Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by wserra »

VanMeters Revenge wrote:I know many refugees that have fled their homelands despite what your thoughts are about me, and have become wonderful examples of fine Americans unlike this George Z Singal that has a dislike for Veterans, guns and not to mention 14 year old boys, doing my homework to see what kind of track record he has.
Well, of course you know "many refugees that ... have become wonderful examples of fine Americans". That's why you wrote that, as an "Italian refugee" (sic), Judge Singal is "not even American born! so it weighs nothing on his consciousness (sic) to to (sic) destroy OUR nation and ruin american lives!" It's not him personally, but rather because he's "not even American born" that he wants to "destroy OUR nation" and "ruin american lives".

Of course you're not a cretinous bigot. Why, I'd bet that some of your best friends are refugees.

Please leave this thread open past 100 posts. I'd say Gonzalez' "supporters" are doing a pretty good job of showing the kind of folks they are.
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by Prof »

So, a federal judge sentences Rino under statutes passed by the elected representatives (House and Senate) based upon facts that are not disputed except by the long suffering lawyer whom Rino keeps trying to fire. This makes the judge, who, unlike Rino, is following the law of the land and striving to follow the Constitution (sentencing is governed only by the 8th Amendment on that level), is suspect because he was not native born?

Did it ever occur to Rino's supporters that the judge's rulings are subject to review?

Did it ever occur to Rino's supporters that he was convicted by a jury, not the judge?

By the way, the Judge is a Polish Jew, whose family fled Poland; at some point, his father died, and he came the US in 1949 with his widowed mother and sister.

I suppose that we will now hear about some sort of Jewish conspiracy.

The Judge was a successful trial lawyer and was listed (as is this author) in Best Lawyers in America for a number of years prior to his appointment.

Here is a link to the "14 year old boy story" -- note that it involves arson at the home of President George Herbert Walker Bush. ttp:// ... &position=

The complete link will not insert, but the dates and location should help you find the article.
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by Dezcad »

Prof wrote:So, a federal judge sentences Rino under statutes passed by the elected representatives (House and Senate) based upon facts that are not disputed except by the long suffering lawyer whom Rino keeps trying to fire. This makes the judge, who, unlike Rino, is following the law of the land and striving to follow the Constitution (sentencing is governed only by the 8th Amendment on that level), is suspect because he was not native born?

Did it ever occur to Rino's supporters that the judge's rulings are subject to review?

Did it ever occur to Rino's supporters that he was convicted by a jury, not the judge?

By the way, the Judge is a Polish Jew, whose family fled Poland; at some point, his father died, and he came the US in 1949 with his widowed mother and sister.

I suppose that we will now hear about some sort of Jewish conspiracy.

The Judge was a successful trial lawyer and was listed (as is this author) in Best Lawyers in America for a number of years prior to his appointment.

Here is a link to the "14 year old boy story" -- note that it involves arson at the home of President George Herbert Walker Bush. ... &position=

The complete link will not insert, but the dates and location should help you find the article.
The complete link is here.
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by Demosthenes »

wserra wrote:Of course you're not a cretinous bigot. Why, I'd bet that some of your best friends are refugees.
A tax protester who is a bigot? I'm shocked. :shock:
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by LPC »

lastlady wrote:I said watch these films and I dare you to say you are unchanged or unmoved by them to think differently.
There is a difference between a film that is "moving" and a film that is honest or factual.

The films you have listed are all lies and crap, but you want to believe what they say is true and so you believe them without applying any rational thought and without attempting to verify any of the claims made by the films.

For example, I have watched "Theft by Deception" and it is tedious, mendacious crap. The author, Larken Rose, couldn't even convince a jury that he sincerely believed his own crap and so spent 13 months in federal prison for willfully failing to file tax returns.
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by . »

I dare you to say you are unchanged or unmoved by them to think differently.
Only total blithering idiots, unworthy of any notice by anyone with even one sentient brain cell would be in the least bit impressed by that blather.

You win!
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

lastlady wrote:What do you care!!! You should be happy right! Yes yes you guys spend lots of time pointing out everyone's bonehead moves. What do you do to contribute postivly to this world???
I am not happy with Reno's self-destruction. I view Reno as the human equivalent of a house fire. A sad, unnecessary waste. The difference is that Reno threw away his own life. The tragic part is that Reno may not have been (mentally) able to take the steps necessary to avoid his own destruction.

I don't give a rat's rectum about Reno one way or the other. I neither like nor dislike him. My interest in this case is largely intellectual. I dealt with Ed Brown a number of years ago, so I followed this case in large part because of my contacts with him and that it was local to me. What I do care about is that Reno flushed a chunk of his life down the toilette for nothing. A damn waste.

Plenty of people on Quatloos advised people who were Reno supporters what Reno needed to do to minimize his sentence. For whatever reason, Reno's "supporters" where much more interested in creating a Martyr to the Cause our of Reno than actually helping him. As Joe Hass and the rest of that lot are living proof of, it is much easier (and safer) to push someone down the path of martyrdom than to go down it themselves.
lastlady wrote:Reno saved lives and never hurt anyone. Reno is a man of conscience, moved by injustice. As Reno's friend what have I done to hurt his case? Name it! The judge is going to do what he wants end of story.
The fact that Reno never hurt anyone is why his jail sentence is only 96 months. I am amazed at this "Reno never hurt anyone" defense. If someone points a gun at you head and threatens to shoot you, but doesn't pull the trigger, is that OK? Of course not. Threatening to kill someone is a crime too (both under the law and any sense of justice).
lastlady wrote:Oh okay... we are all stupid and you are all so smart. So go do something with those smarts. Go contribute to someone in a good way. I notice this site hand picks and only brings up the stuff they wish to criticize, nothing else. Nothing positive or constructive, just blah blah stupid people blah blah stupid people blah blah blah.
It is not just "blah blah stupid people blah blah blah." Unless people show up with a crappy attitude, most of the posters here are helpful to even the most hardened tax denier. Read all of the messages to Van Meter's Revenge on what Reno needed to do to minimize his sentence. Reno did the exact opposite, and the result was exactly as predicted. This is not an "I told you so" comment, nor bragging about how smart ee all are. Anyone who was not in denial about reality could have predicted that Reno would get whacked harder after hearing his pre-sentencing statement (I was there).

Finally, as for doing "something with those smarts," I already do. While I suck and painting, hanging drywall, or other useful skills, I do not suck at what I do for a living. I don't thousands of dollars of my legal services every year to help people who are unable to afford attorneys. My law practice is dedicated to helping "the little guy." I do not have any clients that are banks, insurance companies, or other institutions. One of the reasons I spend time at Quatloos is to keep up on the various scams that the scammers are using to target people like my clients (the desperate often do desperate things).

All people like Joe Haas do are try to take advantage of other people's misfortunes for their own ends and without caring what happens to anyone but themselves. Lastlady, I do not know whether you are in the Joe Haas category or if you are a genuine friend of Reno. If you are a genuine friend, then you can stand by him and stay in contact during the next 6-7 years while he is in prison. Tell him to drop Joe Haas like he has the plague (because he does, the insanity plague).
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by Imalawman »

So is 8 years a high or low sentence for Reno based solely on the charges. In other words, was the sentence inflated due to Mr. Haas' mad ranting?
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by Demosthenes »

So is 8 years a high or low sentence for Reno based solely on the charges. In other words, was the sentence inflated due to Mr. Haas' mad ranting?
It's very high.

The federal sentencing guidelines came in at 41 - 51 months. The government had filed a motion to adjust the range to 70 - 87 months, but the judge denied their motion. The 41-51 month range already assumes the obstruction of justice upward departure triggered by his perjury on the stand and yelling at the jury.

Therefore, the difference between his actual sentence (8 years) and his guideline sentence (4 years) was realistically the result of Reno's attitude, temper, lack of remorse, and the acts of his so-called friends and family. All together, the "Free Reno" campaign cost him an extra four years of his life.

Jason's lawyers estimated that Jason's speech (showing both a lack of remorse and his ugly, dangerous side) cost him an extra five years in prison, so seeing Reno's sentence increased by four years wasn't too suprising. It's why I chose the 88 to 120 month range in the poll.

Reno came across as a viper during the sentencing. He kept singling out the two prosecutors (one of whom was in the audience) and a Marshal named Jamie. Personally, I think that did *far* more damage than Joe Haas' pseudo-legal tinkering.
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by wserra »

I agree with Demo. I'd add one thing, though. I don't know Gonzalez, and don't know how bullheaded he is. Still, all of his "friends" at the least enabled his sentence-enhancing behavior, and at most caused it. They were telling him he didn't do anything wrong, he's a freedom fighter, "Free Reno Now!" and similar hogwash. They should have been telling him, "Look, don't be an idiot. Ed Brown won't even remember your name in a year or so. You made a mistake, even if your motives were good. Admit it. You screwed up, have learned your lesson, and are not a risk to do it again. Let's work on the explanation why these things are true."

Would it have affected him? No one will ever know for sure, but I'd put my money on "yes".
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by Demosthenes »

Ed Brown will always remember Reno's name. Ed accused Reno of stealing a gun and ammunition from him when he was kicked off the island.
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by Demosthenes »

Elaine Brown wouldn't even testify on Reno's behalf. She took the 5th just like Reno's family and at least two of his friends.
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by webhick »

Speaking of Haas, he posted a comment to the article Scoop wrote. You may want to switch your brains to "off" and put down your beverages.
Joe Haas, Destroyer of Souls wrote:Thank you Margo for your report, and especially the probation range of sentence being for as little time as just less than 3 1/2 years (41 months) but that you failed miserably to point out the fact of that they used in their calculations that there are two victims: the federal government "and" the U.S. Marshals, that Bownes said "are one and the same". Plus what TYPE of victims? If victims of violence, as the judge said, then WHY wasn't my document no. 533 in this case #07-cr-189-GZS heard as required by the "must" word in the rules? My V.I.S.: Victim Impact Statement. Hey! They violate not merely the law and legal of the U.S. Constitution (1-8-17) and state statute R.S.A. Ch. 123:1, but also this rule! And you call my highlight of this "unconventional"? Yes - thanks again, as it is such as not adhering to convention, defined as the general use or custom. Thus this bad habit of the individuals involved: the judge, prosecutor and defense counsel, plus also now these probate double talkers straight out of George Orwell's book: Nineteen Eighty-Four, when combined, like in a conspiracy to bury the truth, is beyond a mere practice followed as a matter of course, but a mal-practice! Therefore to get rid of this "accepted", by them, practice that is against the pre-scribed law, statute and rules, including 18USC3232 that requires that ALL (that means 100%) of the proceedings for the benefit of the defendant and witnesses*, SHALL be held in the "district" of where the crime occurred. NOT over in Portland, Maine! The District of N.H. is separate from the District of Maine, but both withIN the same 1st "Circuit". So here's more double-talk, as backed up by Attorney General Kelly Ayotte's "investigator: Paul Broder, who says we're in the 1st judicial "district", who I have taken to the State Personnel Board at the State House Annex for a hearing to have him fired! Re: for his report requested to give to the governor, John H. Lynch of Hopkinton to enforce all legislative mandates by his Article 41 job description that he shall be responsible for too, but the Concord District Court in a throw-out of my case there against him needing a removal action to the State Board of Claims where he can be diluted by transfer of fault to the entire state!? * = Witness, including me as an un-called witness in this case on Dan Riley's list of #___ witnesses, ONLY allowed 5 by subpoena in violation of the 6th Amendment for "to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor" that this judge has limited to not 10 as maybe in a one-two punch of five fingers each as an analogy on each hand, but only one punch! This crap has got to stop! We need two new Federal Reps in Congress who are not a member of that same Bar Association, and who both refuse to impeach when the evidence is presented to them in a prima facie manner! So to get rid of liar/Attorney Paul Hodes (even in violation of the Jewish Congress mission statement to honor the "Rule of Law') and Carol Shea-Porter. They are worthless! Plus of Attorney David Bownes's comment that "You ruin people's lives", WHO is he talking about? At first glance you presume he means the defendant, right? Boy is this guy sneaky to avoid a lawsuit against him for saying is slander, and writing is libel. The lives he means are NOT that of the defendants, that BTW I've not yet visited Reno in jail, but yes to Jason, Bob + Danny, but to him and the judge plus Ed Brown's prosecutor, William Morse from an unknown Bar Assoc. outside N.H. that he AND the court refuse to divulge, who had this Secretary of State documentation of non-filing to the June 14, 1883 "Conditional" Consent but who REFUSED to present it to the judge as required by Rule 16, which incident I reported to Washington that is still being investigating BELIEVE IT OR NOT! over a year later! See my "grievance" to be elevated up to an official "complaint" against David Bownes of Laconia at the N.H. Supreme Court's P.C.C." Professional Conduct Committee, at 4 Chanel Drive, Concord, N.H. to get a "fault" upon his illegal trips to at and from Maine in this case, as I had to witness last Tuesday, Sept. 23rd in order to make my complaint of tax-payer money being illegally spent by our former N.H. A.G. Jeffrey Howard, now a 1st Circuit judge who knows about this too, with ruin to him too later by impeachment! The fault to enter into the case for a mistrial to double jeopardy or at least a new trial. So to use con-structive criticism from the con-stitution to "their" demise and destruction, then so be it as well deserved; "their" meaning these liars and thieves who violate their RSA Ch. 92:2 and RSA Ch. 311:6 oaths! etc. The prosecutor Huftalen yesterday did mention @ 10:22 a.m. of the Feds "carrying out their lawful duties" and then the judge @ 12:47 p.m. referring to them enforcing a "valid" order of this court, but NOT so when their is NO jurisdictional authority! What weight, if any, did the judge give to these copies of the gold-sealed certificate? The U.S. Marshal Stephen R. Monier from Goffstown also took an oath to execute only lawful precepts. Did ANY of these attorneys ask him on the stand of HOW he or his supervisor(?) determine an order to be lawful or not? No! The display of the N.H. flag there is thus an insult! both outside owned by the GSA: General Services Administration (yet to look into this per my written request on Monday, Sept. 29th to file - a New Moon of things to come) and the court's flags IN-side the building. Yours truly, -- Joseph S. Haas, member of N.H. Civil Rights Association [NHCRA], and founding member of V.O.C.A.L.S., Inc. [Victims of a Corrupt American Legal System.]
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by webhick »

And let's not forget this lovely number by "Anonymous"
Again, the tyrannical Federal Government squashes those who only ask..SHOW US THE LAW!!! SHAME on these pathetic lying JUDGES, the lying IRS, the lying DOJ, the crooked Marshals and all Federal Employees, who, for the sake of a paycheck, support this godforsaken sham. Not to mention a cowering media who revels in their cesspool of corruption. One day, TRUE justice will shower on them all they deserve.

That day WILL come, when the citizens of the Soverign States, decide enough is enough. I hope they HANG these criminals for all the misery they have caused to
thousands of political prisoners, in the name of the FEDERAL RESERVE. Death isn't good enough for these souless cockroaches. Although, a sentence of eternity in hell might finally open their eyes, but I doubt it.
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by grixit »

ErsatzAnatchist wrote:
As Joe Haas and the rest of that lot are living proof of, it is much easier (and safer) to push someone down the path of martyrdom than to go down it themselves.
Good point. Joe Haas is the legalistic equivalent of the person who encourages someone else to put on a suicide vest.
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

grixit wrote:
ErsatzAnatchist wrote:
As Joe Haas and the rest of that lot are living proof of, it is much easier (and safer) to push someone down the path of martyrdom than to go down it themselves.
Good point. Joe Haas is the legalistic equivalent of the person who encourages someone else to put on a suicide vest.
I think it was wsera who said something like "The human mind can withstand an unlimited amount of suffering, as long as it is in some else's body." Joe Haas is proof of that.
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by The Observer »

Topic is over the top and then some. Feel free to continue the analysis in a new thread.
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