly out of fear. But they are at least acting stupidly.
I will say I was shocked out how interested you all are, I had no idea people were watching this closely who weren't supportive, other than the feds themselves.
Not everyone is watching that closely, but a couple of people are, and they report to the rest. Around here, people do that - follow what interests them, and report to the group. It's pretty efficient.
I wasn't trying to be mean with my Quatloos comment just something I dug up on the interenet that made sense to me.
But it is nonsense which you made no effort to verify or disprove. Does it concern you to post nonsense?
The tone of this forum is so hostile and just plain mean spirited,
Perhaps you ought to define "mean spirited". When one who knows better sees papers submitted to a court which contain such nonsense that that they can only cause more trouble for the one who submits them, is it "mean spirited" to say that so that others do not do the same? When one who knows better sees someone in a lot of trouble taking positions that will only aggravate his situation, is it "mean spirited" to say so? When someone who knows what patriotism is notes that supplying 50 caliber sniper rifles to a self-centered nutcase is not particularly patriotic, is that "mean spirited"?
Hell you get access to stuff I didn't even know existed.
Yes, that access to superior information is part of what I meant by people who know better.

Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by lastlady »

Okay I am sorry if I am dominating this thread. I just want to respond to everything, but out of respect I will stop here until others have had a chance to contribute their thoughts. Not trying to be a on a soapbox.

Thanks for all the comments. Looking forward to more diologue. :D
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Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by wserra »

lastlady wrote:I am sorry I have yet to figure out how to quote as you do.
No problem. Start with the "QUOTE" button, then either block the text you want to quote internally and hit the "Quote" button or manually type the "quote" tags. Hit the "QUOTE" button for this post to see how I did it.
But let me say Thank you for your Welcome.
No problem. Anyone who acts respectfully is treated respectfully, and (unlike certain other sites) no one who does so has posts edited or deleted. For that matter, no one who acts disrespectfully has posts edited or deleted, but will very likely be treated in kind.
Thanks for the explanation on the point of the thread. Reno's friends aren't influencing him. His father acts on his own behalf, I don't want to go into detail but please don't assume what Jose does is by Reno's direction.
Then "Jose" really ought to mind his own business. In any event, if he doesn't stop signing his son's name to court documents, he may well be arrested.
I don't feel able to expand but Reno has not supported the UCC stuff from the beginning.
Nonetheless, he is filing the gibberish. If you have any influence over him, you would be doing him a big favor by convincing him to knock it off and listen to (let alone stop trying to fire) his very experienced lawyer. All he's doing is hurting himself.
I care so much for Reno, and he is not an idiot,
Maybe not. As I said, I don't know him. But he's acting like an idiot. The best thing he can do for himself at this point is to take responsibility for what he did. I really can't emphasize that enough.
He did not supply a 50 Caliber Rifle to anyone.
Once again, I don't have personal knowledge. But he is widely reported to have done so, by respected sources and in his own words. See here for one, and here for his own words on a supporter's site.
Reno never hurt anyone, he never threatened anyone, and I know him to be a decent good person, even if you disagree with his politics, feelings about the Federal Reserve or Federal Income tax, he never hurt anyone.
Nothing in the law says that you actually must hurt someone before being charged with crimes of violence. Were this not the case, law enforcement would have to wait until someone dies before making an arrest.
And lastly as far as superior access to information, maybe I can learn from you and that is in part why I am here.
Fine. Why don't we start with Haas' nonsense about "kidnapping". BTW, when you write that
Frankly I am not as educated or informed to really start a diologue with respect to the UCC and other actions by Joe Haas (which mostly I don't understand.)
well - it's not you, and your education has nothing to do with it. Haas may as well be a chimp at a keyboard for the absence of content in his stuff. Legally, it's gibberish. That's why you don't understand it.

For example, the account (and legality) of how some of the proceedings in Gonzalez' case are held in Maine: It begin with the threats which some (perhaps not Gonzalez) in the case made against the New Hampshire judiciary, which led to all of the NH district judges recusing themselves. The absence of NH judges to hear the case does not mean (not surprisingly) that it must be dismissed. By this order, the Chief Judge of NH referred Gonzalez' case to the District of Maine "sitting by designation". That last phrase means that, for the purpose of this case, Judge Singal is actually a New Hampshire District Judge. As for the proceedings held in Portland: there are certain actions (even in indictments for federal crimes) which the law permits someone who is not a Title III judge to perform, even without a defendant's consent. See 18 USC 636(a)-(c). In the case of an "emergency" as agreed by the chief judges of the districts involved, those actions (and only those actions) may be performed out of the district. See 18 USC 636(f). All other actions must be performed in the district where venue is laid, unless the defendant consents otherwise. Thus Gonzalez' trial was in NH, his sentencing will be in NH, any plea would have to be in NH.

Gonzalez does in fact have much of merit to present for sentencing and (of course) was not convicted of the weapons counts. It's a particularly bad time to do things which have no legal purpose, but will piss off the sentencing judge.

Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by Nikki »

lastlady wrote: ...
I will say Reno is acting on his own behalf, and not following instructions from his father or anyone else. It can be argued that he does not understand the law, and the law may be unjust, or extreme in it's punishments, but my impression is he is attempting to understand the law, with limited access and make those who are violating his rights accountable.

Remember Reno has worked in Law Enforcement, as a Corrections Officer, and had other positions in LE and the military and he has told me how he was trained to violate people rights, including physical abuse, and how to get "away" with it. So lets agree that injustice does happen, and when it is happening to you and you're in jail, it's a very difficult place to be, so maybe we could give him a little slack for the "mistakes", what do you think?
It's not that Reno doesn't understand the law. If that were the case, he'd get someone to work for / with him who does understand it.

Reno's problem is that he's convinced that he DOES understand the law, the secret underlying law which the court wants to keep hidden, and that he understands it better than anyone else.

Because of that, he's refused to work with competent legal counsel and is now embarking on a path that leads nowhere but down hill.

The best thing his friends could do for him is convince him that HE IS WRONG and none of his incantations are going to take the place of real legal processes.
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Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by Demosthenes »

If you consider Reno your friend, LastLady, you may want to advise him that firing his attorney is not a prudent choice. An attorney plays a crucial role at sentencing, saying things to the judge that Reno can't, and preserving key issues for appeal. Firing the attorney now is a really bad idea; it's like running naked into a blizzard and then wondering how you got frostbite.

Reno obviously doen't like Bownes, but like him or not, the results that Bownes pulled off at trial were unbelievably good. Getting a hung jury on that weapons count was stunning, considering that Reno admitted to the crime both on the stand and in his interviews and youtube videos. Bownes showed the jury that what Reno did was not nearly as heinous as what Danny and Jason did, effectively confusing them by focusing on the degree of guilt, rather than the simple question of whether or not he was armed during his time as "security" at the Brown house.
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Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by LPC »

lastlady wrote:Reno never hurt anyone, he never threatened anyone, and I know him to be a decent good person, even if you disagree with his politics, feelings about the Federal Reserve or Federal Income tax, he never hurt anyone.
It's not necessary to hurt anyone or threaten anyone to commit a crime. Helping a criminal escape punishment is also a crime.

As I read counts 2 and 3 of the indictment, Reno was accused (and convicted) of (a) impeding or obstructing the U.S. Marshals who were working to take the Browns into custody and (b) by helping the Browns, Reno became an accessory after the fact to their crimes.

Neither of those crimes require any intent to hurt anyone. Erecting any obstacle to the Marshals would satisfy either count, no matter how defensive or non-violent the obstacle might be. Even supplying food to the Browns would satisfy the second count.

Earlier in this thread, you said that Reno wanted to prevent violence. If that is what he wanted to do, he went about it all wrong. If he wanted to prevent violence, he should have urged the Browns to surrender, or he should have simply stayed out of the way. By helping and encouraging the Browns and the other potentially violent people around the Browns, Reno did nothing but make the situation more dangerous for everyone.

It's entirely possible that Reno considered (or even still considers) his intentions to be good intentions but, as I've said before in other threads, Hell is full of good intentions. Reno chose to help the Browns evade imprisonment and now he faces the consequences of his choice.

And Reno still has other choices to make. He can choose to see that he made a mistake, admit his mistake, and possibly get a shorter prison sentence so that he can get on with his life. Or he can choose not to see any of his own mistakes, remain unrepentant, and get a longer prison sentence. His choice.

Reno also has a choice between peace and pain. Admitting his mistakes and giving up his point of view can allow him to accept his prison sentence with some peace of mind. Continuing to see the charges against him as unjust simply allows him to continue to be angry and resentful, which gets him nothing but emotional pain.
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Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by Demosthenes »

Remember Reno has worked in Law Enforcement, as a Corrections Officer
He stated on the stand that he worked briefly as an employee at a half-way house after he left the military. Is that what you're referring to?
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Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by webhick »

Demosthenes wrote:
Remember Reno has worked in Law Enforcement, as a Corrections Officer
He stated on the stand that he worked briefly as an employee at a half-way house after he left the military. Is that what you're referring to?
I seriously am hoping that he wasn't a Corrections Officer. His new housemates may not appreciate that. If he was, let's hope it doesn't get back to anyone in his cell block.
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Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

lastlady wrote: Reno never hurt anyone, he never threatened anyone, and I know him to be a decent good person, even if you disagree with his politics, feelings about the Federal Reserve or Federal Income tax, he never hurt anyone.
Reno made one fundamental error that he has since compounded to turn a bad situation into a catastrophic one. He carried a firearm into an "armed standoff" in support of a convicted felon and fugitive. If Reno was genuinely interested in a peaceful resolution, he would have gone unarmed. Think Gandhi, not Rambo. BTW, I am not anti-gun or anti-self defense, just the opposite. I just know their are times when a firearm will make matters worse, and this was one of them.

More broadly, he assisted the Browns to escalate an armed standoff. Had he shown up and just camped out, helped with the cooking, cleaning and other benign activities, he would be free today. Reno could have made his stand "non-violently" just as effectively as he did make an armed stand. His decision to make an armed stand is convincing evidence that he is not the decent good person you want him to be.

His post-arrest antics are another issue. Quatloos has little tolerance for this sort of "sovereign man" or UCC silliness. Quatloos also tends to react harshly to those who come in acting superior and spouting the usual tax denier rhetoric. However, to those who come in with an open mind and no attitude, the regulars can be very helpful. Robert Wolfe's wife was here on and off and she was very well treated.
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Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by Demosthenes »

Jose files more UCC crap on Reno's behalf.
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Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by webhick »

At this point, I've lost count of how many different notaries have allowed Jose to improperly sign Reno's name. 3?
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Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by Demosthenes »

Independent Thinker

At 8:00 AM EST Monday 9/22/08 they started processing Cirino to be transferred to Maine for his sentencing hearing on Friday. He does not expect to be returned to Merrimack County after sentencing. I was on the phone with him this morning when he was about to be taken to processing and he asked me to tell everyone.
Actually, he's being sent to Maine for his Tuesday hearing to fire his lawyer. The judge can't let Reno fire Bownes until the judge establishes that Reno fully understands what going without representation entails. The purpose of the hearing is to protect Reno from making an uninformed decision.
09/19/2008 ENDORSED ORDER as to Cirino Gonzalez RE 520 Letter. Text of Order: No action necessary. Hearing on Attorney Bownes' Motion to Withdraw to be held on September 23, 2008 at 11 AM in Portland, Maine. So Ordered by Chief Judge George Z. Singal. (jar) (Entered: 09/19/2008)
Reno will then be transported from Maine to New Hampshire for his sentencing hearing on Friday. Unlike Wednesday's motion hearing, the sentencing hearing is required to take place in the district where the crime was committed.
06/16/2008 Sentencing set for 9/26/2008 10:00 AM before Chief Judge George Z. Singal in New Hampshire.The court has allotted 1 hour for the hearing. Please contact the court immediately if you anticipate the hearing will exceed the allotted time.) So Ordered by Chief Judge George Z. Singal. (mm) (Entered: 06/16/2008)
Depending on what happens on Wednesday in Maine, Friday's sentencing may be postponed, although this judge seems pretty keen on keeping long-established court dates.
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Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by grixit »

Reno via his dad wrote:COMES NOW Cirino Gonzalez, a Real Party in Interest, who is neutral in the public, making a special visitation by absolute ministerial right to the district court, "restricted appearance" under Rule E (8), who is unschooled in law and notices the court of enunciation ofprinciples as stated in Haines v. Kerner. 404 U.S. 519, wherein the court has directed that those who are unschooled in law making pleadings and/or complaints shall have the court look to the substance ofthe pleadings rather than in the form, and hereby makes the following pleadings/notices in the above referenced matter without waiver ofany defenses.
If i were a judge, i'd bounce this. If you are "unschooled in law" do not presume to tell me the law. If you are the defendent, you are not neutral, and cannot be a third party. If you are in custody, there are no special visits. This is waht, the 5th, 6th, such filing? If i were the judge i would have stopped it at the second one. I would have barred filing without permission and instructed my clerk to trash anything that had tp wording in it. I might even issue a bench warrant for Jose for attempted intereference.

Frankly i am amazed at the amount of tolerance shown by these judges. Well tolerance is a good thing, but so is not wasting your taxpayer funded time indulging these people.
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Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by Demosthenes »

grixit wrote:Frankly i am amazed at the amount of tolerance shown by these judges. Well tolerance is a good thing, but so is not wasting your taxpayer funded time indulging these people.
This'll have the same fate as all of Jose's prior junk filings:

08/11/2008 499 Commerical NOTICE Appointment of Fiduciary Debtor by Cirino Gonzalez. (jar) (Entered: 08/11/2008)

08/20/2008 ENDORSED ORDER as to Cirino Gonzalez RE 499 Commerical Notice Appointment of Fiduciary Debtor. Text of Order: No action required. So Ordered by Chief Judge George Z. Singal. (jar) (Entered: 08/20/2008)

08/22/2008 508 Commercial Notice of Fiduciary Liability by Cirino Gonzalez. (jar) (Entered: 08/22/2008)

08/26/2008 ENDORSED ORDER as to Cirino Gonzalez RE 508 Commercial Notice of Fiduciary Liability. Text of Order: No action necessary. So Ordered by Chief Judge George Z. Singal. (jar) (Entered: 08/26/2008)

09/02/2008 514 Notice to Compel Specific Performance by Cirino Gonzalez (jar) (Entered: 09/04/2008)

09/04/2008 ENDORSED ORDER as to Cirino Gonzalez RE 514 Notice to Compel Specific Performance. Text of Order: The Court deems this is a frivolous filing. No action or response is necessary. SO ORDERED. So Ordered by Chief Judge George Z. Singal. (jar) (Entered: 09/04/2008)

09/11/2008 517 MOTION Requesting Due Process by Cirino Gonzalez. (jar) (Entered: 09/11/2008)

09/12/2008 ENDORSED ORDER as to Cirino Gonzalez RE 517 MOTION Requesting Due Process. Text of Order: No action necessary. Defendant is represented by counsel and the Court will only act upon motions that are filed by defendant's counsel. This filing will be treated as a notice. SO ORDERED. So Ordered by Chief Judge George Z. Singal. (jar) (Entered: 09/15/2008)

Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by Scoop »

lastlady wrote:I'd like to add that you mention below that a plea agreement hearing must take place in New Hampshire unless Reno signs off on that. Well if that is true than you must understand a plea agreement hearing did take place in Maine, not New Hampshire on June 13th and Reno did NOT sign off on that. Here is the link to the page with the plea agreement unsigned by Reno. ... =3868.7755

Third section if signed Reno would agree to waive his Constitutional and all rights to a plea hearing in New Hampshire but he did not sign and they did it anyway. How is it that the Court can just do what it wants if we are a nation of laws?
I just wanted to clarify something here, since I've been getting a number of letters with this same misunderstanding. Reno never had a plea hearing. He never pleaded guilty to any crimes. He was found guilty of two felonies by a jury in New Hampshire. Sentencing on those charges is scheduled for Friday, also in New Hampshire. Two other charges were dismissed without prejudice--meaning they can be raised in the future.

Here are two stories that explain the relevant developments in the case. ... 043/NEWS01 ... repository
Last edited by Scoop on Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by wserra »

Demosthenes wrote:
Independent Thinker

At 8:00 AM EST Monday 9/22/08 they started processing Cirino to be transferred to Maine for his sentencing hearing on Friday.
It is so gratifying to go to the effort of politely explaining stuff to people who ignore you.
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