Hendrickson hearing, motion to dismiss indictment

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Hendrickson hearing, motion to dismiss indictment

Post by Famspear »

The hearing on Hendrickson's motion to dismiss the indictment is set for this afternoon (Thursday, January 29) at 2:00pm Detroit time.

Meanwhile, the government filed its response to the defendant’s motion for dismissal. Excerpts:
The defendant is a recidivist tax defier and felon who has persisted in his anti-tax activities despite a term of incarceration and repeated failures to judicially contest his legitimate tax obligations. In 1991, the defendant entered a plea of guilty to failure to file a return, in violation of 26 U.S.C. § 7203, and conspiracy to possess a destructive device, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 371 and 26 U.S.C. §§ 5861, 5871. See United States v. Hendrickson, Crim. No. 91-80930 (E.D. Mich.). The conspiracy arose from the defendant’s participation in preparing a destructive device, wrapped in a padded envelope that was addressed to “The Tax Thieves” that was placed in a mail bin on April 16, 1991 as a form of violent anti-tax protest. Further, the government successfully secured a grant of summary judgment in a civil proceeding in which the defendant was ordered to return refunds erroneously issued to him for tax years 2002 and 2003 (two of the years at issue in this prosecution) and the defendant was permanently enjoined from filing any documents with the IRS that comport with the frivolous legal theories set forth in his anti-tax screed, “Cracking the Code.” See Amended Judgment and Order of Permanent Injunction, United States v. Hendrickson, Civ. No, 06-11753 (E.D. Mich. May 2, 2007).
From footnote 1 of the government’s response:
It is curious to note that the defendant does not seek dismissal of the indictment on the grounds that the returns and Forms 4852 that he filed were correct as matter of law. The defendant unsuccessfully presented such arguments in a civil action involving his false 2002 and 2003 returns and the false Form 4852 that he filed with those returns. See United States v. Hendrickson, Civ. No. 06-11753 (NGE). In that proceeding, the United States sought injunctive relief and recovery of erroneous refunds issued to the defendant and his wife after they filed false returns and Form 4852 for each year. The Court granted the government’s motion for summary judgment, labeling the returns and Forms 4852 filed by the defendant and his wife as “deliberate misstatements”, Report and Recommendation, p. 9, and rejecting their legal arguments as “‘among an array of shopworn and quixotic arguments, having currency among so-called ‘tax protesters’, but without any support in the law.” Id., p. 7 (quoting Spencer v. Social Security Admin,, 2006 WL 695782, at *3 (E.D. Mich. 2006)).

The Sixth Circuit affirmed the grant of summary judgement and issuance of the injunction. The court rebuffed Hendrickson’s arguments that he was not an “employee” who received “wages” with the dismissive comment that it was “the typical tax protester argument that income is not taxable.” United States v. Hendrickson, No. 07-1510 (6th Cir. June 11, 2008). The Court later assailed the “patent baselessness” of the frivolous appeal lodged by the defendant and his wife and granted the government’s motion for an award of $4,000 in sanctions.
And, from footnote 2 of the government’s response:
Although anecdotal, counsel for the United States successfully prosecuted Roger Menner in the Eastern District of Virginia for following a similar scheme as the defendant. Menner operated his carpentry business as a sole proprietorship from 1991 through 1995 and 2001 through 2005 . Although he worked as a subcontractor and received compensation in years 1991 through 1995 that was reported to him on Forms 1099, he “rebutted” those amounts by filing false Forms 4852 that reported “zero” amounts paid and filed amended returns showing “zero” income from his business each of those years. He also filed returns for tax years 2001 through 2005 that reported “zero” business income. After a three-day trial, a jury convicted Menner of five counts of making and subscribing false returns for tax years 2001 through 2005, in violation of 26 U.S.C. § 7206(1), and one count of corruptly endeavoring to impede the administration of the Internal Revenue Code, in violation of 26 U.S.C. § 7212(a). See United States v. Menner, No 08-CR-322 (E.D.Va.). His sentencing is scheduled for February 20, 2009 in Richmond, Virginia.
In its response, the government also states:
The Defendant claims that he is immune from prosecution because the First Amendment purportedly protects his “right” to file a return contrary to law in order to express his “honest disagreement” with the tax laws. Courts have recognized that when the speech in question – here, the making and subscribing of false returns and documents – constitutes the criminal act, the First Amendment provides no safe haven.
Wish I could be there.....
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Re: Hendrickson hearing, motion to dismiss indictment

Post by Dezcad »

One word - "Denied".
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Re: Hendrickson hearing, motion to dismiss indictment

Post by Famspear »

Just entered on the docket, at entry 22 on 29 January 2009:

Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 455, I hereby DISQUALIFY myself from the above-styled case.

IT IS ORDERED that in accordance with LCr.R 57.10 (c), this case be reassigned by blind draw to another judge of this court.

David M. Lawson
United States District Judge
What brought this about?

The case has been assigned to Judge Gerald E. Rosen.
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Re: Hendrickson hearing, motion to dismiss indictment

Post by Demosthenes »

Famspear wrote:Just entered on the docket, at entry 22 on 29 January 2009:

Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 455, I hereby DISQUALIFY myself from the above-styled case.

IT IS ORDERED that in accordance with LCr.R 57.10 (c), this case be reassigned by blind draw to another judge of this court.

David M. Lawson
United States District Judge
What brought this about?

The case has been assigned to Judge Gerald E. Rosen.

I wonder if Hendrickson added a new lawyer or something.
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Re: Hendrickson hearing, motion to dismiss indictment

Post by Red Cedar PM »

Isn't it obvious? PH used a silver bullet he picked up at Son of Sooey to "fire" the judge. I'm sure the judge was scared s**tless that he was going to be convicted of treason.
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Grixit wrote:Hey Diller: forget terms like "wages", "income", "derived from", "received", etc. If you did something, and got paid for it, you owe tax.
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Re: Hendrickson hearing, motion to dismiss indictment

Post by Demosthenes »

The gov's response to Pete's motion to dismiss:

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Re: Hendrickson hearing, motion to dismiss indictment

Post by Lambkin »

As the defendant was engaged in criminal conduct when he made and subscribed the false
documents submitted to the IRS, the First Amendment does shield him from criminal
Am I confused or did he mean to say "does not"?
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Re: Hendrickson hearing, motion to dismiss indictment

Post by LPC »

Lambkin wrote:
As the defendant was engaged in criminal conduct when he made and subscribed the false
documents submitted to the IRS, the First Amendment does shield him from criminal
Am I confused or did he mean to say "does not"?
Yep, looks like a typo to me.
Dan Evans
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Re: Hendrickson hearing, motion to dismiss indictment

Post by wserra »

LPC wrote:Yep, looks like a typo to me.
Which will promptly become a part of paytriot mythology.
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Re: Hendrickson hearing, motion to dismiss indictment

Post by Famspear »

This is a bit old, from a few days ago, but I love it. From "mutter" at losthorizons on 19 January 2009:

""if the Bill of Rights is not complied with,(as in no due process) the court no longer has jurisdiction to proceed. The judgment.....pronounced by a court without jurisdiction is void...." Johnson v. Zerbst, 304 US 458, 468

"".....the requirments of due process must be met before the court can properly assert in personam jurisdiction." Wells Fargo, 556 F2d 406, 416

"It is beyond question, of course, that a conviction based on a record lacking any relevant evidence as to a crusial [sic] element of the offense charged violates due process." Vachon v. New Hamshire, 414 US 478----can anyone point out any evidence submitted in this indictment that proves the crusial [sic] element of Petes [sic] belief?
http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... 2707#12707

Uh, no, mutter. Clue: You're talking about the indictment. The trial has not begun yet. We need to wait for the trial. The evidence is presented at the trial. The jury has not even been selected yet.
I dont see how this court ever gained subject matter of in personum [sic] jurisdiction here. Especially in light of the controversey [sic] put forth by the plaintiff is they [sic] plaintiff believes the defendant didnt [sic] beleive [sic] what the defendant signed under penalties of perjury.
(bolding added).

Know I what mean you not. Can English plain you write more clearly a bit?
(all caps in original).

EDIT: What is it about losthorizoners and the concept of subject matter jurisdiction? Even PeterEricBlowhard Meister Hendrickson, the World's Foremost Authority on Tax Law, has no clue.
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Re: Hendrickson hearing, motion to dismiss indictment

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Famspear wrote:.....
I dont see how this court ever gained subject matter of in personum [sic] jurisdiction here. Especially in light of the controversey [sic] put forth by the plaintiff is they [sic] plaintiff believes the defendant didnt [sic] beleive [sic] what the defendant signed under penalties of perjury.
(bolding added).

Know I what mean you not. Can English plain you write more clearly a bit?
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Re: Hendrickson hearing, motion to dismiss indictment

Post by Famspear »

Oooh. User "mutter" at losthorizons responds:
Dear Famspear, yes I am refering [sic] to the so called indictment.
all complaints must alledge [sic] a fact. Declaring someone didnt [sic] beleive [sic] what they said especially under a perjury jurat is an opinion not a fact.
that equals a lack of due process of law which means the court never gained subject matter jurisdiction OR personal as the bill of rights is involved. See previous cites
If you beleive [sic] I am wrong then school me on subject matter jurisdiction and where I am wrong.
http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... 2726#12726

No, mutter, you've made several errors. First of all, the U.S. government in a federal criminal case is not required to prove anything in the indictment. Your reference to presenting "evidence" seems to at least imply the contrary. The indictment is simply the formal, written charge against the criminal defendant. The evidence supporting that indictment (or not supporting that indictment, as the case may be, depending on how things turn out) will not be formally presented until the trial. The evidence is presented to the jury (assuming a jury trial, of course). The prosecution does not have to present "evidence" in the indictment or to attach any "evidence" to the indictment -- not in the sense in which you are thinking. I'm sorry, but that's the way our legal system works.

Now, certain facts are alleged in the indictment. Your attempt to distinguish "fact" from "opinion" in this regard is, from a legal standpoint, incorrect.

Further, the "failure" to allege things in the indictment in the way that you describe -- in just the way you want -- also does not mean necessarily that there is a lack of due process. Yes, it may be possible for an indictment in some case to be so vaguely worded that the defendant is not afforded a reasonable notice of what he is being charged with -- to such an extent that he would not be able to defend himself adequately -- and in such a case due process of law -- or the lack thereof -- might be a concern. This is not that kind of case.

The indictment in this case gives the defendant a clear idea of what he is being charged with, and (let me assure you ) he and his attorney are having no problem figuring that out. I am confident that Hendrickson and his attorney are working hard to prepare a defense.

All this that I have just described to you is also a separate concept from the concept of subject matter jurisdiction. Neither you nor Pete Hendrickson understand the concept. This is a common problem with you people over there. You throw legal terms around among yourselves, and you do not understand the concepts. You read tons and tons of legal materials (apparently) and you still have little idea of what you are doing. You think you do, but you do not. You are amateurs. And you always lose in court. Peter Hendrickson. Joe Fennell. Patrick Michael Mooney. The list goes on.

The term subject matter jurisdiction refers to the power of court to hear and decide certain kinds of cases -- not, generally speaking, to the adequacy of the description of the charges in the indictment. Subject matter jurisdiction generally is not dependent upon, or determined by, the adequacy of the evidence as described in an indictment. Subject matter jurisdiction generally is not dependent upon, or determined by, the adequacy of the evidence presented at a trial, either. Those are separate legal concepts.

In this case, the indictment alleges an offense against a law of the United States, an offense described in a particular criminal statute of the United States - specifically 26 USC 7206. This case happens to be before the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. That Court has subject matter jurisdiction to hear and decide this criminal case. Why? Because subject matter jurisdiction is granted to the Court by 18 USC 3231. Period.

EDIT: Oh, by the way, "mutter", here's another clue: If you're going to engage in personal attacks on others, at least use the right terminology. Your knowledge of internet terms is no better than your knowledge of legal terms, as when you referred to me in the thread over there at losthorizons as a "troll." A troll is not someone who disagrees with you, "mutter." A troll is not someone who points out that Peter Hendrickson's Cracking the Code is a tax scam.

A troll, generally, "is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of provoking other users into an emotional response." - Wikipedia.

Your fellow user "MN Stix" was mistaken. I do not now have, nor have I ever had, a user name over at losthorizons.

Indeed, it's unlikely that I would be allowed to post in losthorizons. So, in losthorizons, I have no way of posting "controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages" in your online "community".

Learn how to use technical terms "mutter."

Whether Peter Hendrickson is convicted or acquitted in his upcoming trial, life will continue to be hard for him and his family. He is engaged in a criminal enterprise, a scam, and his federal income tax problems are not going to go away. In the long run, his scam will not prevent the Internal Revenue Service from continuing its collection efforts.

Bad for Pete. Bad for Pete's followers in general.
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Re: Hendrickson hearing, motion to dismiss indictment

Post by Famspear »

Afterthought: Mutter, since you consider yourself to be such a Legal Scholar on things like subject matter jurisdiction, consider this.

Hendrickson was indicted and arrested in November 2008. He hired his attorney not long after the arrest. His attorney has had plenty of time to look at his case, and indeed has already filed several papers in the case, including a motion to dismiss the indictment.

Since Hendrickson himself obviously considers himself to be such a legal authority, and since he has hired an experienced criminal defense attorney, ask yourself this question: Why have they not asserted, in their papers filed with the Court, that the Court somehow lacks subject matter jurisdiction? After all, Hendrickson made that very argument in his civil case (the erroneous tax refund case that he lost) -- the one where he acted as his own attorney.

"Mutter," why don't you send Hendrickson and his attorney an email or letter, and point out to them the huge error they have made in forgetting to assert your goofy theory about "subject matter jurisdiction."

Put your Legal Expertise to work, and give your Legal Advice to Hendrickson. See where that gets, you "mutter."
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Re: Hendrickson hearing, motion to dismiss indictment

Post by Dezcad »

Since none of us can post on losthorizons, I would ask mutter to post over here if he really wishes to have a dialogue on any issue, including, but not limited to, subject matter jurisdiction, in personam jurisdiction, the sufficiency of an indictment, or any legal matter he deems fit.

It is easy, mutter, to throw all kinds of accusations around at LostHorizons where not only the content is moderated, but also, the posters are restricted.

Feel free to come to a forum where free and open discussion of issues is welcomed and encouraged. You may learn something, in addition to proper grammar and spelling.
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Re: Hendrickson hearing, motion to dismiss indictment

Post by LPC »

Dezcad wrote:Feel free to come to a forum where free and open discussion of issues is welcomed and encouraged.
Not going to happen.

Mutter and the other Crackheads don't want a "free and open discussion of issues." They want reassurance that they are right and everyone else in the world is wrong. They will continue to wallow in the intellectual pigsty at LH, and will continue to support the exclusion of any voice of reality, because that is where and how they are most comfortable.
Dezcad wrote:You may learn something, in addition to proper grammar and spelling.
That's not going to happen either.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: Hendrickson hearing, motion to dismiss indictment

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

IMHO, crackpots will have people believe there are magic incantations (often including the term "jurisdiction") that will thwart any legal proceeding against them.

Some of the usage is actually funny and sounds as if it were straight out of the VanPelt gibberish machine. Others I've seen are simply a demonstration of trying and failing to sound as if the author really knows and understands what they've read and then mangled to fit their perception.

As I once explained a couple of years ago on the original sui site, if you've been charged with a crime and are appearing in court for it, the chances of there being a jurisdictional mistake that you could somehow seriously challenge are about zero.
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Re: Hendrickson hearing, motion to dismiss indictment

Post by webhick »

LPC wrote:
Dezcad wrote:Feel free to come to a forum where free and open discussion of issues is welcomed and encouraged.
Not going to happen.

Mutter and the other Crackheads don't want a "free and open discussion of issues." They want reassurance that they are right and everyone else in the world is wrong. They will continue to wallow in the intellectual pigsty at LH, and will continue to support the exclusion of any voice of reality, because that is where and how they are most comfortable.
Dezcad wrote:You may learn something, in addition to proper grammar and spelling.
That's not going to happen either.
Couldn't help but notice we have a new user to the forum: mutter. It would be a nice if his first post (or series of posts) was an actual attempt at discussion and not just filled with cheap insults and bluster, unlike many who have come before him.

EDIT: I just realized how freaking fed up I am with everything. I'll try to not let the fallout spill over into the forum.
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Re: Hendrickson hearing, motion to dismiss indictment

Post by mutter »

I dont think calling you a troll constitutes a personal attack.
Famspear youve done nothing but post the standard definition of jurisdiction. Wow I am impressed with your ability to look up definitions. What youre saying is not what I said. I never stated evidence has to be in an indictment. I said a fact must be alledge to. Other wise the indictment is flawed just as any complaint would be. SMJ is not just can the court here this case, the rules must be followed as well.
I know a person who had a coplained dismissed by a JP court due to lack of jurisdiction cos the person didnt submit a notorized affidavit. this was the JPs words in the dismissal.
What is failure to state a claim upon which relief may be granted other than a SMJ dismissal?
To the person who refered to me as crackhead I believe its a violation of forum rules.

Re: Hendrickson hearing, motion to dismiss indictment

Post by mutter »

webhick wrote:
LPC wrote:
Dezcad wrote:Feel free to come to a forum where free and open discussion of issues is welcomed and encouraged.
Not going to happen.

Mutter and the other Crackheads don't want a "free and open discussion of issues." They want reassurance that they are right and everyone else in the world is wrong. They will continue to wallow in the intellectual pigsty at LH, and will continue to support the exclusion of any voice of reality, because that is where and how they are most comfortable.
Dezcad wrote:You may learn something, in addition to proper grammar and spelling.
That's not going to happen either.
Couldn't help but notice we have a new user to the forum: mutter. It would be a nice if his first post (or series of posts) was an actual attempt at discussion and not just filled with cheap insults and bluster, unlike many who have come before him.

EDIT: I just realized how freaking fed up I am with everything. I'll try to not let the fallout spill over into the forum.
Wow Evans you drawl quite a few conclusions about me personally based on lets see, NOTHING.
One can tell someone has nothing of value to say or cant prove their point if they are calling people names. I wont respond to any such posts, so keep it civil. IF you have something to teach me then proceed by all means

Re: Hendrickson hearing, motion to dismiss indictment

Post by Nikki »

Pete was arraigned on November 12, 2008 in federal court in Detroit.

The 10-count indictment charges that for the calendar years 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006 Hendrickson filed IRS Forms 1040 (income tax returns) and/or IRS Forms 4852 (Substitute for Form W-2) stating under penalties of perjury that he had received no wages in those years. The indictment indicates that he had in fact received wages in those years in varying amounts.

The indictment specifically alleges the facts (as stated by the grand jury) as stated above.

The charged violations are federal crimes which fall within the subject matter jurisdiction of the federal district courts. The charged actions occurred within the physical jurisdictional area of the Detroit court. Thus, both subject matter and personal jurisdiction are established.

Please show us the flaws in that analysis of jurisdiction.