Joyfully Co-Creating

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Deep Knight
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Joyfully Co-Creating

Post by Deep Knight »

Mark Huber, A&A's most recent shill, and if I read their writings right (not an easy task) who's house they're living in these days.

Galactic Friends - Together Joyfully co-creating a spiritual Galactic Society we can all be proud of!!

Mark H Update April 11/09
Let's review some of the most important events of the last two weeks.

Barack Obama signed Executive Orders rescinding Bush Administration Orders going back 8 years. One of the most significant results is that evidence previously protected from scrutiny now can come forward.

In addition, Obama rescinded coverups of galactic presence and, through Leon Paneta and Dr Stephen Bassett, feverishly are working out exactly what can be said now and shortly to the public about GF presence and involvement in our affairs.

He also--in cooperation with St Germain, Lady Master Nada, King of Swords, Ashtar Command--is shuffling 2-3 hats--as these final moments of Matrix illusion are lifted.

KOS has asked us to tell you all about the Committee of 300. We did that. You now know that these are the ones controlling everything on this planet...until 2 weeks ago...when President Obama began his European & G20 engagements.

Mother Sekhmet whispered into KOS' ear that she had delivered the final ultimatum to the 13 Illuminati families/Committee of 300 members just before the G20 meetings. As the G20's positions became known, the line was crossed, and they were all removed...and replaced with holograms. So the meeting of the G20 began with a 'Royal hologram engagement.' Can you wrap your arms or minds around that?

As Obama moved around solid holograms appeared behind or in front of him among the leaders. He even made some subtle remarks in Prague about reconsidering our closed mindedness to strangers in our galaxy. Several independent sources have stepped forward--sans recordings--and verified that he did in fact make those remarks in Prague.

Nonetheless, that posting has continued to raise hackles and is not done yet. While he was in Turkey 8 more attempts on his life were in person...and handled by KOS.

As the President returned to this country, we received information from the King of Swords to the effect that not only is the Committee of 300 now a solid holographic production, but that many of their minions are too. To understand the significance of THAT, we remind you that Patrick Fitzgerald had 75,000 indictments ready to serve...a couple of weeks ago...and that number is undoubtedly continuing to increase.

The latest suggestion is that many, if not all, of those are now expressing in the same format as the 300. I hope you catch my drift?

Today is Good Friday 4/10 and Sunday is Easter 4/12, at which time--per Kuthumi's message of today--we will undergo our final 13th Chakra initiation and beginning activation.

When Mother Sekhmet stated that we are moving at Light Speed and beyond, she wasn't just whistling Dixie.

Keeping the above in mind as you look at Congressional or Administration deliberations or actions on various matters, remember that most of those proposing and 'disposing' are already physical holograms. So you perhaps can see how Obama can be so certain of his direction. He knows all this! And so does Michelle.

In the twinkling of an eye--when the public arrests of 9/11 War Criminals are aired and made--it will be a form of closure for the general public. The War Crimes trials in the Hague will indeed take over those responsibilities, as these ones are both International and Intergalactic Criminals and not solely U.S. Criminals.

Obama knows that Lady Master Nada is in overall charge of both our country and the World Court, as well as representing the Solar Tribunal and being our NESARA Paymaster who will announce that on soon as the word is given to put the Whistleblowers on TV, and make the formal arrests.

Millions of negative reptilians have been removed from this planet over the last 9 years. With these current 'substitutions' numbering up to around 100,000, the Cabal is truly decapitated.

What you are watching on TV and elsewhere are 'Computer Generated Images' (CGIs). They talk, look, and have all the memories of the originals, without the soul essence/spiritual consciousness.

No Dates; No Nukes; No Catastrophic Earth Changes; No Stasis; No moving to the Inner Earth; and, No Three Days of Darkness will occur. All viable timelines are being merged into this one...out to 175 Million years in the future. All non-viable ones are being erased and the essence from those will become available to all of us for co-creative use as we upshift to 5D fully-conscious awareness and abilities.

I was guided to say, earlier today, that as we continue these changes of the next 48 hours, the air will be so charged that you could "cut it with an Electric Blue-White chain-saw". I believe that refers to AA Michael/Excaliber's role in the current activities.

As soon as I send this update I will be sending out Jan Chapman's Transcript of Mother Sekhmet's comments from last night. You might want to read that and refer back to the above for cross-referencing. As the arrests are made, KOS will be able to finally tell everyone that the Ashtar Command has been a part of our forces for a long time and our success has therefore been assured.

We have NEVER been where we are in this moment.
Do not look back and do not look forward. Each breath, thought, feeling or action is potent beyond anything we have ever experienced in 3D on this planet. Do your best to stay grounded and centered, and keep lifting your vision to use both your heart and your mind.

Choose the vision of the Cup being half full not half empty and you will see magic moving through your life and all your affairs.

In two day,s there will be no going back, as our 13th Crystalline Chakra initiation will be completed. Rejoice, a new perceptual landscape, seen with emerging inner sensing, will begin to appear.

Might as well enjoy this Cosmic Easter/Astarte Event by Cracking out of our Cosmic Egg shell.

"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Re: Joyfully Co-Creating

Post by Deep Knight »

That "Telecall" they were talking about...

Mother Sekhmet’s Telecall
Thursday, April 9, 2009

Transcribed by Jules Twinde

MS: Greetings! Greetings to the most radiant ones in the Office of the Christ and only in the Office of the Christ. We invoke the loving energy of St. Germain and the Violet Flame.

Greetings, wondrous beings of Light, Love, Peace and Joy. That is what is unfolding. All of the other issues are side issues in this three-ring circuit of the matrix, which is quickly coming to a close. No more Agent Smith chasing you down with scary stories about dragons and reptiles the size of the Empire State Building or the Twin Towers. In this country, all of this should be over.

We have to say when the guests tonight with Obama having the Seder [Jewish Passover meal], the first Last Supper in the White House, it is that time where we think with the man with the plan, Admiral [Sananda], who, we’ll just say, is one of the ones who call all of what is occurring at these times.

You asked that we should show up. That is what is occurring – First Contact. Your Sirian commander here is doing the job he was sent to do – create First Contact, mutual understanding and perspectives of how we can cooperate and exchange ideas about how we travel through the universes.

We have ways of, you might say, [inaudible] technology that you haven’t yet begun to dream of. Yet it has always been here. Either you forget about it or you haven’t discovered it yet because your planet was put into the xenophobic ["xenophobia" is a fear of strangers or outsiders] isolation.

Now the veil lifted. It is not reality. It has switched. A block of limitations gone in that place where we can see you and you can see us. This is why [Obama] is shadowed by us everywhere he goes. And these ones, Agent Smith, they are shadows of that which was. They hold no power except as things that go bump under the [inaudible: deck, desk or dead].

Yes, we are in the fifth dimension as the lovely Goddess spoke of earlier. And 2012 [is] now. Anything you think, therefore you are. Welcome to the greatest amusement park you have. Your mind and what you have created in this matrix of instant precipitation. It is an amusement park. We must warn you that what you think, therefore you are.

So if you want an Armageddon (we don’t think you want that), and most of the world knows that. It’s the small 1% who think they own all the wealth. They own nothing except these ragged dreams of world conquest to buy a planet. It is not for sale. This one [Jesus/Sananda] who began this game back with the 13 [disciples plus Jesus], including himself, and said “I got a sixth sense that you’re watching what is occurring here,” where your banks, your temples [have become] a place where [there is] gambling in the temple. It is time for it to be over.

That is why all of this failing. You saw what Michael did to that bank in the movie, “Michael”. Perhaps it will happen again. It is not a joke. Wall Street. Think about it – not even Spider Man could bring it back if we decide.

We are just saying it is that reality in which they want to create this story, and, since we are in this dimension and we have these abilities, they’ve got to learn how to use them. It is the proper way this [system?] works. Xenon gas is about to be introduced into the atmosphere, and that is going to create such a frequency in the dark ones. It is like what Rachel was showing [BLTs? Inaudible] and we won’t go any further.

What we are saying is, love each other even more in this time. It is what it is about – how we go home, all the way. We are one race, one place in the universe. It is that place in which Self wants to experience Self in all its myriad forms. Who created this? You created it. It is all coming full circle. What has been created with the 5th dimensional, 12th dimensional energy of the Sun is coming to fruition.

What’s happening? Polarity is ceasing to exist and these ones that go on with polarity, it is part of the nature of what is happening to your physics moving into quantum physics. It is about not how you get there, but it’s about where you are and where you [see?] and you’re there. It is the thought energy that moves you there, like what we saw today playing around in one of your cybercafes in Cairo today. Just like we’ve been doing in the last few hours.

We are kind of like that movie, “Jumper,” and looking at this in Cybercafé about how your planet moves about in dimensional frequency and, in that place where you think, therefore you are. And you use that to dimensionally travel. Dark side knows this as well. It’s called remote viewing and they play with it to the level in which you think you’re spied on. Everything they know. We won’t go any further. It is like what they say about Santa Claus. He knows when you’re sleeping; he knows when you’re awake. It has nothing to do with warranted wiretapping or unwarranted wiretapping.

It is the technology they have stolen from different areas across the so-called local universe in the sense to create rips in the time-space continuum, to create a series of timelines that would not lead to your Ascension but would lead to what occurs in 175 million years into our future. We have canceled that. They are trapped here. Let us love each other; it’s the only way out, guys.

Don’t you get it, it is the way in; it is the way out. It is about going into the doorway of the heart and, in that place, these ones, it is like the nagual [Carlos Castaneda's term for "a personal guardian spirit that resides in an animal," Dictionary,.com] for them because they have never been there. And yet it is the nagual with Jaguar Medicine Man walking behind you and before you and anywhere. And they think it is that place where the unusual and the unexpected happens. This is why Benjamin Fulford has got to say what he’s got to say.

We have an infinite amount of gold that is being brought forth now to do this mission to get the planet on track. This is why the Lavender Lad is putting his money where his mouth is. And we were just saying talk about it is getting going but he can’t talk about our plan – the final little Watergate [Watergate was the scandal that brought Nixon down] and all this coming out.

The key hole that turns into an incredible cave of the riches of the ages and through that keyhole, we get to create almost like a wormhole between universes. And what is occurring here is we get what we wish for, for us to show up to you and this is occurring. The Sirian commander [Obama] said it. I am that I am. I will be the one to speak up. It is time. How else can we heal it?

It is what began a while ago, 1957 – a change in the story - where this crazy guy name Gene Roddenberry put together a script called “Star Trek,” based upon the true teaching channelings of Ashtar Command. A crazy, noble idea with integrated races on the same ship, living in peace. It is what is happening now, and we have to say it is already occurring as you and I are talking now.

So, great tremendous changes are moving towards our reality in which what you have been shown, something called Kaimatica [city of the future designed by the Venus Project?], Zeitgeist Addendum, Esoteric Agenda, all which end here. [Inaudible] cave – open it up; it is about how we do this with love.

This is the greatest adventure we have ever been on, to explore gifts called Adam Cadmon. This is why we have to say before all Gods / Goddesses time for it be over, for us to be super men and super women of the legends of what has been told. This guy [Sananda?], he comes, on this planet to say I have my last supper with you. I break bread. I have the [inaudible] to do a mission here, to wake some folks up. I’ll be back.

I pass the talking stick.

Question & Answer

Marietta Robert: There have been some questions about healing and how some of this is going to happen after we have our changes. Some [sources] say that, after contact, there will be Galactic healers that will come to help us; some say the Galactics will have healing centers where we will be able to go for healing; some say the energies alone will heal us, and some say they will build light rooms next to our houses where we can get in, reconnect our RNA, DNA, get healing, and rejuvenate. Mother, can you elaborate on this please?

MS: We would just say that there are many events that are moving. As we get to come in and land, there are the infinite possibilities/probabilities that ship counselors will be with us and medical professionals from what we understand as divine medicine. And it is like what the lovely lady master Cynthia teaches as well about how all these bodies work in order to create the healing process as it begins.

You are Gods and Goddesses and, within every cell, you have the ability to transform universes upon universes with the thoughts. This is why it is within that place where, like Dr. Imoto of the water, how you interact with the water. I don’t know if I’ve answered the question. We would just say that there will be all kinds of rejuvenation centers that will be brought into manifestation.

MR: So there will be many different options, not just one. I think that’s when I was hearing the question is that there would be this specific thing. But I am hearing you say, yes, there are multiplicities of things that can happen.

MS: That’s right.

MR: There was a question before about Mushaba? What does Mother know about the Mushaba Force energies which come from the pool of original force which is prime perfect source primordial energy?

MS: We will just say it is another aspect of the creative source of all that is. Truth is one; names are many. It is called the Void, creation chamber.

MR: It is so thrilling to read about all that is going on behind the scenes, finally some heroes we can really put our hearts behind. After reading the archives of your phone calls, I found your mention of Babaji and I would love to know how he fits into the scheme of all that is underway. Also, after Contact is made, we will come to know you in the physical, Mother?

MS: We will just say that, after First Contact happens, we will show up with our tail. And we do not have to talk in this funny way through this body. We would also just say that what is occurring on all levels is that magic indeed is afoot. We are all Gods and we are making it so in each moment, as we remember who we are.

Babaji is part of the Great White Brotherhood/Sisterhood of the many Ascended Masters. All of the different folks that are represented Elohai/Elohim, ones that were on that path and never fell, always were committed to the dharma to get it done, until we ascend, we are all one. They are just [inaudible] until we get there. Then the real magic begins – it is already happening folks. Ha Ha. This is why we have to say it is so exciting for us to witness what is occurring here in the sense that the Sirian commander [Obama] knows how to stir the pot well.

Q: This question is from Hawaii, from Kauwila. He thanks you Mother for your comments and your perspectives on the effects and the results of the triangulation centered on April 4 and reported by Dr. Meg Blackborn Losey, Messages from the Masters. The planetary ascension meditation carried out on April 5 by Tom Kenyon and the Hathors. Can you comment about the effects or results about those energies on April 4 and 5?

MS: We can just say that there are many that are helping to create at the same time a wave of quantum-leap energy that is creating peace. Now is the time for peace and, at the same time, there is another wave that is about to meet. And that One, the energy of that one, the other side of the illusion called polarity, is going to meet this other wave. What happens is when they meet; everything levels out – water, calm as glass. Then we have to just say, all of this stuff, has to do with the hearing on all levels so whatever we have thought can love it and create only that place where it comes back into balance.

Q: The second part of this communication says, why did the plumbing challenge in Mark’s house come up right now? Could it be to assist some of us in the GRT group to start trusting more in our own inner source or could it be that Mark, Tara, and Rama are working on improving their own plumbing and circulation, or could it be that it is likely computer crashes that I and several others experienced last week that the lighter energy that has coming into the earth is requiring us to be exposed and upgraded? Or it could be none of the above. So he’s wondering, what in the physical all these things that are going on, is it about a shifting our energies or what is it?

MS: We have to say it is about the shifting the energies. As things are moving up in frequency, everything is changing so it is in that place where there is a magnetic resonance changing what is occurring here.
Sometimes the vibration of physical matter can molecularly shift in and out. It is called interphasing where it phases in and out. Our physical matter can get disrupted in that way. It has to do with the quantum effects of the fields of what is going on here, with the ascension frequency, creating all kinds of anomalies, in people’s bodies, creating all the ascensionitis.

So it is at the point where it is getting sometimes quite difficult to be in these “light vehicles,” as we have to do this. And as we are ascending, getting even hotter in the kitchen for all concerned including our dark brothers in dark robes, to quote an old book.

MR: This comes from one of our overseas people. I would like to ask Mother Sekhmet if she knows something about Romania because in the last few years, this land has become known as the Garden of Mother. All is to be okay and the Mother’s gardens will be here. All of Mother Earth. I don’t know anything about this. What do you know about Romania being the Mother’s Garden?

MS: Romania, Transylvania, the Carpathian mountains are part of the mountains of Europe that go into Turkey, into the Middle East. The gateway to the Middle East. We have to say, we are from there, the body mind you, not us. We are the one talking through the body at the moment.

We are just saying that the Greeks [?] were Romanians, Transylvanians, the same for Comte. de St. Germain. [St. Germain was once the Prince Ragoczy of Transylvania.]

They have to do with what is occurring now as the Mother’s Garden [perhaps referring to Mother Gaia] is brought back, bringing back the splendor of the hanging gardens of Babylon. In fact, there is already construction happening in the ancient city of Iruk [? Undoubtedly in Iraq] right now. Even though there are wars and rumors of wars, we still have to say there is healing happening.

We know of the earthquake in Italy. We have had many of our folks and craft over these areas helping along with many of you on many levels. We have to say it is happening very rapidly, the shift here.

MR: Last week, the question was brought up about the city of Petra and it’s been asked again. They want to know what the city itself was used for and what the building known as the depository and also whether this architecture means something since they went to such great pains to carve all of this out of the stone? Can you comment about the city of Petra?

MS: We will also just say it is part of the understanding of the ancient super-civilizations. We were all interconnected with each other at super-cities across this planet, in a mutual understanding of peace, freedom, justice, and love. How things went awry was there were feelings of discontent that incarnated in. It had to do with the old, unhealed issues of Orion wars. To this day, they are battling it out in your Middle East but quickly coming to a conclusion.

We would just say, the city of Petra was one of the great places where what we understand was a Library of Records. The records were like silicon sticks you stick in blocks and the frequency of light activates the energies on the computer screen. This is the only way we know how to describe what this stuff is. But if you have the right technology with the right stone frequencies and put it in the right slot, you will see the ancient recordings of what these people put together.

Many of our ancient civilizations had the technology and understanding to create computer discs or silicon chips. Your quartz crystals are the nerves going through the planet. There are actually giant crystals that are the nerve ways of how she [Mother Gaia] speaks to us and how we speak to you, how we kind of keep everything in balance. This is why it is most important that these crystal areas not get messed with by curious dark ones who want to reactivate the crystals [for their own] purposes. They’re not going to get to do this. They are trying to find a way to shut off the announcements. They won’t get to.

MR: Okay, there have been a couple of questions that are along this same line. People are hearing again that the Eastern coastline is in for big trouble. They knew that it had been talked about with various maps before that some of this is supposed to happen. Then they understood that this is change due to the fact that people were coming into the light. The question is this: is the Eastern U.S. coastline going to disappear with the new energies being propelled onto Mother Earth?

MS: Negatory, commanders. We have to just say the understanding of what is occurring here is that, on many levels, your planet is going through tremendous changes, but we do not see a cataclysmic event occurring in this timeline. In fact, David Wilcock said do not see any major cataclysms through 2012.

Mark: One of the things that’s been asked, since we haven’t talked about it for a while, and now we have the Somali pirate story back in the news again, which of course is a cover story and there’s many ways you can prove that it is: by the way they’ve responded and the hokiness (actually I don’t know any better word – it’s very hokey, this thing). But I’ll let Mother answer that because we also want to ask her about the Stargate in the Gulf of Aden and any activities that are going on there?

MS: Oh my, pirates of the Gulf of Aden. We’ve got to understand where the story begins. Somalia, a bit of a lawless land like no-man’s land, and for the last ten years, crazy stuff has been going on as the U.S./U.N. is not protecting it. All crimes. Black ops playing games, everybody and their dog. And the original people there of the Somalia land, they are just indigenous farmers of the sea, fishermen, and competing with the huge nation supertanker vessels as they move about your planet with their cargos of death. And we have to say, cargos of death, Pentagon contracts. Don’t want to know what’s in the cargo so they say food and aid.

Kenya? Don’t know – maybe for Darfur, Sudan? We have to just say, coming from the Pentagon with contractors? Maybe Android soldier parts being put there. Not trying to create fantastic stories. We are just saying all of what is occurring here is these people who have been literally turned into nomads of the sea are protecting their borders, their land.

We have heard stories about even nuclear waste being dumped off the shores of Somalia making generations turn into mutants. It is quite tragic we must say, and we need an Avatar here now. Already, there are 144,000 plus 10 hundred thousand plus 10 hundred thousand Avatars are here and many more so. You are us and we are you.

We have to say this charade going on in the Gulf of Aden has to do with the unfoldment of the Stargate where all of your navies are getting very nervous. Because an anamoly has recently emerged out of the Stargate. The anamoly is a yellow crystal, a perfect yellow crystal like Citrine yellow, spinning within what you would call a box of infinite geometric shapes.

Dan Winter – the only name we know how to use – Dan Winter and the infinite physics of what he talks about. Go to and you will understand the quantum physics level of geometric shapes we are talking about. This is what is within the yellow citrine spinning above the Stargate. This yellow citrine is sending out the yellow rays of wisdom from Lord Kuthumi and the yellow-ray Masters.

We are embracing love and wisdom. Can you take it? We think that the light can but the dark is getting very hot for them. And why has to do with what they don’t wish to talk about – our presence here. It is time – the hole that can be healed.

I hope that answers the question, sir.

Mark: That explains part of what is going on in the Gulf of Aden and as we understand it, all of the ships, over 300 of them, navies of the world are still there, which is another part of this Somali thing which doesn’t hold water. They could have aircraft over that thing in minutes.

MS: They have Google Earth, and you can see it from space. Yet, they hide it from you because of this xenophibic idea that you’re the only planet with life. Ha!

Mark: Then, Mother the corrollary question to that deals with the activation of the ZPMs, the zero point modules, in the Ziggurats and also as Metatron, thru Tyberron, recently was activating the companion to Giza here in Houston, Texas, island. Could you comment on the effects of that which where suppose to culminate this Sunday, I believe?

MS: We are just speaking of the 13 chakras coming in. Yeah, and with this comes - the time is now for peace; now is the time for peace. As this occurs, we get to rest. You get NESARA and we get all the deals cut and the dark ones get to end the Matrix short and quick. We have to say what is occurring here exponentially the universe making it, in a sense, so uncomfortable for them that they will have to love it or leave it.

Mark: Thank you, Mother.

MS: We would just say before we disappear, you have to make a call out for help or be mad with the plumbing, as well as these two angels that are sitting here - a recent body talking funny here – got to have a tooth fixed. We are just asking for help to make the magic occur, to continue.

We pass the talking stick.

Tara: We just want everybody to know that we are two months behind in the bill so everything is ready to go off. In addition to that, we have our part of the hundreds of dollars because of the 18,000 gallons that went bye-bye. I also wanted to say that we became very clear that this was an attack from the dark side to do what they could to cause harm, because the pollution that was coming in that should not have been is not pretty – I’ll just put it that way.

Mark: I would just like to add to this whole thing because Steve Beckow on GRT and most of the people on Galactic Roundtable websites are now well aware. Thanks to Steve and all of the people there who have volunteered to help set up a donation page on a website with a Paypal or just a snail mail address so that people who want to help … and there is a deadline because of these back due bills that we have set as May 15 to catch up these things.

And I must say that my heart is expanding enormously by the kind of interest and response and dedicated work to quickly bring together the people and resources even though we have such a few people. Steve is working 12 hours a day, and we just lost our transcriber yesterday.

What I’m getting at is I want to personally thank, because it’s just too much otherwise, all of the people from six different countries, thus far …

MS: Thank you.

Mark: … as well as the U.S. All our friends in the U.S., they are beginning to respond. And I have no doubt that whatever comes by May 15, whatever that amount is, it is help coming from the heart. It is so much appreciated – I have to say that for myself and I know that Tara, Rama and Mother feel the same way.

MS: Yes.

Mark: Mother, they responded to what you asked for last week, and this is a little slow in the beginning. Bu it is beginning to catch on and I feel very certain that we’re going to have the money to take care of these emergency expenses by May 15 if all goes well. Thank you!

I pass the talking stick.

Tara: Yes, and I would like to request for you all, when you donate, that you make sure to tell us that you want to make sure all of our bills are paid in the present before we put it towards the next thing [plumbing?] which is already paid for by a credit card.

All of the bills have to paid first, that’s just what I want you to know. So when you send a donation, that’s what’s going to happen first and then it will go to the next [the pumbing]. I pass the talking stick.

MR: Mother, do you want to take a couple of questions from the group or are we complete for the night? I know you’ve been working here for about an hour, and I was wondering whether you’d like me to open the line or whether you want to close?

MS: Open the line.

[Next question deleted.]

Q: Mother Sekhmet, when we receive our packages after the announcements, will we be physically protected by the Galactic Federation?

MS: We would just say in terms of that issue of what is occurring after the announcement, not before, there will be the way in which it shall be done. Of course, you will be protected and at the same time, understand that you’re going to have to clean up more sharks, as is occurring here.

You will not be in the way of that; you are to take two months off and go find a place to rejuvenate your bodies. We would just say don’t worry about the sharks; we’ve taken care of that.

And also, to refer back to the other question about the DNA, we are moving into the place in which, we would say, we know at the moment you understand 12 strands of DNA, as you move higher to those levels. When you move to the frequency of a sun, you have thousands of strands of DNA. That is how we can explain it.

T: You actually have 144,000 strands of DNA because when you get to that density, actually at 12, when you’re in 12-D, you can be in 12-D and be in this body. Your whole being can be in 12-D right now. Which means that its 12 x 12. That means there are 12 levels of each of the 12 rays of each of the dimensions that you’re in. Then when you’re able to access that of the 100th density, you can do that in a physical body too.

And that means, you can appear and disappear; you can manifest and de-manifest. That’s what St. Germain has been for all of 450 billion years, every lifetime he every incarnated. In other words, they didn’t find a body in 1626 when they said Sir Francis Bacon died; he did not have a body because he did not die. It was the body of St. Germain that adhered to the highest form of St. Germain in that lifetime and therefore did not die. Even when they said he died the next time, 100 and some years later, it did not happen that time either.

MS: Even when he was Vlad the Impaler, they went to look in the tomb of Vlad the Impaler, no bones.

MR: So we all have that ability. We thank you Mother. We are very, very grateful that you have shared all this information with us. We invite everybody back next Thursday night.
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Joined: Wed Feb 05, 2003 4:42 am
Location: Washington DC

Re: Joyfully Co-Creating

Post by Deep Knight »

About Mark’s bad plumbing (“Mother comes now with bloody paws and needs to wash up”) Here’s their request for money…

UPDATE! April 10, 2009! Our chance to assist Mark!
Posted by admin On April - 7 - 2009

Steve: I know many of you will want an update on what is happening with Mark because, as far as I know, it is the reason why Mark is not posting at the moment.

The plumbing fraud at Mark’s house continues to escalate. The current plumber has discovered things like Mark’s bathtub being connected to the radiant heat in the floor, so that the water in his bathtub is, and always has been, toxic.
This follows the discovery of the fraudulent boiler, inadequate piping, etc., from an earlier plumber who has since gone out of business.

That means more new pipes, tiles, and so on.

It may be that Tara and Rama’s fixtures were hooked up in the same way, which they won’t know until Wednesday when they cut into the walls.

Mark has said that he would not think of accepting help in the past, but at this point he feels overwhelmed and will not resist.

Tony: Our team (and I mean all of us that know Mark in some way) would love to help. With that in mind, I have put up a Paypal donation button. Simply click that button and you can donate directly to Mark. It goes directly to him, not to anyone else. Paypal accepts all payment (including credit card arrangements) and people who wish to can commit to a monthly contribution.

Mark: I’m amazed at his statement [Steve above] about those willing to help. Haven’t received anything to date but he made a personal pledge and mentioned it on the Website and maybe the others picked up my address and will send something in the mail.

That would be fantastico…and I just trust that one’s who choose to do what their inner spirit prompts or nothing. No expectations and lot’s of gratitude.

I can’t tell you how weird it is to be the one asking instead of supplying! Now I know how the current homeless/once working families feel.

NOTE: You have to sign into Paypal and set up a paypal account in order to send any donations. If you don’t have a PayPal account just follow these simple instructions:

1. Click the “Donate” link.
2. Put in the amount you wish to donate.
3. Click “Update Total“.
4. Then where it says “Don’t have a PayPal account? Use your credit card or bank account (where available). Continue” click on “Continue” and it will take you to a sign up page for Paypal.
5. Fill out the form and you’re good to go.

Featured, Mark Huber

2 Responses

kenny Said,
Hello Mark, Heres 10.00, I wish I could do more but I’m an unemployed sheetrocker in Pt charlotte Fl. My last unemployment extention just ran out but my needs are being taken care of.We have an awesome creator and I do’nt worry anymore about anything because he’s in control, not me.Hopefully soon we won’t have to sweat the small stuff anymore like money and be able to focus on our real job of helping others because thats what really matters.It’s not about me anymore but how can I serve others. I send my love and light to you and everybody on earth Kenny

Posted on April 7th, 2009 at 12:11 pm

eslt Said,
Hello Mark,
I have sent you $25.00 and you should get it by April 14th. Please let me know when you get it. Hope it helps NAMASTE Vilma

Posted on April 10th, 2009 at 4:23 pm
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Re: Joyfully Co-Creating

Post by Deep Knight »

OK, so this thread is about as easy to follow as mud, but that's the way they like it!

Mark Huber and A&A (Rama & Tara) are always talking about KOS (the King of Swords, also an acronym meaning "Kill On Site") who only communicates through Lord Rama, until now. Meant as a lead-in to Casper's latest post...

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KOS in regard to CASPER'S APRIL 5th UPDATE

Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Monday, 13-Apr-2009 02:52:51


Following posting of Casper's April 5th update:

hobie -- Sunday, 5-Apr-2009 16:17:47

hobie -- Sunday, 5-Apr-2009 20:27:59

...I received this brief e-mail, from an address that made me wonder if it was from "KOS" ("King of Swords"), someone frequently mentioned in writings found at the galactic-roundtable Yahoo! group. I've delayed posting it till I could find out if it was "the" KOS who wrote to me. I've been told this evening that it is.

KOS (thanks, KOS :) writes:


Re: 1st CASPER for APR 5th - 'MULTIPLE CALLERS....

Salutations! The story about Casper is that he is not to be trusted!! He works for Bush Sr. WAKE BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! ASHTAR IS IN CHARGE ALONG WITH ST.GERMAIN!

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Deep Knight
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Re: Joyfully Co-Creating

Post by Deep Knight »

Casper works for Bush Sr.? Or is it Casper’s bush was worked on by some senior? Either way, Casper is put out…

casper 4-13-09 Mid-Day EASTER MONDAY

Regarding an internet post today by KOS???
King of Swords??? who claims to work with Ashtar??? and St Germain???
Claiming that Casper works for BUSH SENIOR is without question the stupidest thing I have yet seen on the net.
Either this person/entity is completely unfamiliar with our updates over the years or he is himself in the employ of BUSH's "ABC Boys. "

Also on the net today is an attack upon "Poofie" saying if the programs don't fund Poofie is EVIL, which is the second most stupid post I have ever encountered.

Can anyone out there name one thing, one single thing espoused by KOS, Ashtar, etc. that has ever come to pass?
Neither can we.
Does this mean he/they/it works for Senior, or that he is evil?????

WE work for program participants and no one else-ever.
Anyone who questions that at this late hour is either willfully blind or attempting to sandbag you and that especially goes for anyone passing themselves off as some kind of "Spiritual Guru".
If they had any kind of connection to anything "Spiritual" they would never ever post such a brazenly false and stupid remark.


As the Kings, Queens, Knights, Bishops and Rooks vie for control of the world we, the pawns, await our fate.

Informed that his latest ILLEGAL attempts to trade other peoples money, specifically the Gold in Ft Knox, had failed, and that he would never be allowed to complete another trade, and that his proposed theft of 58% of our funding would not be allowed, and that none of his other demands would be met either, OBAMA went Ballistic. The QUEEN and MERKLE for sure, and possibly Sarkozy, having made a deal with OBAMA for major portions of the expected trade profits went from happy happy to Ballistic overnight Friday as well upon learning their latest community scam had fallen through.

This was the latest planned method for OBAMA to make good on monies due the QUEEN and MERKLE and possibly Sarkozy and OBAMA'S current predicament, i.e. his inability to pay has the rats in the sack at each others throats all over again with threats flying in every direction overnight Friday. OBAMA was threatening everyone else that they will stand behind him in spite of his inability to pay, or else, while the others were receiving threats from other directions unknown to us if they do stick with OBAMA and his ongoing blockage of the settlements/deliveries.

The ILLUMINATI PUPPET PRESIDENTS see the money, demand the money, claim ownership of the money and can not stand the thought that the little people might get the money. Attempting to use the gold in Ft Knox as collateral for trades is a reflection of the fact they are unable to access or tamper with our funds or the worlds funds any longer and is also a refection of their level of desperation. WE hear ALL of this activity has been overcome. By the way, C.T. does not have the authority to try to trade the Gold in FT Knox.

There are other things, bigger things, much bigger things, more intense things than those described here recently going on simultaneously the details of which WE are not privy to except an awareness of their existence. Saturday OBAMA was still belligerent and still claiming ownership of all funds.
Planes arrived from far away and confrontation continued.
One tangible outcome was that the packs were again removed from Treasury over the weekend but they are back in there again today.
WE would love to provide a reasonable explanation for this confusing game of package ping pong but we can't because we don't understand it either.
WE hear that things have gotten down right nasty and ugly in D.C..
WE also hear that all the ILLUMINATI PUPPET PRESIDENTS were present with OBAMA this weekend which might indicate some kind of showdown given the arrivals from abroad. Yes, this includes Senior.

WE often say we don't know everything because that is the actual truth, however it is equally true we often know things we can't report, sometimes per agreement with "friends" or more often, because the incomplete intell we have would require to much speculation by us for the can of worms to be opened at all.
WE perceive things to be more intense than ever before and the secrecy surrounding the goings on in D.C. is also very intense and the cover stories are flying.
This is not a good time to be speculating even if we identify it as such.

WE believe deliveries will occur early this week based on a general overall knowledge of current circumstances but we say this with no knowledge of the outcomes in D.C. this weekend which occurred due to the ongoing intransigence of OBAMA.
Good always defeats evil in the end but sometimes it just takes longer than we would like.
WE expect the long discussed announcements to follow deliveries.

Ninety five percent or so of the messages we have received over the years have been very positive and uplifting and often gave us the strength to keep on keeping on. Thank you for that.
WE regret we were not able to do a better job for the five percent.

There is a very good possibility the time has come to say goodbye-AGAIN. Delivery will be sudden and we expect to go quiet immediately after and so, in anticipation of that, please remember and and other internet sites desperately trying to survive so they can continue to bring you the uncensored news. When the dam breaks, so to speak, the comatose public will suddenly be clamoring for information about unfolding events and the history leading to announcements.
What better place to direct them than the archives of Fourwinds where the writings of "S", Dr Schroeder, various messengers and thousands of contributors can be readily accessed?
Please support your country as defined by its Constitution and always respect the men and women in uniform who put their lives on the line for us.
Let your voices be heard, help and lead those with less knowledge, share your wealth, follow the instructions, be safe and God Bless each of you.

Casper, Wendy and 'WE '
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Re: Joyfully Co-Creating

Post by fortinbras »

Someone could have a fun time comparing and cross-referencing the various messages relating to NESARA that have appeared just on FourWinds10. The primary authors have been Casper and Bellringer, but there have been others.

The oddity is that, while all of them accept the existence of NESARA, they differ markedly on its nature & history. Bellringer evidently ascribes it to the intervention of saucer people, including a God Atonn (who outranks Jesus considerably), while Casper regards it as a purely terrestrial political beanbag. While Bellringer purports to be in contact with God Atonn, Casper claims to be getting the most sensitive information possible from one or more people several levels higher, in the real of top secret information, that the US President, including details of secret meetings in the Kremlin. Exactly how all those highly placed people are able to communicate this info to Casper, considering their own agencies and probably foreign agencies are spying on them, or why, is never explained. You gotta wonder how Casper has so far evaded detection by the all those security concerns.

Bellringer has the confusing message that the saucer people are preparing us (primarily Americans) to get all this money, and then, almost immediately, we're going to be raptured away, apparently before we can do much with it.

Casper keeps telling us the money is about to be distributed to us, then that someone (usually the President, sometimes one of the former Presidents, which seems a bit improbable) has not only stopped the distribution but had all the money sent back (to some undisclosed location). This has happened more times than disappointments in my sex life, so you can see this cycle has been repeated an enormous number of times. Those packages of money must be very sturdy to be loaded and unloaded, shelved and reshelved, so many times. And there have been so many of these cycles that more than a thousand people must have participated at least once, yet nobody talks about it except to Casper. Exactly why those powerful malefactors who keep cancelling the distributions don't just seize all the cash for themselves and hide it in their own Swiss cubby holes is never explained.
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Re: Joyfully Co-Creating

Post by texino »

I'd say this bit of logic works.
In the film The Maltese Falcon, Peter Lorre played a fellow called "Joel Cairo" who was referred to by the Bogart Character as "The Lavender Lad." Sidney Greenstreet plays "The Fat Man" whose name is "Kaspar Gutman" and Elisha Cook Jr. who plays "Wilmer" are thought by some to have a relationship (Casper-Poof) The Falcon turns out to be "the stuff dreams are made from." Of course Sam Spade is our own Deep Knight who has been trying to make that point about deliveries for 20 years. Also 1941 19 9+1=20
41 4-1+9= 12

Perfectly clear.
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El camino continúa por siempre, pero el partido nunca termina
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Re: Joyfully Co-Creating

Post by fortinbras »

FourWinds10 just posted an Urgent message to Obama that he is commanded to yield to the demands of the one person designated by the saucer people, and that person has the "code number" of "515-991-3579". This suggests that the saucer people have already given numbers of some sort to more than a million, possibly more than 5 Billion, people.

The "code number" is too long to be a Social Security number. If it's a phone number, it's a cellphone owned by someone in Des Moines.

I am sure that Pres. Obama will be quick to comply.
Deep Knight
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Re: Joyfully Co-Creating

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:FourWinds10 just posted an Urgent message to Obama that he is commanded to yield to the demands of the one person designated by the saucer people, and that person has the "code number" of "515-991-3579". This suggests that the saucer people have already given numbers of some sort to more than a million, possibly more than 5 Billion, people.

The "code number" is too long to be a Social Security number. If it's a phone number, it's a cellphone owned by someone in Des Moines.

I am sure that Pres. Obama will be quick to comply.
URGENT GLOBAL NOTICE - To President Obama: - 4/15/2009

Dear President Obama::

The DIVINE SYSTEM - "HEAVEN out of Heaven" has NOW ordered and sent the "RIGHT PERSON which is the ONLY PERSON" who is empowered to do the TASK now for the global. Please verify HIS code number 515 - 991 - 3579 and then immediately SEND the right person to join "Him" to do the TASK NOW. This PERSON with code number 515 - 991 - 3579 has the REAL and CORRECT ITEM and AUTHORITY to move forward immediately.


Immediately join to this "right person" to "Do Good, Do Right, Do Absolutely Correctly" and "DO IT NOW".

Mr. President, the timing for "America and All the Global Countries" is TRULY NOW! May you be Full of Wisdom to stand "FIRM and do RIGHT" for ALL THE PEOPLE.

Sincerely with great hopefulness,

The DIVINE SYSTEM - "HEAVEN out of Heaven"

C/c: Permission granted to all Helpers and their assistance in forwarding this email immediately onto President OBAMA'S Office.

Luckily, President Obama reads Fourwinds10 every day (it gives him a little ego boost to know his thwarting of NESARA is still on track) and so their's no doubt he's already called the number, which by coincidence is the same as one I found on the bathroom wall at a New Age Channeling I went to the other day. "For a great ascention, prosperity delivery, and to get 'firm and right' call 515-991-3579 and ask Lady Master Bambi to 'Do it Good, Do it Right, Do it Absolutely Correctly, baby, baby' for only $3 a minute."
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Re: Joyfully Co-Creating

Post by Deep Knight »

For another view on Mark Huber see "Videotape evidence confirms that Barack Obama does not refer to extraterrestrials or UFOs in Prague" at ... -in-Prague
One can rightly ask why baseless Obama ET/UFO rumors are being fed

In the military-intelligence world of U.S. Naval Intelligence, episodes like the Mark Huber publication are termed “disinformation,” or intentional misinformation published for purposes of sustaining a specific “meme” or psychosocial thought form.
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Re: Joyfully Co-Creating

Post by Deep Knight »

Another "secret message" like the one above.

URGENT GLOBAL NOTICE to President Obama 5/1/09
URGENT GLOBAL NOTICE to President Obama 5/1/2009

Dear President Obama:

This Urgent Notification is from The DIVINE SYSTEM - "HEAVEN out of Heaven" and is as follows:

Dragon of God
From the Bottom of the Sea
The Old Yellow Ox, which is the Ancient KING has Floated Out to the Water's Surface
The New Generation, the "Yellow Bud", which is the "SON" has raised his Head

Mr. President the TIMING and ASSISTANCE of your "Good Cause" is crucial for America NOW, this choice of "Your Action" will create and bring the "Good and Right Effect" back to America.

May your LEADERSHIP and CHOICES be Full of Wisdom. Through your "immediate and visible action now" of this GOOD CAUSE, the "International Royal Family" will support you President Obama with the RIGHT EFFECT to assist America through this Financial Crisis with great opportunities to create Positive CHANGES for America and continue to shine bright as a Global Leader.

Mr. President, the timing to DO RIGHT for "America and all the Global Countries" is ABSOLUTELY NOW - THANK YOU.

Sincerely and with great hopefulness
The DIVINE SYSTEM - "HEAVEN out of Heaven"

Permission is granted and fully requests your immediate assistance to circulate onto to President Obama.
"Follow the Money"
Princeps Wooloosia
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Re: Joyfully Co-Creating

Post by fortinbras »

Appropos of nothing in particular, FourWinds10, which seems to be the primary outlet for NESARA "news" and Casper's ravings, carries (either on April 30th or May 1st, it evidently was bumped or recycled) an article by Nikki something on the "New Monetary System". It begins:
When Benjamin Franklin was called before the British Parliament in 1757 and asked to account for the prosperity in the American colonies. He replied, "That is simple. In the colonies we issue our own money. It is called Colonial Scrip. We issue it in proper proportion to the demands of trade and industry to make the products pass easily from the producers to the consumers. In this manner, creating for ourselves our own paper money, we control its purchasing power, and we have no interest to pay to no one."

It was the struggle for financial sovereignty that precipitated the American Revolution when the (Rothschild) Bank of England forced the colonies to give up their Scrip and intense poverty followed.
It turns out the Franklin quote is genuine and nearly exact. In fact, Franklin, who printed the paper currency for a number of colonies prior to Independence, and who invented the anti-counterfeiting ploy of putting a natural leaf of a tree into the press to produce a unique and uncopyable filigree, was one of the very few Founders with thorough experience and expertise in paper currency, and one of the very few who said anything nice about paper currency.

The last sentence quoted, about the Bank of England, is what bugged me. The notion that the Rothschilds had anything to do with the American Revolution, on either side (but usually against the colonists), is Extremely Common among the Sovruns and other nuts, but it's completely false.

For example, the fairly recent bio of the founder of the banking dynasty, Meyer Amschel Rothschild, -- Amos Elon's Founder: A portrait of the first Rothschild and his time (Penguin 1996), makes very clear that in 1776 Meyer (at 32 years old) was still operating out of his home in the Jewish ghetto of Frankfurt and still subject to its restrictions, still primarily a dealer in foreign and rare coins, his oldest son was only 3 years old, and he had absolutely no representative, no agent and no influence in England - or even in many parts of the German-speaking empire. In 1784 he could be described only as "moderately affluent".

Moreover the Bank of England had never even heard of the Rothschild family at that time. And it wasn't until about a century later that that Bank of England first allowed a Jew to sit on its Board of Directors.

Re: Joyfully Co-Creating

Post by ramada »

Hello- My question in who is their KOS (king of swords) that Lord Rama and Tara and Mark ( in the ongoing NESARA Wars saga ) rely on for the "straight" info out of DC? I am new to this "caper" and am still filling in some blanks. What imaginations! I hear that Lord Rama has been "busted by Hatonn for channeling unreliable information via "Mother Sekhnet". OPPS! Not our Mother! Lord Rama, how could you? Not receiving from True Light sources! Could someone catch me up on their zanny activities?
Deep Knight
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Re: Joyfully Co-Creating

Post by Deep Knight »

ramada wrote:Hello- My question in who is their KOS (king of swords) that Lord Rama and Tara and Mark ( in the ongoing NESARA Wars saga ) rely on for the "straight" info out of DC? I am new to this "caper" and am still filling in some blanks. What imaginations! I hear that Lord Rama has been "busted by Hatonn for channeling unreliable information via "Mother Sekhnet". OPPS! Not our Mother! Lord Rama, how could you? Not receiving from True Light sources! Could someone catch me up on their zanny activities?
According to Bellringer on July 7, 2003
PHB wrote:KOS, the King of Swords or the King, is a Vietnam veteran of high Delta Force standing. He commands the White Knights of the world as well as Faction Three, who are also Delta Force. KOS works directly under the authority of St. Germain and has given much assistance to Mother Sekhmet in the removal of the darkside from planet Earth at this time. The King of Swords' top two Delta Force commanders are called the Alien Hunter and Terry the Terrible.
A search shows "Terry the Terrible" was a Hells Angel who was friendly with Hunter S. Thompson and in his book, "The Hells Angels." According to Lord Rama's mouthpiece Mark Huber:
Huber wrote:What I know comes from Faction 3 Intelligence, which is 38 levels above the President, which involves KOS, ACIO [Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization], Labyrinth, Ashtar Command, Ascended Masters, Mother Sekhmet, the president of the Solar Tribunal, and White Knights within the top levels of government and intelligence.

One of my friends was originally contacted by the team of 100 wealthy visionaries over 33 years ago and asked to help get the word out and be a liasion between parties. My friend, Rama, who is Ashtar’s incarnated son, was contacted by Ashtar to combine their efforts with KOS in 1979 to help bring this to Announcement. All of these folks are real and backed up by Galactic Federation support, around the world in every country.

The sources of our information, come from both alternative broadcast media--like Air America Radio; local media personalities and, most importantly, from those at 38 levels above the President in the ACIO/Seal/Delta Teams/King of Swords/King of Egypt (code names of course); Mother Sekhmet through direct channelling on Thursday evenings; OOB meetings with Ashtar, Sananda, Ascended Masters on the starships and Solar Tribunal Councils.

KOS has an encrypted telephone network through which he sends people and messages to get information out to the public. He is based in D.C. and was appointed with St Germaine by the World Court in 1999 as head of the worldwide militia of over 4million, and is a high ranking member of the secret service.
OOB = Out of body, OOHM = Out of his mind. And now for Candace Frieze
This Crazy Lady wrote:Back to the Tree issue. Nancy, my dear, I have a message for you. I
have been trying to contact you telepathically without success. The
one mentioned in the A&A reports, as the KOS, is most certainly not a
White Knight. However, he is as was told on the site last week, a very
high level Delta person. It was mentioned on the site, that this KOS
had something to do with reverse engineering of crashed craft, and in
the interrogation of ET's. Indeed, there is finally something of truth
posted by the A & A's.

The truth is KOS was an important member of a team that shot down
craft, took the ET's piloting them and some passengers into custody,
then tortured them and caused their deaths, after information was
obtained of use to these high Delta people. KOS is not a person who
just did his job. He is extremely nasty, and has been making use of
the A & A's through the Tree website. One of the activities has been
to harvest email addresses, and obtain information on light workers,
and it wasn't for the purpose, I assure you of aiding the announcement
"A&A" = Lord Rama and Lady Tara (they have many names). Of course, Big Daddy sez:
Big Daddy wrote:Some time back, Big Daddy made a contention that the 3Bs "king of swords" was nothing more than a bizarre representation of what actually would turn out to be nothing less than the site The Daily KOS.
Soon after, Big Daddy was vilified for was a sacred cow to our peripherally irrelevant collateral crusaders, and said fan club acted accordingly...and predictably...basically TRYING to make lame claims that Big Daddy was wrong (old news but hey, time tells on them again).

In the March 24th "edition" of A&A report, A admits what Big Daddy said almost 2 YEARS ago, and was told he was wrong by some hot air ballon of the hot air left...only to have it come back and set the critics straight, yet AGAIN.

Ya know, it would actually get old being proven right all the time as Big Daddy continues to be, if it wasn't so hilarious watching...both the 3Bs & their ilk, as well as the "I am not a leftist militant!" leftist militants, all in their sad attempts to disprove the irrefutably proven.
But Big Daddy expects nothing less of them, nor expects them to change and get back to realityland where WE live...that's what makes them so much fun.

Of course, BD expects no retraction of their accusations this time EITHER, but that's as unimportant as they are...their track record, or in their case, the lack thereof, despite worming their way into the only sense of power they'll ever know (it was given to them to tie half my brain behind my back just to make it fair to them), speaks for itself.

See?I told you so! AGAIN!...and again, and again, and, it never gets old after all. LMAO
"But," you might say to yourself, "what does Deep Knight say?" Deep Knight says KOS is really Joe Wilson.
"Follow the Money"