IMF Decoder shut down

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Re: IMF Decoder shut down

Post by wserra »

I don't have a copy of the email itself, but this seems to be the docket sheet copy to which kip refers. It's making the rounds, but I can't verify that Kukhahn sent it out.

Them's some dumb m*****f*****s who don't know that there's more than one way to "terminate" a case.
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Re: IMF Decoder shut down

Post by Nikki »

wserra wrote:I don't have a copy of the email itself, but this seems to be the docket sheet copy to which kip refers. It's making the rounds, but I can't verify that Kukhahn sent it out.

Them's some dumb m*****f*****s who don't know that there's more than one way to "terminate" a case.
Updated your post to add a link to the some of the dummies in question.
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Re: IMF Decoder shut down

Post by ASITStands »

Did you see the link at Post 10?

I can't access it because I'm not registered, but it appears to be a JPG scan of the e-mail.

Re: IMF Decoder shut down

Post by Nikki »

unnecessary material deleted
Last edited by Nikki on Sat Sep 13, 2008 11:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: IMF Decoder shut down

Post by ASITStands »

Didn't come through, 'Nikki.'

Re: IMF Decoder shut down

Post by Nikki »


I sent a copy to Demosthenes for addition to the available files.

Basically, it's just as was described earlier. It's the first page of the case's docket sheet with pretty red boxes around CLOSED and Date Terminated ... without any other commentary or annotation.

Why not sign up at Sooey via an anonymous y-mail or g-mail account.

That way, you can look at all of Van Pelt's insane posts, too.
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Re: IMF Decoder shut down

Post by Demosthenes »

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Re: IMF Decoder shut down

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Nikki wrote:....

Why not sign up at Sooey via an anonymous y-mail or g-mail account.

That way, you can look at all of Van Pelt's insane posts, too.
It's the weekend so the guys with bad haircuts and funny shoes aren't here to 'splain, but there were concerns raised by them about visiting the sooey site and I accepted their advice. If I visit there it's on an old machine with a dialup connection and a proxy server.
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Re: IMF Decoder shut down

Post by grixit »

Someone should ask the Sewage R Us folks, if this is a win, why are all her websites down?
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: HJR Bonds - Club Retro

Post by truthseeker »

Club Retro, one of the HJR Bonds processes, continues to scam people. One of the people I know who have paid for this process is very disappointed and lost his money.

Apparently in the beginning on one of their conference calls, speaker 'Kelly' states that if you are unhappy with the service and not getting anything done, we will refund your money.

My source has been given the run-a-around many times now being told that "your mentor has already been working on your case" and naturally they can't refund all of their money if any of it.
Once club retro takes your money, kiss your chances goodbye of getting it back or seeing work done on your case.

They will always take the side of the mentor, and their empty promises should be a warning about what to expect using that process.

Shady Banking - Atlantic Savings & Loan

Post by truthseeker »

This may or may not go in this area, however given the evidence with HJR Bonds and their bond program, it seems they may be encroaching into the banking scene.

The kicker is that if you click to open an account you get these excerpts:
In order to join Atlantic Savings & Loan you must first be a Bond program Member.
There are fees associated with the purchase of your Bond, and
fees associated with joining a group and or a mentor program to discharge debts.
It also requires a non-disclosure agreement to be signed.
The website is hosted in VA, however the contact numbers are for Florida in which my friend who went through the club retro program said his mentor is located... convenient?

Additionally, this website looks decades behind the times. Not something that I personally would trust given the sight of it.
Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Shady Banking - Atlantic Savings & Loan

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

truthseeker wrote:This may or may not go in this area, however given the evidence with HJR Bonds and their bond program, it seems they may be encroaching into the banking scene.
The website is hosted in VA, however the contact numbers are for Florida in which my friend who went through the club retro program said his mentor is located... convenient?

Additionally, this website looks decades behind the times. Not something that I personally would trust given the sight of it.
It's not only God-awful ugly, there are enough typos and grammatical flaws that even someone with average intelligence should run from it. Then there's this gem:
Certified Checks, Cashiers Checks and Bank Checks are really the same thing.
Our Certified Checks are not part of the FDIC and are backed by our assets that are Banked by the deposits of our members. So we only issue Cashier's Checks or Certified Checks up to 85% of the amount in our members account.
But soon we will be using our own Bank Cards that can be used at any ATM outlet in the world.

You will have the option of choosing one, of three ATM vendors that are offshore and outside the jurisdiction of the Corporate Federal United States of America.
I didn't bother reading any further. :roll:
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: HJR Bonds

Post by truthseeker »

Interesting tidbit... not only is HJR Bonds a self-proclaimed expert in taxes, law, commerce & banking, but as of this morning 11/26/08 they are now health experts according to their latest conference call posted on their website. I haven't bothered to listen to all of the call as it may or may not hold truth, but easily health is primarily common sense and good choices.

Does anything they do work or do they keep bouncing from topic to topic in order to string along their blind followers and continue to suck their money from them? As with all their schemes, you can "sign up" or contact their guest speaker for whatever schmutz they are trying to peddle.

Always about the dollar, never about the people... though they would probably tell you the exact opposite. After all, if the discharge process works, why charge for the process when you can get the government to pay you for the bill? Something tells me its like Miss Cleo; she knows everything about you except your credit card number.
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Re: IMF Decoder shut down

Post by Gregg »

Something tells me its like Miss Cleo; she knows everything about you except your credit card number.

I've always wanted to go to a psychic and tell them I'd buy a reading/session/whatever if they'd take a credit card without me giving them the number
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Re: HJR Bonds

Post by truthseeker »

Has anyone heard? According to HJR Bonds, "Kelly Russell Sullivan" is your current Commander in Chief. Of course, he never made it onto a ballot and he was probably sworn in by his pathetic cronies behind some closed doors, but hey, just one more reason to laugh at these folks.

Just imagine all the people that really believe this stuff... and how many other people have been sworn in by a little group of people that disagree with the Government. Someone needs to shoot these people right the gizzards!
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Re: HJR Bonds

Post by Gregg »

truthseeker wrote:Has anyone heard? According to HJR Bonds, "Kelly Russell Sullivan" is your current Commander in Chief. Of course, he never made it onto a ballot and he was probably sworn in by his pathetic cronies behind some closed doors, but hey, just one more reason to laugh at these folks.

Just imagine all the people that really believe this stuff... and how many other people have been sworn in by a little group of people that disagree with the Government. Someone needs to shoot these people right the gizzards!
one word:
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Re: IMF Decoder shut down

Post by grixit »

This Kelly Russell Sullivan?
On September 9, 1997, Respondent Kelly Russell Sullivan, a/k/a Kelly
Russell., Sullivan,1 was stopped by Bremerton Police Officers {FNU} Johnson
and {FNU} Olsen for a traffic infraction.2 Respondent asked both officers
to complete 'public servant question{naires}' which he handed to them.3
When the officers refused, he asked for a supervisor. Sergeant {FNU}
Fuller of the Bremerton Police Department came to the scene.4 Respondent
claimed the officers were extorting him into entering a contract in
violation of U.C.C. 3-501 {commercial paper}, with reference to 42 U.S.C.
sec.1986, 1985, 1983 {relating to violation of individual rights by
government action}, and 18 U.S.C. sec.141 and sec.142 {repealed July 1,
1944}.5 A traffic infraction citation was issued to Respondent.6
On October 2, 1997, Kitsap County Deputy Sheriff Karen Demerick
stopped a pickup truck operated by Respondent because the vehicle license
had expired in March 1997.7 In the vehicle with Respondent was a male
person who identified himself as Tim (or Tom) Duffey.8 Respondent inquired
whether Deputy Sheriff Demerick knew she was violating his constitutional
rights under the 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th Amendments.9 She issued him a
traffic infraction citation for expired vehicle license and no proof of
liability insurance.10
On or about September 9, 1997, Respondent 'served' upon Police
Officers Johnson, Olsen and Sergeant Fuller documents which he
characterized as 'Demand for Particulars.'11 The three sets of 12-page
computer word-processed documents were actually photocopies of the same
document, identical in form and content, containing 73 questions somewhat
akin to interrogatories.12
On October 10, 1997, Respondent 'served' Deputy Sheriff Demerick
with one five-page set of documents,13 followed a day later by an additional
eight-page document designated as 'Demand for a Bill of Particulars.'14
Each set of documents varied slightly in form and content. The second
document is similar to those Respondent 'served' upon the Bremerton Police
officers about a month earlier.15
The documents Respondent 'served' upon all four law enforcement
officers16 are substantially similar. They bore headings similar to
captions on most documents submitted to a court. They contained 'case'
headings indicating (1) 'Bremerton Muncipal Court in and for The County of
Kitsap, State of Washington/City of Bremerton Plaintiff(s) v. Sullivan
Kelly R. Defendant(s);'17 and (2) 'Kitsap County District Court-Silverdale
In and for the County of Kitsap, State of Washington/County of Kitsap
Plaintiff, vs. Sullivan Kelly Russell Defendant.'18
The documents identified the State of Washington and either the City
of Bremerton or the County of Kitsap as Plaintiff and Respondent Sullivan
Kelly R{ussell} as Defendant and used the numbers of the traffic infraction
citations he received as the
case numbers.19 The documents are identified as originating from Respondent20
and are signed by him.21
The document Respondent characterized as a 'Demand for Particulars'
contains these words in all capitals: 'THIS IS LEGAL PROCESS, YOU ARE
COMPELLED TO RESPOND.'22 The 'demand for particulars' then stated:
This Demand is to be previewed in the nature of, and in fact is,
a demurrer to discover nature and cause of action, and is used to determine
the course/right of action for relief/remedy. The following questions are
necessary, imperative, and material for the preparation of any dilatory
pleadings or pleadings in bar involving this matter.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: IMF Decoder shut down

Post by Lambkin »

grixit wrote:This Kelly Russell Sullivan?
My Lord, they do take things seriously at that there Washington Supreme Court. Would it have killed them to put a few sniggering asides into that opinion? Very low entertainment value, I am disappointed given the fine material they had to work with.

Re: IMF Decoder shut down

Post by truthseeker »

grixit wrote:This Kelly Russell Sullivan?
Certainly appears to be the same Kelly Russell Sullivan. I have never met the person nor do I know what he looks like but the documents and procedure that the case cite follows sounds about the same as the one that is heard on the conference calls on their website.

Re: HJR Bonds

Post by truthseeker »

Gregg wrote: one word:

I took a nice quick glance at this site, and it appears to be more of the same old stuff. I particularly am not impressed with billboard trucks in front of the white house... pretty much anyone can drive by.

4. As partial remedy for 90 years of government and banking fraud, NESARA requires zeroing out of credit card balances and bank debt relief be given to Americans.
Seems like more of the HJR Bonds topics. Maybe NESARA deserves its own thread.