NESARA is Dead!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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NESARA is Dead!

Post by Deep Knight »

'Hello, Central!' Christopher Story Says NESARA is Dead !
Patrick H. Bellringer

----- Original Message -----
From: PG
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 9:26 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


Dear Patrick,

Further to Christopher Story\'s expose \"Washington exposed as secretly financial Al-Queda\"

Christopher made the statement that NESARA apparently removed from the equation and NESARA was now clearly redundant. It is finished.

Would you please be so kind in commenting on his I am sure this news will be very disturbing to me and your readership? Otherwise Christopher\'s summeries of events are quite enlightening and following the chain of events....certainly makes his arguments on the total corruption of the US government insiders very plausible.

As always you and Anne are to be commended in giving us the truth and exposing the inadequecies of mainstream journalism in todays world.

In light and love,


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Dec. 3, 2008

Dear PG:

Thank you for your question. Christopher Story's statement that NESARA is apparently removed from the equation, is clearly redundant and finished is exactly what the Bush/Clinton Cabal want you to believe. They have fought NESARA from its inception , and created the 9/11 terrorist attack on the U.S. to stop its implementation. This leads one to question Story's motives. Is he speaking as an ignorant or inadequate journalist or is he pushing this "line of propaganda" to assist the Bush/Clinton Cabal?

We give Christopher Story credit for reporting much Truth, but we encourage you to use great discernment when he discusses NESARA and other things of a spiritual nature, for he clearly moves outside his field of expertise, when doing so.

Just know that NESARA and the funding of the Prosperity Programs and Farm Claims are all very much alive and steadily moving forward to completion, in spite of the strong opposition from many quarters. Even this week key players of the Darkside have fallen in disgrace, as the White Knights and Lightworkers advance toward the "finish line".

All these "nay sayers" and false NESARA government websites shall be exposed for their lies and disbelief in Goodness when the Light wins. Know it!

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
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Re: NESARA is Dead!

Post by Deep Knight »

Here's the page (out of 67) from this "update" that deals with NESARA. See ... g_al-qaeda The best of the rest? His trying to sell some new anti-virus software he says works even against the NSA and CIA, and then later complaining about (and using as an excuse) them hacking into his computer system.

For Mr Obama has been advised that he must be prepared to assume office early, if necessary – which is to say that there are indications, confirmed by several separate sources to this service, that the prescribed Inauguration Day of 20th January 2008 may be brought forward, or that the new President may have taken office some time in advance of that date. This information has not been accompanied by any elaboration: but it must be obvious that the pressure of events and of ‘the processes’ alluded to above may not allow for the luxury of a transition period of normal duration.

• This, in turn, accounts for the fact that Mr Obama has already assembled the key members of his team for his first term, although we also know, do we not, that all the key people are selected by the Intelligence Power which runs the Government, and its structures, not the other way round. The team has been assembled 'early' because the Obama Administration may start early.

Whatever the failing agitpropagandists wanted, the reality is that, in contrast to earlier presidential elections, the outcome in November 2008 was decisive – enabling John McCain to escape from his agony by conceding defeat and making a very generous speech congratulating his opponent at the earliest possible moment. At 8.20pm on 6th November, we were further informed that the current Provost Marshal had retrieved the controversial NESARA (that is, National Economic Security and Recovery Act) documents from Chief Justice John Roberts.

Since the United States now at last possessed (so far as the controlling Intelligence Power was concerned, at any rate, which was ALL THAT MATTERED IN PRACTICE) a constitutionally chosen President-Elect, NESARA was now clearly redundant. It is finished.

• Criminalist President Clinton had signed the legislation, WHICH WOULD ONLY COME INTO EFFECT WHEN ANNOUNCED, in the presence of Navy Seals, who eat Marines for breakfast.

It contained provisions for the reform of the United States' finances and the removal from office of the President, the Vice President and the Cabinet, and their immediate replacement by an Interim Administration charged with organising elections within six months. NESARA, by the way, explains the original nickname applied to Bush Jr. of ‘Temporary’. It had somehow been assumed that the Clinton legislation, effectively signed under military duress, would be implemented under Bush Jr.

• John Roberts, appointed by Bush Jr. to head the Supreme Court, was briefed to confiscate and 'sit on' the NESARA papers, presumably because Bush Jr. saw them as a threat to his rule.

The decisive 2008 election outcome was of course another reason why John McCain conceded so promptly. Given the outcome, NESARA was no longer prospectively ‘needed’, so the Chief Justice could no longer ‘justify’ holding on to the relevant documents, which the current Provost Marshal accordingly ‘confiscated’. President-Elect Barack Obama has since indicated that the authority of the Provost Marshal is to be strengthened under his Presidency, or else has made it plain that the holder of this office has the President-Elect’s full support in the fulfilment of his duties, which, in the prevailing circumstances, amounts to the same thing.
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Re: NESARA is Dead!

Post by Deep Knight »

~ Ashtar-on-the-Road 12/1-2/08: + The GOLDEN AGE HAS BEGUN!

Of Course in the future today's scifi will be ouReality.
The Main Focus is continually thru the Heart
That's good in All Realities past future
And Presently,
A Heart Melting in the Glow of Grace

Ashtar-on-the-Road + An Interesting Tale 12/1-2/08: The GOLDEN AGE HAS BEGUN!

Very positive message...I know some people believe Mark is a "little out there", but that is because the truth is stranger than fiction.
It appears to me as if Obama is already acting President, calling all these meetings with governors and such. Christopher Story's latest message confirms it, and now Obama is issuing ultimatums to Bush and Brown. Don't believe all the negative disinfo you read about Obama and how this is another Clinton administration. BS!!! Obama is not who he appears to be, and neither are the Clintons. Remember who signed NESARA into law? Bill Clinton did, and he is going to play a major role in finally implementing it.
My take is that we are in our final moments and that 12/12 is going to be a real doozy.
Go to and read your own personal horoscope. This lady is right on and is forcasting a great deal of $ for everyone this month, as well as some major fireworks around the 12th.

Couldn't sleep at all last night, a lot of 'stuff' was going on in the higher dimensions.
Also, have you noticed that everything is now in our faces? It is our final exams, kids. May we pass every test.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mark Huber

A tale that unfolded this weekend and continues. Several of us were drawn OOB to an Ashtar Mothership that was operating/cloaked within our solar system. Commanders from across the Milky Way galaxy and this Universe arrived in large craft that appeared to be 'absorbed into' the Mothership which had a distortion field around it so that it's exterior shape appeared to morph into various gelatinous shapes. The interior was vast and everyone appeared in different colored unisuits with the only common item being a badge most of which was the same for all, with an individualized portion which seemed to represent specialties or identity of the occupant.

A wall sized plasma screen was presenting fractal-views of the galaxy with sparks of color where planets existed. Some of these swirling sparks were being moved around--as on an Apple Touchphone screen. The main point was that they were preparing dispositions for something very big that was forthcoming in the near future, having to do with the earth. They were lowering a energy net down into the earth's grids that would be impenetrable from below or above, except by those with certain radiating certain codes.

Today we found out that the ship was in fact the Phoenix, under the command of Cdr Soltec.

Last night and this morning further unusual events are taking place. Last night 12 lamas were sitting around 12 crystal skulls beneath the Potala Palace in Tibet. There was a 13th crystal in the center of the circle. Each lama was representing a different ray color and together they were creating a 12D circular rainbow which combined into a laser-like beam that flashed to the center crystal, combined, and then vertically shot upward to a special holodeck on the New Jerusalem where 12 Commanders sat in a circle and created a 12D mirror beam. Today this continued aboard the New Jerusalem and beamed this down to surround the earth and then went on out to the universe. This joint effort was creating a harmonious field effect that spread from the Potala in concentric waves of 12D harmony. These events are connected with events transpiring on the earth at this time. This 12D field makes any dark intentions powerless.
Anyone intending to resist the changes will be removing themselves. ... alace.html
12/2/08 Ashtar-on-the-road through Susan Leland.
Some initial statements that will be news to most readers/listeners reveals what has been hinted at for some time. Just as in the situation 2000 years ago, Jeshua was baptised in the river Jordan, and at that time was overlighted by the higher self of Sananda Kumara who merged his soul essence with Jeshua.
In our time two individuals who have been very instrumental in our gov't and in NESARA's origin, signing into Law were ones we know as Bill Clinton & the King of Swords. We can now reveal who is overlighting each of them. Bill Clinton is now an overlighted instrument of St Germain. The King of Swords is being overlighted by Sananda Kumara and he is assisted by Sanada's twin flame, Lady Master Nada. You have been told of a return to earth and also that when he returned it would be with a sword. Can you now see the significance of the "King of Swords"? Take time to digest the significance of what has been stated here and in the closing statement of Sananda.

Ashtar, Sananda and St Germain confirmed these statements tonight. We were also told that if the Stock Market goes below 7200 the Plunge Protection Team will be ordered to step in by KOS and we will see our Announcement.

On WGN Chicago TV today, Patrick Fitzgerald said he is ready to unseal 50 more indictments at any moment in the next days. That also would take out many if not most of the top heads of gov't, like Rove, Cheney, Bush, Chertoff, Paulson and more, and present a constitutional crisis which would require NESARA's Announcement.

Ashtar said that the Lightworkers are making history/herstory by fulfilling our mission. Many long eons ago we came to earth to live, love laugh and learn how energies are reflected in duality. We had to experience the painful side of each to know and choose our new direction and balance and love all expressions.
Christmas can be any day now. "Our Gifts" are being wrapped Now. So get ready, and remember to pay them forward! Let this be the First NESARA Christmas! {No Dates, as always!}
Ashtar took all on the CC into a Miracle Workshop Meditation in a crystal room at a higher dimensional level. That powerful meditation and its symbols will be in the transcript.
We concluded that meditation by releasing a beautiful Gift Box filled with cosmic colors and crystal energies old and new which we placed inside the gift box before a ceiling opening appeared and the box of gifts rose out as a gift from the whole Ashtar family to the whole earth, inner, surface and to all life on earth and then on out to the whole universe, as a Welcome Home to the Golden Age, that nothing will ever diminish. All are included in this Gifting! As we left the higher realms we took with us the gift of Ascension, which we created and shared and now received.

St Germain: The Truth of what was just completed in meditation was to Gift the Earth and the Universe with a New Timeline! We have endured a momentary lack so that we could be a brother/sister to all life.
We are Done! Now it is our turn to open our gift box and savor our presents.
No more karmic accumulations!

Henceforth, forget the political dramas playing out before our eyes. Instead look now into the eyes of each and we will see the change.
I repeat:
We have changed our timeline to a new one with a whole new potential!
What has been experienced as resistance and blockage will now become facilitation and celebration ease.
St Geramain then led us through an initiation affirmation, of formal declaration and acceptance of our gifts.

SANANDA next came through accompanied by Mother Mary who formally presented each of us with an eternal heart-rose, saying: We are in your heart always and forever more. He gave each an etheric hug and joyful congratulations, saying:" ALL that you have heard tonight is TRUE! You have
given a mighty gift and have now received your reward. Go forward and share all that you know and in Love.
Join us with hugs and welcome into the reality of your destination:

We were told that 12:12 will be a powerful high vibe day focused on receiving and sharing as we spread the love.

We are one heart expressing through each and all.

We read from Chris Story tonight that Obama gave an ultimatum today to Bush and Gordon Brown to pay the settlement funds or be removed. We are on a new time line and many masks will now be removed and the true identities of many we thought we knew will be revealed.
And don't forget that arrests, announcements and star craft's decloakings are all part of this ending script.
I'm sure that Mother Sekhmet will have more to reveal on Thursday night.

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Re: NESARA is Dead!

Post by texino »

You got to wonder about Story. Was he ever a real financial whiz? If so, something must have driven him past reason. NESARA does not exist. Prosperity funds are scams and farm claims are bogus. All of this stuff is easily debunked, yet people stretch reason to unbelievable limits to squeeze reality into these fantasies. Like some legislation forced on the President and congress by some sailors and then held in secret until it is officially announced is possible? No. Especially since, according to Dove, all the banks know about it and she and Bellringer have blabbed it all over creation. Got to say there are some pretty strange beliefs afoot. I mean when there is a huge name calling brawl right here on Q over the question of President-Elect Obama's place of birth and people are using "Big Daddy" logic about "Left wing liberal" agendas meant to destroy the USA; that stuff is uncomfortably close to what we see on this forum but none of us believes.
At least, I don't think any of the regular posters believe in NESARA. Oh well, wonder where the packies are.
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Re: NESARA is Dead!

Post by co-shoot »


Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Sunday, 7 December 2008, 1:31 a.m.


This is recently posted at ... 1228603177

It seems to me (?) that I may have read this exact verbiage before, so I can't be sure the writing is fresh and "first-hand", but it may be.

It provides a measure of corroboration for the idea that the "Farm Claims" matter is something real and has historical existence.

If so, then as the writer points out at the conclusion, it _may_ provide some basis for that mysterious thing called NESARA. :)

There's much confusion surrounding NESARA. Some think the idea originated at, but I believe that's mistaken. Rather, I think Dove is the primary source.

As I understand it, Dove had a mail list going but no website. Fourwinds10 became aware of Dove and sort of "offered her a home." Sometime later there apparently was a falling out, concerning which I have no details. Dove has been on her own since then, and with a specific website:

At the same time, a _different_ NESARA was being talked about, on another, unrelated-to-Dove website:

Details of the NESARA on _that_ website are substantively different from the details Dove has spoken of. And the NESARA on _that_ website has never been said to have been about "actual legislation". Rather, it has been a _proposal_, a proposition of some kind, never acted upon by any legislature so far as I know.

Relatively speaking, the nesara.ORG NESARA would lead to a maintaining of significant portions of the status quo, while Dove's NESARA would more nearly lead to a full return to Constitutionality in America.

Both NESARAs have some points I find troubling, but that's moot unless one or the other of them is "real". :) And that's still an open question, today. It's said there's a very seriously intended "gag order" in place with regard to Dove's NESARA, so we have no expectation that anyone who really knows about it will suddenly break silence on the matter - until such time as the whole things is to be announced, if ever.

Found at - that's my bolding of the final paragraph:


----- Original Message -----
From: [email withheld for RMN posting, visible at fourwinds10]
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2008 12:30 AM
Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

I see the term "farm claims(agricultural claims)", and NESARA all mentioned in the same breath, and wonder how much readers really know about any of these terms. My knowledge of NESARA is relatively limited, but I do have some knowledge of the 'farm claims" which I will relate here.

In the late 70's an elderly man in Colorado by the name of Roy Swassinger Sr. bought a ranch with a loan from The Federal Land Bank and proceeded to ranch this property until passing away a short time later. His son, Roy Swassinger Jr. a retired military general, took over the ranch and proceeded to run it, until one day a Federal Land Bank officer and a Federal Marshall appeared on his property and told him he would have to vacate in 30 days as the loan agreement with his father stipulated that upon the borrower's death, the property would revert back to The Federal Land Bank.

Being very upset over this, Roy Swassinger started a class action suit with 23 other ranchers, farmers and Indians who had been swindled in like manner. This suit proceeded to the Denver Federal Court where the Swassinger party filed an involuntary bankruptcy against The Federal Land Bank. The Bank filed for protection, but the courts refused to honor this because it was found out that The Bank was essentially a non-entity, as it was not registered to do business in Colorado, nor any other state in the union.

The Denver court system then ruled that all properties of all entities in question would be given back to the original owners by The Federal Marshalls. The feds refused to act as it was a conflict of interest for them at which time the task was given to the National Guards of the affected states. This task having been completed in 1978, the class action suit continued on to the Supreme Court where the case was in deliberation from 1978 to 1993 when the final decisions were made by the supreme Court.

During this time of deliberation and suits, it was found out that the master holder of The Federal Land Bank, Land Bank Association and other quasi orginizations such as PCA FHA, etc., ie. The Federal Reserve Bank, was not even registered to do business with the National Banking Associations and was declared a non-entity also. It was determined that all monies, properties, gold, silver, property titles, and other forms of equity that had been illegally taken out of this country by the Federal Reserve and the IRS would be returned to the U.S. forthewith.

The retired Delta Force was given this task by the Supreme court, which they carried out in 1993 and 1994. Trillions were brought back and placed in 5 repositories throughout the U.S. These properties were to be given back to the American people as they had been taken from the people illegally since 1913. The Swassinger party plead that this would be announced to the American People in national newspapers and on television, but the courts refused to do this as it would cause mass hysteria, and possible ecenomic problems.

They did agree to let it be announced in small unsyndicated newspapers and by word of mouth. The Delta force were also given the task to set up claims writers in each of the states to enlist those who desired a part in the claims. This was done in 1993 and some 320,00 Americans signed up for this, the average claim being some $20,000,000.

It was also decreed that the Federal Reserve and the IRS would be dismissed as their services were no longer needed. I believe that this is the basis for the Nesara announcements when the country will go back to constitutional law, and the people will be paid their just dues. I have had personal witness that this will happen so their is no doubt in my mind, it is only a matter of time now and this will be done.


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Re: NESARA is Dead!

Post by Deep Knight »

Licensed to Kill: Roy Schwasinger, 67

Perhaps more than any other figure of the 1990s, former Nebraska meatpacker Roy Schwasinger is responsible for the proliferation of get-rich-quick schemes that used the antigovernment rhetoric of the Patriot movement. After starting We the People in 1993, Schwasinger claimed that he had won a class action suit against the government alleging that the country had gone bankrupt in 1933 — a suit that meant most Americans were now eligible for tax-free settlements of more than $20 million apiece (conveniently, he said, Delta Force commandos had brought back $600 trillion from overseas banks). There was only one catch — Schwasinger needed a $300 fee in order to file a claim. Along with others, Schwasinger victimized at least 6,832 people; Schwasinger’s personal take, officials said, was more than $300,000. At a 1992 seminar, Schwasinger taught LeRoy Schweitzer of the Montana Freemen how to create fake financial instruments — a skill that Schweitzer then passed on to hundreds. Schwasinger was also a conspiracy fabulist. In one videotape, according to research on the Militia Watchdog Web site, he announced that he and We the People "have a license to kill," and in fact had recently executed 170 judges and lawyers at a secret base. In another tape, the group said a gold molecule had been developed that could make steel beams levitate — a molecule used by Christ to heal the sick. Schwasinger today is serving lengthy federal and state prison terms in connection with his scams.
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Re: NESARA is Dead!

Post by Deep Knight »

Dove on Roy (from 2005)

History of N.E.S.A.R.A.
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,

An important activity involving NESARA has required that I research the actions carried out by brave Americans in the 20 years prior to the NESARA Law’s passage by Congress in year 2000. Several of you sent me video tapes and audio tapes of farm claims meetings which provided valuable background. I also was given temporary access to a large cache of documents and reports which discussed events in the early and mid 1990s. Several people gave generously of their time answering my dozens of questions during long telephone discussions. I deeply thank all of you who have shared your knowledge of the actions described below.

It’s important that we realize there have been a multitude of activities occurring about which most of us knew nothing. We need to understand HOW our treacherous government officials and judges have undermined our rights and continued to harm Americans. Twelve years ago today, March 4, 1994, a Federal Judge in Nevada issued the declaratory order of TRUTH about the Income Tax Amendment and the Federal Reserve. This should have helped end the harm done by the Federal Reserve and income taxes. Instead, it was kept from public knowledge by a gag order issued five days later.

From these past actions which almost succeeded but ultimately failed, we of the NESARA Law Task Force have learned much including how to ensure NESARA is successfully announced.


In the mid-1980s, William and Shirley Baskerville of Fort Collins, Colorado, were involved in a bankruptcy court case with First Interstate Bank of Fort Collins to keep the bank from foreclosing on their farms. Per information from Farmers’ meetings, one day the Baskervilles were sitting in a Colorado restaurant with their attorney who was telling them that they had lost their case and he could not help them any further.

Retired General Roy Schwasinger was sitting at a table adjacent to the Baskervilles and after the attorney left the restaurant, General Schwasinger asked the Baskervilles if he could talk with them. He sat down with them, heard their story, and then General Schwasinger wrote a few sentences on a napkin and told them to submit this as a legal action to appeal the bankruptcy court’s decision.

In 1987, the Baskervilles filed their appeal, Case No. 87-C-716, with United States District Court for the District of Colorado. Per a copy of the order issued by Judge Jim R. Carrigan of the United States District Court, the Baskervilles won Case No. 87-C-716 on November 3, 1988. The bankruptcy court was ordered to reverse its decision to let First Interstate Bank of Fort Collins to foreclose on the Baskervilles’ farms.

However, problems continued for the Baskervilles and an important Farmers’ Case, Case No. 93-1308M, was filed in Federal District Court in Denver in1993. Case No. 93-1308M was filed by "William G. Baskerville, Shirley A. Baskerville, J. B. Foster, and Lorraine L. Foster vs Federal Land Bank, Farm Credit Services, Credit Bank of Wichita, Federal Land Bank of Wichita a corporation, First Interstate Bank of Fort Collins, and various others. General Schwasinger had been a co-plaintiff with the Baskervilles in previous cases and became a co-plaintiff on 93-1308M later as well.

This case number 93-1308M is discussed for several minutes in the October 1993 Farmer’s meeting video excerpts included in the NESARA Meeting DVD. The Baskervilles were involved in other cases between 1988 and 1993, however, the 93-1308M is the most widely known.

The Baskerville Foster Farmers’ Cases had other farmers’ cases "joined" to the Baskerville Foster case at the US Supreme Court. Baskerville Foster proved the Federal Reserve loan practices were fraudulent and the banks were using fraudulent foreclosure actions to foreclose on farmers’ and ranchers’ properties. Baskerville Foster also proved the federal government was operating outside Constitutional Law. In the early 1990’s, the US Supreme Court ruled in favor of Baskerville Foster on these issues.

Baskerville Foster essentially proved the Federal Reserve and American banks had committed fraud and robbed generations of Americans of billions of dollars. This made the Baskerville Foster case the basis of a Class Action suit for Americans to make financial damages claims against the federal government. The "claims against the government" were mentioned only a few times in the media and then the US Supreme Court put a gag order on the claims process. The "claims process" became known as the "farm claims" and later the "bank claims".

In 1993, US Supreme Court Judges Rehnquist, Scalia, and O’Connor, certain members of Congress, and representatives of the Clinton government had many meetings with US military officers (active and retired) who were demanding the return to Constitutional Law, reforms of the banking system, and financial redress to Americans through the "farm claims/bank claims" process. General Roy Schwasinger led the farm claims process and was a key military leader in all the actions leading up to the farm claims process.

The Farmers Meetings captured on video tape and audio tape were held mainly to discuss the "farm claims" process and paperwork and to discuss the government and banking fraud proved in Baskerville Foster which gave farmers and other Americans the right to file for financial redress. The farm claims process began in 1993. The US Supreme Court’s gag order allowed only "community meetings" and personal contacts to be utilized to spread the word about the farm claims.

General Schwasinger had actually begun his investigations into banking and government fraud in the early 1980’s. In 1982, General Schwasinger was given a contract by the US Senate and later a mandate from the US Supreme Court to investigate these issues. His investigation was carried out under strict non-disclosure rules; he was not allowed to tell the media what he discovered. In the late 1980’s General Schwasinger began informing other retired and active military leaders of the serious crimes he was uncovering. In 1991, General Schwasinger made a full report to a Senate Committee showing the banking and government frauds in the United States being tied to a larger, worldwide plan to establish a "one world order".

In 1992, 300+ retired and 35 active US military officers, who strongly support Constitutional Law, met to coordinate actions to put America back on Constitutional Law. Several task forces were formed and carried out simultaneous investigations of government officials, Congress, the Federal Reserve, and federal judges including the US Supreme Court Judges.

These US military officers found a multitude of unlawful actions had been committed by most members of Congress and found only "two honest" members among the 535 members of Congress. They found evidence of numerous crimes, including a common practice of accepting bribes, were committed by many federal officials and judges. As described by Texan Roger H. in an audio recording of a farmers’ meeting, "the military used the truth" to force Congress to pass laws and force others to take steps toward addressing the serious unconstitutional activities of the government and banking system.

In late 1992, these US military officers also carried out the first-ever audit of the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve had held itself to be totally exempt from audits by outsiders and has never had another outside audit since then. The Federal Reserve bankers were used to giving orders which made politicians and corporate leaders jump. Imagine the bankers’ shock when scores of US military officers demanded access to the Federal Reserve’s records based on the Fed’s large-scale fraud which had already been proven in the farmers’ cases. Initially, the bankers refused the military officers access, however, the officers made it clear they would enter the Fed’s buildings with force if necessary.

As Roger H., a former Sheriff in Texas, discusses in the audio recording of a June 1993 farmers meeting, the US military officers scoured the Fed’s records and found trillions of dollars sitting in accounts earning interest; trillions which should have been applied to the "national debt". The military also found that contrary to the federal government’s propaganda, most nations were paying back the loans made to them by America. The military confiscated the trillions and put the money into European banks’ trading programs generating funds to pay the farm/bank claims.

In August 1992, certain of the 335 US military officers met with President George. H. W. Bush and demanded he sign an agreement that he would help restore Constitutional Law. They demanded Bush never again use the term "new world order"; the military officers were well aware of the one world government plan Bush supported.

Bush pretended to cooperate. However, in December 1992, the military officers discovered President Bush was planning on December 25, 1992 to sign an executive order ordering American banks to close INDEFINITELY which would cause economic chaos and give Bush a reason to declare martial law. After declaring martial law, Bush intended to install a "new constitution" which would have placed everyone then in office in their positions for 25 years and removed Americans’ rights to hold elections and elect new officials.

The military officers again intervened and stopped Bush from signing the executive order.

The military officers then began using the farm claims process and the rulings in the farmers cases as foundations for restoring true Constitutional Law. There were several different strategies pursued, however, ultimately, the Clinton government undermined their efforts.

First, the Clinton government required that the farm claims use a specific claims form designed by members of Congress and the government. The government imposed an administrative cost of $300 to process a family’s claims. The farmers and military developed an organization of volunteers who held community meetings and instructed people in how to fill out their farm claims documents. Some volunteers became "farm claims writers" to help people fill out their claim forms.

The government required that these volunteers collect the $300 fee. This $300 fee was imposed by the Clinton government in order to HAVE A BASIS TO LATER ARREST the leaders of the farm claims movement.

The farm claims leaders were sincere people volunteering their time and energy to help restore Constitutional Law in America and help the American farmers. The farm claims leaders were "set-up" by the government. In 1994, certain leaders of the farm claims activities were arrested and convicted on trumped-up charges. General Schwasinger, Scott H. (former Police Chief in Iowa), Joe M., and other farm claims leaders were arrested and vilified in the media whenever possible.

The federal government was so afraid to have people hear what General Schwasinger and Scott H. said at their trial in Michigan, that extraordinary actions were taken. For the two weeks of their trial, the COUNTY COURTHOUSE EMPLOYEES were NOT ALLOWED to come to WORK from MONDAY through THURSDAY of EACH WEEK while the trial was in progress. The FBI swarmed into the courthouse each Monday through Thursday and kept all visitors out of the courthouse during the 4 days of each week while the trial was in session!

The public was not allowed to watch the trial and no county employees were allowed in the courthouse for 8 out of 10 working days because the federal government feared the truth would get out to the media. Although some farm claims leaders have been released from prison, General Schwasinger and Scott H. are still being held at this time. General Schwasinger’s access to the prison law library has been denied and his mail and telephone communications are severely restricted. (NESARA orders these political prisoners must be released within 72 hours after NESARA’s announcement.)

If you were not part of these activities, as I was not, you may not have heard about these activities. However, it’s clear from the research I’ve done and evidence from numerous sources, that in the 1990’s there were many groups of Americans acting to restore Constitutional Law and reform the government.

The military were fighting hard in many ways to restore Constitutional Law. Clinton’s delay in filling many federal appointments early in his first administration was due to the military’s actions. At one time, the military were almost successful in re-establishing the gold standard. US military Delta Force were among the military groups who carried the official orders to the bankers regarding going back on the gold standard. By October 11, 1994, there had been a quiet requirement to go back on the gold standard to which all states agreed. Re-establishing the gold standard has important results; the gold standard will end the "bankruptcy" into which President Franklin D Roosevelt thrust the United States in 1933. The Federal Reserve owners, major banking families in the US and Europe, were the true forces behind the US going off the gold standard.

In 1994, in order to end the fraud of the Federal Reserve loan practices, judges were notified to cease and desist collection of bank and tax debts. However, the major banking families in the United States were fighting against the gold standard and against the banking changes. There were no major public announcements by anyone about these changes taking place as the military had been ordered to keep quiet by the US Supreme Court. This lack of public announcements made reversing the banking reform efforts possible.

After all the military’s hard work to reform the banking system and get America on the gold standard and off worthless fiat money, collusion between the Clinton government, the US Supreme Court, and the Federal Reserve owners managed to scuttle the banking reforms. The gold that had been brought into the USA to back the currency was gradually stolen.

Court issued GAG ORDERS struck down major reforms progress over and over and kept the public ignorant of the heroic efforts made by those fighting to reform the government.

On Friday, March 4, 1994, in Case No. CV-N-93-401-DWH, Ronald L. Jackson vs United State, et al. Judge David Hagan, of the Federal District Court in Reno, Nevada, issued a DECLARATORY JUDGMENT that:

1. the Sixteenth Amendment was and is invalid; (Income Tax amendment)

2. the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, is declared unconstitutional as it was and is applied to State Citizens.

3. the Gold Reserve Act of 1934, to be fraud on its surface and to be declared unconstitutional.

4. Title 26 USC [the Internal Revenue Code] to only apply to the Federal United States, [not to the citizens of the fifty States] and all other implications to be fraud and declared unconstitutional.

On March 9, 1994, the Ninth Circuit Court of San Francisco placed a FEDERAL GAG ORDER on Ronald Jackson and all parties involved in the case.

The NESARA Law announcement will complete the hard work of thousands of dedicated Americans. NESARA’s announcement abolishes the Federal Reserve, abolishes Income Taxes which were never ratified, restores Constitutional Law, removes officials failing to uphold Constitutional Law, and re-establishes the gold standard in America.

In addition, NESARA forbids the deplorable sale of Americans’ birth records as "chattel property bonds" by the US Department of Transportation. For over 50 years, the federal government has combined the birth records of Americans into "chattel property bonds" it sells to foreign countries and others. The use of our birth records has essentially "replaced gold" as backing America’s value. If for no other reason, this selling of Americans’ birth records as though they are slaves is enough reason to put America back on the gold standard! This abominable practice will end with NESARA’s announcement.


Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Executive Director
International NESARA Take Action Teams

Exactly what army was Roy a general of? I'm only asking 'cause it wasn't the US Army or Marine Corps. Perhaps one of the unofficial militias that sprung up in the 90's? Even they don't seem to have this record. Maybe he was a general in the Roy's Meatpacking Unorganized Militia, whose other members are prohibited by a non-disclosure agreement from saying they're members.
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Re: NESARA is Dead!

Post by Arthur Rubin »

But did the Baskerville's have any hounds? :lol

Also, I noticed letter-number-sequences claimed to be actual case numbers. This is a first for NESARA and company. I wonder if some of those are actual cases, and what the outcome of those cases really was...
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: NESARA is Dead!

Post by fortinbras »

Gee, just because this cadaver hasn't twitched in about 15 years you're ready to jump to conclusions and declare it dead.
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Re: NESARA is Dead!

Post by Deep Knight »

Arthur Rubin wrote:But did the Baskerville's have any hounds? :lol

Also, I noticed letter-number-sequences claimed to be actual case numbers. This is a first for NESARA and company. I wonder if some of those are actual cases, and what the outcome of those cases really was...
93-1308M - 4 Google hits, all Dove quotes from this nonsense...
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Re: NESARA is Dead!

Post by texino »

Well, that Dove loves her Juntas, has never been a secret. I like to imagine these retired command grade guys calling active duty pals and suggesting that "we go down to the Supreme Court and shake them up a bit." I love the $300 bait and switch too. Order people to take money so they will be guilty of taking money. That's a knee slapper. I guess they would not allow them to place the money in escrow either. I have talked with quite a few people who believe in Farm claims/NESARA to different degrees and am always amazed at the huge leaps of faith required to except even the smallest glint of logic. People just flat want to believe that they will get some big money and they are willing to grant the Government incredible insight and thaumaturgic powers to pinpoint their cash cache and then disappear it. I know this has been discussed, but the movement of 6 trillions in bullion is a major task; not to mention there may not be that much gold in the first place. Oh well, perhaps it might be best to just deny that NESARA ever existed anywhere other than in the mind of Harvey Barnard and be done with it.
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Re: NESARA is Dead!

Post by co-shoot »

Dearest Texino,

Thanks for this reminder!

Today is when Pearl Harbor was attacked. Now that is 68 years ago. As a young man, I am always hearing where everyone was and what was everyone doing on that day so famous. And everyone said "Remember Pearl Harbor!" in a voice of certain emotions that you know they are not forgetting it at all. Well now, add up 68 years to the age of most of the people whose memories were once the clearest and you will see not but the old looking at the framed and dear departed. I think that they all know someone or more frozen there forever young.


is a pearl
that washs to shore someday.... lol.
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Re: NESARA is Dead!

Post by texino »

My word, someone reads my Blog!
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Re: NESARA is Dead!

Post by Deep Knight »

Mark Huber wrote:~ Ashtar-on-the-Road 12/1-2/08: + The GOLDEN AGE HAS BEGUN!

Ashtar, Sananda and St Germain confirmed these statements tonight. We were also told that if the Stock Market goes below 7200 the Plunge Protection Team will be ordered to step in by KOS and we will see our Announcement.

This is getting closer, but strangely Mr. "A" (aka Lord Rama, aka Lord Ari, aka Ram Berkowitz) doesn't seem to be trumpeting this as it does! And to think if it falls just 300 more points...

Dow Jones Industrial Average
7465.95 -89.68 (-1.19%) Feb 19 4:02pm ET
Open: 7555.23
High: 7614.97
Low: 7447.55

Volume: 300,816,766
Avg Vol: 324,959,000
Mkt Cap: N/A
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Re: NESARA is Dead!

Post by texino »

"Plunge team"
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Re: NESARA is Dead!

Post by Deep Knight »

Oops, someone posted this for Mark Huber after my post (don't worry, I have no illusions about them visiting here, I mean, if we mocked you on a daily basis would you?).

2009 Feb. 19 MarkH: More on Market Decisions

The Dow closed at 7465.95, a 6 year low, today. That is only 265.95 points
away from 7200 level that KOS [King of Swords] has cited as the point at
which he would stop all worldwide trading.

They are meeting now to determine whether we are ready to let it fall to
7200 or whether we need more time for 'other things' financial house
cleaning and Karl Rove's testimony before we can have arrests...a
precondition for the safe flow of funds that NESARA will bring.

That appears to be undecided at this moment.

If they prop up the market tomorrow, they can keep it limping along for
another week; if not they must decide when enough factors converge to close


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 2009 Feb. 19 Possible Dow "Break" Tomorrow
From: "Steve Beckow" <Unity22@...>
Date: Thu, February 19, 2009 10:06 pm

While we can not say exactly what will happen next, we can say that Mother
Sekhmet tonight said that it is possible that the StockMarket may take 'a
break' tomorrow around 1 PM.

She did not go any further.

That is a very awesome possibility of which she gave us a heads-up hint.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Re: NESARA is Dead!

Post by co-shoot »

Well i must be crazy....yeah really.
Back in the seventies the dow was flirting with dropping from 450 i stood there listening to bill ross explain why no one should sell ...HE said the dow will take some years but it will go 12,000..... that ain't no damn lie ...the rest is history.

Well i must be crazy....yeah really more than ever....i believe the dow has to go up for some crazy damn reasons most never thought of....the green back comes home one way or another.

Would someone please tell mark that the worlds exchanges are going to shut down and force
all stock american to be put up for 60% sale of its annual high and they intend to send all those greenbacks traded abroad as a write off....hahahahhaa
Deep Knight
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Re: NESARA is Dead!

Post by Deep Knight »

They've been talking about this on GodLikeProductions (Where Deep Knight is still banned) and it's turned some away from the "lame side." See ... 721050/pg1



Yeah I'm done with the GF and this Mark guy. And NESARA. We are our own saviors. No one is going to save us.


"Oh opps sorry guys we ment 6200, our bad."

You watch.
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Re: NESARA is Dead!

Post by Deep Knight »

Mark Huber is on vacation, but Steve Beckow has posted a "channeling" from Mother Sekhmet dated last Thursday that includes this clarification of the plunge protection team's plunger protection...

Tara: Mother, the stock market. Something has been done, when it went
below 7200, and it is not the same ordinary plunge protection team
procedures this time, because -

MS: This galactic protection is being..

Tara: It's called the Violet Catchers Mitt with another Galactic in that
mitt, named St. Germain. Right?

MS: .and we would say that he ultimately has the say-so of how this gets
done. Not anyone else. You would not attempt to second guess the Lavender
Lad, because he would kindly say, If you know better, open the door, if you
are so bold. He will even let you open the door, and, Hmm, as you open the
door, look out, because you may just be meeting the key master on the other
side of the door, and the enigma will continue ad infinitum, because it has
to do with the healing of your own soul matrix..

Tara: Yes. And so the Catcher's Mitt has multitudinous things that are
being caught in it, all at the same time, and if you were to describe it,
it's all of those 50 - what did you call those 50 - ?

MS: Oh - 50 running scandals, called still bushed. There are your 40
children running around with the traumas of genocide, war crimes. In the
very fact that you had to learn to live in the urban jungle, having to fend
for yourselves within a bureaucratic system, where you are an enemy of the
state, classified by your slave number, aye?

Tara: Along with the children and everything. Yes.

MS: And if you don't answer in the right way, there is a big buzz..

That really clears things up.
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Deep Knight
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Re: NESARA is Dead!

Post by Deep Knight »

I've been reading Mark Huber's "updates" ever since he returned from vacation (Vacation? Really? How strange considering that NESARA was about to be announced and he was a critical mouthpiece...) and he's included absolutely nothing about the "plunge protection team." Strange, I thought that this was to be PROOF that this NESARA stuff wasn't just being made up as they went along.

But he did give us this exciting news in response to questions on his website ( ) No doubt the arrests of senior bankers will prove that he's not just talking through this hat (or other orifice), I mean, they couldn't possibly cover up an operation of this size! Aho!

[Mark was asked for more details on the WH meetings and the round-up of

Tom is a Paschat shape shifter and Joel Matthews is a separate entity from
the Omniverse who is "older than time, as we know it." They are both
shapeshifters with full abilities and memories...who work with the KOS.

Dodi and Di [the Nameless Ones] were both at the WH meeting this past
weekend. Many others, including King Hussein of Jordan, who has been up on
the ships after a clone of him was killed. He will be back to take back his
position with his wife, Queen Noor, who was also present.

Hong Kong Blondes [Tiennanmien Square students who help by redirecting
stolen funds through "cyberlifting"] and Red and Green Ninjas [a Chinese
secret society with millions of members] and many others were also present.
Those meetings included almost everyone in 3 & 5D who has roles to play
before this ends.

Di will be the true heir to the throne, as she is the true heir to the blood

14 million galactic-humans were part of the operation today to arrest senior
bankers in all major countries. Nothing on this scale has ever been
attempted and could not possibly have happened without the galactic
abilities and support.

Mark H
"Follow the Money"