"Sovereign" Couple are making pests of themselves

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Khedive Ismail Quatoosia
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Re: "Sovereign" Couple are making pests of themselves

Post by Dezcad »

He doesn't need a license, he said, because, just like his wife, he has proclaimed himself a sovereign nation.


They scrape by on $1,300 in monthly Social Security benefits, she said.
I don't think we should send sovereign nations (self-proclaimed or otherwise) any Social Security benefits.
Mr. Mephistopheles
Faustus Quatlus
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Re: "Sovereign" Couple are making pests of themselves

Post by Mr. Mephistopheles »

Dezcad wrote:

He doesn't need a license, he said, because, just like his wife, he has proclaimed himself a sovereign nation.


They scrape by on $1,300 in monthly Social Security benefits, she said.
I don't think we should send sovereign nations (self-proclaimed or otherwise) any Social Security benefits.
Isn't that how it always happens with the nutbags? They piss and moan about income tax, etc. but have no qualms taking advantage of programs funded by those taxes.

My "favorite" local TP is many tens of thousands of dollars in the hole with the IRS, currently has all of his real estate under lien by the IRS, and happily goes about telling everyone how finally, after several years of trying, was able to get on permanent disability.