Reno's success letter

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Reno's success letter

Post by Demosthenes »

Pathetic and delusional, as usual.
Recent letter from Reno (U.F.F. = United Freedom Fighter)

Hello everyone, U.F.F. members, yet to be U.F.F. members….

Last year's (08) resolution was a fairly simple task to work on but with the potential to develop into a very difficult problem.

My main goal was to accomplish a measurable result. I am very-very pleased to report to you, that I was successful.

Just as I was able to inspire others to travel around this country (& others?) on their own to spread the word that a movement is alive; I I have the pleasure to inform those who are awaken[ed], that even more are aware than ever before!

You may know a dozen yourself but fear keeps both sides from realizing that our brother & sister Freedom Fighters are everywhere. We are not as alone as we think … as we are lead to believe that we are.

As I was saying, my copied efforts out there were a measurable success. In here, it has been even easier to encourage others who are like minded to follow my example. I speak out ! I will not [be] silent.

Knowledge is power. POWER to the people!

Even several states away via other routes, I have ran into others who have heard of me from others. So simple a task. Showing knowledge is a measurable action with immeasurable results. If I had been killed yesterday, I could honestly say that I would be PROUD of my actions. There would not be one excuse for inaction because I DID TAKE ACTION!

2009's Resolution is to be ready to do my part in this global revolution that is staring at us all in the face. If you have not seen it, it is only because you fear to raise your head up, to lift up your eyes & meet its own gaze.

These are exciting times! The first time many of us will ever be tested. The problem we True Freedom lovers face is chock full of hazards. But no-one is yealling "CHARGE!" just yet … Take those "baby steps" you will soon realize that it is not as hard as you first believed it to be. Of course, nothing is easy either.

As I have always said, personal responsibility is yours, & only you can determine your own level of involvement.

Though I hope for another year to continue my work "in here;" "all lack of the bus like," I am always on point. Every day more & more are preparing our own families & friends. Every day those in turn reach out to others to look out for their loved ones.
I have an idea to help others prepare & give us hope & reassure ourselves that we are many.

Take your Federal Reserve Notes ("Dollars" for you who do not already know this), take a pen or felt pen & place a big message to your fellow Freedom Fighters out there by writing your favorite website that promotes True Freedom ideals, & perhaps a favorite quote too.

If I had access I would write & or even along with "Live Free of Die!" / "Aim to live (free)" type of styled messages …

My heart beats hard & fast in my cheast for I am a believer & I have hope that more than a few will take to this task tonight & will continue 'till the world is freed. Till then, we will continue to grow in strength. United Freedom Fighters are everywhere, from the "aware" law enforcement officers to "awake" convicts of this rigged system. Knowledge is power; Power to the people!

Cirino Gonzalez
aka Reno
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Re: Reno's success letter

Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

Demosthenes wrote:Pathetic and delusional, as usual.
To the untrained eye.... Yes.
My main goal was to accomplish a measurable result. I am very-very pleased to report to you, that I was successful.
Translation: I got a hit on
You may know a dozen yourself but fear keeps both sides from realizing that our brother & sister Freedom Fighters are everywhere. We are not as alone as we think … as we are lead to believe that we are.
The Illuminati are everywhere.
To everyone's displeasure I speak out ! I will not [be] silent.
These are exciting times! The first time many of us will ever be tested.
For drug use?
The problem we True Freedom lovers face is chock full of hazards. But no-one is yealling "CHARGE!" just yet … Take those "baby steps" you will soon realize that it is not as hard as you first believed it to be. Of course, nothing is easy either.
Please take them on the ice outside. It is slippery, but has lots of jagged pieces.
Take your Federal Reserve Notes ("Dollars" for you who do not already know this), take a pen or felt pen & place a big message to your fellow Freedom Fighters out there by writing your favorite website that promotes True Freedom ideals, & perhaps a favorite quote too.
My heart beats hard & fast in my cheast for I am a believer & I have hope that more than a few will take to this task tonight & will continue 'till the world is freed.
My sharpie is ready! What is thy bidding my master?
Are you saying that Ron Paul serves as a convenient chew toy to keep stupid puppies occupied so they don't roll in the garbage? -grixit
Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Reno's success letter

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Not exactly 'letters from the Birmingham jail' quality.

But what else does someone with his fixations and delusions do?

Once you've gone so far over the line there really is no turning back when your ego is so inflated and fragile that admitting you've been proven to be a buffoon isn't even a possibility. There are any number of these kinds of people behind bars and multiples thereof headed that way.

Having known any number of crackpots, ne'r do wells, petty criminals and jackasses in addition to at least two really dangerous lunatics over the years, it seems to me the judicial system has somehow emboldened the early-adopters by not whacking these clowns harder earlier in their careers.

Just as the courts seem to be unable to penalize corporations for blatant abuse by avoiding rulings and pushing cases into settlements, there seems to be a lack of backbone when it comes to sending a message to people that the system isn't a playground for simpletons and promoters of nonsense.

Not to be overly simplistic here folks, but there are hundreds of millions of dollars at stake in actual civil cases being dragged on and on in perpetuity in part because of our hopelessly-clogged system. When I see hours or even minutes of reasoned analysis directed at utterly ridiculous and frivolous nonsense generated from the computers of the likes of Van Pelt, Buhtz, Johnson, etc., I'm more and more a fan of the idea of having more magistrate-level filtering.

For the rest of the districts I wish there were an answer as functional and effective as my cattle prod.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Reno's success letter

Post by The Observer »

CaptainKickback wrote:What's wrong with committing these bull-goose loonies to the mental sanitorium for extended stays?
Gee, I don't know - maybe the fact that this is how the Soviets dealt with their "dissidents" by pretending they were crazy and locked them up in a mental asylum.

We tend to stereotype all of these TPs as whackos, but I seriously doubt that even a percentage point of their population would meet the medical and psychiatric definition of lunacy.
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Re: Reno's success letter

Post by Nikki »

In Reno's case, I believe the "harm to himself or others" standard might well apply.
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Re: Reno's success letter

Post by fortinbras »

No I do not want people like Reno categorized as mentally ill and sent to a psych hospital. That only sets up an insanity defense for the people who follow in his footsteps. It also assures Reno of 3 hots and a cot in a relatively comfortable atmosphere, presumably also supplied with a variety of diversions and creature comforts.
Instead, let him do hard time. His "success" can consist of getting free room and board at taxpayer's expense, and of forming new and meaningful relationships in a gated community.
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Re: Reno's success letter

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

In the case of Van Pelt, I make an exception.

That boy is definately a couple of french fries short of a Happy Meal.
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Re: Reno's success letter

Post by fortinbras »

Doktor Avalanche wrote:In the case of Van Pelt, I make an exception.
That boy is definitely a couple of french fries short of a Happy Meal.
I won't deny that he's missing some marbles, but a stay in the psych ward didn't do him (or us) any good, so the only thing left is to put him where he can't bother honest people.
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Re: Reno's success letter

Post by Number Six »

Judges are excellent at character analysis. Have a confidential counselor sit down with the kamikaze legal actor to find out the source of the paranoia or stubborn position. Offer incentives or inducements to cooperate with reasonable civil authority and serious punishment for the dangerous psychos. I knew one fellow who was put into solitary confinement for forty plus days, but the judge bowed to pity or humanitarian concern and let him out. Big mistake. He represented the ordeal to other radicalized Florida survivalists as purgative and as almost an epiphany of his leadership role. Put the hardcore leaders in solitary, hose them down once a day, until they admit that the system is acually being run by duly authorized workers, not by imposters and usurpers.
'There are two kinds of injustice: the first is found in those who do an injury, the second in those who fail to protect another from injury when they can.' (Roman. Cicero, De Off. I. vii)

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Re: Reno's success letter

Post by Lambkin »

We have way too many people locked up on the public dime, facing prison terms much longer than we can afford. Putting people in mental institutions is another version of the same thing. For tax protesters I suggest we should bring back the pillory. Put up a big-character poster, assemble a crowd of middle-class people hit by the AMT, and provide a pile of rotting fruit.
Number Six
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Re: Reno's success letter

Post by Number Six »

OK, let's bring back the pillory, and other low-cost-to-society options, such as a "registered law-offender" and special license plates, but this might embolden the cause and fuel the narcissism.
'There are two kinds of injustice: the first is found in those who do an injury, the second in those who fail to protect another from injury when they can.' (Roman. Cicero, De Off. I. vii)

'Choose loss rather than shameful gains.' (Chilon Fr. 10. Diels)
Bud Dickman

Re: Reno's success letter

Post by Bud Dickman »

Some of the posters at NH Underground are very happy about Reno’s new attorney, Joshua Gordon. He appears to be a good attorney with a solid background in appeals. Wonder how long he will put up with the nonsense. ... =3868.8205
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Re: Reno's success letter

Post by Demosthenes »

His resume looks impressive.

But what are the odds of Reno paying attention to his advice?
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Re: Reno's success letter

Post by The Operative »

Demosthenes wrote:His resume looks impressive.

But what are the odds of Reno paying attention to his advice?
I would guess around 0.0001% to 0.001%.
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Re: Reno's success letter

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Demosthenes wrote:His resume looks impressive.

But what are the odds of Reno paying attention to his advice?
Perhaps as I've seen before, the cost of competent counsel includes having the financial benefactor laying down the reality of life to the incarcerated - shut up, sit down and stop digging the hole you're thinking of getting out of.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Reno's success letter

Post by wserra »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:Perhaps as I've seen before, the cost of competent counsel includes having the financial benefactor laying down the reality of life to the incarcerated - shut up, sit down and stop digging the hole you're thinking of getting out of.
The "financial benefactor" is us - the U.S. govt. Gordon is CJA (court-appointed):
ORDER appointing counsel. The court appoints Attorney Joshua L. Gordon for Cirino Gonzalez, in case 08-2300. Docketing statement due 12/29/2008. Transcript Report/Order Form due 12/29/2008. [08-2300]
Can we lay down the reality of life now?
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Re: Reno's success letter

Post by LPC »

vtyankee wrote:Put the hardcore leaders in solitary, hose them down once a day, until they admit that the system is acually being run by duly authorized workers, not by imposters and usurpers.
Being LPC, I disagree (of course), and for a number of different reasons.

For purposes of this thread, the most important consideration is that what you're proposing will be ineffective, because we're not dealing with rational people here. Punishment as deterrence only works if the target audience is rational enough to evaluate risk and reward. It's not going to work if your target audience is delusional.

And it might make the problem worse. The longer the sentences and the harsher the treatment, the easier it will be for these bozos to believe that they are right, and that the government really is tyrannical and out of control.

Many of these nutjobs would like to be martyrs. Let's not give them that honor.
Dan Evans
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Re: Reno's success letter

Post by fortinbras »

Several of these con artists have stashed their loot someplace and will regard a stint of free room and board at taxpayers expense as a tolerable interlude before they unbury their loot. Most of the time, calculating their time behind bars versus their ill-gotten gains, they could easily have earned more doing honest work, but they never see it that way. In the meantime, they leave in their wake ruined lives and misery.

Long long prison stretches, so much so that it's obvious the stolen money won't be much consolation when they get out, will (I hope) discourage such crooks.
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Re: Reno's success letter

Post by Lambkin »

LPC wrote:Punishment as deterrence only works if the target audience is rational enough to evaluate risk and reward. It's not going to work if your target audience is delusional.

And it might make the problem worse. The longer the sentences and the harsher the treatment, the easier it will be for these bozos to believe that they are right, and that the government really is tyrannical and out of control.
The current system of prosecution and punishment is also ineffective because it takes so much time for promoters to get caught. The deterrent is ruined by the state's delayed reaction. The same delayed reaction also supports the promoter's story to his marks, he can say "look, it works!" for many years before anything happens. If the punishments were reduced by half but were delivered twice as fast, I think that would have a far greater deterrent effect on both the promoters and their supporters.
Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Reno's success letter

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

wserra wrote:The "financial benefactor" is us - the U.S. govt. Gordon is CJA (court-appointed):
ORDER appointing counsel. The court appoints Attorney Joshua L. Gordon for Cirino Gonzalez, in case 08-2300. Docketing statement due 12/29/2008. Transcript Report/Order Form due 12/29/2008. [08-2300]
Wow. Nothing like being ordered to delve into the world on the other side of the looking-glass.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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