In the end, treason is merely a matter of dates


In the end, treason is merely a matter of dates

Post by All_Empires_Fall »

Never has the world witnessed such a conglomeration of cowardess as that which is continuously displayed by the quatdorks of

You know the IRC is written ambiguously and filled with unneccessary complexities. You know that the IRS, the US government, and the Republican and Democratic parties have a longer history of abuse of power than any nation in the history of the world that has deemed itself worthy to wear the mantle of "free."

But what you don't know, what you're brainwashed minds and closed eyes cannot see, is that change is coming. If history has taught us anything, it is that no matter what, all empires fall.

The "kooqs" you have labeled with the definition of tax protestors are not narcissistic, nor do they hold themselves above the law, they merely see tyranny where your cowardly eyes turn away in fright, and they say no. Some will lose, and some will fail, but at least they will be able to say that they stood up and fought.

You seem to believe that income taxes are just. You seem to believe that they have been around for all of history. You seem to believe that income taxes and the continual move towards fascist control that new US legislation passes yearly is done rightly so and is here to stay.

You are wrong. Babylon will fall, and so will you. When the mushroom cloud drops, I'm sure the world will find as much sympathy for you as you do for those who are brave enough to stand up to something and say "no, this is wrong."

Your sadistic board is filled with nothing but a bunch of cowards, and if you are Americans, I am even more ashamed to call myself one.

Re: In the end, treason is merely a matter of dates

Post by Nikki »

All_Empires_Fall wrote:...
You are wrong. Babylon will fall, and so will you. When the mushroom cloud drops, I'm sure the world will find as much sympathy for you as you do for those who are brave enough to stand up to something and say "no, this is wrong."
Your metaphors seem to be spewing out faster than your brain runs.

That aside, please point out a single line of the ambiguous, complex tax code which was not written and enacted by duly-elected Senators and Representatives and signed into law by a duly-elected President.

Until such time as you can do so, your post is the simple rambling of a revolutionary / anarchist wannabe.

Fortunately, the people who are responsible for the government and defense of this country take their oaths to uphold, preserve, protect, defend, and obey the Constitution much more seriously than you do.
Last edited by Nikki on Mon Dec 08, 2008 1:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: In the end, treason is merely a matter of dates

Post by Famspear »

All_Empires_Fall wrote:Never has the world witnessed such a conglomeration of cowardess as that which is continuously displayed by the quatdorks of
No, that would be "cowardesses," as in female cowards. Unless you meant "cowardice."
You know the IRC is written ambiguously and filled with unneccessary complexities.
I know that many statutes are written that way.
You know that the IRS, the US government, and the Republican and Democratic parties have a longer history of abuse of power than any nation in the history of the world that has deemed itself worthy to wear the mantle of "free."
Oh, boo-hoo.
But what you don't know, what you're brainwashed minds and closed eyes cannot see, is that change is coming.
Change is always coming. You just noticed, and you are now enlightening the rest of us?
If history has taught us anything, it is that no matter what, all empires fall.
If history has taught us anything, it has taught us that tax protesters are crooks.
The "kooqs" you have labeled with the definition of tax protestors are not narcissistic, nor do they hold themselves above the law, they merely see tyranny where your cowardly eyes turn away in fright, and they say no.
Baloney. Sell it to Irwin Schiff.
Some will lose, and some will fail, but at least they will be able to say that they stood up and fought.
That's impressive.
You seem to believe that income taxes are just.
No, this is not really about whether income taxes are "just." This is mainly about the nature of the law. The mere fact that taxes may be "unjust" does not mean that the law is not what I say the law is.
You seem to believe that they have been around for all of history.
No, I don't think anyone has said that.
You seem to believe that income taxes and the continual move towards fascist control that new US legislation passes yearly is done rightly so and is here to stay.
We're bakin' now, aren't we? Mister Mouth is moving 90 miles an hour, and we have no idea what Mister Mouth is sayin', do we?
You are wrong. Babylon will fall, and so will you. When the mushroom cloud drops, I'm sure the world will find as much sympathy for you as you do for those who are brave enough to stand up to something and say "no, this is wrong."
No, we are right. And if Babylon falls, you will fall along with everyone else.
Your sadistic board is filled with nothing but a bunch of cowards, and if you are Americans, I am even more ashamed to call myself one.
You like to throw the word "coward" around, don't you? If push comes to shove, I would rather have the regulars at Quatloos here behind me than any tax protester.
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Red Cedar PM
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Re: In the end, treason is merely a matter of dates

Post by Red Cedar PM »

All_Empires_Fall wrote:Never has the world witnessed such a conglomeration of cowardess as that which is continuously displayed by the quatdorks of
The main point of this forum is to try to educate others on what the law is and to try to help them so that they don't fall into a trap. That doesn't seem too cowardly. Additionally, we aren't afraid of allowing open debate here, unlike at all of the tax protestor forums.
You know the IRC is written ambiguously and filled with unneccessary complexities. You know that the IRS, the US government, and the Republican and Democratic parties have a longer history of abuse of power than any nation in the history of the world that has deemed itself worthy to wear the mantle of "free."
We know the IRC isn't perfect - many people here are advocates of simplifying the tax code. The fact that it is complex doesn't mean that it is unjust or that it doesn't need to be complied with. Besides - find me one tax system (income, property, sales, VAT, etc.) that isn't complex or isn't ambiguous. I won't hold my breath.

I'd like to see you back up your second point of contention with some actual facts.
But what you don't know, what you're brainwashed minds and closed eyes cannot see, is that change is coming. If history has taught us anything, it is that no matter what, all empires fall.
Good thing we don't live in an empire then. History has also taught us that all tax protestors lose in court.
The "kooqs" you have labeled with the definition of tax protestors are not narcissistic, nor do they hold themselves above the law, they merely see tyranny where your cowardly eyes turn away in fright, and they say no. Some will lose, and some will fail, but at least they will be able to say that they stood up and fought.
Not narcissistic? Is that supposed to be a joke? Hendrickson and Larsen are two of the most bombastic, self-adjulating, unapologetic bastards I have ever studied. When I look at our government, I don't see tyranny, I see a somewhat disfunctional but essentially good organization. Bill Clinton said it best - there is nothing wrong with America that cannot be fixed with what is right with America.
You seem to believe that income taxes are just. You seem to believe that they have been around for all of history. You seem to believe that income taxes and the continual move towards fascist control that new US legislation passes yearly is done rightly so and is here to stay.
Other than taxes being just, I don't think you have done a very good job channeling our minds.
You are wrong. Babylon will fall, and so will you. When the mushroom cloud drops, I'm sure the world will find as much sympathy for you as you do for those who are brave enough to stand up to something and say "no, this is wrong."
And when what you say doesn't happen, I will enjoy a nice glass of 12 year old Jameson on the rocks.
Your sadistic board is filled with nothing but a bunch of cowards, and if you are Americans, I am even more ashamed to call myself one.
The feeling is mutual, jerky. Run along now (I don't expect more than 10 posts out of you) and try not to procreate.
Last edited by Red Cedar PM on Mon Dec 08, 2008 2:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Grixit wrote:Hey Diller: forget terms like "wages", "income", "derived from", "received", etc. If you did something, and got paid for it, you owe tax.
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Re: In the end, treason is merely a matter of dates

Post by LPC »

I would have said that treason is merely a matter of figs.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: In the end, treason is merely a matter of dates

Post by Joey Smith »

change is coming
And the more things change, the more they remain the same.

Phil Marsh predicted the end of the income tax, and died in jail before it happened.

Lynne Meredith predicted the end of the income tax, but was convicted and is about halfway through a 10-year sentence without it happening.

Irwin Schiff predicted the end of the income tax, but he'll probably die in prison too.

Someday things will change; but not soon enough for you. Oh, and usually when things change the smart take advantage of the dumb, meaning you'll be taken advantage of, again.
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notorial dissent
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Re: In the end, treason is merely a matter of dates

Post by notorial dissent »

All_Empires_Fall wrote:Illiterate and poorly written nonsense rant clipped out of deference to my stomach.
All Empires, I’m curious just where have you been that you missed out on the last 2,000 some odd years of recorded history that shows you for the illiterate and ignorant fool you are. You blithely ignore the history of the last few millennia, let alone recent history, while at the same time evidencing a staggering ignorance of basic civics. Are we then to presume that in your universe it is no longer taught, apparently along with grammar and spelling, since you show no indication of ever having come in contact with it?

Note to Nikki, I think the term is drool, rather than spew.
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Re: In the end, treason is merely a matter of dates

Post by Thule »

All_Empires_Fall wrote:Never has the world witnessed such a conglomeration of cowardess as that which is continuously displayed by the quatdorks of
Oh, I beg to differ. There's this one site, where they ban anyone who contradicts the resident idol. Now, that's a lot of cowardess.... Check it out, dude:
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Re: In the end, treason is merely a matter of dates

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

All_Empires_Fall wrote:....
You know the IRC is written ambiguously and filled with unneccessary [sic] complexities.
At first read, a lot of complex legalese might be considered ambiguous, especially by laymen. That becomes patently obvious when you read some of the nonsense promulgated by people who are trying to lure others into the dangers of tax defiance. But in the end, with thousands of experts and dozens (perhaps even hundreds) of written opinions by people who do understand complex regulations and statutes, you end up with a body of interpretive rulings from the appropriate courts. It's a moving target - Congress is loathe to leave such things alone.
All_Empires_Fall wrote:You know that the IRS, the US government, and the Republican and Democratic parties have a longer history of abuse of power than any nation in the history of the world that has deemed itself worthy to wear the mantle of "free."
Wow. Thanks for enlightening us with a demonstrably ignorant rant. Quick - list the nations that have deemed themselves worthy of the mantle of "free" and how long they stayed "free."
All_Empires_Fall wrote:But what you don't know, what you're [sic] brainwashed minds and closed eyes cannot see, is that change is coming. If history has taught us anything, it is that no matter what, all empires fall.
Yes, most empires do fall or they simply adapt to reality, e.g., Great Britain. Fortunately, we're not an empire. And in a republic such as ours, there is no such thing as political or social stasis. It's messy and it often doesn't turn out the way we like it, but it's not about to go away.

Enjoy your paranoia. It seems to suit you.
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Re: In the end, treason is merely a matter of dates

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Red Cedar PM wrote:
All_Empires_Fall wrote:You seem to believe that income taxes are just. You seem to believe that they have been around for all of history. You seem to believe that income taxes and the continual move towards fascist control that new US legislation passes yearly is done rightly so and is here to stay.
Other than taxes being just, I don't think you have done a very good job channeling our minds.
I wouldn't go so far as to say all of the active members think income taxes are just. In fact, most haven't expressed an opinion on that. We believe that income taxes are legal, and, for the most part, legally enforced.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: In the end, treason is merely a matter of dates

Post by Nikki »

A_E_F seems to have counted coup and slunk back to his home forum (or under his rock).

I suspect he doesn't care enough about his drivel to ever visit again.
Judge Roy Bean
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Re: In the end, treason is merely a matter of dates

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Nikki wrote:A_E_F seems to have counted coup and slunk back to his home forum (or under his rock).

I suspect he doesn't care enough about his drivel to ever visit again.
The library probably kicked him out. :wink:
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Re: In the end, treason is merely a matter of dates

Post by webhick »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:
Nikki wrote:A_E_F seems to have counted coup and slunk back to his home forum (or under his rock).

I suspect he doesn't care enough about his drivel to ever visit again.
The library probably kicked him out. :wink:
Damned fascist librarians! Won't let him fondle his liberty tool while viewing anarchist material! HOW DARE THEY!
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Re: In the end, treason is merely a matter of dates

Post by Demosthenes »

All_Empires_Fall is the same poster as Juiceman who started the "I am a tax protester. Let's talk" thread. Once an unimaginative troll, always an unimaginative troll.
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Re: In the end, treason is merely a matter of dates

Post by Imalawman »

webhick wrote:
Judge Roy Bean wrote:
Nikki wrote:A_E_F seems to have counted coup and slunk back to his home forum (or under his rock).

I suspect he doesn't care enough about his drivel to ever visit again.
The library probably kicked him out. :wink:
Damned fascist librarians! Won't let him fondle his liberty tool while viewing anarchist material! HOW DARE THEY!
HAHA. :lol:

It occurs to me that these nuts have no idea what it means to study the law. Since Thursday I have spent no less than 14 hours each day at the law library focusing on specific topics of law. I will be doing this until the 18th. I imagine not one Loserhead has ever spent 14 hours straight studying anything, much less the law. Yet, they still think that they can know more about tax law than people who have studied this much. Its just mind boggling how some people can delude themselves....
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Re: In the end, treason is merely a matter of dates

Post by Nikki »

Trolls use MULTIPLE SIGNONS here :?:

I'm shocked :!: Shocked :!:
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Re: In the end, treason is merely a matter of dates

Post by webhick »

Imalawman wrote:It occurs to me that these nuts have no idea what it means to study the law. Since Thursday I have spent no less than 14 hours each day at the law library focusing on specific topics of law. I will be doing this until the 18th. I imagine not one Loserhead has ever spent 14 hours straight studying anything, much less the law. Yet, they still think that they can know more about tax law than people who have studied this much. Its just mind boggling how some people can delude themselves....
Just until the 18th? You lawyers are too lazy for words. What you need to do is put down the law books, read "Cracking the Code" by Peter Hendrickson a couple of times, and you'll have more legal knowledge than any lawyer that ever existed. :)
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Re: In the end, treason is merely a matter of dates

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Oh god, who left the front gate to the asylum open again?
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Re: In the end, treason is merely a matter of dates

Post by LPC »

Demosthenes wrote:All_Empires_Fall is the same poster as Juiceman who started the "I am a tax protester. Let's talk" thread. Once an unimaginative troll, always an unimaginative troll.
At least the second time he didn't try to lie to us about his intentions, and just did a straight-forward drive-by slime/rant.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.