Bulten's Bombastic Bouquet to Blowhard Hendrickson

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Bulten's Bombastic Bouquet to Blowhard Hendrickson

Post by Famspear »

From losthorizons.com, back on 15 August 2008:
Would you permit me to cite the 08/01 and 08/15 newsletters as two of the best ever?

I felt compelled to interrupt my reading of the 08/01 newsletter to commend Pete personally twice! First, I affirm his analysis of the tax policies of the Bible in "Poisonous 'Pieties'", though it, by delving once again into religion, may get a little more heat than usual (if possible!). From my own studies, his description of moral duties is, as always, 100% correct. This particular analysis attacks more sacred cows and obstacle delusions than usual, so it is likely that it will be more misunderstood than usual, but please rest assured that he has nailed in stone the correct application of moral and immoral taxation and government.

His logic hardly needs elaboration from me, but particularly by referring "what is God's" back to jurats and "higher power" back to us the People, Pete has performed an end run around many mistaken apologists. He's also answered the texts correctly on their own terms and without a need to bring in any contexts. However, review Acts 4 and 5 in full, particularly noting the tension between first "Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God's sight to obey you rather than God" and then "We must obey God rather than men!" Caesar controls what he may lawfully jurisdict; but God controls everything, including (but not limited to) what is Caesar's. Note also that help for the law-abiding comes unexpectedly from lawgiver Gamaliel, who administratively and ministerially points out the correct application of the Constitution of the day (the Tanakh) and procures release for the accused.

As a libertarian Pete has been very sensitive to the need not to estrange either Christians and God-fearers, or libertines and Invictus-types, and this editorial should continue that tradition. Anyone lost on this point has not absorbed the other points of CtC and UtL yet. Pete is once again fighting the good fight.

Second, both issues have encouraging and motivational "Every Which Way But Loose" installments: IX.I and X are the absolute best gibberish output ever. Agents across the nation are now admitting what they've been mulling over for years: that they are dying to understand exactly how you can have "withholdings" without "wages" (I was asked essentially that in person at the Fort Lauderdale IRS office), and that they are begging and pleading for our signatures on consent forms to be able to "complete their actions" and start thinking back inside the box again! To have these in writing is the veritable "piece of resistance"!

The more that the IRS is coming out into the sunshine, the more hope there is daily that the denouement of this age may spare us the worst and that wrath may be speedily poured out upon the unjust. Making Nuremburg a cakewalk.

I also want to thank Pete for the "important events" daily feed from a CtC perspective. Besides knowing of snippets like his natal day (and that of IRC-1954) both coming up tomorrow, you get an amazing perspective on the flow of history. Imagine, all on August 15ths: the Panama Canal opened; Japan surrendered WWII; India declared independence; two Koreas were created; Congo/Brazzaville declared independence; Nixon killed the gold standard (that same day prompting a certain Texas obstetrician to begin a 37-year political career); and, 8 years ago, I began my own experiment with civil disobedience of tax law (which, I can now proudly state, ended in early 2005 with my adoption of full CtC compliance).

Along with a substantially increased "Victories" section, and Tom deSabla's amazing, winsome CtC-basics appeal to reason, the newsletter, site, and forum are getting better all the time.
http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... =7089#7089

(bolding added).

All hail! PeterEricBlowhardMeister Hendrickson! Our Wise Prince! Our Savior!
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Re: Bulten's Bombastic Bouquet to Blowhard Hendrickson

Post by Famspear »

bombastic - adj.:
using or characterized by high-sounding but unimportant or meaningless language; [ . . . ] speech or writing that is pompous and inflated and suggests extravagant verbal padding and little substance

Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language, p. 160, World Publishing Co. (2d Coll. Ed. 1978).
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Re: Bulten's Bombastic Bouquet to Blowhard Hendrickson

Post by Famspear »

One wonders why John J. Bulten didn't just go all the way, and compliment Peter Hendrickson on the cologne he's wearing.
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Re: Bulten's Bombastic Bouquet to Blowhard Hendrickson

Post by Famspear »

That silly protester named Bulten--
Whose paen to Pete was revoltin'--
Could've saved all his time
Writing nonsense sublime
By just kissing Pete's "Keimdrüsen Golden."
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Re: Bulten's Bombastic Bouquet to Blowhard Hendrickson

Post by Famspear »

Sorry, friends, I just couldn't help myself. It isn't every day I figure out a way to use the word "Keimdrüsen" in two different threads of this forum.

I'll just go to my room now, and be quiet for a while......
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Re: Bulten's Bombastic Bouquet to Blowhard Hendrickson

Post by Mr. Mephistopheles »

Famspear wrote:Sorry, friends, I just couldn't help myself. It isn't every day I figure out a way to use the word "Keimdrüsen" in two different threads of this forum.

I'll just go to my room now, and be quiet for a while......
I can't speak for others but your injection of humor was a welcome break on a long, otherwise humorless afternoon.
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Re: Bulten's Bombastic Bouquet to Blowhard Hendrickson

Post by webhick »

Famspear wrote:One wonders why John J. Bulten didn't just go all the way, and compliment Peter Hendrickson on the cologne he's wearing.
I was under the impression that Bulten's head was firmly planted in Hendrickson's ass so he could conveniently breathe the essence of Pete's brilliance...so he's technically already complimented Pete's cologne.
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Re: Bulten's Bombastic Bouquet to Blowhard Hendrickson

Post by Famspear »

John J. Bulten wrote:
8 years ago, I began my own experiment with civil disobedience of tax law (which, I can now proudly state, ended in early 2005 with my adoption of full CtC compliance).
That's gonna look great to a jury for Bulten if Bulten ever has to mount a Cheek defense. And please, no off-color jokes about "mounting cheeks."

Let's keep some decorum around here.

Footnote: Of course, keeping decorum assumes that we actually have decorum here.
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Re: Bulten's Bombastic Bouquet to Blowhard Hendrickson

Post by Famspear »

Yes, Bulten’s defense will be weak
If he has to rely on “a Cheek”.
And it won’t work at all
To praise Pete -- or Ron Paul --
If he ends up as “Prisoner Geek.”
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Re: Bulten's Bombastic Bouquet to Blowhard Hendrickson

Post by notorial dissent »

All I can say regarding CaptainKickback’s response is EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! Just plain EWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!
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Re: Bulten's Bombastic Bouquet to Blowhard Hendrickson

Post by grixit »

When you have a righteous cause, a fervently devoted membership, and God on your side, while all the other side has is physical power and a legal mandate to destroy you, your victory is certain. See Masada.
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Re: Bulten's Bombastic Bouquet to Blowhard Hendrickson

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Has anyone else drawn a conclusion that Blowhard and Bullshite are one in the same person?

The idea of that has haunted me as of late.
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Re: Bulten's Bombastic Bouquet to Blowhard Hendrickson

Post by cynicalflyer »

Doktor Avalanche wrote:Has anyone else drawn a conclusion that Blowhard and Bullshite are one in the same person?

The idea of that has haunted me as of late.
This has been speculated on before from what I have read. Personally, I do not think so. The writing styles and points of emphasis are distinct enough to be from separate people.

Or, and this is possible, Pete's more completely off the rails than we thought and he has Dissociative Identity Disorder (i.e. split personalities). But I put little stock in that theory.
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Re: Bulten's Bombastic Bouquet to Blowhard Hendrickson

Post by Imalawman »

cynicalflyer wrote:
Doktor Avalanche wrote:Has anyone else drawn a conclusion that Blowhard and Bullshite are one in the same person?

The idea of that has haunted me as of late.
This has been speculated on before from what I have read. Personally, I do not think so. The writing styles and points of emphasis are distinct enough to be from separate people.

Or, and this is possible, Pete's more completely off the rails than we thought and he has Dissociative Identity Disorder (i.e. split personalities). But I put little stock in that theory.
I pursued this theory for a while, but based on postings it would have been difficult for them to be the same. On one day for example, Pete H. would have had to post from Michigan in the morning then fly to Florida by the afternoon. This was based on IP addresses. Sure, he could have tunneled to an IP, but unlikely. Plus, the styles of writing are different.

But it wouldn't be the first time that a TP invented a poster to support his theories. (see Mr. Coffee)
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Re: Bulten's Bombastic Bouquet to Blowhard Hendrickson

Post by ASITStands »

Somewhere there were copies of John J. Bulten's income tax return(s) posted. Based on those, it was determined John Bulten and Pete Hendrickson are NOT the same person.
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Re: Bulten's Bombastic Bouquet to Blowhard Hendrickson

Post by Dezcad »

It appears that JJB has returned to posting on the LH Forums.