New message from Reno

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New message from Reno

Post by Demosthenes »

Warning: put your waders on before reading.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Introduction (blog by Cirino Gonzalez)
My name is Cirino Gonzalez; A.K.A. “Reno”. I currently live in Brooklyn New York. I stay on the 8th floor of this building. I have a GREAT view! I can see the Brooklyn Bridge off to my left, the B.Q.E. (Brooklyn Queens Expressway) on my right; so right in the middle of Mid-Town Manhattan. Of course, the Twin Towers are missing; how ironic my view is…
MY floor has a “yard” believe it or not. From it I can see the bay. And in the bay I can also see the Statue of Liberty. How ironic my view is…
I am waiting for a flight right now, and I’ve been waiting for awhile. But I have my work to keep me busy, and “business is good.” My clientele is everyone, but my focus group just so happens to be my neighbors here. I have a captive audience; how ironic this is once you realize what is really happening to me, what I do…
My target clients, who I have said happen to be my neighbors, span across all races, ages, and classes of our society. From the common man to murderers, the very poor to multi-millionaires. They all have one thing in common with each other, and they all want what I push. For themselves, for their families, they want it. Hell, even you want it. And the crappy part of all of this is that I am paying the price!
I love my work…But before I get into what it is that I do, allow me to give you a quick look at my prior education/work history: Weapons expert- R.O.T.C. for the Air Force as a teenager in high school. I entered into college at 16 for criminal justice with a minor in law enforcement (oh how ironic). I entered the U.S. Navy (and Marine Corps) at 17, becoming “active” at 18 years of age. I am a Quad 0 Gunner’s Mate. Because of my Quad 0 status, I worked on every gun and missile system the U.S. Navy had in service. Plus, I ran my ship’s armory.
I know small arms and instructed hundreds in their use. This honored position also brought me into contact with every explosive/ordinance device in common use at the time. I did this for over eight years before I left on my own. By this time I had served in the Navy during two wartime periods: Desert Shield’s ending, and in Kosovo. Three if you want to count the drug war for which I put in work in South America. I was an E-5 at my discharge.
Fast forward to my most recent (paid) military work, which was in Iraq. Secret-level clearance a must, I worked for the D.O.D. as a contractor (for L.S.I.), sub-contracted out to work for the U.S. Army doing weapons repair and instructing soldiers in the use of their assigned weapons. Later on I had to leave due to issues with the company that hired me. L.S.I. wanted shortcuts that would put our own boys and girls in danger. Had I went along with it I would have been able to finish my contract. I was earning nearly $300 a day, seven days a week, doing a job I loved. But my brothers and sisters in arms are more important to me than money, so I bucked against the company. Later this same company (L.S.I.) lied to a U.S. government investigation, denying that I had ever worked for them.
Between my Navy and Army history, I have worked all sorts of security positions. From a halfway house (oh how ironic), to manager of a dance club, to security at an international hospital. With formal education and work experience, you could say that I am able to investigate/figure things out for myself. I am also usually able to handle myself in less than ideal circumstances (survival training/weapons tactics, etc.)
I top off my formal training with my informal learning in computers. I’m an expert at upgrading, building, installs, networking, and of course “hacking” on the side. So are you curious what I do now? What line of work I enjoy currently?
I am sort of a teacher. I like to say “Knowledge is power; power to the people.” It doesn’t sound too exciting does it? But what if I shared what I know with you, and that knowledge put you on a list. Would you still want to know that truth behind one of the biggest lies of our time? And how this lie has caused millions to die in its wake? Would you want to know? How about learning about the secret nuclear wars being carried out over eight years on civilian populations? Carried out by soldiers so unaware that they poison themselves in the process.
“Not possible!” an educated military-minded person would say. “But how?” others would ask. Its simple, you do not classify the ordinance as radiological, and you downplay the hazards during training. Depleted uranium- its use is a war crime.
A meeting with me will get you an interview with the U.S. Marshalls, F.B.I, A.T.F.E, Secret Service, and even the I.R.S. will take notes too. Why the I.R.S? I’m glad you asked. It goes back to my teaching. Back to the work I do these days in my business of “teaching.” I share the truth.
I “push” ideas in a new way, a more correct way. Simple and direct. I teach the idea of True Freedom. That’s what I push. “True Freedom” for you, for your family, for everyone.
Believe it or not, you are a slave, under the constant threat of force. Forced to work for a master whose face you have never even seen. Slave’s work- and earn money for their masters. If you live in the U.S. of A, somehow and in some way, everyone is going to pay their masters. You will also ask permission to work, to drive, even to get married. Even to practice your RIGHTS, you will ask for permission first; or you will pay a price.
Don’t lie to yourself. Could you stop paying the Federal Income Tax? There is no law saying that you must pay it. But can you refuse to pay the Federal Income Tax without the threat of violence being used against you? No, you cannot.
If you do not pay, you will be arrested, and if you have “their” money, it will be stolen from you. You will pay. If you do not have “their” money, you will lose your liberty until you are compelled to pay them. You will pay your master, or lose your liberty. And if you choose to protect your money from being stolen from you, if you choose to protect your LIBERTY, “they” will no longer use threats of violence against you. They will use violence, all the way until you are dead. D.E.A.D. “They” will fucking kill you for your master’s money.
This is the “Truth”, simple and direct. Saying that choosing to pay doesn’t make you a slave is a lie. The slave who works not to feel the master’s whip on their back is still a slave. Do not be fooled any longer. Simple and direct. You are a slave if you submit.
All throughout human history, we as a race -the human race, have fought to be free. Our ancestors have died to secure us a future free of oppression. And every time we have come to understand the newest form of slavery, we have fought it. And we have always won in the end, ALWAYS.
Yet just like modern warfare has evolved from sticks and stones to what we have developed today, the form of slavery has also been refined. We have removed shackles from our limbs. Fought back when whipped by refusing to submit. We taught ourselves skills to free our people from social classism. We have always won.
Today we struggle again. Against a new form of slavery, the enslavement of our minds. Every new form of slavery has taken, has brought on newer, harder challenges. It has never been an easy fight. Even in victory we bring on new responsibilities and face new struggles.
“You have the personal responsibility to yourself, and to your loved ones.” That is the first thing I try to express to those I meet. The second thought I drive in is that only “you determine your own level of involvement.” You choose to be a slave. That is your choice. You choose not to submit, that is your decision. You choose to fight, and you have taken the first step in accepting responsibility for yourself.
Personal responsibility is an awesome power. You may suffer painful learning experiences. You may also realize your fullest potential.
This is a short lesson. This is what I push. It’s what I do.
My name is Cirino Gonzalez; A.K.A. “Reno”.
Inmate register number: 76342-179
I am a federal prisoner currently held at the Metropolitan Detention Center, New York. My bags are packed and I’m ready to go. My flight should be ready any day now.
On September 12, 2007 I was arrested at my father’s home. I was one week away from traveling back to Iraq to build a Peace House with the Iraqi people to be given as a gift to the American people, as a gesture of peace and good will.
My charges came from speaking out against the Federal Income Tax; helping an “odd couple” state their case against the corruption inside our federal government. And helping keep them alive as they chose to protect their property and guard their liberty. My time with them was from Easter weekend 2007, to June 23/24th.
My view of the Statue of Liberty is ironic because I practiced my rights, MY RIGHTS, and I was arrested for it.
I had six charges going into trial. That’s right, I went to trial. I fought them. Would you expect any less from me? Two charges were dropped before the trial began. Four charges went to trial. The jury hung on the verdict for nearly a week. Even though the judge changed the wording in my indictment charges to help them convict me- while they deliberated. How was that not illegal?
Even with that, the jury hung on two counts, and convicted on two. The government was not happy about this, so they moved to get a second trial. When they learned that this was what I wanted, they dropped those hung charges as well.
This is just an introduction. I have much more to say. I want my liberty.
The F.B.I. and U.S. Marshalls know I’m innocent of my charges. I know this because they attempted to set me up for “terrorist”-type charges, but I would not take the bate; though I did want their money. “They” even assigned me my own code name.
My name is Cirino Gonzalez.
Inmate register number: 76342-179
Code name: “Saber”

And I am defiant for you….

Transcribed by Hayley
Posted by Donna
Red Cedar PM
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Re: New message from Reno

Post by Red Cedar PM »

Hopefully they can pull this nugget out when he is eventually up for parole. He doesn't sound like he has a lot of remorse.
Demosthenes wrote:
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Introduction (blog by Cirino Gonzalez)
My name is Cirino Gonzalez; A.K.A. “Reno”. I currently live in Brooklyn New York. I stay on the 8th floor of this building. I have a GREAT view! I can see the Brooklyn Bridge off to my left, the B.Q.E. (Brooklyn Queens Expressway) on my right; so right in the middle of Mid-Town Manhattan. Of course, the Twin Towers are missing; how ironic my view is…

Sounds awfully familiar...

"Pride cometh before thy fall."

--Dantonio 11:03:07
Grixit wrote:Hey Diller: forget terms like "wages", "income", "derived from", "received", etc. If you did something, and got paid for it, you owe tax.
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Re: New message from Reno

Post by Famspear »

Cirino Gonzalez wrote:
I entered the U.S. Navy (and Marine Corps) at 17, becoming “active” at 18 years of age. I am a Quad 0 Gunner’s Mate. Because of my Quad 0 status, I worked on every gun and missile system the U.S. Navy had in service. Plus, I ran my ship’s armory.
I know small arms and instructed hundreds in their use. This honored position also brought me into contact with every explosive/ordinance device in common use at the time.
The Navy training apparently did not include teaching him to distinguish the spellings of "ordnance" and "ordinance." (I know, I'm picky, picky, picky.)
I did this for over eight years before I left on my own. By this time I had served in the Navy during two wartime periods: Desert Shield’s ending, and in Kosovo. Three if you want to count the drug war for which I put in work in South America. I was an E-5 at my discharge.
Fast forward to my most recent (paid) military work, which was in Iraq. Secret-level clearance a must, I worked for the D.O.D. as a contractor (for L.S.I.), sub-contracted out to work for the U.S. Army doing weapons repair and instructing soldiers in the use of their assigned weapons.
And he should be commended for his service to his country. But when you break-a da rules, you pay-a da price (sometimes).
I top off my formal training with my informal learning in computers. I’m an expert at upgrading, building, installs, networking, and of course “hacking” on the side.
In my opinion, it is considered bad form to designate oneself as an "expert" -- even if the term is accurate. The designation of "expert" is something properly made by someone else -- someone qualified to make that designation. It would be proper to say, for example, that such and such court of law designated me as an expert on such and such a subject.
How about learning about the secret nuclear wars being carried out over eight years on civilian populations? Carried out by soldiers so unaware that they poison themselves in the process.
“Not possible!” an educated military-minded person would say. “But how?” others would ask. Its simple, you do not classify the ordinance as radiological, and you downplay the hazards during training. Depleted uranium- its use is a war crime.
Well, help us out, Cirino. Give us the truth.
A meeting with me will get you an interview with the U.S. Marshalls, F.B.I, A.T.F.E, Secret Service, and even the I.R.S. will take notes too. Why the I.R.S? I’m glad you asked. It goes back to my teaching. Back to the work I do these days in my business of “teaching.” I share the truth.
I “push” ideas in a new way, a more correct way. Simple and direct. I teach the idea of True Freedom. That’s what I push. “True Freedom” for you, for your family, for everyone.
Believe it or not, you are a slave, under the constant threat of force. Forced to work for a master whose face you have never even seen. Slave’s work- and earn money for their masters. If you live in the U.S. of A, somehow and in some way, everyone is going to pay their masters. You will also ask permission to work, to drive, even to get married. Even to practice your RIGHTS, you will ask for permission first; or you will pay a price.
Don’t lie to yourself.
You're in the weeds, now Cirino. Get a grip.
Could you stop paying the Federal Income Tax? There is no law saying that you must pay it.
Cirino, you are wrong. You should have stuck to what you knew.
But can you refuse to pay the Federal Income Tax without the threat of violence being used against you? No, you cannot.
If you do not pay, you will be arrested, and if you have “their” money, it will be stolen from you. You will pay. If you do not have “their” money, you will lose your liberty until you are compelled to pay them. You will pay your master, or lose your liberty. And if you choose to protect your money from being stolen from you, if you choose to protect your LIBERTY, “they” will no longer use threats of violence against you. They will use violence, all the way until you are dead. D.E.A.D. “They” will fucking kill you for your master’s money.
You're deep in the jungle now, Cirino.
Today we struggle again. Against a new form of slavery, the enslavement of our minds.
Oh, we're bakin' now, pal!
And I am defiant for you….
Thanks, but I don't need your help, Cirino.
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Re: New message from Reno

Post by wserra »

Demosthenes wrote:
And I am defiant for you….
[Johnny_from_Airplane] No, thanks! [/Johnny_from_Airplane]
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Re: New message from Reno

Post by Joey Smith »

Today's word is "ironic".
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Re: New message from Reno

Post by Demosthenes »

On September 12, 2007 I was arrested at my father’s home. I was one week away from traveling back to Iraq to build a Peace House with the Iraqi people to be given as a gift to the American people, as a gesture of peace and good will.
That's his story and he's sticking to it.

Re: New message from Reno

Post by ClobberroTestii »

CaptainKickback wrote:I am raising a finger on each hand for you Reno and I am not telling you that you are number one.

In short, you are something one commonly finds in their toilet and then flushes away.
I believe "skid mark on the toilet bowl of life" is the correct legal term!
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Re: New message from Reno

Post by grixit »

Um, you can't manufacture irony by putting the word "ironic" in a text multiple times. Truth is, my irony meter didn't respond at all. But my van meter hit 50 and played "Crucify Myself".
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Re: New message from Reno

Post by . »

I would have entitled the thread "More rehashed twaddle from one of our favorite delusional narcissists."
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Re: New message from Reno

Post by LOBO »

Joey Smith wrote:Today's word is "ironic".
Much like the song my Alanis Morrisette, nothing in that post was actually ironic.
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Re: New message from Reno

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

grixit wrote:Um, you can't manufacture irony by putting the word "ironic" in a text multiple times. Truth is, my irony meter didn't respond at all. But my van meter hit 50 and played "Crucify Myself".
Mine just shut itself down in protest and is now demanding an arbitration hearing.
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Re: New message from Reno

Post by Imalawman »

grixit wrote:Um, you can't manufacture irony by putting the word "ironic" in a text multiple times. Truth is, my irony meter didn't respond at all. But my van meter hit 50 and played "Crucify Myself".
Good to know. I thought my Irony meter was broken because it registered zeros the entire time. You have the musical version of the Van Meter? Damn, I'm really sick of my Vince Offer / Billy Mays version.
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Re: New message from Reno

Post by Gregg »

Hey, Vince Offer is my spiritual hero!
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Re: New message from Reno

Post by webhick »

Gregg wrote:Hey, Vince Offer is my spiritual hero!
Any leprechaun that can say "You're gonna love my nuts!" with a straight face deserves a reprieve from his crimes against the Illuminati. That, and since he's now five times more popular than Obama, the Care Bears have had to put him in protective custody so the shape-shifting lizards can't slap-chop his headset.
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Re: New message from Reno

Post by Gregg »

webhick wrote:
Gregg wrote:Hey, Vince Offer is my spiritual hero!
Any leprechaun that can say "You're gonna love my nuts!" with a straight face deserves a reprieve from his crimes against the Illuminati. That, and since he's now five times more popular than Obama, the Care Bears have had to put him in protective custody so the shape-shifting lizards can't slap-chop his headset.
Where do I send the bill for THAT keyboard? :mrgreen:
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Re: New message from Reno

Post by webhick »

Gregg wrote:Where do I send the bill for THAT keyboard? :mrgreen:
What? You didn't buy the "Spit Take" protection plan? It was only 1Q... Alternatively, you can always attempt to issue a 1099-OID to the Illuminati. But beware, the OID enforcement officer enjoys playing the morbid version of "Gotcher Nose!"
When chosen for jury duty, tell the judge "fortune cookie says guilty" - A fortune cookie