Another CtC success story!

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Joey Smith
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Another CtC success story!

Post by Joey Smith »

And another CtC filer is about to go live under a bridge . . .

27 Posts
Posted - 05/04/2007 : 4:10:21 PM

Originally posted by John J. Bulten
[i(Assuming they didn't process them as filed:) Demand the operator give you an automatic 45-day collection hold because of the incomplete returns. If you are early in the game, the operator may do this immediately; if the operator refuses, proceed anyway. Ask the operator for the taxpayer advocate number, I don't recall it offhand.

After the call, take the appropriate response step above. Then call Taxpayer Advocate and explain the situation cogently as follows. Your problem: an IRS procedure failed me (returns unprocessed 2 years without comment). Your request: collection hold, and processing of the returns, seeing as you took the appropriate response step above.


OKay, here's where I am. After an hour on the phone she (Ms. Sapienza, customer svc) ultimately said "...go talk to collections. I don't see any returns here. I don't know where they are. They could be in exams and they're processing them and that's why you owe money." She did let it out that I owe for 2004, which was my first on time CTC return, but doesn't show up anywhere in the records. No transcripts, no automated telephone info, nada. So it's somewhere, probably with all the others (1998,2001-2003) and getting fine tuned by deceptive people.
As an aside, Ms. Sapienza was very polite until she started inquiring how the reocrd shows I made thousands, but had no withholding (exempt for several years) I tried to avoide this conversation but wound up telling her I had no wages. that's when she said I had to prove I had no income, or wages, when these companies say I did. After all, 'you work for them and you get paid.' And "I don't know what we're levying if you don't have any wages." That's when I kept steering her back to an answer about the location or status of my returns. She got angry and said "I don't know anything about the law, or this IRC 3121 you mention. I'm just concluding the call." I did get some phone numbers for collections and for exams,where my last levy originated. So I never got to the stage of requesting a 45 day collection hold. It seems as if everything I do with these people results in a non-answer. I think it's safe to say they are carefully avoiding my returns whilst they go about orchestrating the theft of my money.So what are we doing when EXAMS trumps up numbers contrary to our lawful filings, whether they be late or timely? We know that our signed return is the last word, but they simply say 'so what. We say you made this much, and that's what we're going with.'
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Post by Quixote »

As an aside, Ms. Sapienza was very polite until she started inquiring how the reocrd shows I made thousands, but had no withholding (exempt for several years) I tried to avoide this conversation but wound up telling her I had no wages.
What he means, of course, is that Ms. Sapienza was very polite until he started giving evasive answers to her legimate questions. ACS is required not only to collect the unpaid tax, but also to determine how the unfortunate taxpayer got himself into that situation and telling how to prevent it in the future. Ms. Sapienza had discovered the cause, no withholding despite thousands of dollars in wages.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat
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Post by LPC »

Straight out of the TP playbook for dealing with the IRS:

1. Avoid giving direct answers to direct questions;

2. Insist that low-level IRS personnel answer questions about your favorite sections of the Internal Revenue Code, regulations, or Internal Revenue Manual;

3. Express satisfaction with whatever response you get from the IRS: (a) if they're polite and helpful, it shows you're winning; (b) if they're confused by your situation or your questions, it shows they are as incompetent as you suspected; and (c) if they get angry or even insistent, it shows they are as abusive and corrupt as you suspected.

4. Get angry and self-righteous based on (a) your conclusions from #3 and (b) the fact that you're still losing even though you *know* you're right.

5. Share your experience with other nuts so that they can validate #3 and #4.

6. Accept any advice that confirms steps 1 through 5; reject out of any any suggestion that you might be wrong and owe the tax, or that there is anything wrong with steps 1 through 5.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
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Post by The Observer »

LPC wrote:Straight out of the TP playbook for dealing with the IRS:

1. Avoid giving direct answers to direct questions;

2. Insist that low-level IRS personnel answer questions about your favorite sections of the Internal Revenue Code, regulations, or Internal Revenue Manual;

3. Express satisfaction with whatever response you get from the IRS: (a) if they're polite and helpful, it shows you're winning; (b) if they're confused by your situation or your questions, it shows they are as incompetent as you suspected; and (c) if they get angry or even insistent, it shows they are as abusive and corrupt as you suspected.

4. Get angry and self-righteous based on (a) your conclusions from #3 and (b) the fact that you're still losing even though you *know* you're right.

5. Share your experience with other nuts so that they can validate #3 and #4.

6. Accept any advice that confirms steps 1 through 5; reject out of any any suggestion that you might be wrong and owe the tax, or that there is anything wrong with steps 1 through 5.
You forgot:

7. Rinse and repeat
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff