Determination of the scope of "gross income"

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Warder of the Quatloosian Gibbet
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Post by Lambkin »

John J. Bulten wrote:I returned here last year thinking the motivation was the same as back in 2000-2001 (before they sold out), i.e., to analyze fraud honestly. When I realized the motivation was exactly as you say, I backed off until I could return to apply the same motivation to them.
Your rehashed losing arguments are (still!) debunked in detail every day. Maybe you don't like the mockery that comes with it, but you've earned it. The people answering you are humans, not some kind of question-answering robots. They know you have been here before with the same tired BS, asking for another round of whack-a-mole and expecting solicitous treatment. You are obliged to the extent that you keep getting substantive answers, but you have to take the bad with the good. You don't like the answers, you say you want to test them in court, you say you don't mind losing (that's good), and I say go ahead and do all that. You could save yourself the trouble, but if you prefer "the hard way" then you will eventually get it. The answers are not going to change so maybe you are wasting your time here and should proceed straight to court for your penalty if that's the only outcome you will understand. If you can't win, why keep losing?

As I see it, Quatloos continues to fulfill its purpose by giving good advice to people like you who have fallen for a tax evasion scam hook, line & sinker.
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Post by Quixote »

Randall wrote:
Quixote wrote:
CtC filers who file properly and timely, and respond to IRS tactics properly and timely, seldom see NODs
"CtCers who file properly and timely" is an oxymoron.
Your keyboard must have gotten stuck, I am sure you meant "CtCers are morons".
Not all of them. Many, certainly, but the reaction of most of the Hendrickson 9 shows that many can at least read the handwriting on the wall.

JB is no moron. He clearly understands that his argument is based on nonsense. That's why it contains all those red herrings about "wages" and vague allusions to GAAP.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

Brian Rookard wrote:
David Merrill wrote:The argument for redeeming lawful money has gotten into the courts. And it won.
So when you first said that the argument did *not* get into court ... then you were being untruthful.

Thanks for confirming (yet again) that you are a liar who will say anything to boost your credibility in your own eyes.

You got a kick out of that did you? Brian, thank you for such a pathetic appearance in lieu of the "gross income" topic.
Your rehashed losing arguments are (still!) debunked in detail every day.
Untrue. They continue to accrue testimonials and Refunds.


David Merrill.
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Post by Lambkin »

David Merrill wrote:
Your rehashed losing arguments are (still!) debunked in detail every day.
Untrue. They continue to accrue testimonials and Refunds.
You keep saying it but not proving it. I think either you are lying, or you know very well that exposing this abuse would result in ending it. Without straightforward documentary evidence, I don't believe you.
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

I was speaking of all the Refund checks featured on the Lost Horizons website. I have not checked for a while but last I did, it was quite a testimonial to the process.

As far as what you think I may have been speaking about...

A Notice of Lien must have judicial action within thirty days of filing or it dies legally. Too bad that is the truth. I think it a little convoluted for somebody to say that a lien needs to be recognized removed by the district court when it was never before the district court, which is a requirement for there to be a valid lien. Which is why removing the NFTL goes a long way toward stopping any levy or seizure, especially when accompanied by the statutes.

But moving on.


David Merrill.
Brian Rookard
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Post by Brian Rookard »

David Merrill wrote:
Brian Rookard wrote:
David Merrill wrote:The argument for redeeming lawful money has gotten into the courts. And it won.
So when you first said that the argument did *not* get into court ... then you were being untruthful.

Thanks for confirming (yet again) that you are a liar who will say anything to boost your credibility in your own eyes.
You got a kick out of that did you? Brian, thank you for such a pathetic appearance in lieu of the "gross income" topic.
Don't be sore because you got caught in a blatant lie.
Dr. Caligari
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Post by Dr. Caligari »

A Notice of Lien must have judicial action within thirty days of filing or it dies legally.
Where does it say that?
Dr. Caligari
(Du musst Caligari werden!)
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Post by Lambkin »

David Merrill wrote:I was speaking of all the Refund checks featured on the Lost Horizons website. I have not checked for a while but last I did, it was quite a testimonial to the process.
Then I was right. The queue is deep but the abuses are being ended as quickly as the IRS can bumble their way through it. In the end, the participants will be worse off than when they started. Total waste of time and money, squandered opportunities, resulting only in sorrow and misery. A parcel of damned fools, every one of them.
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

Lambkin wrote:The queue is deep but the abuses are being ended as quickly as the IRS can bumble their way through it. In the end, the participants will be worse off than when they started. Total waste of time and money, squandered opportunities, resulting only in sorrow and misery. A parcel of damned fools, every one of them.

You sound all mad because you did not get your Withholdings Refunded.
A Notice of Lien must have judicial action within thirty days of filing or it dies legally.

Where does it say that?
You know, in the statutes somewhere.
No NFTL shall be legal after 30 days from filing unless there is an action from the district court.


David Merrill.

Post by Nikki »


If you're so good at it, why haven't you had the federal tax liens filed against YOU removed?

Or did you think they would just go away when you changed your name?
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

Nikki wrote:David:

If you're so good at it, why haven't you had the federal tax liens filed against YOU removed?

Or did you think they would just go away when you changed your name?
If you could only listen to yourself for once Nikki. Then you would understand how silly you sound.


David Merrill.

P.S. If there is any NFTL against "David Merrill" and it effects me, then maybe I will think about terminating it.
Judge Roy Bean
Judge for the District of Quatloosia
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Post by Judge Roy Bean »

In the David Merrill Van Peltian world of mythology, all you have to do is put something up on the 'net, cut off your real name to avoid your scam history, make a lot of bogus authoritative-sounding legal pronouncements, keep up a dogged presence to make the hit counters run up and then dodge the victims of your b*****hit.

Van Pelt would really make a killing if he sold a coherent business plan for how to make up and promote schemes rather than the schemes themselves.

HINT: The ad channels make more than their advertisers.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
The world is a car and you're a crash-test dummy.
The Devil Makes Three
Joey Smith
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Post by Joey Smith »

I was speaking of all the Refund checks featured on the Lost Horizons website.
Most of which the IRS has already required to be paid back in settlment, plus interest and penalties of course. There were a few threads on this last year.

The IRS has to love LostHead's method of posting checks on their websites, since it make it so, so, so very easy to go after the idiots who were dumb enough to follow the CtC method.

And, of course, the IRS has a 100% success rate in challenging the CtCers, and there is absolutely no reason to suspect that they will start winning anytime soon.

Poor dumb bastards.
- - - - - - - - - - -
"The real George Washington was shot dead fairly early in the Revolution." ~ David Merrill, 9-17-2004 --- "This is where I belong" ~ Heidi Guedel, 7-1-2006 (referring to
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Warder of the Quatloosian Gibbet
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Post by Lambkin »

David Merrill wrote:You sound all mad because you did not get your Withholdings Refunded.
On the contrary, I am happy and prosperous precisely because I know how to get along to get ahead. I don't spend one second cursing my fate, living a life of privilege in a deluxe country, a place with relatively low taxes. I'd also like to point out that anger and paranoia are extremely corrosive to a person's character, happily I avoid both.
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:In the David Merrill Van Peltian world of mythology, all you have to do is put something up on the 'net, cut off your real name to avoid your scam history, make a lot of bogus authoritative-sounding legal pronouncements, keep up a dogged presence to make the hit counters run up and then dodge the victims of your b*****hit.

Van Pelt would really make a killing if he sold a coherent business plan for how to make up and promote schemes rather than the schemes themselves.

HINT: The ad channels make more than their advertisers.
And that admission never stops out of you. However you will not address the "lawful money" to be redeemed at Title 12 U.S.C. §411.

And like I said. No complaints.

It is funny how scams usually have victims who complain. Instead we have an attorney in a black robe pretending to be too smart to fall prey to judicial process. Ouch!!

That's gotta hurt if you think about it long enough for the truth to sink in. A NTFL is not valid unless it is accompanied by process in the district court within 30 days. That is because there has to be judicial process for there to ever be a lien.

That has got to be a pretty scary thought to an actor like you JRB. I can understand your evasion of the truth about lawful money and private credit. The Readers should keep it in mind that JRB was linking his deceptive blog in a context to dissuade my "victims" from redeeming FRNs in lawful money.


David Merrill.

On the contrary, I am happy and prosperous precisely because I know how to get along to get ahead. I don't spend one second cursing my fate, living a life of privilege in a deluxe country, a place with relatively low taxes. I'd also like to point out that anger and paranoia are extremely corrosive to a person's character, happily I avoid both.

Then you admit to being a happy slave. If that were really true, that you are balanced and happy, you would be like the hundreds of readers here who know better than to bother saying it in a post.
Warder of the Quatloosian Gibbet
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Post by Lambkin »

David Merrill wrote:Then you admit to being a happy slave. If that were really true, that you are balanced and happy, you would be like the hundreds of readers here who know better than to bother saying it in a post.
That's right, I act in my own self interest most of the time. Guilty.
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Post by . »

The voices in Van Pelt's head wrote:You know, in the statutes somewhere.
Let's guess what you mean by "the statutes." Colorado's statutes, perhaps? LOL.

Why don't you just cite the U.S. statute where it "somewhere" says "a Notice of Lien must have judicial action within thirty days of filing or it dies legally" or the equivalent?
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.

Post by Nikki »

. wrote:
The voices in Van Pelt's head wrote:You know, in the statutes somewhere.
Let's guess what you mean by "the statutes." Colorado's statutes, perhaps? LOL.

Why don't you just cite the U.S. statute where it "somewhere" says "a Notice of Lien must have judicial action within thirty days of filing or it dies legally" or the equivalent?
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

. wrote:
The voices in [b]Van Pelt[/b]'s head wrote:You know, in the statutes somewhere.
Let's guess what you mean by "the statutes." Colorado's statutes, perhaps? LOL.

Why don't you just cite the U.S. statute where it "somewhere" says "a Notice of Lien must have judicial action within thirty days of filing or it dies legally" or the equivalent?
That's easy.
Though shalt not honour any NFTL unless it is filed in the US district court or it conforms to one office established by State statute...
And of course for Lambkin's hissyfit about her peace of mind. We have a happy slave in classic. This brings about the main point for John J. BULTON before he goes back to more important things for five more years...
Pro 11:1 A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight.
The opening of the Federal Reserve Act explained the redemption of FRNs in lawful money right in the first descriptive clause:
An Act to provide for the establishment of Federal reserve banks, to provide an elastic currency...
Herein lies the nasty kitty hissyfit in Lambkin's avatar. She is busy using the prosperity line, a selfish approach but it justifies in her mind that she can be so obviously out-of-kilter with the requirements of her Maker and feel anything more than a temporary satisfaction out of day-to-day life.

She can contribute her life's substance to the creation of elastic currency by pledging private credit to the Federal Reserve. So What?

Judge Roy Bean even misdirects people who wish to redeem FRNs in lawful money according to Title 12 U.S.C. §411 to his article about a guy arrested in a Bank of America under completely different circumstances. The Quatlosers either try that desperately to belong here, with one another, by pleasing the attorneys in the know; or they just plain understand that when people redeem the national debt instead of endorse fractional lending (elastic currency) the house of cards will come down.


David Merrill.
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Post by . »

Hey, he only has to obfuscate and spew unrelated garbage and nonsense for two more pages.

Then a new thread to call him out of the Van Peltian Universe of Obscurantism can be started.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.