Freedom to Fascism on PBS last night

Doktor Avalanche
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Re: Freedom to Fascism on PBS last night

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Demosthenes wrote:Masterpiece Theatre? Nova? News Hours with Jim Lehrer? American Masters? The Civil War documentary by Ken Burns?



I happen to like Nova and any documentaries by Ken Burns.

I also grew up watching PBS. Sesame Street, Mister Rogers Neighborhood (now there was a truly remarkable man - the person you saw on camera was the same person you saw off camera and there was nothing phony about him), and The Electric Company (where Morgan Freeman caught his break).

Thanks to these fine shows, and to PBS for putting them out, I was reading at a 12th grade level by the time I entered first grade.
Last edited by Doktor Avalanche on Sat Dec 13, 2008 2:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Freedom to Fascism on PBS last night

Post by wserra »

Demosthenes wrote:PBS won't like hearing that they are airing a program which advocates fraud. I'll call them tomorrow.
Apparently it didn't bother them a whole lot. They are still advertising the upcoming shows (next is tomorrow) just as they always did.

BTW, several days ago I wrote them a polite comment, pointing out how inaccurate the movie is, and comparing it as propaganda to Reefer Madness. They didn't print it. They prefer comments like the one starting "As a woman of 53, since age 16 I have always been negative toward feminism as I knew then it was a movement to create additional income tax income for the IRS" and "Reserach Woodrow Wilson, the Ford Foundation, David Rockefeller, the Rockefeller Foundation and the ACLU to view their connection with the "Progressive" movement, i.e. Facism and Communism".
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Re: Freedom to Fascism on PBS last night

Post by . »

PBS was created back in the days of 3 over-the-air TV channels in most markets. Those days are long gone, as PBS should have been, but isn't. No doubt PBS enables some (pitifully little) good work. Does anyone seriously claim that it wouldn't otherwise happen in their absence?

There really is no good reason at this point for taxpayers to be continuing to throw dollars down the PBS rat-hole. Any valuable properties they have would be snapped up by eager buyers if the taxpayer plug was pulled and PBS died.

I find it humorous that PBS, in their desperation to attract contributions, would air Russo's piece of utter crap that appeals to the very people who would happily burn PBS at the stake and who will never give them a dime.
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Re: Freedom to Fascism on PBS last night

Post by Nikki »

On the other hand, they gave us Julia

PBS has been invaluable to the commercial broadcasters and cablecasters.

Many genres, now appearing in abundance on commercial television, would never have been given a for-profit opportunity until they had cut their teeth and proved themselves on public television.

Re: Freedom to Fascism on PBS last night

Post by gezco »

wserra wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:PBS won't like hearing that they are airing a program which advocates fraud. I'll call them tomorrow.
Apparently it didn't bother them a whole lot. They are still advertising the upcoming shows (next is tomorrow) just as they always did.

BTW, several days ago I wrote them a polite comment, pointing out how inaccurate the movie is, and comparing it as propaganda to Reefer Madness. They didn't print it. They prefer comments like the one starting "As a woman of 53, since age 16 I have always been negative toward feminism as I knew then it was a movement to create additional income tax income for the IRS" and "Reserach Woodrow Wilson, the Ford Foundation, David Rockefeller, the Rockefeller Foundation and the ACLU to view their connection with the "Progressive" movement, i.e. Facism and Communism".

What’s really sad is that they have at least 3 attorneys on the board from prominent local firms and 3 PhD’s. I would hope one of them would take issue with it. You might be better off writing to board members.
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Re: Freedom to Fascism on PBS last night

Post by Demosthenes »

There really is no good reason at this point for taxpayers to be continuing to throw dollars down the PBS rat-hole.
And yet, we do. Funny how many people seem to resent PBS. If you don't like them, don't watch them or send them checks. It really is that simple.

I give money to the Red Cross, breast cancer research, adult literacy programs, and various classical music and theater groups too, if you want to judge those gifts too.

Re: Freedom to Fascism on PBS last night

Post by RyanMcC »

I think he was addressing his involuntary "gifts" to PBS via Uncle Sam, not your voluntary gifts to PBS.

Re: Freedom to Fascism on PBS last night

Post by gezco »

RyanMcC wrote:I think he was addressing his involuntary "gifts" to PBS via Uncle Sam, not your voluntary gifts to PBS.
This particular PBS station claims to get no direct government support. Their revenue is 81%+ direct public support, 13% program service revenue, 4% from special events, and the rest is interest and other misc. revenue. The other public TV channel in Denver, Rocky Mountain PBS, gets close to 8% of their total revenue from government sources.

Re: Freedom to Fascism on PBS last night

Post by All_Empires_Fall »

Fortunately, there are a plethora of individuals within this country who are not as naieve and impressionable as you quakloos members think they are.

Unfortunately, however, they are greatly outweighed by the number of idiots who, well, are.

To any sensible viewer, the movie basically proves two essential points:

1.) There are US citizens everywhere, from all different levels of interest, be it elected government officials, federal employees, or just your ordinary tax payer, who believe that our tax system is equivocally un-American, that the IRC and enforcement of it can and does violate those citizens rights, and that this supposedly "free" country has a long and bloody history of abuse of power.

2.) If you go against the IRS, you are going to be pursued, you will most likely be charged, and you will probably go to jail.

The movie says as clear as day, "Irwin Schiff, incarcerated for x amount of years."

There is no way in hell I would defy the IRS by proposing a frivolous tax protestor argument within a court room. Why? Because its stupid, and I would lose.

But that doesn't mean we should all just sit on our hands and say "oh well, thats the law and thats that. Even if it makes no sense, seems incredibly unfair, and completely violates any privacy I might like to have, I guess I'll just shut up and do as Im told."

Tax protestor arguments have proven to be frivolous in court, but that doesnt mean people are going to just give up. Thats what you nutjobs at quakloos still don't seem to get. You immediately brand anyone who wants change within the tax system with this absurd label of "tax protestor." That is quite simply not the case.

In a world full of ever-growing complexities, ideally, I think a free country ruled by a government that is for the people and by the people, would be trying to make life less complex for its citizens, not more. But thats exactly what the IRC and the multitude of new laws and regulations we are bombarded with each year, does. The United States doesn't give a d*mn about its citizens, it is a Fascist state with a revolving head.

Its not going to last, I can assure you of that. History has taught us over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, that when a government tightens its fist over those it means to rule, those people revolt. Its going to happen, its just a matter of when, and how. And the only reason it hasn't yet is because of the fear that the US government installs within every one of its citizens, but you know what, you can only push people around so much.

Like I quoted before, "In the end, treason is merely a matter of dates."

Now you will proceed to say "I'm whacky" or that "I'm an anarchist" or that "Im the traitor and thank God the people who take oaths to protect this country care more about it than me" but in the end I will be proven correct.

By the way, how many days has it been since the last corruption of power by a major government official? 4 days, 5? Has it even been a week?
Doktor Avalanche
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Re: Freedom to Fascism on PBS last night

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

All_Empires_Fall wrote:Fortunately, there are a plethora of individuals within this country who are not as naieve and impressionable as you quakloos members think they are.
No, they're just dumber than a sack of rocks.
All_Empires_Fall wrote:Unfortunately, however, they are greatly outweighed by the number of idiots who, well, are.
These are the ones who style themselves "gurus".
All_Empires_Fall wrote:To any sensible viewer, the movie basically proves two essential points:

1.) There are US citizens everywhere, from all different levels of interest, be it elected government officials, federal employees, or just your ordinary tax payer, who believe that our tax system is equivocally un-American, that the IRC and enforcement of it can and does violate those citizens rights, and that this supposedly "free" country has a long and bloody history of abuse of power.

2.) If you go against the IRS, you are going to be pursued, you will most likely be charged, and you will probably go to jail.
Anyone who takes FtF as gospel truth doesn't fit any definition of "sensible".

There are most certainly not US citizens from all different levels of interest, nor any elected government officials (Ron Paul, not withstanding) or ordinary taxpayers who believe that our tax system is equivocally un-American. This tripe has been foisted by the TP movement again and again as justification for trying to duck paying their taxes.

If you don't file or pay your taxes you will be pursued, charged and possibly thrown in jail.
All_Empires_Fall wrote:The movie says as clear as day, "Irwin Schiff, incarcerated for x amount of years."
Proving, once again, that a broken clock is right twice a day.
All_Empires_Fall wrote:There is no way in hell I would defy the IRS by proposing a frivolous tax protestor argument within a court room. Why? Because its stupid, and I would lose.
That's pretty much what the courts have said.
All_Empires_Fall wrote:But that doesn't mean we should all just sit on our hands and say "oh well, thats the law and thats that. Even if it makes no sense, seems incredibly unfair, and completely violates any privacy I might like to have, I guess I'll just shut up and do as Im told."
Or you can write your congressman and complain to him/her about it.

All_Empires_Fall wrote:Tax protestor arguments have proven to be frivolous in court, but that doesnt mean people are going to just give up. Thats what you nutjobs at quakloos still don't seem to get. You immediately brand anyone who wants change within the tax system with this absurd label of "tax protestor." That is quite simply not the case.
No, we brand anyone a tax protestor who claims that there is no law that requires you to pay income taxes, that the 16th amendment wasn't properly ratified, that you're not a citizen of the United States, that Title 26 is "code" and not "law", etc.

These people aren't trying to change anything. They're trying to bilk the system by not paying their share of the tax burden.

In short, they are greedy little pigs.
All_Empires_Fall wrote:In a world full of ever-growing complexities, ideally, I think a free country ruled by a government that is for the people and by the people, would be trying to make life less complex for its citizens, not more. But thats exactly what the IRC and the multitude of new laws and regulations we are bombarded with each year, does. The United States doesn't give a d*mn about its citizens, it is a Fascist state with a revolving head.
There's always Somalia.
All_Empires_Fall wrote:Its not going to last, I can assure you of that. History has taught us over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, that when a government tightens its fist over those it means to rule, those people revolt. Its going to happen, its just a matter of when, and how. And the only reason it hasn't yet is because of the fear that the US government installs within every one of its citizens, but you know what, you can only push people around so much.
When that day comes we'll all eat nuts and berries and commune with what's left of nature.
All_Empires_Fall wrote:Like I quoted before, "In the end, treason is merely a matter of dates."
I'm partial to figs myself.
All_Empires_Fall wrote:Now you will proceed to say "I'm whacky" or that "I'm an anarchist" or that "Im the traitor and thank God the people who take oaths to protect this country care more about it than me" but in the end I will be proven correct.
You are whacky and an anarchist. You need to quit while you're behind, slick.
All_Empires_Fall wrote:By the way, how many days has it been since the last corruption of power by a major government official? 4 days, 5? Has it even been a week?
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Re: Freedom to Fascism on PBS last night

Post by wserra »

All_Empires_Fall wrote:There is no way in hell I would defy the IRS by proposing a frivolous tax protestor argument within a court room. Why? Because its stupid, and I would lose.
Glad you agree that Russo was full of it, and that anyone who acts on what he preached will lose.
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Re: Freedom to Fascism on PBS last night

Post by Famspear »

All_Empires_Fall wrote:Fortunately, there are a plethora of individuals within this country who are not as naieve and impressionable as you quakloos members think they are.
Unfortunately, however, they are greatly outweighed by the number of idiots who, well, are.
To any sensible viewer, the movie basically proves two essential points:

1.) There are US citizens everywhere, from all different levels of interest, be it elected government officials, federal employees, or just your ordinary tax payer, who believe that our tax system is equivocally un-American, that the IRC and enforcement of it can and does violate those citizens rights, and that this supposedly "free" country has a long and bloody history of abuse of power.
Well, sorry, but regardless of what some people may believe, the IRC -- and enforcement of the IRC -- does not in and of itself violate any rights.

Regarding a history of abuse of power, there have been abuses of power throughout history. Yes. So what?
2.) If you go against the IRS, you are going to be pursued, you will most likely be charged, and you will probably go to jail.
Wrong. I "go against the IRS" every day. We have a whole system of people who "go against the IRS" all the time. But we do it within the law. And we have an entire system of resolving disputes within the IRS. And if we cannot resolve the dispute administratively within the IRS, we have a whole system for ultimate resolution. It's call the court system.

The vast majority of disagreements or problems with the IRS are not criminal. They're simply disputes over what is taxable, what is deductible, etc., etc. You are quite wrong.

Now, let's look at the criminal side. If you commit tax crimes, you might be charged. However, it is relatively unlikely that you will be charged. Very, very few people are charged with federal tax crimes. And as far as convictions go, only about 2 to 3 thousand people in the entire country are convicted each year.

So, you are quite wrong. If you go against the IRS, you will NOT "most likely be charged." There is very little likelihood of your being charged.
There is no way in hell I would defy the IRS by proposing a frivolous tax protestor argument within a court room. Why? Because its stupid, and I would lose.
Good. And the reason you would lose is that proposing a frivolous tax protester argument within a court room (or on a tax return) violates the rules. And there is another reason why you shouldn't do it: Because it's morally wrong. That's my opinion.
But that doesn't mean we should all just sit on our hands and say "oh well, thats the law and thats that. Even if it makes no sense, seems incredibly unfair, and completely violates any privacy I might like to have, I guess I'll just shut up and do as Im told."
Yeah, well, no one is asking that you just shut up and do as you're told. What we are suggesting is that you follow the law. That means reporting your income according to the law -- not according to what you think the law is, but according to what the law really is -- and paying your tax without taking legally frivolous positions.
Tax protestor arguments have proven to be frivolous in court, but that doesnt mean people are going to just give up. Thats what you nutjobs at quakloos still don't seem to get.
No, you are quite wrong. We do not think that tax protesters are "just going to give up." Why would we think that? And why are you throwing this kind of rhetoric into the discussion? Stay on topic.
You immediately brand anyone who wants change within the tax system with this absurd label of "tax protestor."
No, we do not brand anyone who wants change within the tax system with the label "tax protester." Again, why are you throwing this kind of rhetoric into the discussion? You are quite wrong.
In a world full of ever-growing complexities, ideally, I think a free country ruled by a government that is for the people and by the people, would be trying to make life less complex for its citizens, not more. But thats exactly what the IRC and the multitude of new laws and regulations we are bombarded with each year, does.
Agreed. The Internal Revenue Code and the related regulations are frustratingly and needlessly complex. And guess what? You yourself, and most people like you, don't even have to deal with that complexity in any meaningful way. I'm the one who has to deal with it!! The average citizen, who is not a tax practitioner, has absolutely no concept of the mind-numbing complexity of the federal tax law.

You think you know what complexity is? You don't. The average American's exposure to the complexity of the federal income tax law does not extend beyond the tax forms and instructions. That stuff is just the tip of the iceberg.

So, when I hear anti-government types rail about the complexity of the tax law, you know, I'm sorry, but I don't have a lot of sympathy.
The United States doesn't give a d*mn about its citizens, it is a Fascist state with a revolving head.
Oh, boo-hoo.
Its not going to last, I can assure you of that. History has taught us over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, that when a government tightens its fist over those it means to rule, those people revolt. Its going to happen, its just a matter of when, and how. And the only reason it hasn't yet is because of the fear that the US government installs within every one of its citizens, but you know what, you can only push people around so much.
Gee, thanks for the history lesson. Thanks for the lesson in politics. You might be right. But you're not telling us anthing we don't already know.
Now you will proceed to say "I'm whacky" or that "I'm an anarchist" or that "Im the traitor and thank God the people who take oaths to protect this country care more about it than me" but in the end I will be proven correct.
No, I will not proceed to call you "whacky" or an "anarchist." And by the way, the term "traitor" is a term that is thrown around very loosely by many, many tax protesters. Many people improperly use the term "traitor" as being roughly equivalent to "someone I really don't like at all" or "someone with whose views I strongly disagree." Using that term in that way is way over top.

Now, having already ripped your statements apart, I would also say that I think this latest post by you is much better than your earlier ones. And just because I disagree with some of the things you write -- and just because I state my disagreement forcefully -- does not mean that you don't make at least some arguably valid (although somewhat tangential) points. Thanks.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet

Re: Freedom to Fascism on PBS last night

Post by Nikki »

FtF is soooo close.

Yes, it is really stupid to pursue frivolous arguments against the IRS (or anywhere else within the legal system) because they have been DEFINED as frivolous and are losers out of the gate.

Yes, the existing IR Code is complex. It was written to cover every possible contingency and, in many cases, written sloppily leaving loopholes big enough to drive a major tax shelter through.

Now, we get to the fine points. The vast majority of wage / salary / compensation for personal services people need not concern themselves with the complex, abstruse portions of the tax laws. The law as it applies to them is usually quite simple -- unless you get into wierd areas like defining a dependant child.

If people dislike the tax laws, dislike where the tax money is directed, or dislike the fraud / waste/ abuse within government at any level, they have a very simple solution within the estblished legal processes: They can vote the bastards out and replace them with a fresh, new set of bastards.

FtF's rants about revolution are, at best, amusing. This country is based on the rule of law -- fairly and impartially applied. Anyone who opposes that system in any way other than within the legal system will find himself on a really short end of a stick. At best, if they refrain from violence, they might be imprisoned. At worst, they mak be committing suicide by cop.

Just out of curiosity, I wonder what opinion FtF has regarding law enforcement when he is the benificiary? Is he in favor of prosecuting kidnappers, rapists, murderers, arsonists, etc who are doing nasty things to him or is he totally opposed to any system of laws whatsoever?

FtF, you can't have it both ways. Either you support the rule of law in its entirety or you oppose the entire concept. You can't arbitrarily select laws of which you approve and obey only them but cast all others aside. If you do so, you are establishing a position where anyone is entitled to do the same thing. And someone else may chose to disobey a law that protects you. For example, someone might just arbitrarily decide that all automobiles should be communaly owned and drive off in yours.

According to your pick-and-choose philosophy, that's a perfectly valid act.
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Re: Freedom to Fascism on PBS last night

Post by Number Six »

I appreciate the posts by Famspeer and others who are willing to use their keen analytical minds to rebut legal fallacies and fantasies. It would be a simple matter for a standing Congress to remove any doubt about the legality and universality of state and federal taxes, and close the so called "tax loophole." It would be a simple matter for Homeland Security to get really tough with the non-compliant and start by making a half-dozen examples in each of the 50 states, with pre-dawn, highly publized raids. A courageous President would have borrowed a Sherman tank to end the stand-off with the Browns in New Hampshire last year, announcing with a bull-horn, "you have two minutes to come out of your compound, or I will personally flatten it!!!" Would this be "fascism"? Maybe we all need to get out a competant dictionary, also Black's Law Dictionary to go over a few dozen definitions of commonly abused legal words, to understand with precision what is being debated. Every civilization has required a price for its services for those enjoying the benefits of prosperity. Europe has zero tolerance for tax fraud and their tax rates are much higher. Mistakes are occasionally made when citizens and residents of a given state suffer an abuse of power and have not taken precautions before the event, and legal remedies after the event. Cynicism and apathy, fueled by corrupt government, are often fueled by senseless rebellions. Two wrongs don't make a right. Do apparent frauds by government anull the citizen's/resident's moral or legal contract with the government? There are legal remedies for many abuses of power, if you are not filing income taxes you are in the category of "representation without taxation", which is unreasonable and illegal. Aristotle said that wickedness is commensurate with the level of concealment, pretense, and evasion.
Last edited by Number Six on Tue Dec 16, 2008 12:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Freedom to Fascism on PBS last night

Post by Lambkin »

vtyankee wrote:It would be a simple matter for a standing Congress to remove any doubt about the legality and universality of state and federal taxes, and close the so called "tax loophole." It would be a simple matter for Homeland Security to get really tough with the non-compliant and start by making a half-dozen examples in the 50 states, with pre-dawn, highly publized raids. A courageous President would have borrowed a Sherman tank to end the stand-off with the Browns in New Hampshire last year, announcing with a bull-horn, "you have two minutes to come out of your compound, or I will personally flatten it!!!" Would this be "fascism"?
No it would have been a big foolish risk, risking an event like Waco or Ruby Ridge to inspire another generation of militia types. I thought the way the Browns were arrested showed superhuman patience and restraint. Like many observers I wondered why they let it stretch on, but in the end they aced it, so take that all you armchair quarterbacks. :-)

It's good when law enforcement behaves like there might be someone in the house who does not deserve to be flattened, even at such an address.
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Re: Freedom to Fascism on PBS last night

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

vtyankee wrote:.... It would be a simple matter for a standing Congress to remove any doubt about the legality and universality of state and federal taxes, and close the so called "tax loophole." ....
Why? That's an "are you still beating your wife?" question.

There really is no authentic doubt about the legality and universality of state and federal taxes except among the promoters of mythological arguments and their sycophants. They accept and promote that doubt for their own reasons, most of which involve self-promotion for economic gain in the guise of being "patriots" for the cause of "freedom" supposedly espoused by the founding fathers, among others.

What they waste is political capital they really don't have a claim to, only because their followers are mostly economically challenged and clueless when it comes to the law.

The rarity of a Wesley Snipes falling for such nonsense should be instructive. The vast majority of wealthy and well-advised players in the game aren't about to fall for the tripe from the likes of Hendrikson, etc.

The promoters of scams rely on ignorance, suspicion and cynicism. Their demographic is for the most part, easy prey.
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Re: Freedom to Fascism on PBS last night

Post by Gregg »

All_Empires_Fall wrote:Fortunately, there are a plethora of individuals within this country who are not as naive and impressionable as you quakloos members think they are.

self important sniffling idiocy snipped

I'm sick to death of punks like you puffing up your chest and ranting about what tyranny you must endure in the vast wasteland of the USA. You want a society where everyone makes up their own rules, I second the suggestion of Somalia (no income taxes there) someone made above. You don't know tyranny, try North Korea, China a few miles from the westernized commerce zones, pretty much all of the Middle East in some degree or another, pick a random South American country from the middle of the twentieth century, the whole doomed continent of Africa with a few exceptions etc... there is real tyranny in the world and I'm pretty offended that you are so self centered that you consider this country tyrannical. When you wake up in the morning and don't have to worry what was stolen from you in the night, what warlord may have decided to appropriate your neighborhood, what group of religious fanatics blew up the mall or if the country has been invaded by the dictator next door, count your blessings.

I don't like many aspects of the tax code either, personally I think it's too complex not for me per se, but at the level tax professionals deal with and the many provisions of it written at the behest of a bunch of people you've never heard of on K Street, but putting my fingers in my ears and saying it doesn't apply to me isn't exactly a constructive method to change anything. Blathering on about how oppressed I am doesn't look very promising either.

All in all, TPs in general show the maturity of five year olds and less intellectual depth, and you really have no idea how stupid and immature they look as a group, most especially when the likes of you are doing their arguing for them. If you want my advice, I'd tell you to set down, shut up and learn about what you speak of so that the people who know what's going on can only suspect you're not real bright as opposed to posting crap like you have in the past that removes any doubt.
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Re: Freedom to Fascism on PBS last night

Post by Prof »

Gregg wrote:
All_Empires_Fall wrote:Fortunately, there are a plethora of individuals within this country who are not as naive and impressionable as you quakloos members think they are.

self important sniffling idiocy snipped

I'm sick to death of punks like you puffing up your chest and ranting about what tyranny you must endure in the vast wasteland of the USA. You want a society where everyone makes up their own rules, I second the suggestion of Somalia (no income taxes there) someone made above. You don't know tyranny, try North Korea, China a few miles from the westernized commerce zones, pretty much all of the Middle East in some degree or another, pick a random South American country from the middle of the twentieth century, the whole doomed continent of Africa with a few exceptions etc... there is real tyranny in the world and I'm pretty offended that you are so self centered that you consider this country tyrannical. When you wake up in the morning and don't have to worry what was stolen from you in the night, what warlord may have decided to appropriate your neighborhood, what group of religious fanatics blew up the mall or if the country has been invaded by the dictator next door, count your blessings.

I don't like many aspects of the tax code either, personally I think it's too complex not for me per se, but at the level tax professionals deal with and the many provisions of it written at the behest of a bunch of people you've never heard of on K Street, but putting my fingers in my ears and saying it doesn't apply to me isn't exactly a constructive method to change anything. Blathering on about how oppressed I am doesn't look very promising either.

All in all, TPs in general show the maturity of five year olds and less intellectual depth, and you really have no idea how stupid and immature they look as a group, most especially when the likes of you are doing their arguing for them. If you want my advice, I'd tell you to set down, shut up and learn about what you speak of so that the people who know what's going on can only suspect you're not real bright as opposed to posting crap like you have in the past that removes any doubt.
Please, tell us how you really feel!

(For what it's worth, I agree.)
"My Health is Better in November."

Re: Freedom to Fascism on PBS last night

Post by SteveSy »

Gregg wrote:I'm sick to death of punks like you puffing up your chest and ranting about what tyranny you must endure in the vast wasteland of the USA. You want a society where everyone makes up their own rules, I second the suggestion of Somalia (no income taxes there) someone made above. You don't know tyranny, try North Korea, China a few miles from the westernized commerce zones, pretty much all of the Middle East in some degree or another, pick a random South American country from the middle of the twentieth century, the whole doomed continent of Africa with a few exceptions etc... there is real tyranny in the world and I'm pretty offended that you are so self centered that you consider this country tyrannical. When you wake up in the morning and don't have to worry what was stolen from you in the night, what warlord may have decided to appropriate your neighborhood, what group of religious fanatics blew up the mall or if the country has been invaded by the dictator next door, count your blessings.
So exactly where do you draw the line? I suppose people in the former USSR didn't really have complaints, I mean, Pol Pot was much worse and so is Ol' Kim in N. Korea. Just in the last 100 years this country has changed drastically concerning federal power so much so that 100 years ago if they were able to compare federal intrusion to now it would be considered very tyrannical. A 100 years ago the federal government was involved very, very little in everyone's life now its involved in almost everything you do. While you claim everything is so grand its a facade. The government has borrowed its way in to oblivion. It could confiscate everything dollar printed and every coin made and it still wouldn't pay off the debt. You have this great life because of credit, credit someone will eventually have to pay, but it won't be you so that's ok right? To eventually collect on all this debt it has accumulated to buy your favor it will become ever more tyrannical to keep the house of cards from falling.

If you weren't so selfish and considered the fact that people like you enable our government to screw our children and their children so you can claim happiness we would be much better off. You're like a parent that lives far beyond their means getting credit everywhere in your kids names. Sure you buy them nice stuff and you live in a nice house and drive your nice car but at what cost? When your kids finally get on their own they'll have little trying to pay for all the happiness you bought on their dime. Yes, it's so admirable that you live so well. :roll:
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The Observer
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Re: Freedom to Fascism on PBS last night

Post by The Observer »

If it is so tyrannical in the US for you, Steve, then why are you still here? Please point out a country that you think has the ideal government.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff