CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by . »

jg wrote:Please do not forget Enrolled Agents.
True, but one has to be careful with all of them.

Joe Banister was an EA until he was disbarred from practice before the IRS. Only after that happened did California yank his CPA ticket.

Georgia never yanked Sherry Jackson's CPA ticket, she resigned it around the time of her federal criminal trial, even though I had provided the Georgia Board of Accountancy with a multitude of details about her association with and promotion of various TP goof-balls and theories YEARS prior to her federal tax conviction. I published my letter to them here on Quatloos. They responded with the usual blah, blah, blah. Never heard further from them. Only after she was indicted did her CPA license become inactive.

I think the rule of thumb is that you don't want to find the name of your tax practitioner associated with any variants of any TP dogma on the internet.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by jg »

. wrote:
jg wrote:Please do not forget Enrolled Agents.
True, but one has to be careful with all of them.

Joe Banister was an EA until he was disbarred from practice before the IRS. Only after that happened did California yank his CPA ticket.
I think the rule of thumb is that you don't want to find the name of your tax practitioner associated with any variants of any TP dogma on the internet.
No, Joe was a CPA.
from http://www.josephbanister.com/
Why not put Joseph R. Banister on your team?
Education, Experience and Credentials
- 1986 - Bachelor of Science, Business Administration, San Jose State University
- 1987 - 1990 - Tax and Audit Professional at KPMG Peat Marwick, a "Big 5" firm
- 1991 - 2006 licensed as a Certified Public Accountant (C.P.A.) (lic. #57875) (License revoked in early 2007 as punishment for IRS whistle-blowing efforts; appeals are pending.)
- 1993 - 1999 - IRS Criminal Investigation Division Special Agent
- 1999 - licensed as a Private Investigator (lic. #PI 21176)
Since February of 1999, I have provided clients with a wide variety of consulting services including record-keeping assistance, tax consulting, forensic analysis, litigation support, expert witness testimony and fraud detection. I have over thirteen years of combined experience in these disciplines.
Please do not associate Banister with being an EA.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Famspear »

More rumblings at losthorizons regarding the alleged banning of user "MN Stix" by Pete Hendrickson.

Inquiring minds want to know why. User "JHV" writes:
I would like to know as well, where did he [MN Stix] go wrong? Where did he disagree with CtC? Yes, I read the rules.
http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... 1a0d#17180

Then, user "Richardf614" writes -- in bold letters:
Well, this is easy enough.

Pete, why was MNStix banned?
My heavens, Richard, how dare you question the PeterEricBlowhardMeister so boldly!! Know ye not what Pontificating Peter Your Savior hath already written? Verily, His Blowhardiness saith:
I know some will find it off-putting for me to say it, but the bottom-line is this: The reader is strongly encouraged to simply avoid sources of information other than 'Cracking the Code- The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America' and what is presented on this site [Hendrickson's web site, losthorizons dot com].
Oh, Pete, how dare them to doubt Thee?!?
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by . »

jg wrote:No, Joe was a CPA.
Sorry, jg, you're quite right. Goofy Joe wasn't an EA, just a disbarred CPA.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

I know some will find it off-putting for me to say it, but the bottom-line is this: The reader is strongly encouraged to simply avoid sources of information other than 'Cracking the Code- The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America' and what is presented on this site [Hendrickson's web site, losthorizons dot com].
Wow...this is straight cult. And you folks over at CtC are okay with this redlining of information, huh?

You guys don't need us...you need professional deprogrammers.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Number Six »

In my experience, these deluded people only change their beliefs by degrees, by shock over what they see happening to others who are the leaders.

When Lynn Meredith and her associates were arrested, many people who had bought her books and trusts, offshore bank accounts, etc., realized that they could become a target. Many of these people never get the news until it's too late, of who is being arrested, targeted, wiped-out.

A psychologist I spoke with called me "naive" for bringing up tax and accountability issues with people--he said that the most common issue couples come to him about is money. A CTC or non-filer could be helped if he/she wants it. They need to be upfront with family about what is going on. But with a lot of cults, the exiting process is hard because a lot of people are upset by how they have been treated. It requires a new set of ethical covenants; the old ones of enmity or suspicion against all who are not part of the group, is an entirely different paradigm.

Perhaps some of them can be helped by church pastors who have the patience and maturity to deal with anti-government people. But in my experience ministers have a hard time walking people through the issues involved because they have a different relationship with government--they can't afford to be in rebellion to it. Those who warn members in tax season to not cheat on taxes, can rankle the self-employed business owners who may be dealing with complex struggles to pay all the bills and stay financially solvent. And there are plenty of patriot pastors who are hoping for a return to Old Testament law.
'There are two kinds of injustice: the first is found in those who do an injury, the second in those who fail to protect another from injury when they can.' (Roman. Cicero, De Off. I. vii)

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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Demosthenes »

Number Six wrote:In my experience, these deluded people only change their beliefs by degrees, by shock over what they see happening to others who are the leaders.
By shock and by degrees are the opposite, no?

I've been interacting with tax deniers since the mid 1990s and I've only ever seen the "shock them into waking up from their cult dream" scenario. Sometimes, it's the IRS CI Special Agent card taped to the doorjamb, sometimes, it's the night the wife and kids leave, sometimes, it's losing the job the TD loves.

The wake-up moment usually results in some pretty "how could I have been so stupid" forehead slapping and depression.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Famspear »

As ForumAdmin, Peter Hendrickson finally responds to the questions about his banning of "MN Stix", and Weston White as well:
It having been brought to my attention that questions were surfacing as to the banning of Weston White and MN Stix.

Here's the history on Weston: He had been asked long ago to stop posting quatloser material on the forum, and had, in fact been banned once before after disregarding that request, just to get his attention, since he had not been responding to my emails on the subject. After finally replying to me once he found he was banned, he agreed to stop the offending posts, and was immediately re-instated.

Recently, he began the distracting and counter-productive posts again (which have the effect both of wasting forum time and attention, and also the effect of giving the quatloser bs more views than it was ever getting on their own agent-provocateur site, I suspect) and I again banned him, intending it to be temporary again. He did at first write a simple, "What's going on?" email, but before I had even seen it (that is, within 8 or 10 hours) he followed that up with a vicious flame to and about me personally and CtC as well, making clear that if he had ever been a legitimate participant, he certainly wasn't anymore. Frankly, while I still haven't come to any firm conclusions, I had had my questions about Weston's purposes and agenda, as he has never had either evidence of any victories nor evidence of any battles to share (but DID have an awful lot of time to spend posting on this forum). Again, I still leave the question of whether he was a troll open, but he [Weston White] does have a quatloos account, and has had for some time...

Regarding MN Stix, it is interesting that he himself has never asked me about his forum status. If he had done so, I would have explained my issues with his posts to him and put him back on. Those issues are what prompted the recent newsletter post about forum rules, which I trust that everyone has read, since I trust that each and every one of you reads each and every newsletter. That itself is a requirement for continued participation.

In a nutshell, the paths down which MN Stix has been going, and upon which he has been pulling many of you, at great expense of time and attention to things that really DO matter, focus on things that really DON'T matter. Badger just made an excellent post in this regard; more to the point, perhaps, you will find nowhere in CtC or anywhere on losthorizons.com any indication that "title 5", or "record-correcting" outside that involved in directly rebutting erroneous assertions made by others,is relevant to properly and comprehensively invoking the law in regard to the tax, nor relevant to securing lawful behavior from any government in this regard. You will not find a single victory posted in which either of these specious notions was implemented, deployed or necessary.

You WILL, on the other hand, find specific debunkings of "title 5" notions on the FAQ page and the "Misunderstandings" page, pages with which anyone posting on this forum is expected to maintain complete familiarity. You WILL, on the other hand, find many instances in which even extended and deliberate bad agency behavior was undone and overcome without any resort or attention to anything related to these notions. This is because these notions are both wrong and irrelevant.

The simple reality is that bad behavior by tax agencies is not in any way, shape or form due to, or capitalizing on, something unaddressed by CtC. It is purely because until enough Americans know the truth revealed in CtC, some bad apples in these agencies will keep trying to get away with what they can in an effort to maintain the status quo and preserve the "ignorance tax". It's really that simple. That's why the number one goal on which this forum should, and is intended to, be focused is spreading the word about that truth, rather than spinning wheels trying to find "silver bullets" for non-problems.
(bolding added)

http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... 7223#17223
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Famspear »

Peter Hendrickson wrote:
Recently, he [Weston White] began the distracting and counter-productive posts again (which have the effect both of wasting forum time and attention ....
Gee, I can't imagine how anybody would get the idea that Weston White would do something like that....

and also the effect of giving the quatloser bs more views than it was ever getting on their own agent-provocateur site
No, no, Pete can't have any information from Quatloos being passed around among Hendrickson's Heroes at losthorizons....
.....he [Weston White] followed that up with a vicious flame to and about me personally and CtC as well......
Surprise, surprise.
Again, I still leave the question of whether he [Weston White] was a troll open, but he does have a quatloos account, and has had for some time...
Well, all I can say is that Weston White was an Equal Opportunity Jerk. It's probably a toss-up as to which web site (Quatloos or losthorizons) received the greater portion of mindless, non-responsive delusional Weston White drivel postings.

Regarding "MN Stix," I note that he also had a Quatloos account, although Pete does not mention that in his explanation of the banning of MN Stix.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Demosthenes »

Famspear wrote:Regarding "MN Stix," I note that he also had a Quatloos account, although Pete does not mention that in his explanation of the banning of MN Stix.
So does Submarine Veteran.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Famspear »

Here's a chuckle: the way the Hopeless Hendrickson Heroes allow Hendrickson's goofy definitions of terms like "taxpayer" and "person" to cloud even the most routine of tasks - such as using IRS Form 4506 to obtain copies of prior tax returns, or Form 4506-T to obtain copies of tax return information such as account transcripts. At losthorizons dot com, a user called "form4506?" writes:
To get ones return information back[,] the IRS would like you to fill out form 4506. On the bottom of the form[,] one must sign it if you're a "taxpayer." What about those of us who are "non taxpayers?"

So why would one use that form to get the information?

Secondly when you ask the IRS for your return[,] they just tell you that you HAVE to fill out a 4506.

Any ideas

(bolding added).

User "Kensei" writes:
I looked through form 4506-T and I am wondering: I don't like the 'signature' area wording, and was wondering if drawing a line through the word 'taxpayer' and[,] above it[,] writing 'filer' or 'person' instead. After all, I'm the one that is signing that I agree with what it says.
(bolding added).

User "SilverEye" writes:
I too do not like the jurat on the 4506. As mentioned, I am not a "taxpayer" but I don't like the term "person" either[,] since I can't be sure what "person" they are referring. I would certainly be the human that filed the 1040 about which I would like to inquire, but I don't think I am a "person" that the IRC [Internal Revenue Code] may be referencing.

I wonder, can I provide the same information as the form does and provide my own jurat (basically saying I'm entitled to view my own information that the IRS has on file for me) and sign it.
(bolding added).

A psychologically normal person caught up in Hendrickson's scheme would begin to question the validity of Hendrickson's nonsense after reaching this point in the "process" (actually, long before this point). The Hopeless Heroes of Hendricksonville are now agonizing over exactly how to accomplish the simplest of tasks. In a way, this agony is the fruit of what Daniel B. Evans has called the tax deniers' belief in the supposed "power" of "magic words".
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Famspear wrote:As ForumAdmin, Peter Hendrickson finally responds to the questions about his banning of "MN Stix", and Weston White as well:
... since I trust that each and every one of you reads each and every newsletter. That itself is a requirement for continued participation brainwashing. ...

All fixed.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

A psychologically normal person caught up in Hendrickson's scheme would begin to question the validity of Hendrickson's nonsense after reaching this point in the "process" (actually, long before this point). The Hopeless Heroes of Hendricksonville are now agonizing over exactly how to accomplish the simplest of tasks. In a way, this agony is the fruit of what Daniel B. Evans has called the tax deniers' belief in the supposed "power" of "magic words".
Some years back, I found an excellent article on the web entitled something like "White Men's Ghost Dance". It was an extremely funny skewering of the nutcases who worship the Magna Carta, "Common Law" (as they define it), "Constitutional Government (ditto), and more. The article takes its name from the nutcases' belief that, by discovering and using magic words such as have been mentioned above, they can insulate themselves from the legal consequences of their actions, just as the Ghost Dancers sought to insulate themselves from the bullets and shells of the U.S. Army. The Battle (actually, more of a Massacre) of Wounded Knee records how successful the Ghost Dancers were; and anyone with a rational understanding of the legal and governmental system in this country can guess how successful the "magic words" crowd will be.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by LPC »

Famspear wrote:A psychologically normal person caught up in Hendrickson's scheme would begin to question the validity of Hendrickson's nonsense after reaching this point in the "process" (actually, long before this point). The Hopeless Heroes of Hendricksonville are now agonizing over exactly how to accomplish the simplest of tasks. In a way, this agony is the fruit of what Daniel B. Evans has called the tax deniers' belief in the supposed "power" of "magic words".
For the record (as lawyers like to say), I didn't first refer to this behavior as a belief in "magic words," but read it first in this forum (I think).

I incorporated this analysis into my FAQ, but do not claim credit for first identifying it.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Joey Smith »

The difference is that Quatloos accounts are freely given to all who want them, and people are only banned for things like excessive profanity or racist rants (the late LawyerDud, for example).

Pete only grants accounts to the already-brainwashed on LostHeads, and he'll ban at the drop of a hat if he thinks somebody has posted something that might hurt sales.

Funny (funny weird, not funny ha ha) how the supposedly freedom-lovers are the first to censor.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by notorial dissent »

Not really, since the ONLY freedom they are concerned with or interested in is their own.

That is why I always choke when one of the dim and bewildered goes on about how this country was founded by colonists who came here for freedom of religion.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

That is why I always choke when one of the dim and bewildered goes on about how this country was founded by colonists who came here for freedom of religion.
Last month, during one of those Astroturf-roots "tea parties", a clueless woman from western Massachusetts whined about how "we didn't come over here to be taxed". I think that people like this must have learned their history from reading Classic Comics....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by notorial dissent »

And I think you are giving them far too much literacy credit.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

I know some will find it off-putting for me to say it, but the bottom-line is this: The reader is strongly encouraged to simply avoid sources of information other than 'Cracking the Code- The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America' and what is presented on this site [Hendrickson's web site, losthorizons dot com].


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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by grixit »

I think this is less a cult of personality and more an s&m relationship.
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