losthorizons' Weston White - talking himself into prison?

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losthorizons' Weston White - talking himself into prison?

Post by Famspear »

More ranting from Weston White at losthorizons, in thread entitled Are “Quatloosians” themselves committing Fraud?:
Keeping in mind these [the regulars at Quatloos] are not simply just uninformed citizens posting on a forum for a hobby or for their own personal interest, they are at least in some fashion associated with 'Financial & Tax Fraud Education Associates'.

1. They misrepresent the several tax Clauses of the U.S. Constitution.

No, we don’t. The Constitution says what we say the Constitution says. And the courts have ruled on what those tax clauses mean. We report on what the courts have ruled.

Weston, I have more knowledge of federal tax law in one fingernail than you will ever hope to have in your entire brain. And the only association I have with Financial & Tax Fraud Education Associates is that I post in this Quatloos forum.

Unfortunately for you Weston, you probably do have enough knowledge (that is, enough awareness of your legal duty) with respect to federal income tax law to negate your Cheek defense if you are ever unfortunate enough to be charged with a federal tax crime. I hope for your sake you are never charged. If you do find yourself in that situation, it may well be up to a jury some day to decide whether you have a defense in the form of an actual good faith belief based on a misunderstanding caused by the complexity of the tax law.
2. They [the Quatloos regulars] claim that the tax laws have changed over time, so as to imply that Congress has altered the original subjects and intended scope of federal taxation in America.
Well, the tax laws have changed over time. Congress has certainly “altered the original subjects and intended scope of federal taxation in America”. Congress has imposed all kinds of taxes. That may not be what you mean, though.
3. They deny the true definition of “incomes” as intended within the XVI Amendment.
Meaningless gibberish. First, the Sixteenth Amendment contains no definition of “income,” and the Amendment itself does not “intend” any particular definition of income. Second, various people have, however, argued with the government – in actual federal court cases -- over what the term “income” means in the context of the Amendment. The courts have ruled in those cases. Third, we report on what the courts have actually ruled. Fourth, no court has ever ruled that income means what Peter Eric Hendrickson says it means. Fifth, every court that has been presented with Hendrickson's Cracking the Code has rejected it.

We at Quatloos do not argue that there is some magical, mystical “Peter Hendrickson” law that differs from what the courts have ruled, or that Hendrickson's "law" is the "real" law and that the court rulings are somehow wrong. Under the U.S. legal system, the law is what the courts rule the law to be. That’s the case for property law, for contract law, for criminal law, for tort law – and for tax law.
4. They label all persons seeking honesty in taxation as “Tax Protesters”, when in fact they have (in most all cases) no sort evidence of any sort indicating such an allegation being even remotely truthful.
No, not exactly. The courts label these people as “tax protesters,” and the courts have been doing so in actual, formal court documents since at least the mid-1970s. It’s not a question of “truthfulness.” It’s a question of the proper use of a legal term. Quatloos regulars did not “coin” the term. The term “tax protester” is the legal term the courts use. Get over it.
5. They deny the Declaration of Independence and any Constitutional Amendments that does not conform to the continued support of their chosen occupations.
Gibberish. What are you, a Eighth Grader? Nobody “denies” the Declaration of Independence, etc., whatever that is supposed to mean. And our “chosen professions” have nothing to do with the validity of the federal income tax law.

I wish I had a nickel for every time one of these droolers tries to make this laughable argument that we are just trying to uphold our “chosen professions.”

You see, Weston White, when you make this kind of argument, you only reinforce the point that you are a phony.
6. They discard or modify the rules of Statutory Construction, whenever such rules do not favor their perceptions.
Uh, Weston, you don’t know anything about rules of statutory construction, so let’s not have a cow about it, OK? The courts use rules of statutory construction. You do not.

And the courts have ruled the way we say the courts have ruled -- using rules of statutory construction.
7. They [the Quatloos regulars] do not follow the correct process of established federal law, such as discarding the Codification (Federal Register, PTOA, etc.) process as so required.
Discarding the Codification process? Federal Register? More gibberish. The courts determine what the law is – in actual court decisions. We report on what the courts rule.
8. They believe that all laws are just, so as to imply even if a law is unconstitutional it is still valid as it has been made into law.
Baloney. And nobody believes that “all laws are just.” But your statement exposes your own dishonesty, Weston.

In reality, you believe yourself that the federal income tax laws are unjust, and you make phony arguments that those tax laws are therefore invalid, or that the laws do not really mean what we say the laws mean. That is intellectual dishonesty on your part. The mere fact that a law is “unfair” does not make that law “not the law.”
They of course would never admit to these charges.
No, Weston, you are full of baloney. You are a phony. So is your “guru.” And if you actually do what your guru says to do about your own federal income taxes, you are a crooked phony.

Weston, if I were you, I'd keep my mouth shut at this time. The feds are watching you and everyone else over there. You are the ones who may be trouble, not the Quatloos regulars. The more you write in the losthorizons forum, the more evidence you pile up against yourself.

Things are only going to get worse for you. Pete Hendrickson is now facing a criminal trial (re-set to February 10, 2009, if I recall correctly). Regardless of whether Pete is convicted or acquitted at that trial, he is wrong about the federal tax law. The government is right. And regardless of how the trial turns out, his personal tax problems will continue. It's only going to get worse.
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Re: losthorizons' Weston White - talking himself into prison?

Post by Famspear »

Weston White responds:
Outstanding, I got one hell of an atrocious dribbling regarding this post over there and just as I suspected they have absolutely nothing of value to say, mere rant, erroneous speculation, conjecture, statements such as you know nothing, we know it all, and my personal favorite those same tired ol' scwarry sounding threats, the Feds are watching you, oh my! So you best shut up and get back into the breadline m'kay Mr. Hand: [link omitted]

Good stuff, truly! The allusiveness of it all is killing me, really. AT this rate I will not have to worry about being levied, because I will have already died from the laughter!

Oh, yes, Weston: ha-ha, ho-ho! Let’s all have a big laugh, along with these Cracking the Code federal court losers: Sharon K. Artman, Michael J. Dowling, Joy M. Ferguson, Melvin L. Gerstenkorn, Larry B. Golson & Debra G. Golson, Michael Patrick Mooney, James A. Spitzer, Joseph Alan Fennell, Andrew D. Scott, and Donald A. Gray.

And of course Peter Eric (Blowhard) Hendrickson, who couldn’t even win his own erroneous refund case in federal court, and who is now facing criminal charges for using Cracking the Code. Ohhh, how impressive!

And don’t forget the recently convicted Roger Charles Menner. Yes, the Blowhard argues that Menner didn’t really use CtC, or didn't use it properly -- which may or may not be the case, as the Blowhard seems to present some form of that argument whenever one of his followers loses in federal court (as they always do). Menner apparently has been abandoned by the regulars at lost horizons. Also, watch Robert J. Welzel, who may or may not have used CtC, who tried to raise money at lost horizons, and is who on his way to defeat in two different federal court cases.

Weston’s ranting to the contrary notwithstanding, nobody in this thread has made any “threats.” And the “rant, erroneous speculation, and conjecture” is all on Weston’s part.

When it comes to federal income tax law, nobody knows "everything." But regarding the doofus theories in Cracking the Code, we Quatloos regulars are right, and Weston White and Peter Hendrickson are 100% wrong. Weston White knows very little about tax law, but he does know just enough to get him convicted -- if he has actually used Cracking the Code and is ever charged with a federal tax crime. I hope for his sake it does not come to that.
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Re: losthorizons' Weston White - talking himself into prison?

Post by Famspear »

I recall that this the same Weston White who keeps trying to convince himself that he is not scared. This is the same Weston White who created a thread in losthorizons entitled "Are you scared/frightened/worried/afraid or...,".
are you ever more vigilant and motivated? [ . . . ] Please, let us get this out in the open now, our worries, concerns, ect., ergo, the truth, what is on our minds. Lets talk about now, really, honestly, and truly, all of us.

The more Weston White posts his comments at losthorizons that imply he is not "scared," "frightened," "worried," or "afraid" (to use his words), and the more he posts comments pretending to be "laughing" about his situation, the more he reveals his true feelings.

Let's see now..... Who would be scared/frightened/worried/afraid about having the Internal Revenue Service knock at the door: the Quatloos regulars, or the followers of Cracking the Code?

Who would be scared/frightened/worried/afraid about having assets seized by the IRS some day: the Quatloos regulars, or the followers of Cracking the Code?

Who would be scared/frightened/worried/afraid (again, Weston White's words) about going to prison for federal tax crimes some day, for having used Cracking the Code: the Quatloos regulars, or the followers of Cracking the Code?
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Re: losthorizons' Weston White - talking himself into prison?

Post by Famspear »

Weston White believes he knows more about the federal income tax law than 99.99999% of all the lawyers, CPAs, law professors and judges, yet Weston does not even use basic legal terminology correctly, as here:


where he incorrectly referred to a result in a civil tax case as having been a finding of “guilty.”

Weston White believes Peter Eric (Blowhard) Hendrickson knows more about the federal income tax law than 99.99999% of all the lawyers, CPAs, law professors and judges, yet the Blowhard, in his own federal tax case, hilariously claimed that the United States District Court lacked subject matter jurisdiction over the erroneous refund case – based in part on Hendrickson’s totally doofus theory that:
As a condition precedent to the Court acquiring jurisdiction of the subject matter of this suit, pursuant to IRC [section] 7405, there must be a showing of an “erroneous tax refund” to Defendants.
--from “Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction, To State a Claim Upon Which Relief May Be Granted, Motion for More Definite Statement, Motion to Strike and Notice of Violation of FRCP Rule 11,” page 3, paragr. 4, docket entry 4, May 2, 2006, United States of America v. Peter Eric Hendrickson and Doreen M. Hendrickson, case no. 2:06-cv-11753-NGE-RSW, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division.

As any first year law student who has taken a class in civil procedure would know, the showing of an “erroneous tax refund” would be the very thing that the government would be seeking to prove in a case like this. For Peter Eric (Blowhard) Hendrickson – who claims to have figured it all out -- to say that the showing of an erroneous tax refund is a condition precedent to the Court’s acquisition of subject matter jurisdiction is, one of the stupidest of statements in the host of many, many stupid statements that Hendrickson has made.

Clue to Weston White, and especially to Peter Hendrickson:

You will get absolutely nowhere in a federal court by arguing that proving the very thing the plaintiff is proposing to prove is a CONDITION PRECEDENT to the court’s acquisition of subject matter jurisdiction!!!!! Arguing that kind of thing shows that you have absolutely no idea what you are doing!!

Yet Weston White gobbles up this kind of nonsense from Peter Eric Hendrickson, an ex-con with no legal or accounting training, an ex-con with no legal or accounting credentials, an ex-con with no legal or accounting expertise, an ex-con who lost his own tax refund case in federal court, an ex-con who is currently under a federal court order not to use his own scam on his own tax returns, an ex-con who has been indicted by a federal grand jury for using his own scam on his own tax returns, an ex-con who is facing the possibility of yet another criminal tax conviction, and even more prison time!

Really smart, Weston!
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Re: losthorizons' Weston White - talking himself into prison?

Post by Imalawman »

Well, people like Weston have very little to make themselves feel as if their petty little lives have any meaning at all. If they let this fantasy go, they'll be bankrupt of any hope that they are somehow important. Its not the Westons that I care about, its the people that haven't gone all the way yet and can still see how stupid Mr.White is when he writes gibberish like that.
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Re: losthorizons' Weston White - talking himself into prison?

Post by jg »

Dear Weston White:

Due to the policy of not allowing dissenters at lost horizons, it is not possible to discuss your theories there. I have tried to open a discussion of some of your theories here (since I have been banned from lost horizons); but you have not responded.
See, for example, http://quatloos.com/Q-Forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3415

Since you are either unwilling or unable to answer any question posed here to you, when you whine that there is no substantial response to what you post at lost horizons you are just complaining about the result of your choices. We can not post there and you have not posted here. If you truly want a response you simply have to post over here. Otherwise, you will have to be content playing with yourself at lost horizons.

Unless and until you are willing to post here, your only possible complaints about the responses that you get are against yourself.
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Re: losthorizons' Weston White - talking himself into prison?

Post by grixit »

Whenever i feel depressed
About the IRS
I quote from the CTC
So nobody will guess
I'm afraid!
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Re: losthorizons' Weston White - talking himself into prison?

Post by Famspear »

Weston White has now responded -- over at losthorizons of course, not here in Quatloos -- with this:
I though [sic] of two more:

9. They claim that CtC is a frivolous method of filing, even through CtC is nowhere listed within the Notice 2007-30. [ . . . ]
http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... 5fcb#10647

As usual, Weston White has not done his homework. The operative pronouncement on the list of frivolous positions for section 6702 is no longer Notice 2007-30, and has not been Notice 2007-30 for nearly a year now. (Notice 2007-30 is still significant however, for its date - March 15, 2007 - which serves as the date after which the old $500 penalty is replaced with the new $5,000 penalty). The operative pronouncement is IRS Notice 2008-14, which was issued on January 14, 2008 (and which expressly superseded Notice 2007-30).

IRS Notice 2008-14 gives the following examples of frivolous positions:
Frivolous Positions. Positions that are the same as or similar to the following are frivolous.

[ . . . ](7) Only certain types of taxpayers are subject to income and employment taxes, such as employees of the Federal government

[ . . . ]

Returns or submissions that contain positions not listed above, which on their face have no basis for validity in existing law, or which have been deemed frivolous in a published opinion of the United States Tax Court or other court of competent jurisdiction, may be determined to reflect a desire to delay or impede the administration of Federal tax laws and thereby subject to the $5,000 penalty.
--from IRS Notice 2008-14 (Jan. 14, 2008) (bolding added).

Weston White states:
10. They [the Quatloos regulars] allude that posters or participants at LH are cowards, chickens, etc. because only CtC minded persons are permitted as members and so-called "Tax Professionals" are not permitted to join as members, (though this is most likely due to their own monumental ignorance, fore [sic] they seem to be incapable of realizing [ . . . ]
and here, Quatloos regulars are advised to secure all beverages.....
[ . . . ] that the atmosphere of LH is in many ways comparable to that of an academic library, so as to state that one does not go to a library to debate, they [sic] go there to study, to learn, to research, which is what practitioners of CtC do.
--(bolding added).

Quatloos regulars, you may now return your beverages to their normal positions.

Weston continues:
Furthermore, they [the Quatloos regulars] do not seem to understand that debating with somebody or even worse a group of somebodies whom [sic] will never ever agree with any of the points you make, even if they are supported in both the Annotated Constitution and SCOTUS rulings. So this point should serve as more a notational purpose then [sic] anything else).
Well, I guess "this point" might serve some sort of "notational purpose" -- although I think it would have worked better if Weston White had expressed the point in a coherent sentence. (Re-read the passage several times, Weston, and see if you can figure out what you really meant to say.)

I'll just make my own point -- for "notational purposes" only, of course -- that nothing in any United States Supreme Court ruling, or in any other federal court ruling, or in the "Annotated Constitution", or in any statute, supports the scam that is Cracking the Code.
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Re: losthorizons' Weston White - talking himself into prison?

Post by Famspear »

Oh, and I hate to be a party pooper, Weston, but the 2007 notice also mentions the aforementioned frivolous position. And both notices reference IRS Revenue Ruling 2006-18, which states (in part):
The [Internal Revenue] Service is aware that some taxpayers are claiming that only federal employees and persons residing in Washington, D.C. or federal territories and enclaves are subject to federal tax. These taxpayers may attempt to avoid their federal tax liability by submitting a Form 4852 (Substitute for W-2, Wage and Tax Statement) to the Internal Revenue Service with a zero on the line for the amount of wages received. These taxpayers may also file tax returns showing no income and claiming a refund for withheld income taxes. The Service is also aware that some promoters market a book, package, kit or other materials that claim to show taxpayers how they can avoid paying income taxes based on this and other meritless arguments.

This revenue ruling emphasizes to taxpayers, promoters, and return preparers that all individuals are subject to federal income tax. This revenue ruling also provides that the terms "employee" and "wages" carry the meanings given to them in the Internal Revenue Code, regulations, and publications of the Internal Revenue Service.
Yes, Weston, the IRS uses the correct definitions of "employee" and "wages." You can argue with that until you turn blue, but you will never change the fact that the IRS is correct and Peter Hendrickson is wrong.

IRS Rev. Rul. 2006-18 continues:
Under the Internal Revenue Code, wages include any compensation received due to the performance of services as an employee, and the term employee includes any individual for whom the legal relationship between the individual and the person for whom the individual performs services is the legal relationship of employer and employee. All wages are included in gross income for purposes of determining federal income tax liability, and are also subject to federal employment taxes.

[ . . . ]

The Service will take vigorous enforcement action against these taxpayers and against promoters and return preparers who assist taxpayers in taking these frivolous positions. Frivolous returns and other similar documents submitted to the Service are processed through the Service's Frivolous Return Program. [ . . . ]
(bolding added).
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Re: losthorizons' Weston White - talking himself into prison?

Post by Nikki »

Famspear wrote:Weston White has now responded -- over at losthorizons of course, not here in Quatloos -- with this {and here, Quatloos regulars are advised to secure all beverages.....}
[ . . . ] that the atmosphere of LH is in many ways comparable to that of an academic library, so as to state that one does not go to a library to debate, they [sic] go there to study, to learn, to research, which is what practitioners of CtC do.
in the sense that there are a lot of strange activities going on in the stacks :?:
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Re: losthorizons' Weston White - talking himself into prison?

Post by LPC »

Weston White wrote:that the atmosphere of LH is in many ways comparable to that of an academic library,
He misspelled "beery BS session."
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Re: losthorizons' Weston White - talking himself into prison?

Post by . »

academic library
He's confusing the liberry with a federal courthouse, which is where they go to their asses kicked.
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Re: losthorizons' Weston White - talking himself into prison?

Post by webhick »

Weston doesn't WANT to understand that Petey's not the first one or the only one ever to use the arguments in the notice. Weston doesn't WANT to understand that the IRS notice does not have to mention CtC by name for it to apply to CtC. He floods the LH board, he's constantly pseudo-posturing, he gets overexcited easily, adores the attention you give him... I'm just so bored that I extend a big fat sleepy yawn in his direction.

The only question I have at this point is: if you give him an overabundance of attention, will his synapses fry from the overload and his head explode? That would make him interesting...for a very short time.
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Re: losthorizons' Weston White - talking himself into prison?

Post by Famspear »

Weston White responded with:
Now see they [the Quatloos regulars] do not seem to understand that we are discussing the 2007 tax year, the past, we are not discussing the future, BTW, are these notices retroactive? ROFL!
http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... 0650#10650

No, Weston, you are not discussing the 2007 tax year. You didn't even mention the "2007 tax year" in the thread. And no, the IRS notices are not retroactive.
However to further point out that citation they made in the 2008 NOTICE already existed in the 2007 NOTICE and under the same paragraph as well, so speaking of those whom have not do their "homework", laff.
Oh, ha-ha. Hee-hee. Um. Weston. Read my comments. I did point that out. And the whole point of my, uh, pointing out -- that the aforementioned frivolous argument was mentioned in both the 2007 and 2008 notices -- was to illustrate that this hurts your position, not that it helps you.
Now of course with this being said, should PH [Peter Hendrickson] be found guilty and loss [(sigh....) Weston, the word is "lose"] his appeal and should the IRS not in 2009 update their NOTICE to specifically include the CtC method, it will only further serve to support CtC filings, in the same manner as if PH proves his cases, in which we all hope he is able to finally claim victorious.
--bolding added. I see you've been reading Patrick Michael Mooney's posts. Every defeat is a "victory" that just serves to reinforce your belief that Petey is right. And the IRS notices do not apply unless the IRS specifically uses the words "cracking the code" or "lost horizons" or "Pete Hendrickson", or the IRS does not re-state Hendrickson's arguments in just the way you want them re-stated. Yeah, right.
With that, this quote is correct; however, it has nothing to do with CtC and the poster does not seem to understand its implication.
Oh, I think I understand this quite well, Westie-poo.
"Only certain types of taxpayers are subject to income and employment taxes, such as employees of the Federal government"

CtC does not advocate "certain" types of 'taxpayers' [7701(a)(14)], we all know that all such 'taxpayers' are subject to federal income taxes. We also know that for most of us our remuneration is not federally taxable; however, our "wages" are taxable, we know this, we accept this, and we respect this.
No, Weston, unfortunately for you and Pete, nobody is fooled by these word games. Pete's goofy redefinitions of words like "wages" and "employer," etc., etc., are to no avail.
And from another poster (posting a quote from 'IRS Revenue Ruling 2006-18', which BTW is not listed within this NOTICE, as if revenue rulings had some force and effect in law):

"This revenue ruling emphasizes to taxpayers, promoters, and return preparers that all individuals are subject to federal income tax. This revenue ruling also provides that the terms "employee" and "wages" carry the meanings given to them in the Internal Revenue Code, regulations, and publications of the Internal Revenue Service."
That was my post, Weston. I'm always just "one poster." I'm never "another poster" other than myself. And I know I speak for "all of me" when I say that.
BTW, I love how they correct your posts for you, i.e. you type then rather then than and they mark your error for you.
You "type then rather then than and they"???? You "type then rather then than and they"???? Gleeb snork? Oogle boogle? Grink snankle? Thanks for clearing that up, Weston.
That is really just so very thoughtful of them. Perhaps they are just a small group of individuals whom are in the wrong profession? laff.
Weston maybe you are part of a small group of individuals for which English is just not the right language.
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Re: losthorizons' Weston White - talking himself into prison?

Post by The Observer »

in the same manner as if PH proves his cases, in which we all hope he is able to finally claim victorious.
Hope? Don't tell me that the CtC crowd has reduced their strategy to hoping. Hoping implies that they know that they don't have a leg to stand on. If Pete sees that post, he may go ballistic on Weston.
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Re: losthorizons' Weston White - talking himself into prison?

Post by Dezcad »

Famspear wrote: Weston maybe you are part of a small group of individuals for which English is just not the right language.
The following is submitted for anyone concerned about the accuracy of that statement:

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Re: losthorizons' Weston White - talking himself into prison?

Post by webhick »

that the atmosphere of LH is in many ways comparable to that of an academic library
I library where everyone talks a lot about things they know nothing about and kicks anyone out who disagrees with them. The only thing I've learned from LH is the extent at which someone will contort everything they read to reach the conclusion they want.

On the other hand, I've learned more about the law and how it works from watching everyone here have open discussions (with disagreements) about matters of law and taxes.

But, I guess it's easier being an LHer. You're only ever presented one side of an argument and are in effect being told what to think. Me, I'd rather see both sides and make up my own mind.
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Re: losthorizons' Weston White - talking himself into prison?

Post by Famspear »

Seriously, I make random typographical errors, and probably a rare spelling error now and then. We all do. I don't make fun of most of the random stuff. I do make fun of people who put on airs and pretend that they are engaged in something uplifting -- for example where Weston White refers to the atmosphere of losthorizons as:
..... in many ways comparable to that of an academic library, so as to state that one does not go to a library to debate, they [sic] go there to study, to learn, to research, which is what practitioners of CtC do....
For Weston White to try to elevate the losthorizons/Cracking the Code scam -- and the discussions of its adherents -- to the status of being similar to that of an "academic library" where people go to "study, to learn, to research" is laughable. That kind of attitude converts the chronically careless grammar, spelling, or syntax of the writings of those people into more inviting targets.
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Bud Dickman

Re: losthorizons' Weston White - talking himself into prison?

Post by Bud Dickman »

Another lost head talking himself into trouble:

http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... 0658#10658

I think this guy would be a big fish to catch.
Billie Schofield aka rifishman
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Re: losthorizons' Weston White - talking himself into prison?

Post by webhick »

Those websites he's designed look sad. The flash on the first one doesn't work and there's nothing past the homepage to find out if he owns it. It's registered to "Tanner Bridger Associates." Company does not exist, according to RI SOS. Second one looks like a legitimate client, although he also registered it to his name. Big no-no. Now he owns the domain name and it's a chore wrestling it back from him. The last two sites are for his own companies. His own site is a template downloaded from a template mill. The navigation box is not always populated from page-to-page. His "main host provider," which he claims to provide hosting through is...gone. As is his section on e-books.

If you're going to tout yourself as being a website designer, you have to eventually design more than one website for someone other than yourself.

Tanner Bridger, Inc. also does not appear to be registered with the State of RI.

I bet I could count on one hand the number of people here who are shocked.
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