Ed and Elaine full colon Brown

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VanMeters Revenge

Re: Ed and Elaine full colon Brown

Post by VanMeters Revenge »

Nikki wrote:In addition to court-appointed counsel, I see a clear need for a court-appointed chiropracter.

Judge Singal is bending over backward so far that I'm astonished he hasn't dislocated his spine.

Yeah he has his own head shoved up so far his rear side, he should be a one man contortionist act.
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Re: Ed and Elaine full colon Brown

Post by webhick »

VanMeters Revenge wrote:
Nikki wrote:In addition to court-appointed counsel, I see a clear need for a court-appointed chiropracter.

Judge Singal is bending over backward so far that I'm astonished he hasn't dislocated his spine.

Yeah he has his own head shoved up so far his rear side, he should be a one man contortionist act.
He's just trying to see the world from Ed's point of view.
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Re: Ed and Elaine full colon Brown

Post by LPC »

Judge Singal wrote:Given these serious penalties, the Court takes seriously its obligation to ensure that Defendants’ rights are protected and that each of them are able to mount a vigorous defense. With this interest in mind, the Court is directing Defendants to focus their efforts on the evidence and relevant laws.
Judge Singal might as well have directed the Browns to sprout wings and fly, because they're as likely to do that as look at "evidence" and "relevant laws."
Dan Evans
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Re: Ed and Elaine full colon Brown

Post by Nikki »

VanMeters Revenge wrote:
Nikki wrote:In addition to court-appointed counsel, I see a clear need for a court-appointed chiropracter.

Judge Singal is bending over backward so far that I'm astonished he hasn't dislocated his spine.

Yeah he has his own head shoved up so far his rear side, he should be a one man contortionist act.
R I G H T :!:

He's going out of his way to preserve the record for appeal, reviewing every single demand / complaint they made to determine if it's justified, not throwing filings in the trash, ...

E&E are getting more deference and consideration from the court than they deserve, considering the side show they are attempting to conduct.

You need to stop breathing the fumes and take an objective look at what they are trying to do to themselves and how hard the judge is working to protect them from themselves.
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Re: Ed and Elaine full colon Brown

Post by notorial dissent »

I personally am of the opinion that someone should have taken their crayons, red or otherwise, away from them a good long time ago.

I am curious, as to how, one does discovery, which they are complaining has been impeded, if they continue to refuse both the electronic and hand delivered materials offered? One either receives and reviews what is proffered, or one refuses, at least in my experience. Is there some other method that I am unaware of here?

I would also suspect that the discovery that there is no such thing as Federal UCC law, and I am sure they will be convinced it is all some grand conspiracy to prevent them from putting forth a defense, and will hopefully impede the flow of nonsense, since they are building their fantasy defense around the UCC nonsense.

They are neither one capable of meaningfully participating in their defense, I am beginning to question if they are even marginally competent at this point, and if they are not going to appear or participate, in my estimation, the outcome is a forgone conclusion, always assuming that they aren’t adjudged mentally incompetent and the whole thing put to bed.
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Re: Ed and Elaine full colon Brown

Post by Demosthenes »

This judge bends over backwards to give defendants every chance possible, but (because?) he's very very tough at sentencing...

Re: Ed and Elaine full colon Brown

Post by Nikki »

Demosthenes wrote:This judge bends over backwards to give defendants every chance possible, but (because?) he's very very tough at sentencing...
As in ?:
The Defendants are facing serious charges and, if convicted, will be facing very serious sentences. As Defendants were advised at their arraignments, the most serious charge in the pending indictment (Count IV) carries a statutory minimum mandatory 30-year prison sentence with a potential sentence of up to life in prison. Given these serious penalties, the Court takes seriously its obligation to ensure that Defendants’ rights are protected and that each of them are able to mount a vigorous defense. With this interest in mind, the Court is directing Defendants to focus their efforts on the evidence and relevant laws.
He is giving them fair warning -- which Ed will ignore and take Elaine with him.

Somehow, given his past behavior, I think a life sentence for Ed could end up being measured in months in a supermax.
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Re: Ed and Elaine full colon Brown

Post by Demosthenes »

He'd live a lot longer in a Supermax than he would in medium security.

Re: Ed and Elaine full colon Brown

Post by Nikki »

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Re: Ed and Elaine full colon Brown

Post by fortinbras »

I think the odds of geriatric prisons are about equal to the states figuring out ways to release elderly prisoners (at least some of them) simply for budgetary reasons. Then their considerable medical expenses will be footed by the general community rather that out of prison system budgets. That, or the prisons will continue their policy of Somali-class medical care, and few prisoners would survive to extreme old age. Unlike the situation with younger prisoners, there seems virtually no legal downside in saving money by neglecting the medical problems of senescent inmates.

With specific reference to Ed Brown, he believed, even after being arrested, that there would be some sort of mass uprising of militia-types that would not only break down the walls of his prison, but carry him on their shoulders to be their generalissimo. I would not be too surprised if he still hopes for that. If he swaggers around prison telling other cons of his destiny his life sentence might be rather short.

Re: Ed and Elaine full colon Brown

Post by Nikki »

Failure to provide reasonable medical care could, by a liberal-enough court, be construed as cruel and unusual punishment.

The states (but not the Feds, who could dump them on the states) will face an almost even dilemma: provide housing and medical care in prison OR provide hopusein and Medicaid / Medicade outside of prison.

Probably the latter choice would work better for the states since some of the Medi- coverage is picked up by the feds.

And, if the current administration manages to get universal health care passed, it would be even cheaper.
Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Ed and Elaine full colon Brown

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Nikki wrote:....
And, if the current administration manages to get universal health care passed, it would be even cheaper.
Actually, no. If you want to see what government-run health care will be like, I would suggest you spend some time accompanying veterans to a VA facility.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Ed and Elaine full colon Brown

Post by Nikki »

That's totally federal / military.

Even the British do better than that.

Perhaps if the current administration DOES get universal care through, some of the bernefits will trickle down th the veterans.
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Re: Ed and Elaine full colon Brown

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Nikki wrote:That's totally federal / military.

Even the British do better than that.

Perhaps if the current administration DOES get universal care through, some of the bernefits will trickle down th the veterans.
And those benefits would be?
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Ed and Elaine full colon Brown

Post by Nikki »

Having someone look in on them every day or two?
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Re: Ed and Elaine full colon Brown

Post by fortinbras »

The Veterans' Administration hospitals, although not actually military, have - until the last decade or two - paid attention only to a limited number of ailments in a limited portion of the population. With a patient demographic that was largely male, had at one time been rated physically fit for induction (therefore without serious congenital defect), and whose medical complaints - the ones that the VA doctors cared about, at any rate - could be attributed to their military experiences, the VA medical expertise was rather narrow. Additionally, its medical staff was all civil service and you can imagine what that may have meant about the quality of its doctors. Certainly a very considerable number of VA doctors were foreign born and foreign trained, hoping to get enough experience in their civil service stints to be able to prosper in future private practice. Until relative recently the VA found it financially and politically expedient to refuse to recognize certain ailments as either caused or worsened by military experience; e.g. it refused to recognize Agent Orange as a carcinogen until the 1980s and it took even longer to recognize Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and it waffled about treating smoke-related ailments.

Presumably a universal health care system would avoid some of these problems by being far more inclusive about who and what it treats. Until then, crucial life-and-death decisions are being made, not by doctors or patients but by insurance company accountants.
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Re: Ed and Elaine full colon Brown

Post by grixit »

A chronic care prison could be designed along the lines of a japanese capsule hotel. Every cell could potentially be an oxygen chamber, monitoring equipment could be built in, and if need be, the whole unit could be slid out onto a cart to go to a specialized treatment center.
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VanMeters Revenge

Re: Ed and Elaine full colon Brown

Post by VanMeters Revenge »

just a question.
I'm curious to know whom I should speak to about getting wheelchair accessible restrooms for the prison yard at El Reno? Currently those that are wheelchair confined can not go outside because there is no facilities for them. Should I contact the Veteran Affairs and see if they can help?
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Re: Ed and Elaine full colon Brown

Post by wserra »

VanMeters Revenge wrote:just a question.
Surely you are not asking help from those to whom you refer as "squatloos".

I mean, why would you trust anything they said?
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VanMeters Revenge

Re: Ed and Elaine full colon Brown

Post by VanMeters Revenge »

My interest in this is so I can help some veterans. I'm in no way going to benefit personally from your decision to offer aid or not, it is for those in the prison population that are veterans of our military and others that are have physical limitations. But if you want to be an ass hat to those that had served, and sacrificed for this country, you have every right to be so, and I shall continue to being a good Samaritan.

Yes, Ive called you all squatloos, put your big girl panties on one leg at a time that way you don't get em all up in a bunch. :P

I'm not crying about the countless times mud and fecal matter has been flung in my direction from your all. Seeing how most of you work for the system, in one way or another, I would figure one of you would know. I am asking everyone on all the forums, so don't get that special warm fuzzy feeling all inside quite yet that ya think I am warming up to you all. Since the VA is over burden, I was unsure if there were somewhere else that one can turn too, to get these guys the help they need.
Last edited by VanMeters Revenge on Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.