Hendrickson bombed and "blossomed from the experience"

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Hendrickson bombed and "blossomed from the experience"

Post by Famspear »

In a new thread at losthorizons entitled PH and incendiary device in the United States Mail, user "strawman" writes:
Did PH actually conspire to place a firebomb in a Post Office? Did he actually do it? Was he actually convicted? Did he spend 21 months in jail?

[ . . . ]

Forgive my ignorance if this is common knowledge amongst Warriors, but is this the origin of his current appeal process? I never heard about it before if it is and the lawsuit page doesn't talk about it.

Please forgive me if this is all common knowledge but searches on LH returns nothing about this.

Legal Scholar Weston White of the "Tyrannical Response Team" at:




and especially here:

http://defendindependence.org/Forum/trt ... -t398.html

responds with:
It appears to be true, I guess we are left on our own to learn about that incident, unfortunately. Not a wise move to say the least, though it occurred so many years ago and nothing really transpired from it, it actually sounds like it was trumped up and blown out of proportion (no pun intended). Though personally I do not like the idea of burning other peoples mail, but if it was full of 1040's, hell with it, right!

I amount it to a boneheaded move, he did his time for a stupid stunt that occurred what over 20-years ago? He has only grown and blossomed from the experience, so in the end it appears to have been a lesson well learned. So chalk it up to what you wish. We have bigger fish to fry and honestly if that is what the IRS is hanging their hats on, they have already lost the battle and are just dragging around a dead horse.
(bolding added).

And later, Weston writes:
Maybe that had something to do with his IRS fillings then. My bad. Yea see, those chumps over at Tax Professional land are overly desperate and grasping at glass straws.
User "mutter" chimes in:
Sounds like youre [sic] talking to RetSquid [sic]. he loves to throw this out as if it invalidates what is in CtC
These users also quote from Peter Hendrickson's response posted elsewhere on the web site. (In the response, Pete illustrates (among other things) his apparent lack of understanding of what an ad hominem argument is.)
Last edited by Famspear on Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hendrickson bombed and "blossomed from the experience"

Post by Famspear »

Weston White wrote:
[ . . . ]honestly if that is what the IRS is hanging their hats on, they have already lost the battle and are just dragging around a dead horse.
Unfortunately for PeterEricBlowhardMeister Hendrickson and his Hilarious LostHorizontals, Hendrickson's lawyer has already admitted she is going to have to plow through literally thousands of pages of evidence against the Blowhard - including, apparently, the data of an undercover operation.

Weston, my boy, Pete has not been re-charged with the bombing incident. He has been charged with filing false tax returns in which he used his Cracking the Code scam.

And no, neither the Quatloos regulars nor the prosecutors in this case are "desperate." Neither the prosecutors nor the Quatloos regulars have filed papers with the Court -- as Pete has -- asking for a delay because Pete's lawyer is not a tax specialist and needs time to go through thousands of pages of evidence against Pete.

No, Weston, we over here at Quatloos, including the tax professionals, are doing just fine. Assuming Peter doesn't cop a plea, we are gonna watch this trial with great interest and amusement. Whether Pete is convicted or acquitted, it may turn out to be a great show....
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Re: Hendrickson bombed and "blossomed from the experience"

Post by The Observer »

Famspear wrote:Assuming Peter doesn't cop a plea,...
Given the fact that Pete doesn't mind cooperating with the federales, maybe we have to assume that copping a plea at the expense of his followers is a good possibility...
Eventually, my wife and I managed to record a conversation with the fellow who actually had planted the smoke-bomb and substantiate what I had said. In the end, this led to a reduction in my sentence to 13 months, plus four years of "supervised release"
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff

Re: Hendrickson bombed and "blossomed from the experience"

Post by Nikki »

Unfortunately, Pete doesn't have much to sell the government.

He's so kindly posted detailed specific results people have achieved from his method. All that information is in the hands of everyone who cares and all the wimpy redactions have been circumvented by simply looking at check numbers or document routing codes.

All the tax agencies know exactly who to go after to start reversing erroeous refunds nad, if the spirit moves them, to initiate civil and criminal proceedings against the true believers.

Finally, it would also be fairly easy for the government to get an injunction against PoopyHead for interfering with tax administration and, as part of that injunction, to have him turn over all his records of book purchasers and the membership list of his forum.

The only way PH can hope to deal his way out of his current mess is if he has the address and keys for Bin Laden's front door.