Alex Jones on the War Path

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Re: Alex Jones on the War Path

Post by buck09 »

VanMeters Revenge wrote: Alex Jones is nothing more than an agent provocateur for your alls team, while so many cant see through his crap, I know his game and have his number. He is involve in several CIA projects working the patriot Christian Right to provoke violence and dissent to gain peoples confidence while participating in a game of whack a mole stabbing good people in the back every where he goes, especially those in the internet and short wave radio realm, not to mention he steals other peoples research .
Please tell me that there's a website out there devoted to the truth about Alex Jones - I would love to spread the word to those he's leading down the road to destruction.
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Re: Alex Jones on the War Path

Post by buck09 »

Nevermind - Jackpot!!!!!111
Alex Jones CIA DISINFORMATION agent of the continued Project Mockingbird and Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor and alternative Media Gatekeeper for the Vatican.

"Disinformation": is a preemptive dissemination of deliberately misleading information announced publicly or leaked by a government, intelligence agency, corporation or other entity to prevent a target audience from realizing accurate conclusions.

My proof? 1. The info listed on this page. 2. The "Main Links" section to the left. 3. My thorough knowledge of Jesuit/Vatican intrigue in the world.

Has Alex Jones been contacted about this info? Yes he has. He calls the info "Baloney" and says "the Catholic 'Run it all' crew are the worst"(!!) I have it on audio and have assimilated these comments into my videos.

It is well known that the CIA have been allowed by our past Presidents and members of the congress to operate through our News sources and media and do mind control experimentation on the public (Operation Mockingbird, MK ULTRA) I say this because Congress and the President has over site of the CIA so they are responsible for whatever the CIA does.

This is an outrage. It was The CIA who worked with the Nazi war criminals right after WWII and helped them escape war crime tribunals and brought them into the CIA via operation paperclip. As also the Vatican helped the Nazis to escape being punished through the Vatican ratlines.

So here we have a Jesuit Creation (The CIA) working together with the Vatican and Jesuits during the most horrible inquisition that the world has ever known.

This is the same combination of people who are working together now to destroy America through their orchestration of the events we saw unfold on 911 and the assault of our constitutional rights in America in the name of combating these terrorists that originated from them in the first place.

And it is the same combination of people and groups who have infiltrated so called Alternative Media with the exception of a very few.

Mockingbird was an immense financial undertaking with funds flowing from the CIA largely through the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF) founded by Tom Braden with Pat Buchanan of CNN's Crossfire.

Jones on CNN's; Showbiz Tonight
where he publicly praised Jesuit Coadjutor
Martin Sheen in his very brief appearance.

Now Listen, Here's where Alex Jones comes in:

Mockingbird was an immense financial undertaking with funds flowing from the CIA largely through the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF) founded by Tom Braden with Pat Buchanan of CNN's Crossfire. ... gbird.html here you can see the article stating that Pat Buchanan was involved in this CIA working through the media RIGHT IN ALEX JONES OWN web site.

(Interesting interjection, In this article on, Buchanan's name is misspelled as "Buchanon". Click this link to see screen shot from prisonplanet. Seems Like a simple mistake right? But think about it, Not one web search for "Pat Buchanan" will ever render this article tying Alex Jones, Pat Buchanan, Thomas Braden, Mockingbird and the CIA together!)

In other words Jones has a known CIA asset who was Jesuit trained and is a knight of Malta regularly on his show. Are you starting to see why Jones won’t talk about the Vatican issue? Can you see a problem here? Being that Pat Buchanan was a major player in the CIA playing mind control games on America through the Media and Alex Jones has him on as a regular on his “Alternative Media” Program. Are you THAT sound asleep people? Don't you see that the CIA is working through the Alex Jones Radio program and Web site?
In the article it even says, "... the CIA began a secret project called Operation Mockingbird, with the intent of ... Media assets will eventually include ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek, ..." and don't forget that GCN is an ABC affiliate. Does Jones expect us to be lazy and not connect the dots?
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Re: Alex Jones on the War Path

Post by Famspear »

It is well known that the CIA have been allowed by our past Presidents and members of the congress to operate through our News sources and media and do mind control experimentation on the public (Operation Mockingbird, MK ULTRA) I say this because Congress and the President has over site of the CIA so they are responsible for whatever the CIA does.

This is an outrage. It was The CIA who worked with the Nazi war criminals right after WWII and helped them escape war crime tribunals and brought them into the CIA via operation paperclip. As also the Vatican helped the Nazis to escape being punished through the Vatican ratlines.
It is certainly true that the CIA has operated through news sources and media for many years. For example, Radio Free Europe was once a CIA front -- supervised at one point by a CIA officer who many years later was one of my college professors. The CIA has penetrated many foreign governments, labor unions, and other organizations. I believe the United States government has indeed experimented with the idea of mind control. And the government did bring Wernher von Braun and other German scientists to the United States as part of a process called Operation Paperclip. Rightly or wrongly, a decision was made that some members of the Nazi Party would be rehabilitated.

So, I guess that means that everything else in the story must be true.

:roll: 8)
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Re: Alex Jones on the War Path

Post by Paul »

Alex Jones on his live radio show this week has had Bob Shulz (3/31) and Tommy Cryer (4/1) and has made arrangements to coordinate with Bob Shulz and also to have him on his show again in the near future. Also Alex Jones stated he is going to try and get Joe Banister on his show. He also mentioned Devvy Kidd several times during his conversation.
And? In Chicago last week, WLS gave their whole morning show over to Rod Bla-Bla-Blagojevich, and he still hasn't been reinstated as governor. He has, however, been indicted and it looks like a number of his former friends have turned on him. Almost as much loyalty in that crowd as there is among TPs when the feds nail one of their gurus.
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Re: Alex Jones on the War Path

Post by grixit »

So-- there's a conspiracy theory so elaborate that it puts Martin Sheen and Pat Buchanan on the same team? Must be some bodacious shrooms out there, bro!
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Re: Alex Jones on the War Path

Post by Demosthenes »

Weston doesn't even know that both Tommy Cryer and Bob Schulz have been on Alex Jones' show at various times in the past, and whaddyaknow, the tax world didn't come crashing down.
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Re: Alex Jones on the War Path

Post by The Observer »

Demosthenes wrote:Weston doesn't even know that both Tommy Cryer and Bob Schulz have been on Alex Jones' show at various times in the past, and whaddyaknow, the tax world didn't come crashing down.
That is because when Cryer and Schulz went on the show, they either didn't make the right arguments or they got the magic words out of order somehow. If they HAD done it correctly, the tax conspiracy would have been toast by now.
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Re: Alex Jones on the War Path

Post by Gregg »

when you say "Alex Jones on the War Path" to me, i cannot ehlp it but I have visions of a throng of angy lab mice carriying spray painted protest signs.
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Weston White

Re: Alex Jones on the War Path

Post by Weston White »

You guys take a girl out to a movie on your first date... laff.

...Yet just one more reason not to go to any of you for "tax advice". Just keep piling those reasons onto the wagon why don't you. Vindication hath commeth!
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Re: Alex Jones on the War Path

Post by Famspear »

Weston White wrote:You guys take a girl out to a movie on your first date... laff.

...Yet just one more reason not to go to any of you for "tax advice". Just keep piling those reasons onto the wagon why don't you. Vindication hath commeth!
No, a movie would be the second date.

On the first date, we sit together at a computer and show the girl Weston White's web sites, especially the one showing Weston's various "Tyrannical Response Team" positions. Hot chicks love it when you suggest that they consider some alternate positions, you know: ... -t398.html

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Re: Alex Jones on the War Path

Post by Demosthenes »

Weston White wrote:You guys take a girl out to a movie on your first date... laff.

...Yet just one more reason not to go to any of you for "tax advice". Just keep piling those reasons onto the wagon why don't you. Vindication hath commeth!
As a girl, I can verify that movies make for excellent first dates.
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Re: Alex Jones on the War Path

Post by Famspear »

Demosthenes wrote:
Weston White wrote:You guys take a girl out to a movie on your first date... laff.

...Yet just one more reason not to go to any of you for "tax advice". Just keep piling those reasons onto the wagon why don't you. Vindication hath commeth!
As a girl, I can verify that movies make for excellent first dates.
As a boy, I can verify that girls make for excellent first dates.

:shock: 8)

Boy: "Hey, baby, wanna check out Weston's White's web site? It's got lots of.... you know..... ideas.... for ........ positions...."

Girl (perusing Weston's web site): "Oooohh.... So many positions.... so little time..... And that Weston White must be a real, um, administrator....."

Boy: "Baby, the Westonmeister's got nothin' on me, believe it. I was a nine-eleven specialist lonnnnnnggg before Weston White ever achieved that kind of thang......."

Girl: "Ooohhh you are sooo...... frisky......"

Memo to myself: Considering a career writing romance? Don't quit your day job, Famspear.
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Re: Alex Jones on the War Path

Post by Thule »

Weston presents no less than eleven different titles to be used in the TRTs.

At the same time, the only person to ever post something on the forum is Weston himself. The only person to ever reply to a post is Weston, again. His site gets less than ten hits a day.

I don't know, is this funny or just sad?
Survivor of the Dark Agenda Whistleblower Award, August 2012.
Weston White

Re: Alex Jones on the War Path

Post by Weston White »

I think it is funny that you post so much about that site, what is even funnier is that the 10 hits a day is probably people from Quatloos going to check it out. News flash for all you geniuses, that forum was a failed idea I had from about 2 years ago, it is dead, D E A D! I am not making an effort at getting it active, I just have not taken the forum down because I have many posts that us to reference. I only use that site to reference documents and images, nothing more. I have realized many months ago that not many people are really interested being proactive, and those few that are, well they already have their own site or are dedicated to those that have their own sites.

My other site was a new idea I had to serve as an inspiring vehicle for Californians only, rather than focusing on a national vehicle, though I have not worked on it for almost a year now, been way to busy with other things.

I understand though, you can't debunk the truth I speak regarding taxation so you instead attack the fact that my forum has no active members. Even still I think that is pretty funny.
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Re: Alex Jones on the War Path

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Weston White wrote:....

I understand though, you can't debunk the truth I speak regarding taxation so you instead attack the fact that my forum has no active members. Even still I think that is pretty funny.
What part of debunk are you still refusing to comprehend?

Try in moderately concise, properly constructed and coherent sentences what part was not debunked.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Alex Jones on the War Path

Post by Nikki »

To go back to the topic of the thread and the posts regarding movies:

Suppose They Had A War And Nobody Came or The Mouse That Roared or (my favorite option) How I Spent The War

All three (except for the Duchy winning in #2) seem appropriate for Alex.

As for Weston, how about Coma?
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Re: Alex Jones on the War Path

Post by LPC »

Nikki wrote:As for Weston, how about Coma?
Momento. Definitely Momento.
Dan Evans
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Re: Alex Jones on the War Path

Post by webhick »

LPC wrote:
Nikki wrote:As for Weston, how about Coma?
Memento. Definitely Memento.
Fixed it for you.
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Re: Alex Jones on the War Path

Post by LPC »

webhick wrote:Fixed it for you.

(As a moderator with super powers, I could go back in time and erase any evidence of my typo, but I don't want to erase webhick's constructive contribution.)
Dan Evans
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Re: Alex Jones on the War Path

Post by webhick »

LPC wrote:
webhick wrote:Fixed it for you.

(As a moderator with super powers, I could go back in time and erase any evidence of my typo, but I don't want to erase webhick's constructive contribution.)
Yeah, for fear that as leader of the Illuminati, that I'd go back in time and give you a tail or forehead horn. Again. Your wife can send a "thank you" gift to the address on the back of her Certificate of Human Male Ownership...I mean "marriage license".
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