bolding addedI've gone through all the standard IRS BS and arrived at a 1058 - Final Notice of Intent to Levy. I sent a certified letter requesting my CDPH (Collection due process hearing). The IRS has asserted 2 penalties since my 2004 amended CtC return was filed jointly with my wife.
I have not received a formal letter yet from the IRS in response to this request.
How should I prepare for this? How can I get the penalty reduced to $5000 as it should not be doubled on just one single return for that year? I'm not hearing any success stories nor is Pete posting any for people that received 1058 letters. Has anyone had "positive" results after this point?
I really am not interested in having my life and my family's lives ruined by the Instant Robbery Service. I am very interested in rescinding my CtC amended return for 2004 and having the penalty removed.
Anyone care to comment on this?
Clearly, Joel is not adhering to Pete's self-destructive philosophy and will soon be removed from the forum -- if Pete or another moderator has time to do it.