wserra wrote:Pantekhnikon wrote:Are you REALLY that oblivious to deliberate SARCASM, wserra?
You wrote:
It seems to me that a case could be made that our currency is no longer backed by precious metals, and therefore our national debt isn't either. All our Gov't has promised to repay to foreign creditors are "dollars" - vapor money - backed by nothing.... (except the "full faith and credit of the American people"?????)
Characterizing that seemingly perfectly serious statement as "sarcasm" has a certain revisionist quality.
Ah HAH... NOW you decide to put the first part of that sentence back into (at least partial) context... but ONLY when it serves your present purpose. Thank you for exposing your tactics so 'nicely'.
FIRST, you quoted the partial sentence in an attempt to make it appear that I was ignorant of the fact that we've been on 100% fiat currency for decades... THEN you post the complete sentence to argue that I wasn't being sarcastic (and therefore... whether the first portion of that sentence was sarcastic or NOT... I
was informed that fiat currency has been our lot for decades). OOPS!
Well ... which
is it, then, counselor?
Either I was fully aware of the fiat currency status quo all along,
OR I was uninformed? Once you quote that entire sentence it becomes clear that I knew perfectly well what I was talking about, whether sarcastic or not.
It's not too difficult to demonstrate that given enough 'rope', and/or enough 'bait', that you will inadvertently expose your own 'tricks of the trade'. And that's all it really IS... right, counselor? A pure game of wits.
BTW ... when you succeed in getting an alleged criminal acquitted, do you ask him/her the same question you asked me earlier?
I.E. -- "I know we've WON, but don't you feel the least bit guilty about getting away with..." (choose however many may apply):
A. Murder
B. Assault with a deadly weapon
C. Grand theft
D. Rape
E. Drug trafficking
F. Prostitution
G. All of the above
H. Other _____________________
Talk about conditional ethics.........