Source: wrote:Does anyone have any knowledge of ICE, Homeland Security and whether a business owner is required to answer any questions by a visiting ICE/Immigration official?
ICE has been to my business twice, the first time I asked the to leave as part of their documents were missing information.
They returned the same day, with a Subpoena signed by an "Assistant Special Agent in Charge, Boston, MA".
Their attorney in talking with ours is now saying they are returning to ask questions.
Obviouosly, our attorney is a bit sheepish, and said just to be polite and answer the questions. He has suggested that we speak to a Criminal Defense Attorney, but as of yet, we have not
I prefer not to answer any questions posed verbally and am asking them for the questions in writing, but they have so far been unwilling to provide such questions.
I am expecting a visit from them today.
Where can one go to verify if a Subpoena from the Department of Justice, Immigration & Naturalization Service requires the signature of a judge and a seal?
Three things say to me that this is going to end badly for him.
1. That they came back with a subpoena same-day.
2. That the lawyer is talking "criminal defense"
3. That he doesn't mention actually having any I-9s.
Random I-9 audits sound sexy, but this has got to be targeted.