Alleged CtC follower Eugene George Warner - trial postponed

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Alleged CtC follower Eugene George Warner - trial postponed

Post by Famspear »

Alleged CtC warrior Eugene George Warner's trial, formerly set for February 2, 2009, was recently reset for May 4, 2009.

For background, see the old thread entitled "CtC Warrior Gene Warner Indicted," at


The case is United States v. Warner, case no. 3:07-cr-00123-RRB-JDR-1, U.S. District Court for the District of Alaska.

Eugene George Warner--

also known as
Eugene George: Warner

also known as
Eugene Three Rivers Warner

I believe he is charged with one count of tax evasion (26 USC 7201), one count of section attempt to interfere with administration of internal revenue laws (26 USC 7212), four counts of false tax returns (26 USC 7206), two counts of bankruptcy fraud (18 USC 152), and twelve counts of mail fraud (18 USC 1341).
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Re: Alleged CtC follower Eugene George Warner - trial postponed

Post by wserra »

Famspear wrote:Alleged CtC warrior Eugene George Warner's trial, formerly set for February 2, 2009, was recently reset for May 4, 2009.
Because the Court finally granted the fourth or fifth application of his long-suffering CJA lawyer to be relieved.
For background, see the old thread entitled "CtC Warrior Gene Warner Indicted,"
For further background, see the govt opposition papers to his fourth or fifth application to be released on bond. An excerpt:
Upon his return to Alaska, the defendant was arraigned on August 27 before Magistrate Judge Roberts, who ordered the defendant detained pending a bail hearing scheduled for August 29. See Docket 24. At the August 29 hearing, the defendant proposed his wife, Lorna Warner, as third party-custodian. She admitted that she had been convicted, along with the defendant, of obstruction of the IRS in 1997. She admitted that she and the defendant were aware of the grand jury, that they learned in January or February of 2008 that the defendant had been indicted, but they did not return to Alaska because they had “other business to take care of.” She also stated that she had filed tax returns in the past claiming to be a “nonresident alien” because she “followed suit” with her husband and that it
“made sense” and that “nobody told us it was wrong.” The court denied the defendant’s request to be released, and continued his detention. See Docket 26.

On September 3, the defendant filed a motion for a bail hearing. See Docket 32. Another bail hearing was held before Judge Roberts on September 5. At that hearing, proposed third party custodian Edward Carnahan testified that he had lived at the Warners’ home in Anchorage between approximately October 2007 and May 2008. He repeatedly denied ever receiving a copy of an indictment or summons at the house while he was living there or sending those documents to the Warners in San Diego. Carnahan denied any knowledge of a letter sent to the IRS in November 2007, which included a copy of the indictment in this case, despite the fact that his signature clearly appeared on the document. Carnahan admitted that he does not file tax returns every year, and has not done so for 20 years. He also denied that he sued state judges Ann Preston and Stephanie Cole in federal court in 2000 for violating his civil rights, despite court records showing that he had.

Special Agent Viranousith Khamvongsa testified that he left the summons at Warner’s residence in 2007, and that Mr. Carnahan had looked out the window at the house at that time but refused to open the door. Judge Roberts again denied the defendant’s release request. See Docket 36.

Yet another bail motion was filed September 24, proposing Christopher Chapman and Jackie Denny as third party custodians. See Docket 45. A hearing was held before Judge Roberts on October 8. At that time, Jackie Denny was withdrawn as a proposed custodian, and Mr. Chapman testified. Chapman, a convicted felon, stated that he had moved to Alaska from Florida two weeks before for the sole purpose of being a third party custodian, having known the defendant “no less than two years and no more than five” but had never met him. Chapman admitted that he had not filed a tax return since 1992, and had been investigated criminally for failure to file. The court again refused to grant the motion for release, and again stated on the record that there were no conditions that could ensure the appearance of the defendant. See Docket 49.

Now the defendant has once more requested release to a third-party
custodian, again offering Jackie Denny. The government expects to establish that
Ms. Denny has been involved with the defendant’s activities for fifteen years.
On several occasions, Warner filed pro se gibberish which the Court returned, since he was represented. An example is here. I don't really see this guy as CTC, notwithstanding the refund credits Hendrickson has put up. He's more a traditional denier moron, throwing against the wall whatever BS he can find in hopes something will stick. In the case of this submission, it was the old "my wages were an equal exchange for my labor and thus not taxable" nonsense. Hendrickson just claims the illusory credit.
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Re: Alleged CtC follower Eugene George Warner - trial postponed

Post by Famspear »

Good grief.

Does this guy even know anyone who is not a criminal?
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Re: Alleged CtC follower Eugene George Warner - trial postponed

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Famspear wrote:Good grief.

Does this guy even know anyone who is not a criminal?
That would be a conflict of interest if he didn't.
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Re: Alleged CtC follower Eugene George Warner - trial postponed

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

I'd be happy to serve as custodian.

He might not like the conditions. :twisted:
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Re: Alleged CtC follower Eugene George Warner - trial postponed

Post by grixit »

But the ball gag will keep him from complaining.
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