Weston White banned at losthorizons; he responds to PEH

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Weston White banned at losthorizons; he responds to PEH

Post by Famspear »

Weston White, under the name "dii2004", writes:
Yea, personally I think he [Peter Hendrickson] believes I was actually serious. So he pulled a "Mutter" on me [referring to Hendrickson's ban of user Mutter when Mutter began asking questions]. haha

I send out a mass email to everybody I had an address for advising them of what happended and I just sent a fairwell letter to Hendrickson, titled "You are now on notice."

-- "Obviously, being that you do not have the "berries" to advise others of your actions (such as banning them and as to why exactly) and being that you consistently keep us CtCers in the dark about matters that ultimately effect us all, such as the fact that CtC is now just one small step away from being listed as an official 6702(c) argument and that you have changed attorneys and that you had banned Mutter for asking you to provide the reasons as to why you have "lied" to us all in more then one instance. Goodness, I truly have to wonder how many other CtCers have you secretly banned that we all thought had just stopped posting?

I will say it is poorly performed on your part to ban somebody that practices you method for really no real reason at all. Thereafter leaving them on their own, that is just a real classy move on your part. Quatloos is certainly correct in their profiling of you; there is no doubt about that, no doubt at all.

That all being said, here is a bit of a reality check for you Pete... This is what many other CtCers think about your selfish self. So I hope you enjoy apples, (this is regarding your silly “Liberty Hall” opening stating and website rules):

“I remember the first time I read that, when I joined the national forum. My thought was, "So Pete thinks he is the exclusive expert on the tax system? That's pretty pompous and proud of him." That's just the way his statement struck me. It has now been about 2 years since I started using his "method" and we have not seen it work for us. And no, we had not had prior negative issues with the IRS or FTB. We were not part of the "tax honesty" group or any such group. We were just "sheeple". In fact I was part of the system, in a small way, as a tax preparer. It would seem that Pete does not know everything about the tax system and it's regs. But he still comes off as "I know it all, no one else is right. Don't listen to anyone else, because they are all wrong." That sounds like a cult leaders mentality, not someone who is trying to find the truth and help others on the way.

Pete may think he knows it all, but I have a feeling a lot of the things he is against he hasn't really studied. How could he? He has spent so much time researching what he needed to know for his book, and his own battles with the IRS, including this new one, that he couldn't possibly take the time to truly find out what others are teaching. I think much of what Pete is declaring"just inherently wrong" comes from hearsay, bits and pieces others have told him.

There are those who say that what Pete teaches is "inherently wrong". It is up to each of us to learn what we can, do as much research as we can, then sift through it all and decide what is true and isn't true.

Has Pete actually gone to a seminar or studied the materials offered by some of these other people he just writes off as "inherently wrong"? I sincerely doubt it. He just doesn't have the time, or inclination, to do so. Does that mean that what Pete is teaching is wrong? No, but it also may not be the whole story. There are many pieces to the puzzle, and no one person has all of them.

Pete is not the be all and know all regarding everything that has to do with taxes. We have all been created with a brain, and are expected to use it. To just follow what Pete says, which includes throwing out any other teachings by equally learned men who have also spent a great deal of time researching the issues, is like going back to the "sheeple" mentality our government has taught us, the very thing Pete teaches against. I will not be a "sheeple" to anyone, ever again. Are there other teachings that are totally wacko? Sure, that's part of the society we live in. There are those who are just out to make a fast buck. It's our responsibility to learn the truth, apply it to our lives and then share what we find, good or bad, with others who are also seeking truth. Then it's up to them to do the same. Once we start doing that, we can make a difference.


Peace out, all knowing, intellectual, and bright one."

Hendrickson's ban of Weston White apparently occurred because of this (bolding added by Famspear to highlight the part that Hendrickson may have misinterpreted):
…Otherwise called classic tax-professionalisk! (In reference to the many posts about this on ‘Quacked n’ Lost’.)

Whelp it looks like it high time for us all to venture out and find a new “tax protester” scam, for it appears that Mr. Hendrickson has finally made the IRS’ big time list. As for myself I am really liking the sound of that tax-scheme to declare myself a NRA, renounce my U.S. citizenship status, and live out the remainder of my life moving from hobo camp to hobo camp. Just think of all the new and exciting people I am going to get to meet! It will be wonderful! So in closing it has been fun everybody, see you all on the flip-flop! I gotta run, I have lots of packing to do and such a short time to do it in. If I hurry I can board the 11p.m. train hobo style at the eight miles crossing! lolol

What is even more funny is that if this is what Hendrickson really does say and what the IRS says is also true, then that means the IRS had no legal justification (and still has none) to declare any of our CtC filed returns frivolous because the IRS had yet to have listed such a position within their 6702(c) NOTICE!

[ . . . . ]

Of course keeping in mind that: Notice 2008-14
Positions that are the same as or similar to the positions listed in this Notice are identified as frivolous for purposes of the penalty for a "frivolous tax return" under section 6702(a) of the Internal Revenue Code and the penalty for a "specified frivolous submission" under section 6702(b).

But it will probably be updated to reflect the IRS’ new findings by next tax season.

Here it one of the pending additions, (now of course anybody that is even vaguely familiar with Mr. Hendrickson’s work or with the material we post publicly on this website, they would know that Mr. Hendrickson nor ourselves state such a thing as described within this following point. Simply more conniving on the part of the IRS.):

[ . . . .]

A full reading of this and the rest of the material leaves me to believe (and Weston White essentially confirms this) that Weston was not trying to be critical of Hendrickson, but that Hendrickson misinterpreted the material, resulting in the ban.
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Re: Weston White banned at losthorizons; he responds to PEH

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.

Is this the same Weston White who would routinely come over here and lecture us about how correct Pete is?
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Re: Weston White banned at losthorizons; he responds to PEH

Post by The Operative »

So, let me get this straight...Pete Hendrickson cannot possibly be wrong in his reading of the tax laws and cases concerning the tax laws, yet he banned Weston due to his misinterpreting what Weston wrote in standard English? :roll:
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Re: Weston White banned at losthorizons; he responds to PEH

Post by Famspear »

CaptainKickback wrote:[ . . . . ] As an interesting tidbit of knowledge, by researching the LH site, I noted that John J. Bulten has not posted anything since mid-December or so 2008. As a complete W.A.G., he may have had an epiphany - to fight the good fight against income taxes, but keep straight with the IRS (if for no other reason than to avoid a bunch of time draining hassles).
John J. Bulten is now a superhero with more important things to do.

If you don't believe me, check it out here:


and here:

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Re: Weston White banned at losthorizons; he responds to PEH

Post by webhick »

Famspear wrote:
CaptainKickback wrote:[ . . . . ] As an interesting tidbit of knowledge, by researching the LH site, I noted that John J. Bulten has not posted anything since mid-December or so 2008. As a complete W.A.G., he may have had an epiphany - to fight the good fight against income taxes, but keep straight with the IRS (if for no other reason than to avoid a bunch of time draining hassles).
John J. Bulten is now a superhero with more important things to do.

If you don't believe me, check it out here:


and here:

I bet his superpower is making eyes water.
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Re: Weston White banned at losthorizons; he responds to PEH

Post by LOBO »

Famspear wrote:
CaptainKickback wrote:[ . . . . ] As an interesting tidbit of knowledge, by researching the LH site, I noted that John J. Bulten has not posted anything since mid-December or so 2008. As a complete W.A.G., he may have had an epiphany - to fight the good fight against income taxes, but keep straight with the IRS (if for no other reason than to avoid a bunch of time draining hassles).
John J. Bulten is now a superhero with more important things to do.

If you don't believe me, check it out here:


and here:

Anyone else check the link titled "Portfolio of some tax honesty writings"

Re: Weston White banned at losthorizons; he responds to PEH

Post by Nikki »

LOBO wrote:Anyone else check the link titled "Portfolio of some tax honesty writings"
If someone with a fair modicum of Web and Forum savvy, such as Webhick, were truly evil (which, of course she isn't), she could place the content at the target of Bulton's link somewhere else for safe keeping, and replace it with things like some of the factual rebuttals of his blatant lies and errors, a link to the various liens posted against him, Pete's criminal record, the current version of "Truth", and synopses of a few of the CtCers' court losses.

Of course, there's no one here that skilled and that evil.
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Re: Weston White banned at losthorizons; he responds to PEH

Post by Gregg »

I'm sorry, is that supposed to be a resume?

Do people really hire people like that?
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Re: Weston White banned at losthorizons; he responds to PEH

Post by wserra »

Nikki wrote:
LOBO wrote:Anyone else check the link titled "Portfolio of some tax honesty writings"
If someone with a fair modicum of Web and Forum savvy, such as Webhick, were truly evil (which, of course she isn't), she could place the content at the target of Bulton's link somewhere else for safe keeping, and replace it with things like some of the factual rebuttals of his blatant lies and errors, a link to the various liens posted against him, Pete's criminal record, the current version of "Truth", and synopses of a few of the CtCers' court losses.
It's hardly necessary to do that. I'm not sure if you noticed, Nikki, but that URL links to a search of his postings here at Q. All of what you list, and more, is contained in the results of his link.

Now that's a virtual definition of narcissism - linking to a thorough trashing as an exemplar of your acuity.
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Re: Weston White banned at losthorizons; he responds to PEH

Post by Famspear »

Although Weston White indicated he had informed his fellow losthorizon posters by email of the fact that Pete Hendrickson had banned him, I still see no public comment by anyone over at losthorizons. It's as though Weston never existed.

I like the way those people stick together.
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Re: Weston White banned at losthorizons; he responds to PEH

Post by ASITStands »

Famspear wrote:Although Weston White indicated he had informed his fellow losthorizon posters by email of the fact that Pete Hendrickson had banned him, I still see no public comment by anyone over at losthorizons. It's as though Weston never existed.

I like the way those people stick together.
I've been watching that too. No one seems to care, or more likely, they're scared to death that Pete will ban them too if they say anything about Weston or agreeing with him.

Banning dissenters is fairly normal behavior for Pete (Ya think?), and most posters know it.

Maybe Weston will come back to Quatloos after while (once he sorts it all out).
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Re: Weston White banned at losthorizons; he responds to PEH

Post by Demosthenes »

Weston, you're always welcome to post here, even if it's just to vent.
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Re: Weston White banned at losthorizons; he responds to PEH

Post by grixit »

The Ministry of Truth removes another unperson from the records.
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Re: Weston White banned at losthorizons; he responds to PEH

Post by mutter »

"Yea, personally I think he [Peter Hendrickson] believes I was actually serious. So he pulled a "Mutter" on me [referring to Hendrickson's ban of user Mutter when Mutter began asking questions]. haha"

Oh I like that. From now on anyone banned for asking questions has been "Muttered" remember the U is long. its almost like a cow mooing moooter. Or you can say it as mutter. Like anyone daring to mutter the truth will be banned.

oh and i want a nickel for everytime its used.
but seriously this doesnt exactly sound like Weston. "peace out" who the heck still says that?
I guess I planted the seed of doubt huh? Why would anyone continue to beleive a guy with holding.
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Re: Weston White banned at losthorizons; he responds to PEH

Post by webhick »

Demosthenes wrote:Weston, you're always welcome to post here, even if it's just to vent.
Or to engage in a weaksauce recipe contest. Unless he lost his when Darth Hendrickson jettisoned him out the airlock.
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Re: Weston White banned at losthorizons; he responds to PEH

Post by Famspear »

In the other web site, dii2004/Weston White writes:
Yea I have been outcast I am an outsider now I guess. Nobody wants to dare upset the grand-wizard.

I made a post of for the California Warrior group regarding Mutter’s posting of Hendrickson’s recent newsletter on Quatloos. I was curious about how they would respond, because I thought Hendrickson must be truly demented to make such claims. He must have finally “snapped”. I felt that is wrong of him to write that because people that read it are going to be directly mislead about what is really going on. Well long story short, so far two out of about four somewhat share my point of view on what he wrote, at least to a slight degree. However, they all now think that I am some type of government plant and that I am anti-freedom. I am like are you kidding me?

I responded:
Dear dii2004: Can you give me us a URL link to the California warrior group? I'd like to read the posts.

[ . . . . ]

The invitation still stands to come back to Quatloos, by the way. Lots of people would like to know your thoughts. I know that you and I do not agree on much as far as tax law, but lines of communication should stay open, I think. --Famspear
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Re: Weston White banned at losthorizons; he responds to PEH

Post by LPC »

mutter wrote:Oh I like that. From now on anyone banned for asking questions has been "Muttered" remember the U is long. its almost like a cow mooing moooter.
Rhymes with "neutered"?
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Weston White

Re: Weston White banned at losthorizons; he responds to PEH

Post by Weston White »

Hey that could even be a new piece of merchandise, Hendickson could dole out, (goodness, knows he needs the revenue).

Wall plaques and shirts that read:

"You have just been Muttered!"
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Re: Weston White banned at losthorizons; he responds to PEH

Post by Joey Smith »

Keyboard Warnings, Please!

Another laptop kaput with hot coffee laughed through nose .......

Weston White wrote:Hey that could even be a new piece of merchandise, Hendickson could dole out, (goodness, knows he needs the revenue).

Wall plaques and shirts that read:

"You have just been Muttered!"
- - - - - - - - - - -
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Re: Weston White banned at losthorizons; he responds to PEH

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Too late guys, I'm copyrighting it even as we....


Too late. Being "muttered" won't hold up.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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