Farnsworth, Art

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Farnsworth, Art

Post by Nikki »

Art's letter to TrialLogs posted Sunday, August 10 expressing his understanding of his situation -- NOT :!:
A Message from
Arthur L. Farnsworth
Tax Honesty Movement Advocate
and (at present) Political Prisoner
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Fellow Americans,

Greetings from Fairton Federal Correctional Institution in lovely southwestern New Jersey. It's a slow day at work here in the powerhouse tool room, so let me finally write this overdue message for the Trial Logs Web site, which I believe is still being maintained and moderated by a good fellow Libertarian, David Jahn.

As I set pencil to paper, it is now fourteen and one-half months since my kidnapping at the hand of United States District Court Judge John Padova and his federal henchmen. Only minutes after saying on the record that America's income tax system is voluntary, he ordered me remanded (kidnapped) for "not volunteering." I don't yet have the sentencing hearing transcript in my possession, and thus I cannot here and now provide direct quotes from that morning, but my recollection of what he said after my statement is good. For reasons unknown to me I was not even allowed to self surrender, which is, I understand, what most white-collar, non-violent fellows are allowed to do. It's been since August 5 of last year (!) since I sent material via fellow Tax Honesty Movement Advocate Ken Evans for posting to this forum; please accept my apology for the delay. Believe me, please, when I tell you that I have been busy!

After being put in jail on April 3, 2007, it was so easy to look at what happened to me in a negative way, and I did so. All of the "it's wrong" points quickly came forward: I'd broken no law, I'd been separated from my family (including my dying father), and I was denied self surrender, thus meaning I'd not been able to arrange banking and house custodial affairs inadvance. Heck, attorney Peter Goldberger even believed, on the morning of the sentencing hearing as we stood outside the courthouse discussing possible outcomes, that I'd likely "get" nothing worse than "bail pending appeal." After all, I had been out on bail since Special Agent James Morris and his co-thug came to unlawfully arrest me - the whole course of time before the trial. After many months here in the prison camp, though, during which time I focused my attention on revamping my relationship with God, I began to identify, consider, and be thankful for the good aspects of my wrongful imprisonment - the reconnection with God and study of His Word; removal of me from negative people and influences; removal of me from my bar stool; free and easy access to a complete set of weights and other exercise equipment, which I have been using with noticeable results; God's use of my musical talents for the thriving camp church and for various secular events; and lately, the restoration of a relationship with a wonderful woman friend. I have learned that in the midst of one's "down and out times," it is good to reveal and dwell on positive occurrences and people.

Let me next provide you with a legal update. I'm not privy to what David has been posting on Trial Logs regarding my case. I'm using as an attorney for my appeal Jonathan Altman, who recently relocated his office from the Paoli area to Malvern (both Pennsylvania). I'd at first leaned towards Peter Goldberger, since he'd done great motion work and was there for all of my trial, but decided that even though he produced excellent product, I wanted to work with someone who knew the truth about the federal income tax fraud and was on my side ideologically - someone who would fight with me for what's right, not just for me. Let me add parenthetically here that, knowing how the evil government toadies (prosecutors) like to use the words of we patriotic Americans (and unless you're the piece of refuse from Quatloos you probably fit the mold here) against us, I can hear an Amy Kurland waving a piece of paper in the air (she did this at my sentencing hearing) while excitedly babbling to a judge, "See! He admits it himself! He even dumped a lawyer who didn't agree with his un-American, illegal tax protestor rhetoric, which he learned from noted tax criminal Irwin Schiff, in favor of an attorney who would go along with his misguided notions about this nation's tax law! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!"

Hey Kurland - I'm still waiting to see the statute that makes any American liable for-the tax. Whoops! Amy quit (see below).

The appeal brief was filed in late December, 2007. We fixed and improved some things and submitted an update. The federal mafia filed its reply in late March 2008. Prior to this, I learned that the two women who had been the prosecutorettes in my case

(Amy Kurland and Ara Gershengorn) were "no longer with us." Mr. Altman's office told me that Kurland had left to work in the Philadelphia Inspector General's office, and Gershengorn had relocated to New England to work in a practice there. Should I look at this as good or bad news? While it would be nice on appeal to prevail against the two who had done a better job at trial than my primary attorney Mark Lane (more on him later), from a practical standpoint, a "newbie" might be better for us to go up against.

The federal mafia's Brief for Appellee is full of vilifying comments. Here is a sample of the contents:
Just plain wrong - district court had jurisdiction pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 3231, I received income (no definition provided), I "became a tax protestor, although was aware was required to pay income taxes."
Averments based on lies by witnesses, misstatements about the trusts, claims that I knew they were fraudulent, bringing up "wages are income" even though I did not.
Actually, the fact that both sides "have to" rely so much on decisional law rather than statutes and regulations is a disconcerting but well-known commentary on the modern judicial system. At least our side is pointing out fundamental truths about jurisdiction, requirements regarding the Federal Register, what the supreme court as well as the third circuit have said on key issues, and last but foremost, what the Constitution guarantees.

In an appeal, the appellant gets the last word, so Mr. Altman put together a fine sur-reply brief, which ably condensed the key issues into more compact, powerful form. A few things were fixed and improved, and our update was filed on June 18. Mr. Altman has also filed a request for a "rehearing en banc," which says that we want the whole panel of third circuit court of appeals judges, rather than just three, to hear the case, because it addresses an issue whereby through the federal mafia's interlocutory appeal (which it lost) and Judge Padova's subsequent reversal of reliance on established Third Circuit decisions (without regard for clear statutory language and decisions in furtherance thereof, like Bull v. U.S.) with regard to the need for there to be an assessment for there to possibly be evasion of payment, Third Circuit "law" (precedence) is in turmoil. I wish I could be there, to hear him at oral argument bash the government toadie, who will no doubt whine and cry, while not relying on a single law passed by CONgress or a single supreme court decision, in contrast to our side, which will rely on valid, constitutionally-sound points of law.

I continue to maintain a daily journal, for use in writing a possible book some day. I also have a spiritual journal, to track my development in that area. I've had to survive a crushing legal defeat, much money spent on attorneys, separation from my family, wrongful imprisonment, refusal by Judge John Padova to allow bail pending appeal so I could be with my family and especially my then-dying father (now deceased), and subsequent refusal by the federal thugs who run this institution to allow me a furlough to (first request) be with my dying father or (second request) attend his memorial service. I have been prosecuted by and persecuted by agents of evil. The I.R.S., which now more than ever I feel bears the appropriate name Idiots Representing Satan, continues to unlawfully harass me, of late claiming in a bogus "Notice of Deficiency" that I owe Unkle Skam approximately 300,000 FRNs. Through all of this nastiness I have matured in my faith, learned important lessons about-forgiveness and how to deal as a Christian with those who persecute me, and come to rely on God's promise that although as a Christian I can and should expect hard times, He is there to strengthen me; and, since He hates evil and sin, He will bless me with victory, in some way', shape, or form that suits His will and timing, and furthers His Kingdom work. Those who perpetrate evil against me will feel His wrath some day.

Let me address "Mark Lane as my attorney" as I work on bringing this message to an end. I hired this "internationally-prominent" "patriot" lawyer, feeling very confident about my decision. He was the "We the People" lawyer, wasn't a wimp, promised tough cross examination, agreed with the majority of my defense design (and said he'd use it), wouldn't take any guff from a hard-headed judge if we had one, etc. I paid him quite a sum of money, by my standards, and in the end, he failed to completely implement my defense, jeopardized the case by not putting me up for redirect (thus leaving the prosecution's vitriol as the freshest thing in the jurors' minds), and didn't even stick around on Friday for the verdict, which due in large part to him was "guilty." In early January I wrote him a letter in which I described from the transcript the more serious shortcomings of his from the trial. The letter ended with a request for a refund:
I must no longer bear any malice towards you, but after having shared with you above many of the trial deficiencies for which you are responsible -- a trial the outcome of which I believe you are, in large part, responsible for -- I leave you with the following request, which I will make here and now, yet not again - based on your thoughtful and hopefully prayerful reflection, that you refund to me an appropriate amount of the $80,000 or so I paid you in legal fees. I spent over one-half of my life savings on this trial, and will have to essentially start anew with life and career once I am released. It will take money, which I have little left of, to do that. The appeal has its cost, as might subsequent litigation. I want my good name cleared of the wrongful charges against me. I will pray that God directs you in your decision making.
I will not have much money left when I return home in March 2009, and the many tens of thousands of FRNs I gave to him for an insufficient counsel effort would be useful. I therefore ask those of you who were at the trial and witnessed (court humor - sorry!) his flaws and post-cross hijacking of my defense to join me in requesting a refund by writing to him. He did not respond to my request. His address is:
Mr. Mark Lane Lane
Law Firm Four
Old Farm Road
Charlottesville, Va. 22903
I mentioned above that the date of my release from federal mafia captivity is March 14, 2009, but I am scheduled to go to a "halfway house" some time in late November or early December. It would probably be what is a reported filth hole in Philadelphia, and there are sufficient onerous rules and other examples of federal mafia nonsense to comply with that I would prefer to waive it and finish my time in captivity here in the camp. "You can't waive it," I was told. There are, though, ways by which one can be disqualified from halfway house time. The first is documented in the prison program statement - refusal to participate in pre-release classes. I have already gone to four of the five, so that won't work. What will have an impact, I believe, is my plan to decline to voluntarily provide the federal mafia with a DNA sample, which it seemingly wants from all (even improperly) convicted felons. Right out of an episode of "The X Files," this grossest of invasions of personal privacy and identity is repugnant to me as a Libertarian and as a creation of God. Since this disgusting and morally-reprehensible request was part of the sentencing paperwork generated by Judge John Padova, the ramifications for not voluntarily complying may be more severe than for not taking part in a class; I'll find out in the autumn, I guess. Pray that God keeps me strong throughout this ordeal.

I lost a battle, but still hope that the few left who love America and want her to be what she was designed to be will win the war.

I suppose I've covered all I desired to. The food is alright, there's plenty to do to keep active and away from the boob tube, they show movies on weekends, I have four dogs to walk and play with, and ... I want to hear from you!

I receive very little news from anyone about things Libertarian and the current status of fellow Tax Honesty Movement advocates. I pray daily for those in the Movement who are languishing in jail, and encourage you to do so also. I very much enjoy receiving and responding to correspondence, and thus I'll wrap up with the following requests:

1) Write me at the address below.

2) Write to the other wrongly-imprisoned patriots. A list of some of them is on the "Help Others" page of my Web site at http://www.ArtFarnsworth.org. Please note that the list there has not been updated in a year, and you might wish to check Trial Logs for more recent contact information. For example, I heard that Mr. Schiff was moved from Fort Dix, New Jersey, to Otisville, New York.

3) If you know what transpired at my trial and are upset by Mark Lane's shortcomings, please write him requesting he refund the fees I paid him.

4) If you are able, consider donating some spending money (a little goes a long way) to my commissary account, or help defray my legal expenses by donating to my legal defense fund. Donation information appears below.

Now that I am here on the inside of a federal mafia "cage," I can tell you that I and the other Tax Honesty Movement advocates in jail need to hear from you (to keep informed and not feel forgotten) and receive your financial support. I'm not rich, and very little money other than my 15 cent;/hour paycheck comes in each month. I suspect the same can be said by the others. Don't forget those who have fallen, but rather help pick them up; so that they might prevail to continue the battle for justice, freedom, and liberty -- America -- yet another day.

Looking forward to your correspondence, prayers, and financial support, I remain a patriot. God bless you for helping and caring, and may He help us save our country.

Constitutionally yours,

Arthur Farnsworth

Matthew 25:34-46
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Re: Farnsworth, Art

Post by fortinbras »

I very much would like to comment on Fart Arnsworth choice of Mark Lane as his lawyer.

Lane is very much a publicity hound and troublemaker. He got his political start in the NY Legislature where he distinguished himself for low attendance and an incredible number of unpaid parking tickets. In November 1963 he appointed himself the lawyer for Lee Harvey Oswald and wrote Rush to Judgment and some other books attacking the "official" version of the JFK assassination. Analysis of the book shows that he accepted doubtful claims as evidence - even when serious investigation (published in the Warren Commission volumes) disproved them, that he "stretched" his evidence, and a number of other dubious things. He thereafter produced a collection of purported interviews with Vietnam veterans, taking some very obvious put-ons as gospel so long as they put the US side in a bad light. He then associated himself with James Earl Ray, who later tried to blame his conviction and sentence on some of Lane's publicity-seeking tactics. He returned to the spotlight in 1978 as Jim Jones's lawyer on the eve of the assassination of Rep. Leo Ryan and the mass suicide at Jonestown, and afterward wrote a book blaming the whole thing on the US govt.

Since then, he was the lawyer for Liberty Lobby, which should make some of us choke since Lane purports to be Jewish and Liberty Lobby was notoriously (and judicially described as) antisemitic. More recently he showed up as the lawyer for Bob Schulz's We The People, offering to carry forward Schulz's suit about the right of petition - if paid $75G in advance (the very issue involved had already been decided twice by the US Supreme Court, and by several lower courts, against Schulz's position, and Lane was clearly insisting on being paid at least a half-year's salary for a doomed cause). He seems to have made himself the antisemite's favorite Jew.

I am not surprised that Farnsworth has become disenchanted with Lane. It's very hard to find a case that Mark Lane has won. And Lane definitely hasn't any particular strength in tax law. One could suspect that Lane mingles among the tinfoil helmet crowd, for the purpose of getting money for ostensibly taking on cases that not even Clarence Darrow could win -- since the case is utterly hopeless nobody can (successfully) accuse him of malpractice no matter how slipshod his own work in it.
Last edited by fortinbras on Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Farnsworth, Art

Post by wserra »

fortinbras wrote:Since then, he was the lawyer for Liberty Lobby, which should make some of choke since Lane purports to be Jewish and Liberty Lobby was notoriously (and judicially described as) antisemitic.
Ah, Mark Lane and Willis Carto. One sentence is hardly enough. 'Course, I don't have time to write more either.
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Re: Farnsworth, Art

Post by Demosthenes »

Lane is in his 80s. He's got to consider retirement at some point.
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Re: Farnsworth, Art

Post by webhick »

CaptainKickback wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:Lane is in his 80s. He's got to consider retirement at some point.
Death is considered a form of retirement, right?
Only if you get to head upwards. Otherwise, they "retire" you to Ogden and make you read all the incoming TP drivel.
"Whether you are a king, or lowly street sweeper, sooner or later, you'll dance with the Reaper."
His name is Sam, and you can find him at the "Work Bench." But he never seems to be in the mood to dance. Might have something to do with his parents selling his soul to the devil before he was born and how much time he spends at the DMV.
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Re: Farnsworth, Art

Post by fortinbras »

Mark Lane is 81½. Although trained as a lawyer, and occasionally working as one, he seems to have spent most of his career involved in various "causes" -- and in the last 40 years the causes he has been able to attach himself to have been shabbier and shabbier.
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Re: Farnsworth, Art

Post by Famspear »

Arthur L. Farnsworth

Status as of Thursday, December 18, 2008

prisoner number 58722-066
U.S. Bureau of Prisons

Federal Correctional Institution
Fairton, New Jersey

Projected release date: March 14, 2009
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Article on Arthur Farnsworth release date.

Post by jredison »

http://www.mcall.com/news/local/all-b1_ ... 0524.story

It doesn't sound like he plans on changing his ways.
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Re: Farnsworth, Art

Post by Demosthenes »

Farnsworth said the release date, while seemingly symbolic, is coincidental. Prison officials, who originally scheduled a March release, delayed it twice because Farnsworth lost some good conduct time.
Angel Levi, a prison spokeswoman, said that when the release was calculated based on Farnsworth's conduct, it just happened to fall on April 15.

Farnsworth said he was punished for declining a transfer to a halfway house, a move he claims got him 98 days in solitary confinement. He spent most of his time since April 3, 2007, at Fairton's minimum security prison camp, although he spent some time in Bucks County prison awaiting a court date for a drunken driving charge. He was sentenced to 48 hours to six months in that case and was credited for time served after his conviction.
Why wouldn't someone want to transfer to a half-way house?
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Re: Farnsworth, Art

Post by wserra »

Demosthenes wrote:Why wouldn't someone want to transfer to a half-way house?
I have heard of it happening. Frequently one is left alone more in a prison than in a halfway house, there are fewer rules, and halfway houses (NIMBY) are usually not in nice neighborhoods. If one has a short time left on the sentence, and a place to stay and prospects of a job once released, then it is not necessarily crazy to refuse a halfway house. And yes, the refusal will in all likelihood cost you good time.
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Re: Farnsworth, Art

Post by Demosthenes »

And yes, the refusal will in all likelihood cost you good time.
30 extra days in prison seems like a harsh thing to put up with just to avoid going to the half-way house. Ouch.
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Re: Farnsworth, Art

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Demosthenes wrote:
And yes, the refusal will in all likelihood cost you good time.
30 extra days in prison seems like a harsh thing to put up with just to avoid going to the half-way house. Ouch.
Not if you're trying to make a point and carry some "street cred" with you.
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Re: Farnsworth, Art

Post by jredison »

An article on his release.

Any guess on how long before he gets into trouble again?

http://www.mcall.com/news/local/all-a3_ ... 8922.story

Arthur Farnsworth walked away from a federal prison on Wednesday, putting a 741-day prison stay behind him just in time for the federal tax return deadline. A visit to his accountant's office was not on his ''to do'' list.

More than two years after a tax evasion conviction, the 46-year-old West Rockhill Township man spent the first hours of his freedom with a group of 11 friends who similarly refuse to pay income taxes.

''I'm back,'' Farnsworth announced after entering Otto's Brauhaus in Horsham Township, Montgomery County. ''I'm glad to see you're all kicking.''

Sporting a new look since he began serving his sentence -- he now has a bald head and a trimmer build that was the result of five-day-a-week workouts -- he called his first day of freedom ''surreal'' and reiterated what he's said for years: He'll continue to pay the taxes he says the law requires him to pay.

He and other members of the Pennsylvania Lawmen Committee for Public Interest who gathered for lunch say there is no law that requires them to pay taxes on wages. They're part of the so-called ''tax honesty movement'' that argues taxes are excise or privilege taxes that are voluntary, not mandatory.

''I forgot to pay my taxes,'' Warren Stouch, 70, of Berwyn, Chester County, joked when reminded that Wednesday was the deadline to file income tax returns. ''I've been forgetting to file them the last 25 years.''

Farnsworth said the past two years-plus spent mostly at the Federal Correctional Institution in Fairton, N.J., did nothing but make him stronger in his faith and help him become healthier and quit smoking.

A former elected West Rockhill Township auditor who unsuccessfully ran for Congress and Bucks County commissioner, Farnsworth was convicted in December 2006 of failing to pay an estimated $80,000 in federal tax from 1998 through 2000. He also operated a Web site critical of the U.S. tax system and offered tips on how to avoid paying federal income tax.

''I'm happy and proud of what I've done,'' he said. ''I left the place better than it was when I got there.''

Farnsworth said he'll remain on supervised release for three years. An engineer, he said a friend may be able to hook him up with part-time work while he's seeking a full-time job.

''It's weird being back in the real world,'' he said.
Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Farnsworth, Art

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

''I forgot to pay my taxes,'' Warren Stouch, 70, of Berwyn, Chester County, joked when reminded that Wednesday was the deadline to file income tax returns. ''I've been forgetting to file them the last 25 years.''
"Joked?" :roll:
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Farnsworth, Art

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:....
''I forgot to pay my taxes,'' Warren Stouch, 70, of Berwyn, Chester County, joked when reminded that Wednesday was the deadline to file income tax returns. ''I've been forgetting to file them the last 25 years.''
"Joked?" :roll:
Well, you know...you get into a rut for 25 years and then one day you look up and realize you haven't paid your taxes.

Happens to everybody...even in the nicest homes.
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Re: Farnsworth, Art

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

CaptainKickback wrote:If I'm the kids, I use this as evidence that dad is no longer mentally competent, become his guardian and have him committed.

What?! Like none of you haven't already thought of this with your parents...... :wink:
Oh, I got the loony bin on speed dial.
The laissez-faire argument relies on the same tacit appeal to perfection as does communism. - George Soros