David Merrill Van Pelt

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Re: David Merrill's $20,000,000.00 preformance.

Post by webhick »

aksis wrote:BTW, perhaps you made an error when you cut-n-pasted the code... It runs fine for me, *but* I did find that it didn't paste well (must be more problems with the forum code). Or is your Perl kit broken? Maybe the #!/path/to/perl is some other location?
Or it could be that before you modified your post, the end token only had one underscore on either side. The rest of your code still has problems.
aksis wrote:(You're just so masculine Webhick - "woman in a mans" world? Don't be afraid to be a woman!!! Boston Legal had a really good episode featuring that as a sub-plot...)
Honey, you're confusing being "masculine" with being a "bitch." You see, a masculine woman will simply beat you up when you piss her off. But a bitch will put on a frilly dress, speak barely above a whisper, bat her eyelashes... and somehow you'll wake up the next day tied to a flagpole naked.

And bitches put you on ignore.
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notorial dissent
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Re: David Merrill Van Pelt

Post by notorial dissent »

webhick, don’t let Teddy concern you, it was just his usual attempt at being clever on two fronts, and failing miserably at both.

And since “ignore” is where Teddy spends most of his life anyway, it should not be a new experience for him.

Note to Teddy, "David Merrill", "David Merrill Van Pelt", or “SFBFKADMVP” are all equivalent terms since they all refer to the same entity, despite your superstitious belief in the power of names, the fact remains that any of the above will suffice to identify the individual in question.

Further note to Teddy: the material I posted being directly off of the court transaction register is thus neither imaginative or hearsay. As to the rest of the nonsense you site, that is what earned Merrill a visit to the psych evaluator, so dream on with your shared delusion. The real world neither knows nor cares.
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Re: David Merrill Van Pelt

Post by . »

In Van Pelt's universe, arrest warrants apparently either expire or don't mean anything if you provide a cell number in some gibberish filing.

Far more interesting than Van Pelt is Roman Polanski. He's now spent 31 years in France, avoiding an arrest warrant issued in 1978. The then 13 year-old victim (now 44) of his libido wants the criminal matter dropped because she's tired of the aggravation of the entire deal being brought up every few years. She's more likely to prevail than is Van Pelt, even though Roman never provided anyone with his cell number, or anything else.

It's a sad thing when your best efforts at attention-whoring attract far, far less attention than those of people associated with a total has-been like Polanski.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.

Falsification of Records

Post by aksis »

webhick wrote:
aksis wrote:BTW, perhaps you made an error when you cut-n-pasted the code... It runs fine for me, *but* I did find that it didn't paste well (must be more problems with the forum code). Or is your Perl kit broken? Maybe the #!/path/to/perl is some other location?
Or it could be that before you modified your post, the end token only had one underscore on either side.
Nice to see you prove that you have the capacity to see such a minor flaw and my attempt to cover it up. Good. :)

Now, don't you find it strange how this parallels Judge Roy Bean's doctoring of David's post, CaptianKickedback's doctoring of this entire thread, and last but not least, the RoA issue that David was pointing out:
David Merrill wrote:And that is like the arraignment issue. Attorneys believe that SAMELSON can plea on my behalf - but when called on it, "That is practicing law from the bench." He immediately withdrew his plea on my behalf. The point being he honored the abatement and did so in two entries. Maybe he was wording that in a manner that agrees more with what you two are saying - and along those lines of thought. I don't know. I don't know because the entry on the Register of Action was in two parts of which only one entry was obfuscated to hide him denying me a speedy trial. He left the second part which was a Review for five years and three days. Great except that is practicing law from the bench, which he has sworn not to do and I have a certified copy of that oath from the secretary of state - so when I mentioned it - he (or somebody on his behalf) falsified the Register of Action and combined the Vacate entry.

Well that just wouldn't happen if what you two are saying were true. He would just leave his entries right there for me to read and understand that he has the right to deny me a speedy trial. Maybe Wserra just missed that my cell phone # is on the front of the abatement with an invitation that I would report to the jail within 4 hours if notified of any arrest warrant. Ergo, indefinitely deferred arrest warrant.

Ergo also, an evidence repository in federal court for things like that original Register of Action and the subsequent one, proving falsification of court records.
Coincidence? Could be..

It leaves me wondering why, someone who can notice such a minor flaw is some silly Perl script, and, also notice that it was corrected and a lame attempt made to cover up the correction, would fail to notice these things in addition to the fact that there is no evidence of:
Doktor Avalanche wrote:Spousal abuse...
UGA Lawdog wrote:she accused David of committing or threatening an act of violence against her
Doktor Avalanche wrote:assaulting your mother ... You really need to take some goddamn responsibility for your actions, David.

I am not even going to bother getting into the nature of the psychosis that has Notarial Dissent posting things like this:
... "David Merrill", "David Merrill Van Pelt", or “SFBFKADMVP” are all equivalent terms since they all refer to the same entity ...
They do not refer to the same entity. Ask David, he will tell you, like he has been telling you since you met him.
webhick wrote:The rest of your code still has problems.
Obviously, it does not.

webhick wrote:
aksis wrote:(You're just so masculine Webhick - "woman in a mans" world? Don't be afraid to be a woman!!! Boston Legal had a really good episode featuring that as a sub-plot...)
Honey, you're confusing being "masculine" with being a "bitch." You see, a masculine woman will simply beat you up when you piss her off. But a bitch will put on a frilly dress, speak barely above a whisper, bat her eyelashes... and somehow you'll wake up the next day tied to a flagpole naked.

And bitches put you on ignore.
Well, now. A "bitch" is it? Consider that this term is a term that "men" apply to "women" (in a man's world) when they chose to be strong. Rather then pointing out that someone is a strong woman, they call you "ball buster," "bitch," (you probably know more of the derogatory terms then I do...) Further, ask your self why you would choose to take upon this derogatory characterization... conditioning? Could be...

Just to have it said, I don't think of you like that Webhick, as a "bitch." But you are the authority on who you are.


Christopher Theodore: Rhodes
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Re: David Merrill Van Pelt

Post by webhick »

notorial dissent wrote:webhick, don’t let Teddy concern you, it was just his usual attempt at being clever on two fronts, and failing miserably at both.
Ah, the silence of Ignore Land. He posted and I don't even have to scroll past it. The only things that truly irk me about him is his bad coding skills (he probably still hasn't caught the five or so non-fatal bugs in his simple perl script) and that he is completely incapable of not being condescending to me once he finds out I'm a woman. I still fondly recall the first time...when he called me "moody" because I didn't like his anti-woman put-downs.

But back on topic. I don't really have the time to follow this thread too closely... but I can't seem to find anywhere where David said that he is innocent of the charges placed against him. The recent restraining order doesn't look good for him at all. I hope his mom's okay.
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Re: David Merrill Van Pelt

Post by aksis »

What a great example of the folly of ignorance:
webhick wrote:Ah, the silence of Ignore Land. He posted and I don't even have to scroll past it. The only things that truly irk me about him is his bad coding skills (he probably still hasn't caught the five or so non-fatal bugs in his simple perl script) and that he is completely incapable of not being condescending to me once he finds out I'm a woman. I still fondly recall the first time...when he called me "moody" because I didn't like his anti-woman put-downs.
Had she not ignored me she would have seen that I am not what she imagines me to be at all:
aksis wrote:Well, now. A "bitch" is it? Consider that this term is a term that "men" apply to "women" (in a man's world) when they chose to be strong. Rather then pointing out that someone is a strong woman, they call you "ball buster," "bitch," (you probably know more of the derogatory terms then I do...) Further, ask your self why you would choose to take upon this derogatory characterization... conditioning? Could be...

Just to have it said, I don't think of you like that Webhick, as a "bitch." But you are the authority on who you are.
You do seem to have been seriously abused tho.

I wonder if she will ever break the "cycle of abuse."


Christopher Theodore: Rhodes
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Re: Falsification of Records

Post by wserra »

aksis wrote:CaptianKickedback's doctoring of this entire thread
Allow me to reduce the number of fevered conspiracy theories in the world by one.

I moved several posts from the locked thread to this one. Six of those moved posts were David's. No more than two were from anyone else (Demo, Nikki, me). Check for yourself, if you wish; the moved posts are the ones with "SFBFKADMVP" in the subtitle. I did that mainly so that David's words would not be lost to this dialogue. I edited Kickback's post locking the other thread to say what I had done.

Do you also believe that once a month the New World Order steals the moon?
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: David Merrill Van Pelt

Post by Nikki »

It's nice to be able to get a last word in on a locked topic.

Christopher Theodore: family Moron is just as much of a jerk at SonOfSooey as he is here.

He has constructed a view of the world and bends all facts to fit his own personal planet.

Interestingly enough, he has had major disagreements with many other of the resident lunatics at SoS, proving that there's room in an anti-everything forum for every conceivable form of delusion.
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Re: David Merrill Van Pelt

Post by wserra »

Nikki wrote:It's nice to be able to get a last word in on a locked topic.
But not so nice to use moderator status to do so when others can't. For whatever my request may be worth, I'd ask my fellow moderators not to do that. (I had already begun my post above when Kickback locked the thread, and therefore didn't know that he had done so.)
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume