Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Post by co-shoot »

Posted as recieved;

Hi Folks,

Since I've had several enquiries on this subject and it is of general interest, I'm posting my response to a couple of questions, in case any might appreciate a little more clarification.
I'm NO EXPERT, so please be forgiving if this is less than perfectly clear. Since this refers to the information in my message of 11/15/08, the whole message should be reviewed concerning other aspects. ONLY 4 Countries: US,UK, CA and Australia will receive in the initial deliveries. Other countries are to be paid in sequential numerical order over the following 12-15 months. I didn't create nor am I involved in the administration of any of these programs, so I can't speak on the subject of how these programs were designed or the order of payments. Someone asked whether closely related countries would receive at the same time? {e.g. Australia is in the first group of 4; however, New Zealand is NOT. I do know that China and Mexico are the last two programs to pay out:#s 77 & 78} A few of the programs are unlabeled and theoretically could be used to fill important needs not originally anticipated.

<Question is at the bottom of this message>
Hi, OK, here goes. I hope I make it clearer rather than muddier. First of all, NESARA's 78 Program recipients--those who invested in one of the 78 programs--have a mandatory gifting requirement. That is the basis for the $10 Million number, I have been told. Thus there will not be any duplications as each 'gifting list' will be recorded so no one is left out and no one gets paid twice.
I mentioned one caveat: Everyone who has been operating mostly from integrity since entering one of the programs and whose intentions are harmonious with the divine purpose, will receive. Any in the programs who have been intending or demonstrating criminally corrupt intentions, and whose spiritual frequency and behavior is inimical to unity, healing, harmony and integrity, will NOT receive pay out from their investment in the programs.
KOS and his people have been monitoring everyone involved for years. Irresponsible, criminal behavior or intentions has basically disqualified 1/2 of the original participants. That means there is more to be distributed in various ways by 1/2 as many people than was originally calculated. I won't cite expected amounts, but it should be clear that far more... perhaps double the original amounts-- will now be available for gifting and for humanitarian projects.

There will be NEW programs after all 78 current programs pay out around the world over a 12 -15 month initial period post-announcement. This is so much simpler than the random and complicated book keeping methods that were spoken of ten years ago. This is far more generous and yet, the amount left to do projects will still be greater than ever!

Thus, new kids being born will be able to 'come aboard' in 12-15 months. Some logarithms from St Germain, have been mathmaticaly modeled through matrices to develop self-replenishing ways to keep generating income and participation for as long as needed. I've seen those matrix examples and they can do what is needed to fund governments and people and projects indefinitely. Didn't mean to go off the subject here, but thought it might answer some questions.
Now, just to make sure I've answered your basic question, I want to state that persons IN THE EXISTING 78 PROGRAMS will receive many hundreds of billions--understatement-- of which they will be gifting a small percentage of $10 million to each on their lists and that all the lists will be cross-compared to ensure that everyone gets that amount. In addition, other amounts could be donated, if the recipient chooses. I'm only talking about the mandatory gifting amounts. Of course, the main purpose of these 78 programs is to level the economic playing field and to fund massive humanitarian projects around the whole world.

I'm not an expert on the mechanics of this and we will get more details shortly. Any clarifying instructions and examples will be included in the package instructions each will receive. Different programs have different requirements but all will participate in this gifting distribution. It's exceedingly fair and will have a predictable effect of jump starting the new economy and technologies. Of course, anyone wanting to open a trust(s) or creating a foundation will incur fees and expenses for those professional services.

Example: Receipt of $10 Million, 72 hours after Announcement. Thirty days later we will have re-indexing on a 10:1 ratio. That means the buying power of that $10 Million will actually be the equivalent in purchasing power of $100 million. Pretty impressive result, and most of the inflation of the past 30 years will have been wrung out of the market. The adjusted prices for Gold, Silver and Platinum have already been set. You can see how no one will have to work to pay basic living expenses, ever again. That frees us all from the drudgery which will then be accomplished by new technologies and that allows plenty of time for creative pursuits and spiritual development opportunities unprecedented in scope, supporting planetary ascension.

Any mistakes are soley due to my limited knowledge or understanding and should in in no way be considered as official, although I've tried my best.

On Nov 16, 2008, at 1:49 PM, wrote:
Dear Mark,
Am so grateful to you for your informative emails re NESARA.
You are awesome in your wisdom.
The sentence below raises two questions for me:

ALL citizens, men, women and children, of these countries--NOT in any program-- will receive $10 Million;
1) What does NOT in any program mean exactly. Not in what kind of "Program"?
2) Will receive $10 what form will this be distributed...and from what list of citizens?

Just curious and want to get it right and straight ahead of time... if possible.
With Deep Appreciation and Great Respect,

From another group

I asked Mark Huber to share a little of his background, as I have been highly impressed by his reports.

He is one of the only sources sharing what is happening behind the scenes, day to day in regards to the announcement of NESARA, and the restoration of our constitutional republic, and the activities of our white knights and earth allies
I sense he is a white knight in and of himself not to mention a dedicated lightworker :)

Hi R...., I am a retired Naval Intelligence Commander, and yes, I did spend some years working for a trust company, so the rudiments of these perspectives are present. I was involved with the galactics since age 5. During a drowning incident a voice spoke in my head: "Yes, you can't swim but you can walk. So when you touch the bottom just take one step forward and you'll be fine."

I did and was aboard a shuttle craft. 5.5 years later I merged with a higher aspect in what is called a WalkIn experience. A couple of more NDEs--some of us are quite stubborn--in 1975 and 1988, brought me to where I am now.
We live in Santa Fe, NM and I was directed here 21 years ago to hold a grid point and interface with GF reps. That's how I met R/Tara almost 6 years ago.

We've been working together to get NESARA Announced and to inform people about the GF and to anchor that energy here. SF will be the Primary Ashtar HQ after landings occur, and into 5D.

So, that's the history.

Glad the reports are useful. Between now and Monday the 17th many things are occurring. Today begins the 6th {Galactic} Day, in the Mayan tradition.

Many darkones and others will be exiting this month. NESARA's Announcement and 911 Revelations and arrests could come at any moment. This can not wait for inauguration day.
The Golden Age has commenced.



Post by ClemIsBack »

What is every man. woman, and child supposed to do with their $10 mil ?

No one will be working so there will no products or services to purchase.

Maybe nesara will have a provision that requires all participants to work
40 hours a week. Yeah, that's the ticket.
Arthur Rubin
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Post by Arthur Rubin »

co-shoot wrote:Posted as recieved;

Hi Folks,

Since I've had several enquiries on this subject and it is of general interest, I'm posting my response to a couple of questions, in case any might appreciate a little more clarification.
I'm NO EXPERT, so please be forgiving if this is less than perfectly clear. Since this refers to the information in my message of 11/15/08, the whole message should be reviewed concerning other aspects. ONLY 4 Countries: US,UK, CA and Australia will receive in the initial deliveries. Other countries are to be paid in sequential numerical order over the following 12-15 months. I didn't create nor am I involved in the administration of any of these programs, so I can't speak on the subject of how these programs were designed or the order of payments. Someone asked whether closely related countries would receive at the same time? {e.g. Australia is in the first group of 4; however, New Zealand is NOT. I do know that China and Mexico are the last two programs to pay out:#s 77 & 78} A few of the programs are unlabeled and theoretically could be used to fill important needs not originally anticipated.

We're making a list
<Question is at the bottom of this message>
Hi, OK, here goes. I hope I make it clearer rather than muddier. First of all, NESARA's 78 Program recipients--those who invested in one of the 78 programs--have a mandatory gifting requirement. That is the basis for the $10 Million number, I have been told. Thus there will not be any duplications as each 'gifting list' will be recorded so no one is left out and no one gets paid twice.
Checking in twice...
I mentioned one caveat: Everyone who has been operating mostly from integrity since entering one of the programs and whose intentions are harmonious with the divine purpose, will receive. Any in the programs who have been intending or demonstrating criminally corrupt intentions, and whose spiritual frequency and behavior is inimical to unity, healing, harmony and integrity, will NOT receive pay out from their investment in the programs.
Gonna find out who's naughty or nice...
I think I can predict the next timing announcement. :twisted:
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Post by ClemIsBack »

Any in the programs who have been intending or demonstrating criminally corrupt intentions,
I'm glad Bush and Cheney aren't receiving anything.

Are the tens of thousands who are laughing at this story still going to receive ?

MORE IMPORTANTLY ... should someone who believes this story be permitted
to be in control of this kind of money.


Post by ClemIsBack »

Mark Huber is a Dove clone.