Reno's sentencing

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Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by Dezcad »

Scoop wrote: Two other charges were dismissed with prejudice--meaning they can be raised in the future.
I'm pretty sure you meant "without prejudice". If it was "with prejudice", then the charges could not be filed at a later date.

Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by Scoop »

Dezcad wrote:
Scoop wrote: Two other charges were dismissed with prejudice--meaning they can be raised in the future.
I'm pretty sure you meant "without prejudice". If it was "with prejudice", then the charges could not be filed at a later date.
Correct. I'll edit the original post.

Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

wserra wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:
Independent Thinker

At 8:00 AM EST Monday 9/22/08 they started processing Cirino to be transferred to Maine for his sentencing hearing on Friday.
It is so gratifying to go to the effort of politely explaining stuff to people who ignore you.
But what you explained did not match her preconceived (and therefore doubtlessly correct) notions.

Silly lawyer.

Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by lastlady »

Scoop wrote: I just wanted to clarify something here, since I've been getting a number of letters with this same misunderstanding. Reno never had a plea hearing. He never pleaded guilty to any crimes.
Then what was the event called he engaged in on June 13th in the District of Maine's Federal Court house, along with attorney Bownes, Judge Signal, and Kinsella & Huftalen the prosecutors, where he was asked to sign a plea agreement? Should I call it an attempted plea agreement hearing?

He never plead guilty but that is because he did not sign the plea agreement. So let me get this straight, if he had signed it, there would have been a plea agreement hearing, but because he didn't sign it, there was no plea agreement hearing?

Help me understand, because I do not. He didn't plead guilt to the crimes therefore the hearing didn't take place? Is this the way the law works?

Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by lastlady »

Demosthenes wrote:
Actually, he's being sent to Maine for his Wednesday hearing to fire his lawyer. The judge can't let Reno fire Bownes until the judge establishes that Reno fully understands what going without representation entails. The purpose of the hearing is to protect Reno from making an uninformed decision.
09/19/2008 ENDORSED ORDER as to Cirino Gonzalez RE 520 Letter. Text of Order: No action necessary. Hearing on Attorney Bownes' Motion to Withdraw to be held on September 23, 2008 at 11 AM in Portland, Maine. So Ordered by Chief Judge George Z. Singal. (jar) (Entered: 09/19/2008)
Reno will then be transported from Maine to New Hampshire for his sentencing hearing on Friday. Unlike Wednesday's motion hearing, the sentencing hearing is required to take place in the district where the crime was committed.
06/16/2008 Sentencing set for 9/26/2008 10:00 AM before Chief Judge George Z. Singal in New Hampshire.The court has allotted 1 hour for the hearing. Please contact the court immediately if you anticipate the hearing will exceed the allotted time.) So Ordered by Chief Judge George Z. Singal. (mm) (Entered: 06/16/2008)
Depending on what happens on Wednesday in Maine, Friday's sentencing may be postponed, although this judge seems pretty keen on keeping long-established court dates.
Thank you I was mistaken, but just going with what I had been told, obviously Reno doesn't know what's going on because surprise, I don't think Bownes tells him. I do hope the sentencing is postponed. I know Reno wants to have a new attorney. Do you think that is possible?

thank you again

Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by lastlady »

wserra wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:
Independent Thinker

At 8:00 AM EST Monday 9/22/08 they started processing Cirino to be transferred to Maine for his sentencing hearing on Friday.
It is so gratifying to go to the effort of politely explaining stuff to people who ignore you.
Are you referring to me? I'm not trying to ignore you. Just haven't been able to respond to everything yet.

Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by lastlady »

Demosthenes wrote:
Remember Reno has worked in Law Enforcement, as a Corrections Officer
He stated on the stand that he worked briefly as an employee at a half-way house after he left the military. Is that what you're referring to?
I don't think so. He has told me he worked with his brother, I am assuming in the jail, as a CO.

Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by lastlady »

There is a lot to respond to and I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. I will do my best to get to everything here, please don't take offense if I have yet to respond to your comment.

Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by lastlady »

lastlady wrote: Reno never hurt anyone, he never threatened anyone, and I know him to be a decent good person, even if you disagree with his politics, feelings about the Federal Reserve or Federal Income tax, he never hurt anyone.
Reno made one fundamental error that he has since compounded to turn a bad situation into a catastrophic one. He carried a firearm into an "armed standoff" in support of a convicted felon and fugitive. If Reno was genuinely interested in a peaceful resolution, he would have gone unarmed. Think Gandhi, not Rambo. BTW, I am not anti-gun or anti-self defense, just the opposite. I just know their are times when a firearm will make matters worse, and this was one of them.
I understand what you're saying and I agree that would have been much better. I don't think Reno thought he was going into an "armed standoff". But I must insist that all understand I DO NOT speak for Reno. I am speaking on my own behalf with my personal opinions which may differ from Reno's.
More broadly, he assisted the Browns to escalate an armed standoff. Had he shown up and just camped out, helped with the cooking, cleaning and other benign activities, he would be free today. Reno could have made his stand "non-violently" just as effectively as he did make an armed stand. His decision to make an armed stand is convincing evidence that he is not the decent good person you want him to be.
You are right this would have been better. What would a just punishment be in your eyes?
His post-arrest antics are another issue. Quatloos has little tolerance for this sort of "sovereign man" or UCC silliness. Quatloos also tends to react harshly to those who come in acting superior and spouting the usual tax denier rhetoric. However, to those who come in with an open mind and no attitude, the regulars can be very helpful. Robert Wolfe's wife was here on and off and she was very well treated.
I have not acted superior nor spouted anything about taxes. I will say that I don't think the law is always just. I have treated everyone with respect here and have found I am being treated well.

Question for Quatloos. What is UCC? What is it's purpose? How did it come to be? Why do you all hate it so much?

Thank you
VanMeters Revenge

Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by VanMeters Revenge »

lastlady wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:
Remember Reno has worked in Law Enforcement, as a Corrections Officer
He stated on the stand that he worked briefly as an employee at a half-way house after he left the military. Is that what you're referring to?
I don't think so. He has told me he worked with his brother, I am assuming in the jail, as a CO.
He worked in a halfway house with his brother for sometime. He also worked in the admisitrative offices, doing payroll and paperwork as well.
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Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by wserra »

lastlady wrote:He never plead guilty but that is because he did not sign the plea agreement. So let me get this straight, if he had signed it, there would have been a plea agreement hearing, but because he didn't sign it, there was no plea agreement hearing?
Even though I think you meant to be facetious, that's basically right. The plea agreement that he didn't sign almost certainly (I haven't seen Gonzalez', but I've seen a million others) contained his consent to waive venue in NH for the plea. Absent that agreement, the plea couldn't be in Maine.
Help me understand, because I do not. He didn't plead guilt to the crimes therefore the hearing didn't take place? Is this the way the law works?
He didn't consent to waive venue in NH, so the plea couldn't take place in Maine. That's the way the law works.
wserra wrote:It is so gratifying to go to the effort of politely explaining stuff to people who ignore you.
lastlady wrote:Are you referring to me? I'm not trying to ignore you. Just haven't been able to respond to everything yet.
I was referring to you, but not to your not having time to answer me. I was referring to the explanation directed to you that I posted here about venue, "sitting by designation" and the requirements that certain proceedings take place in the district of the offense - followed by your posting on another forum that Gonzalez was going to Maine to be sentenced. If you don't want to know, don't ask.
What is UCC? What is it's purpose? How did it come to be? Why do you all hate it so much?
The Uniform Commercial Code is a lengthy statute governing certain types of commercial transactions. It began as one of the many proposed uniform laws, and in quite similar form has been adopted by the legislatures of (I believe) every state. It is extremely useful to those who engage in the commerce which it governs, since it unifies the laws of 50 states. Nobody here "hates" it - it simply has precisely zero to do with things such as criminal proceedings. Filing stuff citing the UCC in a criminal proceeding is like using the Peterson Field Guide to identify rocks - a sure sign to someone who knows what s/he is doing that you don't.
Thank you
You're welcome.
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- David Hume

Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

lastlady wrote:
More broadly, he assisted the Browns to escalate an armed standoff. Had he shown up and just camped out, helped with the cooking, cleaning and other benign activities, he would be free today. Reno could have made his stand "non-violently" just as effectively as he did make an armed stand. His decision to make an armed stand is convincing evidence that he is not the decent good person you want him to be.
You are right this would have been better. What would a just punishment be in your eyes?


I have not acted superior nor spouted anything about taxes. I will say that I don't think the law is always just. I have treated everyone with respect here and have found I am being treated well.

Thank you
You have come here with an open mind and will be well treated. If you want to see why Quatloos has a reputation for being harsh to visitors, take a look at the thread about Subvet. He showed up being a pompous @ss and got his @ss handed to him.

BTW, you are correct that the law is not always just. I tell my clients that I am in the law business, not the justice business. Justice happens under the gold dome at the capital (that is tongue in cheek). Perhaps I am overly pragmatic, but I am effective as an advocate because of this.

For the crimes Reno was convicted off, I would go somewhere between 5 and 10 years if I were in a mellow mood. 20 years if I thought that Reno was incapable of learning from his mistakes.

Had Reno done what I suggested (a true peaceful protest), he would not have been arrested. Even if he was arrested and convicted, I would not sentence him to any jail time for a true peaceful protest.

I have no real idea what the sentencing guidelines call for.

Finally, I have a hard time seeing how Reno could not have known that he was going into an armed standoff. He was carrying a weapon at all times and was aware that the Browns fully expected that the Marshall's Office would attempt to arrest the Browns by force. Reno stated that he was kicked out by Ed because he was concerned about Ed's failure to adequately address security issues.

Reno has acknowledged all of this in his public statements made prior to his arrest.

I have no ill will towards Reno and genuinely feel bad for his children. I even feel bad for you and Van Meter's Revenge. The harm caused to Reno's friends and family is the "collateral damage" from Reno's actions. I feel bad that Reno has made such poor choices that he has flushed away a good chunk of his life. I don't feel bad that he is going to jail, because he seems incapable of making the choices necessary to keep himself out of jail.
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Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by wserra »

ErsatzAnatchist wrote:I have no real idea what the sentencing guidelines call for.
According to two gov't sentencing memoranda filed yesterday, Probation finds the Guideline to be 41 to 51 months. The gov't disputes this, and seeks a Guideline of 70-87 months.

In any event, the gov't is seeking a sentence "well in excess" of the Guideline, due to
the "coordinated acts, committed over a substantial period of time by a number of self-aggrandizing individuals who, among other things, obtained numerous firearms, assault weapons & explosives devices, and made direct threats to use the weapons to kill or seriously injure any law enforcement officer who attempted to arrest Edward and Elaine Brown.

The defendant was a major contributor to that effort, which created an extremely dangerous situation that, but for the patience, professionalism and compassion of the United States Marshals Service, could have easily resulted in the deaths of many people.
For what my opinion is worth, that seems difficult to dispute.
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Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by Demosthenes »

Reno's 3/23/07 MySpace entry (on why he decided to join the Browns):
everything is out of control. who is will reign in the power that was let loose? our grandfathers? our fathers? us? our kids? our grandkids? do you understand? the United States soil is not even ours in it entirety! it is owned by foreign powers. and if they wanted to they could take even more then they are now. but you do not hear about it. you do not get told that our very land is being taken away; or "lost" because of loans...

where? when? when will it be justified that we use force against those that have been beating us and jailing us for decades? even killing innocents as they walk their own streets... as they defend their own HOMES... oh god! when will it be just to defend our selves?

i feel defeated already when questioned and remarked to as to tactics that maybe used. the best answer to be given is to meet it. toe to toe? meet it? face to face? meet it? battle cry to battle cry? meet it? them then you, them then you. well guess what... when they shoot you, you do not get your chance to defend your rights... and they win again.
Reno's 3/27/07 MySpace entry (right before driving to the Brown house):
here i decided to build this test for everyone.
it is simple. i know. you are thinking i am not a zombie, but i have myself have run into many of them. so many, that i think wow, this is crazy!
my blog and many others that have like views and feelings will refer to many people as slaves. and many of you are. but there is another class.
a disgusting, moral less class of people, zombies. they too are slaves, but they do not care to do anything because they are already dead. there is nothing in their hearts so killing one should not bother you
Reno's 6/10/07 MySpace entry on role at the Brown house:
If not me, then who? If not now, then when?
Current mood: productive

Hello everyone...

For those that do not know me, I am Cirino Gonzalez; aka Reno.

I am the manager for this sits e that was created by Anthony. I blog on here being that I stay with Ed and Elaine. I am volunteer security for them and their friends here...

Many people are concerned that this will turn out to be another Rudy Ridge or Waco... Well the truth be known, I fear it too. NOT this time! I am here for this one! The people of this country will not be fooled or tricked by the main stream media in believing that our "supposed" all powerful, federal government can do no wrong.

Take note "feds;" that the people know the truth this time around. The story of these people has reached out to the world... that's right the world! Canada, England, China, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, and many more others...

Even our troops in Iraq are learning about it. Last year while I was in Iraq the troops were passing around the dvd of Arron Russo's America: freedom to fascism. The people are waking up...

The dots are starting to connect. People are speaking out to their friends... Little pockets of dissent are forming. Both within the military and amongst the civilians.

We are learning the about the lies you cannot keep covered without closing your eyes and saying the pledge to the flag as loud as you can... blindly as you can! " the REPUBLIC! for which it stands!..." not Democracy... so why is "our" country spreading democracy?

How has a country that boast of its freedom accept the practice of free speech zones? Where have you drawn your line in the ground and said not this time? ONLY to be pushed back again and again and again.

How can a one of our greatest cities sleep at night knowing that the whole world understands the lie that has been held up before us and we are told to forget the real world, focus on our explanation that makes no sense in the world of science. 911 was an inside job!

Dr. Ron Paul speaks the truth and never gets air time; While the "Butcher of New York Giuliani" gets praise for harping on terror threats that may come... backed up with no real evidence.

Speaking of no evidence; a simple question was asked a long time ago, "are the federal income taxes a law?" followed by a simple request, "show me the law!" Yet for all the spin and words coming out of our medias dirty mouths was there ever an answer uttered... "there is no law to be found and displayed"

Simple as that. Yet the U.S. Marshals will continue to carry out their orders to bring down Ed and Elaine; to shut them up! and shut them up good!

How could any self respecting cop and even security guard wear their uniform today knowing that there was never a law given as proof to the crime that Ed and Elaine Brown case was charged with...

I know what I would be saying, "this is not right, this cannot be allowed to happen!" This sorry excuse for a trial was unjust and flies in my face of INTEGRETY!

This federal government that so many sheeple pay protection money to out of fear was never meant to become this crooked and corrupted.

WE the people ARE the government! Our voice is our power! Our will be done so long as no one else gets hurt.

Personal responsibility is "the way forward," not an all power mad police force. They must be held to the lawful laws of the land just the same as we are! AND jury nullification must be taught and restored to make our courts fair again for the common man and woman.

...if this does not shake you awake, then perhaps your pocket book will perk up with this info... The Federal Reserve is no more government owned than Federal Express!


The Federal Reserve gets paid to make money out of thin air! Hold it for one second! Think about it. The government ie. we the people are paying the federal reserve to make money for us out of thin air.

Then when we borrow this money, we the people via our federal government "deciders" are charged interest on the money borrowed for a war and other killings we never asked for.

Now some of you maybe thinking that is right, you pay someone to make something for you... you pay interest on money you borrowed.

Get this, right NOW as it was before, our constitution provides for us to make our own money and interest free to boot.... DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE TO ANYONE OUT THERE? To give this power and money making ability to a private bank with the power to control us?

The new world order is coming and many of us see it everyday.

A few refuse to believe it... but in the end they will most likely jump on the wagon!

Last night a new friend of mine said something to me I just had to quote her:

now i am going to have to go V for Vendetta style on you..."If you think the way I think, and you feel the way I feel..." then you should know exactly what I am thinking ;-)


We know what that means... and you know what that means...

I used to lay in bed at night and ask myself, "if not me? then who? if not now? then when?"

I have had enough of the killing. If you haven't then guess what... you should be happy soon. No more children are going to died on my watch. The all powerful federal government MUST be checked with every patriot's body. This "police state" MUST be stopped. Personal responsibility is YOURS.

"You don't get strong doing a weak mans work"

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Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by webhick »

Demosthenes wrote:Reno's 3/27/07 MySpace entry (right before driving to the Brown house):
here i decided to build this test for everyone.
it is simple. i know. you are thinking i am not a zombie, but i have myself have run into many of them. so many, that i think wow, this is crazy!
my blog and many others that have like views and feelings will refer to many people as slaves. and many of you are. but there is another class.
a disgusting, moral less class of people, zombies. they too are slaves, but they do not care to do anything because they are already dead. there is nothing in their hearts so killing one should not bother you
Nothing like advocating killing those who don't agree with you. Without remorse, no less.
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Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by Demosthenes »

webhick wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:Reno's 3/27/07 MySpace entry (right before driving to the Brown house):
here i decided to build this test for everyone.
it is simple. i know. you are thinking i am not a zombie, but i have myself have run into many of them. so many, that i think wow, this is crazy!
my blog and many others that have like views and feelings will refer to many people as slaves. and many of you are. but there is another class.
a disgusting, moral less class of people, zombies. they too are slaves, but they do not care to do anything because they are already dead. there is nothing in their hearts so killing one should not bother you
Nothing like advocating killing those who don't agree with you. Without remorse, no less.
I would imagine that dehumanizing the enemy is an important emotional step for anyone going into active combat.
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Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by Demosthenes »

09/22/2008 524 SENTENCING MEMORANDUM Regarding Applicabiliy of 2A2.2 v 2A2.4 by USA as to Cirino Gonzalez. (Huftalen, Arnold) (Entered: 09/22/2008)

09/22/2008 525 NOTICE of Upward Departure and/or Upward Deviation/Variance by USA as to Cirino Gonzalez. (Huftalen, Arnold) (Entered: 09/22/2008)

09/22/2008 527 SENTENCING MEMORANDUM in Support of A Downward Variance by Cirino Gonzalez. (Bownes, David) (Entered: 09/22/2008)

09/22/2008 528 MOTION for Mistrial by Cirino Gonzalez. Follow up on Objection on 10/9/2008. (jar) (Entered: 09/23/2008) More UCC junk from Jose.

09/23/2008 ENDORSED ORDER terminating 528 Motion for Mistrial as to Cirino Gonzalez (3). Text of Order: No action necessary. Defendant is represented by counsel and the Court will only act upon motions that are filed by defendant's counsel. This filing will be treated as a notice. SO ORDERED So Ordered by Chief Judge George Z. Singal. (jar) (Entered: 09/23/2008)
VanMeters Revenge

Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by VanMeters Revenge »

ErsatzAnatchist wrote:Had Reno done what I suggested (a true peaceful protest), he would not have been arrested. Even if he was arrested and convicted, I would not sentence him to any jail time for a true peaceful protest.

Finally, I have a hard time seeing how Reno could not have known that he was going into an armed standoff. He was carrying a weapon at all times and was aware that the Browns fully expected that the Marshall's Office would attempt to arrest the Browns by force. Reno stated that he was kicked out by Ed because he was concerned about Ed's failure to adequately address security issues.
well if i was of Mexican lineage, with an unpronounceable first name followed by a last name like Gonzalez going up to demonstrate solidarity on certain viewpoints with total strangers I do not know, especially in a predominately white mans movement, that want to blame anything and everything on illegal immigrants, well I think I would be carrying around some BFG’s too, just for protection.

Besides the main reason he was asked to leave was because his friendliness with the ladies. The religious group that was there did not believe in the mixing of the races( in a sexual manner), so they weren’t particularly fond of the relationship between Reno and one Liza M. She so feared for his life that she even accompanied out of state that night at after some discussion about this with the others at the Browns property.
ErsatzAnatchist wrote:I have no ill will towards Reno and genuinely feel bad for his children. I even feel bad for you and Van Meter's Revenge. The harm caused to Reno's friends and family is the "collateral damage" from Reno's actions. I feel bad that Reno has made such poor choices that he has flushed away a good chunk of his life. I don't feel bad that he is going to jail, because he seems incapable of making the choices necessary to keep himself out of jail.
I have no ill will towards you either. I admit the situation isn’t idea and while i thought i was going to do some good by going to Camp Casey to build a homeless shelter for Vets while Reno was going to go to Iraq with Cindy Sheenhan, it was always in the back of my mind that something like this could happen. I even went to the length of getting a background check done before leaving Indiana with him. I wanted to make sure for one he was not wanted which he wasn’t listed as such in August 07. Regardless, he sat me down and made sure I understood that he could be possibly arrested for being at the Browns. I took it upon myself to go ahead and get involved knowing what could possibly be in store. While not being some kind of horrible people Reno and I, and while I have known the kind of people the media types are I tried to steer clear of them which was something I particularly told Reno I did not want to be bothered with, but damn I didn’t expect most journalists to be as bold in their endeavors to smearing peoples character nor did I expect them to distort the information not to mention the truth into something so unrecognizable from the reality of the situation. So don’t feel sorry for me, hell don’t feel sorry for Reno, Feel sorry for what is becoming of our country, our economy, I hope you all don’t lose your homes that you have worked your lives away for, even though I’m sure it was off the labors of others, of off the tribulations of others whom become entrapped in your legal and unjust courts or inside the prison system.
Last edited by webhick on Tue Sep 23, 2008 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Fixed quote formatting with permission from poster.
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Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by LPC »

lastlady wrote:
Scoop wrote:I just wanted to clarify something here, since I've been getting a number of letters with this same misunderstanding. Reno never had a plea hearing. He never pleaded guilty to any crimes.
Then what was the event called he engaged in on June 13th in the District of Maine's Federal Court house, along with attorney Bownes, Judge Signal, and Kinsella & Huftalen the prosecutors, where he was asked to sign a plea agreement? Should I call it an attempted plea agreement hearing?
What makes you think he as asked to sign a plea agreement on 6/13? Were you there?

The court docket shows the following:

"Minute Entry for proceedings held before Chief Judge George Z. Singal: In Chambers Conference as to Cirino Gonzalez held on 6/13/2008. At the time defendant moved to continue the trial which was denied by the Court. Counsel asked for presentence report as to Counts 2 and 3 to go forward with the sentencing which was also denied by the Court. Jury selection at 9:30AM on June 19, 2008 and evidence to begin at 8:30AM on June 23, 2008 in Concord, New Hampshire. (Court Reporter: Dennis Ford) (Govt Atty: Arnold Huftalen) (Defts Atty: David Bownes)(Total Hearing Time: 15 mins) (jar) (Entered: 06/13/2008)"

This appears to be a routine scheduling conference, where the judge checks to see what issues need to be resolved before trial, and confirms the scheduling of the trial.

It is entirely possible that the possibility of a plea agreement, or questions about a possible plea agreement, were raised during the conference and, if Reno or had counsel had announced that they wished to change their plea, the judge would have scheduled a plea agreement hearing to take place in New Hampshire. But there was certainly no need to schedule a hearing to hear a plea agreement that Reno did NOT intend to make.
lastlady wrote:He never plead guilty but that is because he did not sign the plea agreement.
I'm not sure of the function of the words "but that is" in the sentence, but the sense seems to be correct, which is that Reno did not plead guilty because he did not agree to plead guilty.
lastlady wrote:So let me get this straight, if he had signed it, there would have been a plea agreement hearing, but because he didn't sign it, there was no plea agreement hearing?
Right. What other result is possible? How could the court (or *why* would the court) schedule a hearing on an agreement that did not exist?
lastlady wrote:He didn't plead guilt to the crimes therefore the hearing didn't take place? Is this the way the law works?
Reno pleaded not guilty when he was first arraigned. If he had wanted to change his plea and enter a different plea, the change of plea would have to have been held in open court in New Hampshire, and a record made of the change of plea. Since he never wanted to change his plea, there was nothing for the court to hear and no need for a hearing.

You may be confused by thinking that a plea agreement is the same as a change of plea. It is not. A plea agreement is only an agreement between the defendant and the prosecution as to what the defendant will plead guilty to and what the prosecution will recommend in terms of dismissing other charges and sentencing. But the plea agreement means nothing until the defendant appears in court and tells the judge that he is changing his plea and the judge accepts the change of plea, which requires the judge to make sure that the defendant understands the consequences of the change of plea. That appearance by the Reno would by law be required to take place in New Hampshire. But the plea agreement itself, or discussions between the defendant (and his counsel) and the prosecution about the possibility of a plea agreement, or even a discussion with the judge about whether or not a plea agreement had been reached or might be reached, could take place anywhere.
lastlady wrote:I was mistaken, but just going with what I had been told,
One of the differences between most of the regulars on this forum and most of the tax deniers we run into is that we don't just go with what we're told. We look to official sources and official records, and we look to reliable third party reports before declaring something to be a fact.

Tax deniers like Reno are different. Someone tells them something and they want to believe it and so they do believe it without doing any independent verification or even applying any common sense. So, for example, someone tells Reno that no one ever showed the Browns the law that requires them to pay any income tax and Reno swallows it hook, line, and sinker, even though the Browns were shown the law several times.
lastlady wrote:obviously Reno doesn't know what's going on because surprise, I don't think Bownes tells him
For Reno's lawyer to fail to tell him what is going on would be a serious breach of professional responsibility that could result in professional discipline such as suspension or disbarment.

If Reno doesn't know what is going on, the more likely explanation is that he refuses to accept the explanations that are being give to him, and prefers to think that he is being abused or persecuted rather than facing the truth.
lastlady wrote:I'm not trying to ignore you. Just haven't been able to respond to everything yet.
Responding to everything is not expected or even desired. In most cases, we are simply offering you information or different points of view for your consideration and (we like to think) education. If you read what we write and it is helpful, then good. Nothing more is needed. If you have more questions, that's fine also. Or if you have information or a different point of view that you think would be helpful to those of us who are interested in these kinds of cases, that's good also. But repeating your opinions of Reno's intentions or character is not productive in my opinion, and repeating the same misconceptions after someone has taken the time and made the effort to correct you can be annoying, as wserra has pointed out.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Grand Exalted Keeper of Esoterica
Posts: 5773
Joined: Wed Jan 29, 2003 3:11 pm

Re: Reno's sentencing

Post by Demosthenes »

VanMeters Revenge wrote:well if i was of Mexican lineage, with an unpronounceable first name followed by a last name like Gonzalez going up to demonstrate solidarity on certain viewpoints with total strangers I do not know, especially in a predominately white mans movement, that want to blame anything and everything on illegal immigrants, well I think I would be carrying around some BFG’s too, just for protection.
Cirino is unpronounceable? I had assumed it was simply a variation of Cyrano de Bergerac. Considering his brother's nickname is Romeo and all...

If Reno had taken a gun for personal protection into a white supremacist camp, he wouldn't be in prison today. Instead, he purchased the BFG while living for two months with convicted felons / fugitives / white supremacists and bragging that he was there to offer them all "security".
Besides the main reason he was asked to leave was because his friendliness with the ladies. The religious group that was there did not believe in the mixing of the races( in a sexual manner), so they weren’t particularly fond of the relationship between Reno and one Liza M. She so feared for his life that she even accompanied out of state that night at after some discussion about this with the others at the Browns property.
The white supremacist information will suprise absolutely no one here. Who do you think started the whole tax protest movement? Why do you think Ed was raving on and on and on about killing "Zionist bloodlines"? Had Reno done some minimal research into the history of Ed's movement, I think he'd have been less enthusiastic about dying (and killing) on Ed's behalf.

It doesn't matter why Reno was asked to leave. It only matters why he went there in the first place. Prior to Reno heading up to Plainfield, Ed had been making numerous, explicit threats about killing two judges, the judges' children, a prosecutor, and an IRS agent in the event that Ed and Elaine were arrested or killed. Later on, Ed added the local Sheriff and several others to his revenge list. Reno chose to join Ed's plan.
I have no ill will towards you either. I admit the situation isn’t idea and while i thought i was going to do some good by going to Camp Casey to build a homeless shelter for Vets
That sounds like a great plan. If you haven't continued in that, you should.