SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

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notorial dissent
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by notorial dissent »

I’d say that about covers it. Or at the very least, waiving the white flag of lunacy in the face of reality. I'll have to remember that term, fits so many people I have to deal with from time to time.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by webhick »

wserra wrote:OK, I just had (for the first time today) a couple of minutes to read what Van Pelt filed.

He's waiving the tort and suing in glossolalia.
In non-lawyer that would mean...he's waiving the remedies for me smacking him in the head with a 2x4 littered with rusty nails and is suing in the court of the Dark Master?

No wonder God has to witness the exchange of the $20M.
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by Demosthenes »

notorial dissent wrote:the white flag of lunacy
With or without flag fringe?
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by Famspear »

wserra wrote:OK, I just had (for the first time today) a couple of minutes to read what Van Pelt filed.

He's waiving the tort and suing in glossolalia.
Doesn't the defendant have to be a resident of glossolalia in order for you to do that? Or at least have some sort of minimum contacts with the jurisdiction?

And where I come from, waiving your tort in public will get you arrested.
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by wserra »

Famspear wrote:
wserra wrote:OK, I just had (for the first time today) a couple of minutes to read what Van Pelt filed.

He's waiving the tort and suing in glossolalia.
Doesn't the defendant have to be a resident of glossolalia in order for you to do that? Or at least have some sort of minimum contacts with the jurisdiction?
Oh, I think Van Pelt has more than minimum contacts with glossolalia.
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by Famspear »

wserra wrote:
Famspear wrote:
wserra wrote:OK, I just had (for the first time today) a couple of minutes to read what Van Pelt filed.

He's waiving the tort and suing in glossolalia.
Doesn't the defendant have to be a resident of glossolalia in order for you to do that? Or at least have some sort of minimum contacts with the jurisdiction?
Oh, I think Van Pelt has more than minimum contacts with glossolalia.
Touch the glossolalia?!? Get your hand spanked!!
CaptainKickback wrote: . . . (part of CA's Prop 102 - the Use an Accordian, Go to Prison proposition).
Sounds like erections (oops, I mean "elections") are a lot more fun in California than they are in Texas.
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by The Observer »

It appears that David has long ago adopted as his motto, "Negative attention is better than no attention at all."
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by fortinbras »

Famspear wrote: Doesn't the defendant have to be a resident of glossolalia in order for you to do that? Or at least have some sort of minimum contacts with the jurisdiction?

And where I come from, waiving your tort in public will get you arrested.

Best comment I've seen about DVP in a long time.
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by wserra »

UGA Lawdog wrote:
wserra wrote:Oh, I think Van Pelt has more than minimum contacts with glossolalia.
Enough to satisfy the International Shoe standard?
Enough to satisfy the International Shmoe standard.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by Nikki »

SFBFKADMVP is well on his way off the deep end.

He is still harping on elfninosmom contacting "his" clerk years ago.

He's back on his rants about the Vatican, babbling about the Magna Carta (which he still refuses to spell properly -- Note to David; it's EITHER the Great Charter or the Magna Carta -- an educated person doesn't commingle the English and Latin terms), invoking the Protocols as if they were anything other than a Tsarist smear, cranking his babel-generating word processor up to its highest speed about his old sorry excuse for a bill of exchange, and blatantly refusing to accept the fact that a bench warrant is valid until executed or withdrawn by the judge.

Finally, he keeps posting that he expects some direct response to his questions, ignoring the obvious sounds of everyone here rolling on the floor laughing at him.
notorial dissent
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by notorial dissent »

Demosthenes wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:the white flag of lunacy
With or without flag fringe?
Definitely with fringe, since he claims he is suing in Admiralty, which could prove difficult since there are no navigable waterways in Colorado Springs, and the only waterway there is dry 99/100's of the time.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Melted Rabbit

Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by Melted Rabbit »

Yeah, I just got to the end of this thread and all I can think of as a response is this the "Chinese Room" argument from AI theory.

Here is the least weird portion of the article from Wikipedia:
Chinese room thought experiment

Searle requests that his reader imagine that, many years from now, people have constructed a computer that behaves as if it understands Chinese. It takes Chinese characters as input and, using a computer program, produces other Chinese characters, which it presents as output. Suppose, says Searle, that this computer performs its task so convincingly that it comfortably passes the Turing test: it convinces a human Chinese speaker that the program is itself a human Chinese speaker. All of the questions that the human asks it receive appropriate responses, such that the Chinese speaker is convinced that he or she is talking to another Chinese-speaking human being. Most proponents of artificial intelligence would draw the conclusion that the computer understands Chinese, just as the Chinese-speaking human does.

Searle then asks the reader to suppose that he is in a room in which he receives Chinese characters, consults a book containing an English version of the aforementioned computer program and processes the Chinese characters according to its instructions. He does not understand a word of Chinese; he simply manipulates what, to him, are meaningless symbols, using the book and whatever other equipment, like paper, pencils, erasers and filing cabinets, is available to him. After manipulating the symbols, he responds to a given Chinese question in the same language. As the computer passed the Turing test this way, it is fair, says Searle, to deduce that he has done so, too, simply by running the program manually. "Nobody just looking at my answers can tell that I don't speak a word of Chinese," he writes.[1]

This lack of understanding, according to Searle, proves that computers do not understand Chinese either, because they are in the same position as he — nothing but rote manipulators of symbols: they do not have conscious mental states like an "understanding" of what they are saying, so they cannot fairly and properly be said to have minds.
Yep, sounds to me like Van Pelt.

Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by Nikki »

I think it might be a good time to start warming up the crickets.

It might take a while for SFBFKADMVP to come up with enough warped logic and weasel words to sidestep this challenge:
A fair bet would be as follows:

If David wins and collects more than fifteen cents, Shoonra agrees to (1) make good on David's offer of $350 (to be paid in gold at the spot price on the day of the award in David's favor) and (2) to cover all the costs of running this web site for one year.

If David is not awarded more than fifteen cents by a legitimate court, David will (1) reimburse the out-of-pocket costs of everyoine who paid for copies of his documents and (2) cover all the costs of running this web site for one year.

I'm sure Shoonra will accept these terms. David, are you confident enough in your theories and position to put real money where your mouth is?
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by Demosthenes »

Don't you think it's a bit unfair to pick on David where he can't defend himself?
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by fortinbras »

"Where he can't defend himself" pretty much describes the present space-time continuum.

Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by Nikki »

Demosthenes wrote:Don't you think it's a bit unfair to pick on David where he can't defend himself?
The material posted here is excerpted directly from Son-Of-Sooey.

David is a member there and has every opportunity to mount a defense there. I would have said "is perfectly capable of defending himself," but ...

David has no life outside his Internet contacts. Admitterdly, he is seriously mentally ill, but his insanities are contagious. He has come in contact with enough people who think the incomprehensibility of his word salad means that he is erudite, knowledgable with respect to the legal system, and will assist them in their legal difficulties.

It's time to put a stop to that. People need to realize that David posts strings of blather merely to get attention, because no one will spend more than five minutes with him in person.

Here, he is an object of ridicule. There, he is dangerous with respect to the harm he can do to others.

They need to know that they are dealing with a narcissistic poseur who knows nothing more than how to photocopy documents.
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by Demosthenes »

Nikki wrote:They need to know that they are dealing with a narcissistic poseur who knows nothing more than how to photocopy documents.
Everyone here already knows that.

Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by Nikki »

They was intended to refer to the members at Sooey.

I apologize if the reference was unclear.

BTW: I retract my suggestion to reopen the doors here to David. The only thing that letting him post here would accomplish (other than wasting electrons and providing comedic relief) would be to stoke his ego and enhance his sense of self-imnportance.

Since David's 'logical' processes operate on a different planet, there would be no point in attempting to engage him in debate here. He has, and would continue to, twisted everything that was said to (or about) him to mean what he wants it to mean.

Any time facts came near encroaching on one of his cherished beliefs, he either went off on a tangent, ignoring what was stated, or turned on his word salad generator -- producing a totally incomprehensible (to anyone but him) response.
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by Demosthenes »

Nikki wrote:They was intended to refer to the members at Sooey.

I apologize if the reference was unclear.
The reference was clear. You should be debunking David where "they" are hanging out, and where David can answer your posts. Otherwise, you just look like bullies, hiding behind your moderator's skirts.

I'll un-ban him for now, but I don't have much hopes that the conversation will remain civil.
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Re: SFBFKADMVP is alive and, well ...

Post by The Observer »

Demosthenes wrote:I'll un-ban him for now,...
Oh, my God...
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