Mutter banned from losthorizons; situation deteriorating

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Mutter banned from losthorizons; situation deteriorating

Post by Famspear »

User Mutter now reports that his losthorizons account no longer works.

A second losthorizon user has been here for the past few days, engaging in meaningful discussion.

A third user at losthorizons (who will remain nameless unless he or she chooses otherwise) is quietly involved in a back channel discussion with me right now.

And a fourth individual who (I understand) has been involved with the losthorizons/Cracking the Code scam has communicated with me, although only briefly. This individual indicates she/she might eventually begin posting here.

I have also had contacts (over the past few months) with a fifth person who is a family member of someone who apparently used Cracking the Code with disastrous results (again, I don't reveal real names, or even user names, without permission), and who has provided some gripping insights into how tax protester scams affect the families.

I would suspect that other Quatloos regulars may be having similar experiences with more and more losthorizoners, as time goes by.
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Re: Mutter banned from losthorizons; situation deteriorating

Post by webhick »

It appears that mutter is the straw that broke the camel's back.
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Re: Mutter banned from losthorizons; situation deteriorating

Post by Dezcad »

Famspear wrote: This individual indicates she/she might eventually begin posting here.
What's a she/she? :wink:
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Re: Mutter banned from losthorizons; situation deteriorating

Post by webhick »

Dezcad wrote:
Famspear wrote: This individual indicates she/she might eventually begin posting here.
What's a she/she? :wink:
More woman than any one man can handle.
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Re: Mutter banned from losthorizons; situation deteriorating

Post by Famspear »

webhick wrote:
Dezcad wrote:
Famspear wrote: This individual indicates she/she might eventually begin posting here.
What's a she/she? :wink:
More woman than any one man can handle.
A "she/she"? Why, the opposite of a "he/he."


Tommy Typograhical has been messin' with my keyboard, again. It's all Tommy's fault.......

Darn! I meant Tommy TYPOGRAPHICAL......
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet

Re: Mutter banned from losthorizons; situation deteriorating

Post by aprilinva »

I have to believe that with so many of Hendrickson's followers crashing within the last years, and Hendrickson himself now in a free fall, many of even the most devout disciples will begin to question the logic and motivation behind Cracking the Code. It's good fortune, really, for many who are not in too deep to get out just yet. For those who are, this new knowledge must be a devestating blow.
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Re: Mutter banned from losthorizons; situation deteriorating

Post by Demosthenes »

aprilinva wrote:I have to believe that with so many of Hendrickson's followers crashing within the last years, and Hendrickson himself now in a free fall, many of even the most devout disciples will begin to question the logic and motivation behind Cracking the Code. It's good fortune, really, for many who are not in too deep to get out just yet. For those who are, this new knowledge must be a devestating blow.
This is pretty common when a guru gets indicted.

Usually, another guru is standing by to take his place. A lot of 861 and Schiff followers ran to Hendrickson when Larken and Irwin failed in court.

Where will Hendrickson's followers go?

Re: Mutter banned from losthorizons; situation deteriorating

Post by Weathervane »

Demosthenes wrote:Where will Hendrickson's followers go?
I hear there's a few seats still available at the "Stuff Yur Carcass" all-you-can-eat buffet in Anderson, SC. next Tuesday at 7:00.
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Re: Mutter banned from losthorizons; situation deteriorating

Post by Famspear »

aprilinva wrote:I have to believe that with so many of Hendrickson's followers crashing within the last years, and Hendrickson himself now in a free fall, many of even the most devout disciples will begin to question the logic and motivation behind Cracking the Code. It's good fortune, really, for many who are not in too deep to get out just yet. For those who are, this new knowledge must be a devestating blow.
I suspect many of those people will continue to follow Hendrickson even if he is convicted and goes to prison again. Others will just move on to another scam. What apparently is cracking Cracking the Code is that some of the participants are seeing the court losses pile up for the followers -- not just Pete's personal losses. I suspect some have realized that Pete's been lying to them about little details, like Pete's claims that he won the summons cases that he actually lost, or that were dropped, apparently, as the investigation moved further on the criminal side.

For others, I think it might start with the realization that Pete simply does not have the intellectual skills in terms of legal and accounting knowledge, as evidenced by the many mistakes in his work (examples: using the term "subject matter jurisdiction" and not understanding what it means; not understanding how a "deficiency" is computed for purposes of a statutory notice of deficiency). When losthorizoners see these collateral mistakes, some of them may eventually begin to wonder: OK, if Pete doesn't understand these legal concepts, what mistakes has Pete made on the more substantive side of his tax theory?

Still, I think it will take a long time for many of them to be able to "pull away," psychologically. I think there must be a wide variation of people who follow the scam. Some are so "hard-core delusional" that they will refuse to accept that the scam is what it is, even when shown that a court specifically states Hendrickson's name and mentions the title of the book. You can see that, as they struggle with trying to "rationalize" some sort of way to argue to themselves that the court was simply "wrong."

Others have not lost that much touch with reality, or they finally realize that the law really is what the courts rule the law to be, and not what they wanted to "believe" it to be under some alternative theory about law itself. They are able to slowly "back out" of the rabbit hole, carefully and slowly at first, perhaps. The deeper the individual is into the scam emotionally, and the longer he or she has been involved, the harder it must be, psychologically, to admit to yourself -- and then to your internet friends, etc. -- that you were wrong.

It takes a strong, astute person with a fundamentally strong character to recognize that the scam really was a scam after all, and to move on with one's own life.
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Re: Mutter banned from losthorizons; situation deteriorating

Post by mutter »

webhick wrote:
Dezcad wrote:
Famspear wrote: This individual indicates she/she might eventually begin posting here.
What's a she/she? :wink:
More woman than any one man can handle.
or someone who screws you coming and going. :D
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Re: Mutter banned from losthorizons; situation deteriorating

Post by The Observer »

Maybe Famspear knows more about this, but isn't this the perfect opportunity for Weston White and the Tryannical Response Team to spring into action? Yeah, I know that their original mission was to take on the NWO, but now that the proverbial you-know-what has hit the fan over at CtC Central, wouldn't it make more sense for the TRT to change their focus and start interrogating the remaining membership to find any turncoats, renegades, backstabbers or cowards who are a threat to CtC?
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Re: Mutter banned from losthorizons; situation deteriorating

Post by mutter »

Famspear wrote:
aprilinva wrote:I have to believe that with so many of Hendrickson's followers crashing within the last years, and Hendrickson himself now in a free fall, many of even the most devout disciples will begin to question the logic and motivation behind Cracking the Code. It's good fortune, really, for many who are not in too deep to get out just yet. For those who are, this new knowledge must be a devestating blow.
I suspect many of those people will continue to follow Hendrickson even if he is convicted and goes to prison again. Others will just move on to another scam. What apparently is cracking Cracking the Code is that some of the participants are seeing the court losses pile up for the followers -- not just Pete's personal losses. I suspect some have realized that Pete's been lying to them about little details, like Pete's claims that he won the summons cases that he actually lost, or that were dropped, apparently, as the investigation moved further on the criminal side.

For others, I think it might start with the realization that Pete simply does not have the intellectual skills in terms of legal and accounting knowledge, as evidenced by the many mistakes in his work (examples: using the term "subject matter jurisdiction" and not understanding what it means; not understanding how a "deficiency" is computed for purposes of a statutory notice of deficiency). When losthorizoners see these collateral mistakes, some of them may eventually begin to wonder: OK, if Pete doesn't understand these legal concepts, what mistakes has Pete made on the more substantive side of his tax theory?

Still, I think it will take a long time for many of them to be able to "pull away," psychologically. I think there must be a wide variation of people who follow the scam. Some are so "hard-core delusional" that they will refuse to accept that the scam is what it is, even when shown that a court specifically states Hendrickson's name and mentions the title of the book. You can see that, as they struggle with trying to "rationalize" some sort of way to argue to themselves that the court was simply "wrong."

Others have not lost that much touch with reality, or they finally realize that the law really is what the courts rule the law to be, and not what they wanted to "believe" it to be under some alternative theory about law itself. They are able to slowly "back out" of the rabbit hole, carefully and slowly at first, perhaps. The deeper the individual is into the scam emotionally, and the longer he or she has been involved, the harder it must be, psychologically, to admit to yourself -- and then to your internet friends, etc. -- that you were wrong.

It takes a strong, astute person with a fundamentally strong character to recognize that the scam really was a scam after all, and to move on with one's own life.
Several I am in email contact with are wondering just these same things. I busted him withholding information. IE lying! You all have shown the cites are wrong. The evidence is prevailing. Once we thought the world was flat. Now we know better.

I ll take that as a complement. :oops: Perhaps I ve not brought shame upon my masters after all? hey, we are all entitled to some lapses in good judgment right. If we werent it wouldnt be that much fun would it. :wink:
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Re: Mutter banned from losthorizons; situation deteriorating

Post by webhick »

Demosthenes wrote:Where will Hendrickson's followers go?
I was thinking to Weston White. He's laid a crumbling foundation of online de-tax resources that at least a few over there appreciate. Once the LH forum goes dark, I wouldn't doubt that he sets up his own and picks up where Pete left off.
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Re: Mutter banned from losthorizons; situation deteriorating

Post by mutter »

aprilinva wrote:I have to believe that with so many of Hendrickson's followers crashing within the last years, and Hendrickson himself now in a free fall, many of even the most devout disciples will begin to question the logic and motivation behind Cracking the Code. It's good fortune, really, for many who are not in too deep to get out just yet. For those who are, this new knowledge must be a devestating blow.
No it is not an easy thing to come to the realization that what you thought was truth is wrong or a lie. In any aspect of life. Wether that be taxes, love, or your understanding of reality. Ive had my reality shacken to its core before thou. this time was a piece of cake compared to that.
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Re: Mutter banned from losthorizons; situation deteriorating

Post by Pantherphil »


Congratulations on your developing legal research and analysis skills. I have enjoyed seeing the scales fall from your eyes as you have opened your mind to what the Courts have actually decided. You have done much to help the lost at Lost Horizons to find their way out of the pit. Although I am sure that your communications will now be consigned to the memory hole as your account and posts are purged from the record, your contributions will remain "on the record" here.
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Re: Mutter banned from losthorizons; situation deteriorating

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Famspear wrote:....
I would suspect that other Quatloos regulars may be having similar experiences with more and more losthorizoners, as time goes by.
I hate to say it but I believe there are a lot more "silent practitioners" out there that would never sign on to post on a web site forum. I have seen people having serious legal trouble with a lender finally break down and admit that among the problems they're having there are "some tax things" lurking in the mix. Sometimes it's the tax thing that leads to the mortgage problem. The 401K/IRA that's been drained or the fudging on the tax return. Sometimes it's the student loan they're trying to get out from under or a huge credit card bill that drives some of them to go "all-cash" so the collectors won't get anything in a judgment or garnishment. Once they do that they figure they've dropped out from under the IRS radar and, well, so-on-and-so-on-and-scoobee-doo-be-doo-bee.

Then they come across web sites that are "the answer to my prayers" as one woman put it.

Seriously, you try Pete's scam and you actually stand a chance of getting a big check back from the IRS. Guess what - you get to keep your house or your car another few months, maybe. Maybe things will get better and you can fix everything if the spouse gets well and gets another job or your parents take out that mortgage on their property and give you money (again). Or you win the lottery.

Seriously those are things that go through people's minds (or what's left of them) when desperation sets in.

I fear a lot of people will try really dangerously illegal things like a ctc approach and it will only hasten their fall off the mountain.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Mutter banned from losthorizons; situation deteriorating

Post by mutter »

youre right roy.
People will do very crazy things in desperate times. Especially when they have a family to look out for. the crime rate always goes up during a depression. yes I said depression its coming mark my words. People will steal to keep their kids feed using what ever rationalization that will keep them sane.
what they need to understand is these material things are just dust in the wind.
Unfortunatley that dont pay the mortage or feed the kids.
if we are lucky the dark times to come will force people to band together. To reestablish family ties that are broken. To become a tribe of human beings instead of a city of humans doing bad things to each other.
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Re: Mutter banned from losthorizons; situation deteriorating

Post by Number Six »

It looks like Lost Horizons is about to hit the $10,000,000 ceiling! Shazaam! Someone out in Sioux Lookout, Montana, is celebrating the arrival of their US Treasury check tonight.

I tried connecting with the Sui Juris site, without avail. If the feds are limiting access to that site, why can't they do the same on the Lost Horizons site? :roll:
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Re: Mutter banned from losthorizons; situation deteriorating

Post by ASITStands »

Number Six wrote:I tried connecting with the Sui Juris site, without avail. If the feds are limiting access to that site, why can't they do the same on the Lost Horizons site? :roll:
You do know that went dark several weeks ago?

And, requires registration just to view posts.

Re: Mutter banned from losthorizons; situation deteriorating

Post by Nikki »

Demosthenes wrote:Where will Hendrickson's followers go?