Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by wserra »

SheWolffe wrote:I asked him to please leave Bob out of his rantings and in his own words he responded something like, “I’m duty bound to respond to illegal activity”. It sort of reminded me of Under Dog
That's very funny. Perhaps you could suggest that he station himself at a local stop sign, resplendent in wig and fake moustache, and photograph the license plate of every vehicle which fails to come to a complete stop.
Anyone actually interested in seeing his letter to me, just ask and I’ll post it. His writing makes me sea sick.
Sure. Thanks.
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by Prof »

I am curious whether anyone can adequately explain what compels Rino and Jason and others like them insist upon spitting in the eye of the judge who will make the sentencing decision and can add or subtract months or years from the time of incarceration.

Is it what school psychologists call "oppositional definat or defiance disorder"?

Even if I had bought into the paranoid, alternative reality, kool-aid view of the world that all these folks shared, I think I would have enough sense to keep my head down and mouth shut during sentencing.

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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

There seems to be a certain amount fatalism that sets in when a perp knows there's going to be years and years of time. And since ego is a major part of survival while incarcerated, the more you "stick it to the man" without any real risk of physical response the better you look.

Of course 'round here, it's the loud crackly-zapping sound that stops them before they get themselves in too much trouble. :wink:
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by notorial dissent »

Prof wrote:Is it what school psychologists call "oppositional definat or defiance disorder"?
Prof, I think you are giving Rino too much credit here. What I think it boils down to is a very very insignificant little man who has run out of any thing else to prop up his ego, and who has retreated into a fantasy realm where he is the great protector of right, and he has convinced himself that everything he has done is right and that he and his fellow victims are being persecuted for defending their beliefs and the "right". That being the case, he will continue on in this fashion to the very and bitter end, because to do otherwise would be to admit not only publicly but to himself that he was wrong and is truly an insignificance in the scheme of things. He is no longer rational and as such will become more not less dangerous as time goes by as he invests more and more into his fantasy to keep it propped up.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by SheWolffe »

Letter From Joe Haas:

After I saw the cc for the Randolph sheriff, I wrote to him (Joe): "Please take me off your list and stop including Bob’s name on anything...I mean ANYTHING that you are cranking out. He is not asking for your help so stop putting his name on your correspondences". I said "I was tired of all the BS and was losing my house over this".

Then he responded:

Valerie, Thanks for your reply.

And yes, even though Bob has not asked for my help, I'm duty-bound by the law when I hear of a felony has happened (see, I told you..."There's no need to fear, Under Dog is here..... ugh.) (as in the kidnapping of Bob over state lines from Vermont to N.H.) that if I do NOT report it to the authorities, I read somewhere that that is subornation of felony and a crime in itself, usually like seeing a bank robbery but not reporting it as seen, heard gunfire, smell smoke etc.

Plus you "will" or "may" lose your house? A friend and his son got Fannie Mae as the insurer of their mortgage in Whitefield, N.H. payments current. I read by Keith's posting to the NHUnderground from the B.O.P. website that Bob gets out later in 2009, so do you need $________ to hold you over until then when he and you with two monthly checks from two jobs can get back on track. I tell you, his writing makes me sea sick.

So as NOT to lose the $_______ or __% equity you've already paid in for #____ years toward the 20___ final payment on a house worth: $______________ I'd be glad to loan you a 2nd mtg. $amount that you can delay payments on until Bob's release and gainful re-employment. Just tell me, and I can see what I can do with my brothers in charge of the trust I've been left by my parents, considering you a charitable case too, for even NO payments as my 10% tithe to $________ since you are like a member of this church of the truth in this battle to eventually win the war, just for the "how" of it to find out later.

Yours truly, -- Joe
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by Dezcad »

SheWolffe wrote:Letter From Joe Haas:

After I saw the cc for the Randolph sheriff, I wrote to him (Joe): "Please take me off your list and stop including Bob’s name on anything...I mean ANYTHING that you are cranking out. He is not asking for your help so stop putting his name on your correspondences". I said "I was tired of all the BS and was losing my house over this".
Thanks for posting that, that is clearly Joe's style - blabbering pontification.

Perhaps you should have told him to "Wise Up or Die" - he seems to be fond of that phrase. :lol:

Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by TheSaint »

Prof wrote:I am curious whether anyone can adequately explain what compels Rino and Jason and others like them insist upon spitting in the eye of the judge who will make the sentencing decision and can add or subtract months or years from the time of incarceration.
My comments:

I have a friend who escaped one of those cultish religions that sends a lot of missionaries to knock on doors. He told me they taught him to interpret every rejection as further proof that he has The Truth, and that most people are unable to accept The Truth, and that the forces of evil are aligned against you to stop The Truth.

So you've got a self-perpetuating mechanism. Train people to be rude*, then teach them that normal reactions to their rudeness are affirmations that they're not being rude enough.

I think this self-perpetuating jerkassery is what emboldens people like Jason Gerhard and Reno Gonzalez to spit in the face of those who could grant them mercy. Most of us would do a cost-benefit analysis and realize that the difference between 4 and 20 years in prison is a lot greater than the value of dubious legal filings and a last-stand bold statement that nobody will remember five minutes later.

Not these guys. By the time they've been arrested, tried, and convicted for whatever stupidity they've done on behalf of whatever stupid cause they've chosen, they're in too deep. By this point they see themselves as martyrs, and they see the government's actions -- which are really just normal responses to their own actions -- as attempts to suppress whatever Truth they've discovered. And should they ponder rationality for a moment, there always people like Joe Haas and Ed Brown nearby, with their gift for encouraging other people to destroy their own lives in support of their idiotic causes.

That's what I think, anyway.

* - I find the very concept of door-to-door religious solicitation incredibly rude. You're not selling me $4 worth of band candy or magazines here, you're trying to tell me how to live my life and where my soul is going to go after I die. Don't you think your dearest friends and family would be a more appropriate audience for your religious awakening than random people in the random zone you've been randomly assigned to? And if your loved ones aren't moved by your choice, why should I be?
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by webhick »

Joe Haas wrote:I'd be glad to loan you a 2nd mtg. $amount that you can delay payments on until Bob's release and gainful re-employment. Just tell me, and I can see what I can do with my brothers in charge of the trust I've been left by my parents, considering you a charitable case too
Actually, it sounds like Joe's brothers are in charge of the trust, not Joe. It also sounds like he was going to lie to them and say the money he wanted to withdraw was for charity. I'd like to know what reality Joe is living in because in this one, calling someone a "charitable case" is highly insulting. In any event, he probably couldn't have gotten that 2nd mortgage since the trust probably requires a real charitable organization and not some philosophical church that Joe made up just because he's curious as to whether or not his actions were going to throw you further under the bus.

But, he just started with two results: "I want to write letters and piss people off" and "I want to control someone with my money" and just made shit up to justify getting those results.
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by Mr. Mephistopheles »

TheSaint wrote: ...

I have a friend who escaped one of those cultish religions that sends a lot of missionaries to knock on doors. He told me they taught him to interpret every rejection as further proof that he has The Truth, and that most people are unable to accept The Truth, and that the forces of evil are aligned against you to stop The Truth.
Wow, that sounds exactly like the rabid TP's, always harping about "the truth". More support for the "TP's" (and CTer's in general) = A Cult.
* - I find the very concept of door-to-door religious solicitation incredibly rude. You're not selling me $4 worth of band candy or magazines here, you're trying to tell me how to live my life and where my soul is going to go after I die. Don't you think your dearest friends and family would be a more appropriate audience for your religious awakening than random people in the random zone you've been randomly assigned to? And if your loved ones aren't moved by your choice, why should I be?
What's this, you don't like to pay $4 for a stale chocolate bar? :wink: Watchtower anyone?

Having had a family member who traveled down the road to religious quasi-cultdom, I'll offer a few observations. Trust me, they have already annoyed the bejesus out of their family and friends. It's the first group they are taught to confront. Now, let's return to your comments about rejection above. Once they are rejected by their friends and families the alienation begins in earnest. Here's how it goes, "Your friends and families are lying to you about "the truth", and they have insulted and rejected you and don't truly love you. We are your family now." Then they are sent forth like to annoy the rest of the planet.
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by wserra »

SheWolffe wrote:Letter From Joe Haas:

And yes, even though Bob has not asked for my help, I'm duty-bound by the law when I hear of a felony has happened (see, I told you..."There's no need to fear, Under Dog is here..... ugh.)
Now, where's that picture of Underdog in a janitor's uniform?
that if I do NOT report it to the authorities, I read somewhere that that is subornation of felony and a crime in itself
This is, not surprisingly, nonsense. There is no law requiring 99% of us to report anything. The few so-called "mandatory reporters" that exist are (for example) medical providers with evidence of child abuse. Worse, it appears that Joe likes the idea of a culture of stukachi, neighbors ratting on neighbors. He must long for the days of the Stasi. Quite a position for a self-proclaimed "freedom fighter".
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

CaptainKickback wrote: I say we all drop some acid and watch reruns of HR Puffenstuff and the Bugaloos all day today......maybe some Banana Splits too.
Only if you promise I'll get to see the Pentagon levitate 10 feet in the air and glow bright orange.
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by Leftcoaster »

Doktor Avalanche wrote:
CaptainKickback wrote: I say we all drop some acid and watch reruns of HR Puffenstuff and the Bugaloos all day today......maybe some Banana Splits too.
Only if you promise I'll get to see the Pentagon levitate 10 feet in the air and glow bright orange.
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by Demosthenes »

09/24/2008 531 Letter to Please take noticed from Romeo Lee Gonzalez re: subpoena (jar) (Entered: 09/24/2008)

09/25/2008 532 SENTENCING MEMORANDUM Supplemental by Cirino Gonzalez. (Bownes, David) (Entered: 09/25/2008)
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by Dezcad »

webhick wrote:
Joe Haas wrote:5 hours @ $105.00 per hour
$105/hr? What does he do for a living?
Here's Joe's explanation of how he arrived at the $105.00 per hour:
Joe the janitor wrote: Yes, you're reading that right since this is stolen time and mileage. In regards to the latter, the AAA calculates the cost of driving nowadays at 50-cents per mile, and so by Public Law 97-280 (96 Statute 1211) of Oct. 4, 1982 = The Year of the Bible for 1983 & Beyond (see Proverbs 6:30-31 of to charge the thief sevenfold the $amount stolen), that's cited in the RSA Ch. 651:63 Restitution statute as annotated with the State v. Fleming case of 1984 to another case citing Blackstone's Commentaries to this exact book: chapter and verse in the Holy Bible.! Thus 50-cents x 7 = $3.50 per mile. And in reference to the former I use the C.P.I. Index of a 5-cent candy bar example of in the 1960s, that at the then minimum wage of $1.50 per hour you earned 30 candy bars per hour. So with today's price of 50-cent a bar x 30 = $15.00 per hour x 7 = $105.00 per stolen hour!
(bolding added)
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by webhick »

Dezcad wrote:
webhick wrote:
Joe Haas wrote:5 hours @ $105.00 per hour
$105/hr? What does he do for a living?
Here's Joe's explanation of how he arrived at the $105.00 per hour:
Joe the janitor wrote: Yes, you're reading that right since this is stolen time and mileage. In regards to the latter, the AAA calculates the cost of driving nowadays at 50-cents per mile, and so by Public Law 97-280 (96 Statute 1211) of Oct. 4, 1982 = The Year of the Bible for 1983 & Beyond (see Proverbs 6:30-31 of to charge the thief sevenfold the $amount stolen), that's cited in the RSA Ch. 651:63 Restitution statute as annotated with the State v. Fleming case of 1984 to another case citing Blackstone's Commentaries to this exact book: chapter and verse in the Holy Bible.! Thus 50-cents x 7 = $3.50 per mile. And in reference to the former I use the C.P.I. Index of a 5-cent candy bar example of in the 1960s, that at the then minimum wage of $1.50 per hour you earned 30 candy bars per hour. So with today's price of 50-cent a bar x 30 = $15.00 per hour x 7 = $105.00 per stolen hour!
(bolding added)
I dare the court to pay him in candy bars that represent a similar quality to the services he's provided. I recommend Chaca Chacas, the official candy bar of the Illuminati.

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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by Duke2Earl »

Are there no Beanie and Cecil fans? Oh the humanity...

Or at the very least Rocky and Bullwinkle?

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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by Nikki »

What about Crusader and Rags?
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by Dr. Caligari »

What about Crusader and Rags?
I thought I was the only one who remembered them.
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by Nikki »

Q5,000 for the correct answer:

Why was Clutch Cargo unique?

Hint: It was a first.

Sorry Demo, this one's before your time.
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by grixit »

Dr. Caligari wrote:
What about Crusader and Rags?
I thought I was the only one who remembered them.
I saw it as a toddler. I only remember a snippet of one episode. And the opening that starts with a knight changing into CR. It was very confusing to me because my parents had a tablecolth with a reproduction of an old tapestry and they said the people in it were crusaders.

But if we're going back that far, how about Tom Terrific and his magic thinking cap, fighting the evil Crabby Appleton? Or Colonel Bleep? I googled that one once, amazing how crude it was. Felix the Cat, i really loved that one.

A little less back, hmm. Ah, Tennessee Tuxedo, one of the more palatable educational cartoons. Much more interesting than the Funny Company. Oh, and Deputy Dog.
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