Inside Information

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Deep Knight
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Inside Information

Post by Deep Knight »

Bellringer posted this Hal Turner (a notorious white supremacist and liar) material last month and they finally released the “bank stress test” it referred to. 16 of 19 banks don’t pass? Only off by 16! Does this guy have good sources or what?

Hal Turner
April 19, 2009

The Turner Radio Network has obtained "stress test" results for the top 19 Banks in the USA The stress tests were conducted to determine how well, if at all, the top 19 banks in the USA could withstand further or future economic hardship.

When the tests were completed, regulators within the Treasury and inside the Federal Reserve began bickering with each other as to whether or not the test results should be made public. That bickering continues to this very day as evidenced by this "main stream media" report.

The Turner Radio Network has obtained the stress test results. They are very bad. The most salient points from the stress tests appear below.

1) Of the top nineteen (19) banks in the nation, sixteen (16) are already technically insolvent.
2) Of the 16 banks that are already technically insolvent, not even one can withstand any disruption of cash flow at all or any further deterioration in non-paying loans.
3) If any two of the 16 insolvent banks go under, they will totally wipe out all remaining FDIC insurance funding.
4) Of the top 19 banks in the nation, the top five (5) largest banks are under capitalized so dangerously, there is serious doubt about their ability to continue as ongoing businesses.
5) Five large U.S. banks have credit exposure related to their derivatives trading that exceeds their capital, with four in particular - JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, HSBC Bank America and Citibank - taking especially large risks.
6) Bank of America`s total credit exposure to derivatives was 179 percent of its risk-based capital; Citibank`s was 278 percent; JPMorgan Chase`s, 382 percent; and HSBC America`s, 550 percent. It gets even worse: Goldman Sachs began reporting as a commercial bank, revealing an alarming total credit exposure of 1,056 percent, or more than ten times its capital!
7) Not only are there serious questions about whether or not JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs,Citibank, Wells Fargo, Sun Trust Bank, HSBC Bank USA, can continue in business, more than 1,800 regional and smaller institutions are at risk of failure despite government bailouts!
The debt crisis is much greater than the government has reported. The FDIC`s "Problem List" of troubled banks includes 252 institutions with assets of $159 billion. 1,816 banks and thrifts are at risk of failure, with total assets of $4.67 trillion, compared to 1,568 institutions, with $2.32 trillion in total assets in prior quarter.

Put bluntly, the entire US Banking System is in complete and total collapse.


For those who may be skeptical about the veracity of the stress test report above, be reminded that only last Sunday, April 12, this radio network obtained and published a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Memo outlining their concerns that returning US military vets posed a domestic security threat as "right wing extremists." That memo, available here, is marked "FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY" and contained strict warnings that it was not to be released to the public or to the media. We obtained it and published it days before other media outlets.

Link to Reuters deleted at their request 0842 HRS 21 April 2009

Further, todays Wall Street Journal (April 20, 2009) is confirming at this link that lending by the largest banks has DECREASED 23% since the government began the T.A.R.P. program, causing many in Congress to ask where the money has actually been going. Apparently, it has been going into propping-up the failing banks instead of out in loans to the public.

Additional details and proofs are forthcoming. . . . . continue to check back on this developing story.

UPDATE 0147 HRS EDT Monday, April 20, 2009 --
For those who may be skeptical about the veracity of the stress test report above, be reminded that only last Sunday, April 12, this radio network obtained and published a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Memo outlining their concerns that returning US military vets posed a domestic security threat as "right wing extremists." That memo, available here, is marked "FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY" and contained strict warnings that it was not to be released to the public or to the media. We obtained it and published it days before other media outlets.

That DHS report appeared on this blog at least two full days before the story was picked up by The Washington Times, and virtually every other US media outlet.

Details of certain aspects of the stress test reported above have now been CONFIRMED through REUTERS News service when they disclosed the risk-capital percentages publicly on April 6, 2009 at this link

Further, todays Wall Street Journal (April 20, 2009) is confirming at this link that lending by the largest banks has DECREASED 23% since the government began the T.A.R.P. program, causing many in Congress to ask where the money has actually been going. Apparently, it has been going into propping-up the failing banks instead of out in loans to the public.

Additional details and proofs are forthcoming. . . . . continue to check back on this developing story.

Posted by Hal Turner at 10:32 PM

UPDATE 1154 HRS EDT April 20, 2009 --

The United States Treasury has openly and brazenly lied regarding our stress test report and we can prove they have lied about it.

This morning, the United States Treasury issued a statement (HERE) claiming they do not yet have the results of the Stress Tests, rebuking our report

How do we know its a lie?

Because of this from April 10th:

April 10 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. Federal Reserve has told Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Citigroup Inc. and other banks to keep mum on the results of “stress tests” that will gauge their ability to weather the recession, people familiar with the matter said.

The Fed wants to ensure that the report cards don’t leak during earnings conference calls scheduled for this month. Such a scenario might push stock prices lower for banks perceived as weak and interfere with the government’s plan to release the results in an orderly fashion later this month.

How can you be ordered not to release something you don't have?

Since that was published on the 10th of April, we therefore know that the results exist and Treasury, the banks involved and The Fed have them, as The Fed was concerned that some banks might try to use them (perhaps in a misleading fashion) during their first quarter conference calls and earnings releases.

Sorry guys, but whether the Turner Radio Network has the real results or not is no longer material. What's material is the claim that Treasury doesn't have them, since they told the banks on the 10th not to release them, and you can't release what you don't have.

The problem with lying is that eventually you forget your previous lies and thus get caught when you contradict yourself.

Posted by Hal Turner at 10:32 PM

Here is a report on the actual results.

All 19 Banks Pass Stress Tests

By Mark Huffman

May 8, 2009
Personal Finance

By the time it was finally announced, there was little suspense: the 19 major banks subjected to the federal government's "stress test" got a passing grade. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, in announcing the results, said all the banks are solvent and should resume lending.

The idea of a stress test was the government's way of determining which of the large, "too-big-to-fail" banks had enough assets to remain solvent, even if the recession gets worse. All had received "bailout" money from the government, though some, like JPMorgan Chase, said they want to return the money because they don’t need it.

However, even though they were deemed solvent, ten large banks were told they need to add to their capital reserves. Ten of the 19 banks have been ordered to raise a total of $74.6 billion within the next six months. In addition, some may be forced to "sell" more stock to the government, which in turn could dictate changes in management.

While it was known that banks like Citigroup and Bank of America were certain to need more cash, the list contained a few surprises, including Wells Fargo and Morgan Stanley. Wells Fargo said it would raise $6 billion by selling stock to the public. Morgan Stanley said it plans to sell stocks and bonds to raise $5 billion.

But nearly all banks, the Fed said, should be able to raise the additional capital on their own. Only one bank, GMAC, is likely to need additional help from the taxpayers.

Banks are required by law to maintain a certain percentage of assets to balance their loans and liabilities. Prior to the economic meltdown, most large banks had invested billions of dollars in mortgage backed securities, which lost most of their value as the subprime mortgage market collapsed and took real estate down with it.

Those "toxic" assets precipitated last fall's credit crunch, as banks could not lend money. The idea behind the stress test was to restore confidence in the banking system so that lending will resume.

For the average consumer, the stress test doesn't mean much, other than improved confidence in banks should help the overall economy recover faster. Those with a stock portfolio may regain some of the value they lost if Wall Street, as expected, responds favorably to the results.

Consumers shouldn't be concerned that their bank was deemed to need more money. Even if a bank failed, deposits of up to $250,000 are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Besides, the whole idea behind the stress test was to make sure than none of the 19 banks fail.

And don't expect your credit card rates to go down anytime soon. Banks may be on the road to improved health, but they still need cash. Higher rates on consumer credit — especially on any credit that could be considered risky — are likely here to stay.
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Re: Inside Information

Post by Deep Knight »

File this under "and some used to say Bellringer is a liberal." From his Foulwinds10 site.

Experts explain what makes Barack Obama tick

Posted May 15, 2009

He may be the most mysterious and secretive president in American history.

Though inexperienced and arguably unqualified for the presidency, he mesmerized the entire establishment press and more than half of voters, many regarding him nothing short of a political messiah. Though he can barely speak publicly without a teleprompter, he's praised as a transcendent communicator. Though his voting record is extreme left, he portrays himself as a pragmatic centrist.

But beyond Obama's political ideology, many Americans are troubled also by his strange personality attributes: He greatly exaggerates his achievements, expects constant praise and admiration, believes he's special, doesn't appear to concern himself with other people's feelings, expresses disdain for those he feels are inferior, sets unrealistic goals, appears as tough-minded and unemotional, and other qualities – all of which are textbook symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Indeed, the word "narcissist" is increasingly being applied to America's 44th president. Pulitzer prize-winning columnist and former psychiatrist Charles Krauthammer asks, "Does the narcissism of this man know no bounds?" Jack Kelly, journalist and former high-ranking Reagan administration Pentagon official, says: "The most dangerous thing about having a narcissist in a position of power is his unwillingness – perhaps his inability – to ever admit error. ... Obama acknowledged the troop surge in Iraq has produced dramatic improvements, but said he still would oppose it." Radio giant Rush Limbaugh said of Obama recently: "He's supremely narcissistic … This is all about him. This has nothing to do with the country. It has nothing to do with our way of life. Every aspect of his presidency is about building him up, making him appear to be savior, messiah …"

Is the president of the United States indeed a narcissist, a condition psychology
and psychiatry recognize as a serious personality disorder?

That's the radioactive question the May issue of WND's acclaimed Whistleblower takes on, titled "NARCISSIST IN CHIEF: Experts explain what makes Barack Obama tick."

In "NARCISSIST IN CHIEF," Whistleblower's formidable team of experts – including psychiatrists, psychologists and astute political analysts – tackle this question, and in the process, serve up some stunning information and insights for readers.

"I think it’s critically important, now more than ever, to understand our president’s core beliefs and to realize that if we embrace them fully, we’ll be well on our way to becoming the U.S.S.A.," says Brian Russell, Ph.D., a licensed psychologist, attorney and familiar national television pundit. And according to Lyle H. Rossiter Jr., M.D., a board certified psychiatrist who has diagnosed and treated mental disorders for more than 40 years, it's not just Obama: America's leadership ranks are full of people with serious psychological problems, declaring that "the modern liberal mind, its distorted perceptions and its destructive agenda are the product of disturbed personalities."

"This is surely one of the most fascinating – and possibly most important – Whistleblower issues we've ever produced," said David Kupelian, editor of Whistleblower and managing editor of WorldNetDaily. "Some of the articles, including the ones by narcissism expert Sam Vaknin, Ph.D., and forensic psychiatrist Lyle Rossiter, M.D., are nothing short of brilliant. They make it crystal clear for the reader exactly what's going on inside the brains of those leading America today. This is definitely a paradigm-busting edition of Whistleblower."

Issue highlights include:

* "Is Barack Obama crazy?" by Joseph Farah
* "American idolatry" by David Kupelian, on why experts believe we're becoming a nation of egomaniacs
* "Psychobamanalysis" by Brian Russell, Ph.D., in which the well-known psychologist explains how Barack Obama thinks
* "Barack Obama: Narcissist or merely narcissistic?" by Sam Vaknin, Ph.D., a comprehensive expert look at how the president’s behavior matches many markers of the troubling disorder
* "New study: Narcissists crave power"
* "Poll: Obama beats Jesus as American 'hero'" by Chelsea Schilling
* "Farrakhan on Obama: 'The Messiah is absolutely speaking'" by Bob Unruh, on why the anti-Semitic Black Muslim leader says, "Barack has captured the youth" and will bring about "universal change"
* "Youth movements are bad news" by Dennis Prager, who explains why Obama's powerful appeal to young people does not bode well
* "Understanding Obama's cult of personality" by Ali Sina, in which the Iranian ex-Muslim author recalls similar widespread public ecstasy over the charismatic Ayatollah Khomeini
* "‘Disturbed personalities’ leading America today" by Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr., M.D., in which the veteran forensic psychiatrist explains the psychodynamics of today's radical liberal mind
* "The Obama Doctrine: 'Don't blame me'" by Ben Shapiro, on the dangers of a president being obsessed with his own greatness
* "Oratory – or hypnotic induction?" Some analysts claim Obama's eloquence is augmented by hypnosis techniques
* "The strange roots of political correctness" by Reb Bradley, who explains how raising coddled, narcissistic kids leads naturally to PC madness
* "Liberalism is a mental disorder" by Michael Savage, in which the top radio talker invites confused Americans to "throw off their chains"
* "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" by Ellis Washington, in which the law prof highlights what he calls Obama's "infantile, overarching, all-consuming sense of entitlement."
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Deep Knight
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Re: Inside Information

Post by Deep Knight »

Hal Turner Arrested! The article below is from Crooks and Liars (which, if you can't guess, is about politics).

Hannity's old buddy Hal Turner arrested for threatening Connecticut officials
By David Neiwert Thursday Jun 04, 2009 5:30am

You all remember Sean Hannity's buddy Hal Turner, the neo-Nazi nutcase whose favorite activity is threatening various public officials, most notably federal judges -- though most recently he was also publicizing his empty threats to wreak havoc at President Obama's inauguration.

Well, it looks like the threats finally caught up with him:

Radio host Hal Turner — accused of hosting a website that incited Connecticut Catholics to "take up arms" and singling out two Connecticut lawmakers and a state ethics official — was taken into custody in New Jersey late today after state Capitol police obtained an arrest warrant for him.

Turner, who has been identified as a white supremacist and anti-Semite by several anti-racism groups, hosts an Internet radio program with an associated blog. Last week, the blog included a post that promised to release the home addresses of state Rep. Michael Lawlor, state Sen. Andrew McDonald and Thomas Jones of the ethics office.

"Mr. Turner's comments are above and beyond the threshold of free speech," Capitol police Chief Michael J. Fallon said in an e-mail announcing the warrant. "He is inciting others through his website to commit acts of violence and has created fear and alarm. He should be held accountable for his conduct."

What apparently gave Turner an excuse to issue threats this time was an ongoing dispute in Connecticut over legislation affecting the Roman Catholic hierarchy in the state:

"It is our intent to foment direct action against these individuals personally," the blog stated. "These beastly government officials should be made an example of as a warning to others in government: Obey the Constitution or die."

And, the post continued, "If any state attorney, police department or court thinks they're going to get uppity with us about this; I suspect we have enough bullets to put them down too."

Turner also recently suggested to readers of his blog that someone should shoot another abortion provider:

After the killing of abortionist George Tiller, another "doctor" has publicly announced he wishes to take Tiller's place to continue partial birth abortions!

Physician LeRoy Carhart of Omaha, NE wants to continue providing third-term abortions after the brazen slaying of his friend and colleague George Tiller.

Gee, this is becoming a "target-rich environment!"

I suspect someone has a bullet for this guy too. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

As I've explained previously:

Turner is not someone to take seriously, any more than gay-basher Fred Phelps. He's made numerous threats in the past, and all have been just so much gasbaggery. Moreover, he has a nonexistent following, especially after it was revealed he had been doing federal-informant work, which pretty much destroys your cred in white-power circles.

Nonetheless, authorities have no reason to tolerate these kinds of threats. Turner's arrest is long overdue.

Gee. I wonder if Hannity will report on this.

OK, OK. No, I don't really.
"Follow the Money"
Princeps Wooloosia
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Re: Inside Information

Post by fortinbras »

Turner is not someone to take seriously,....
Turner, personally, may be a cowardly little rodent, but his operations on radio and internet enable him to incite others, who collectively if not separately, ought to be taken seriously.

(PS: How did this end up on the NESARA topic line??)
Deep Knight
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Re: Inside Information

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote: (PS: How did this end up on the NESARA topic line??)
As New Agers would say, the secret is the number 314. 314 is a powerful number because, well because it is! Add the digits and you get 8, also a powerful number. But what does 314 have to do with NESARA and Hal Turner? It's the number of matches you get when you search Bellringer's fourwinds10 website for "Hal Turner." Sure, some of those only refer to him, but most are posting from his blog put up by Bellringer on his NESARA site because: 1) Turner hates Jews, 2) Turner goes on and on about the New World Order etc., and 3) Turner is batshit crazy. Want an example? Here's my favorite, from 2007 (I had a long thread here about this too, but it's fallen off). Please note that this incident never happened, it was just ol' Hal trying to get attention.

New York State Gov. Physically Intercepted & Beaten Over Illegal Alien Driver Licenses / N.Y. Gov. Abandons Driver's License for Illegal Immigrants
Hal Turner

Updated 13 November 2007 2319 HRS EDT

***** BREAKING NEWS *****


New York State Governor Elliott Spitzer was allegedly physically intercepted and beaten late today by pro-White Americans fed up with the Governor's efforts to give Driver Licenses to illegal aliens.

The New York State Police protective detail which guards the Governor was reportedly overcome almost instantly when TAZERS were used to incapacitate them. Despite wearing bullet resistant vests, the Troopers succumbed to the TAZER electric shock which can penetrate up to two inches of clothing.

Once the State Troopers were taken down, the governor was reportedly smacked in the head several times and is said to have fallen to the ground to shield himself. The blows were reportedly strong enough to get his attention without seriously hurting him.

Witnesses claim the Governor was told by the attackers that he was not going to be allowed to give Driver Licenses to illegal aliens and if he did not drop the plan, he would be intercepted again and killed. The attackers also reportedly called the Governor "filthy Jew" during that attack and told him he was getting Aryan justice.

Governor Spitzer reportedly cried out for help from the State Troopers and, when he realized they had been incapacitated, the Governor swore to give up his plans to grant Driver Licenses to Illegal Aliens. He is expected to announce the program to give Driver Licenses to Illegal Aliens is "dead" sometime tomorrow, Wednesday, November 14.

The Hal Turner Radio Show, which airs on 95.1 FM in the New York City area, is being blamed for encouraging the attack. The host of that show has long opined that using force against Government officials has become necessary because they have become so arrogant, they think they can ignore the public. Turner has also long opined that once the politicians started getting smacked around, they would fold like cheap cameras - just like Elliot Spitzer did today.

When asked for comment, Turner said "Let this be a warning to every other elected official in the United States. We can overcome your protective detail the same way and knock the hell out you too if you persist in defying The Will of The People." Turner went on to say "We The People run this country. We have repeatedly instructed our elected officials to cease accommodating illegal aliens and we will not tolerate defiance."

All of the attackers - who wore black ski masks, black jackets with Nazi symbols on them -- got away.

Police have no tangible way to connect Turner to the attacks but said if the attackers are ultimately arrested, they intend to prosecute Turner for criminal culpability if it can be proved Turner's on-air remarks spawned today's attack.


New York Governor Abandons Driver's License for Illegal Immigrants

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer said Wednesday he is giving up his proposal to grant driver's licenses to undocumented workers, a plan he said would "improve the safety and security of the people of my state."

New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer says Wednesday in Washington that his plan would have made his state safer.

Spitzer said he was giving up because he had concluded that "New York state cannot successfully address this problem on its own."

He said he wanted to act because of the failure of the federal government to deal with immigration policy and the impact that failure was having on New York.

"I would suggest to you what everyone already knows, " Spitzer said. "The federal government has lost control of its borders. It has allowed millions of undocumented workers to enter our country and now has no solution to deal with them."

The effect was about 1 million undocumented workers in New York state, "many of whom are driving without licenses," said Spitzer, who was in Washington to brief his state's congressional delegation on the issue.

Spitzer said licensing workers who did not have Social Security numbers, which New York had done in the past, would have aided law enforcement and would have made the state's streets safer and more secure.

However, Spitzer said he had concluded that opposition to his plan would have doomed it to failure. Watch the hornet's nest the plan has stirred up »

"I believe this is just a fundamental issue of right and wrong," said Rep. Tom Latham, an Iowa Republican who opposes Spitzer's plan. "And to give people official recognition when they come in and break the law in their first act in this country is simply wrong."

Seventy-six percent of Americans oppose giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, according to poll conducted in October for CNN by the Opinion Research Corp.

Members of the New York State Sheriffs' Association voted in October to oppose Spitzer's plan.

Critics have accused presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York of failing to take a definitive stance on the issue.

In a debate last week, Clinton said Spitzer's plan "makes a lot of sense" but stopped short of endorsing it. However, she said Spitzer is trying to find a solution to a bigger problem.

"We have several million at any one time who are in New York illegally," Clinton said. "So what Gov. Spitzer is trying to do is to fill the vacuum.

"I believe we need to get back to comprehensive immigration reform because no state, no matter how well-intentioned, can fill this gap. There needs to be federal action on immigration reform."

Her opponents, both Republicans and Democrats, said her remarks on the issue were inconsistent.
"Follow the Money"
Princeps Wooloosia
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Re: Inside Information

Post by fortinbras »

Was Hal Turner the source for the story that (then) NY Gov. Spitzer was beaten up for supporting driver's licenses for undocumented immigrants?? I cannot find such a story from bona fide news media. Evidently Spitzer proposed licenses in Oct 2007 and gave up on it, as too cumbersome, by the end of Nov. 2007, but no story of him being assaulted.

Perhaps Turner invented this story to make himself seem more formidable, especially when it came to threatening public officials.
Princeps Wooloosia
Posts: 3144
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Re: Inside Information

Post by fortinbras »

FourWinds10 reports that Hal Turner was arrested. It is not clear what will happen to his (radio? internet?) show. FourWinds10 is asking for money donations to his defense fund
although it does not report what the accusations are.

Turner's blog has this report, dated yesterday (Wed., June 3, 4:00 pm):
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Hal Turner has been arrested...

North Bergen, NJ (TRN) -- At about 4:00 this afternoon, Hal received a call from the North Bergen Police telling him to go to the Police Station because they had received a tip from a credible source about a death threat made against him and they needed to talk. He arrived at the station at about 4:10 and was arrested at 4:15. It seems that the state of Connecticut issued a warrant for his arrest for making "Harassing Communications". There is no other information available at this time. At this point, any and all donations toward his defense would be greatly appreciated.

Quite obviously, the Hal Turner Show will not air tonight. All other shows will run as scheduled. Sphere: Related Content
at 6/03/2009 04:59:00 PM 13 comments
I am willing to bet that it is Turner's own twist that the threat was supposed to be against him. More likely the cops mentioned his own threats. Frankly, if I thought someone was threatening me, I would immediate go into hiding, or at least my own basement, rather than leave my house and drive to the police station.

Selections (selected by me) from the 13 comments posted to the news of his arrest on his website:
1 CommentsClose this window Jump to comment form
. . . .
. . . .
Lazy pigs don't even bother to go out to arrest you anymore! That's a good lesson: Never cooperate with the police, they have mostly been corrupted now, you can't trust the pricks anymore.
In Soviet America you arrest yourself.
. . . .
Why didn't the scumbags come to the house like men? No, they had to lure him out like the DOGS that they are!
The State of New Jersey and especially North Bergen and Hudson County are controlled by EVIL JEWS and other minions of Organized Crime.
North Bergen's Police Chief is a pasty faced fat little WOP!
. . . . .
This is a Jew thingy. ...
In Hawaii they have a "Kill a Howiie Day", in that all the 21-year-old High School boys go over to the Jr. High and beat up a Howii [a "Howii is a white kid from the "mainland"] . . . so why cannot we have a Kill a Jew Day? I can assure you, just one day of celebration would bring Hal home a-flying . . . I doubt he has been given bail, because Jew will have him charged with Jew's terrorist sht laws . . . If you play Jew's game - you lose, so play your own game. That game is to resound truth. Truth is to Jew what water is to fire.
. . . . .
The tyrants may win, but the Second American Revolution will deliver justice by hanging at the freshly-built gallows.
. . . . .
And, I might add, these comments are described as "MODERATED"!
Deep Knight
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Re: Inside Information

Post by Deep Knight »

Bellringer has posted this, which is likely direct from Hal Turner's site.


June 5, 2009
The arrest warrant issued wasn't just for the charge of "Harassing Communications." It was a "Fugitive from Justice" warrant. The state of Connecticut claims that they allegedly contacted Mr. Turner and asked him to turn himself in (no such request was made). When he didn't follow through with this alleged request (because no such request was made), they issued the "Fugitive from Justice" warrant, which called for the North Bergen Police to arrest him on the charge of "Harassing Communications". That is all the information we have at this time. Again, any and all donations toward Mr. Turner's defense would be greatly appreciated.
"Follow the Money"

Re: Inside Information

Post by ClemIsBack »

Comments from the Turner site. Its scary knowing that these people are walking the streets. I don't think they are going to print my comment. Lock Turner up and I bet he and Bubba will be married within a week. He's that kind of guy.

43 CommentsClose this window Jump to comment form

June 3, 2009 7:28:00 PM EDT

Clem said...

Look on the bright side Hal. You'll be safe in prison. Your wife Bubba will take care of you. Don't drop your soap.

Your buddy Clem

June 3, 2009 7:29:00 PM EDT

Rich Vixen said...


June 3, 2009 7:33:00 PM EDT

MrARV said...
My total support to you Hal!
I hope you get released soon, those idiots can't stop you!

June 3, 2009 7:33:00 PM EDT

Medico Nisaba said...
"Harassing Communications", eh?

Shit, the nonsense I see on CNN and other media outlets are all "Harassing Communications", so go arrest those fuckers.

Whoops, I shouldn't have said that; now I am guilty of making "Harassing Communications"!


Lazy pigs don't even bother to go out to arrest you anymore! That's a good lesson: Never cooperate with the police, they have mostly been corrupted now, you can't trust the pricks anymore.

In Soviet America you arrest yourself.

June 3, 2009 8:01:00 PM EDT

Jeremiah said...
More info as it comes would be good.

June 3, 2009 8:08:00 PM EDT

Pissed Off MadDog said...
Why didn't the scumbags come to the house like men? No, they had to lure him out like the DOGS that they are!

The State of New Jersey and especially North Bergen and Hudson County are controlled by EVIL JEWS and other minions of Organized Crime.

North Bergen's Police Chief is a pasty faced fat little WOP!

June 3, 2009 8:17:00 PM EDT

Howard said...
So Connecticut can have people arrested in New Jersey? This is an outrage!

June 3, 2009 8:28:00 PM EDT

masteropie said...
This has something to do with the "reverse hack" he was talking about last week? He probably got some nice info they don't want to get out.

Fucking government is OUT OF CONTROL.

June 3, 2009 9:06:00 PM EDT

Cessna said...
Well boys..its all starting to come to pass as predicted. i dont know about the REST of you All but i am a true christian white male. Jesus said IN THE END DAYS..Good will be counted as Bad and Evil will be counted as good. They arrested the apostles back in Jesus day and they continue to this day. All people that speak TRUTH are Hated by EVIL. I still believe in the last days THE TRUE MEN AND WOMEN of God will not cower by grow stronger. Remember ALL THEY CAN DO IS KILL THIS BODY BUT NOT THE SOUL. But IN THE END God will destroy THEM. Please keep us posted and organze what is needed. Any man can be brave in tIME OF peace..but to charge forward when the enemy is shooting back takes courage. I encourage the rest of my friends here KEEP STRONG!!! stay BRAVE!!!

June 3, 2009 9:13:00 PM EDT

Harry said...

This is a Jew thingy. How do i know? John 8:44

Didnot the arrest start out with a lie? Whois the father of the lie? Satan. Whoare his children? According to Jesus in John 8:44 itis the Jew . . .

In Hawaii they have a "Kill a Howiie Day", in that all the 21-year-old High School boys go over to the Jr. High and beat up a Howii [a "Howii is a white kid from the "mainland"] . . . so why cannot we have a Kill a Jew Day? I can assure you, just one day of celebration would bring Hal home a-flying . . . I doubt he has been given bail, because Jew will have him charged with Jew's terrorist sht laws . . . If you play Jew's game - you lose, so play your own game. That game is to resound truth. Truth is to Jew what water is to fire.


Truth will set you free according to Jesus in John 8:32

Wisdom [is] better than weapons of war: . . . Ecc 9:18

Proof Christians are the "chosen": Rev. 17:14
Proof "Jew" are the "chosen" of Satan: John 8:44
Now that Jew have their own Nation, Jew Must Pay Up For Death of Our Saviour as per agreement found in Math. 27:25
Avriani newspaper

June 3, 2009 9:17:00 PM EDT

Rojo said...
This is just like our government to go ahead and round up one of the few people who is willing to stand up for the common man. Absolutely disgusting

June 4, 2009 12:02:00 AM EDT

ewoon said...
How did Hal fall for a ruse like that? Never trust authority! They are liars!

Hal, sue them for lying!

June 4, 2009 3:31:00 AM EDT

Nepos Libertas said...
Sorry to hear about the news.

Tyrants decide they are above the Constitutional law and slap warrants on anyone who dares to challenge the powers-that-be.

Tyrants are drunk on power. They are the same cowards who sic judicial and law enforcement on anyone who takes them on for callously disregarding the Constitution.

New Jersey and Connecticut should do themselves a favor -- declare U.S. Constitution null and void and secede. These states are officially tyrannical regimes, as with Illinois, New York, Maryland, Wisconsin, Washington D.C. and California.

The "good bad news" is California is heading towards fiscal oblivion, perhaps this year. The state will fall to anarchy. Whites must prepare for the future anarchy with firearms, food storage, emergency items, and survival skills.

The tyrannical states of the Union should be revoked Union membership on ground of corruption, abuse of power and favoritism towards central governance in abrogating U.S. and even state constitutions covering the rights for the People.

What Connecticut tyrants are doing towards Catholic Church in abrogating First Amendment is profound hypocrisy -- they would not register the regional offices of ADL, AIPAC and other Zionist organizations as lobbying agent.

The tyrants may win, but the Second American Revolution will deliver justice by hanging at the freshly-built gallows.

Sic Semper Tyrannis. Tyrannicide is the solution to the problem.

June 4, 2009 3:31:00 AM EDT

Vaultner said...
I hope they're treating you well Hal.

I also hope the charges are dropped & your home soon safe & reunited with your family.

God Bless.

June 4, 2009 8:33:00 AM EDT

Cessna said...
The Jew Truly has put our people in a zombie like state. They brainwash our White brothers and Sisters to attack, incarcerate and kill their own. At its core i truly beieve its a satanic battle we are witnessing. I can tell from the post here that MOST IF NOT ALL OF US will ONLY BE STRONGER if we are percecuted. I know too many of the sheeple that dont seek truth will be come zombies adn our enemies.
i questioned too HOW HAL let himslf fall for this. Not sure of the credible source but i would think he would have been more cautious. I look forward to hearing the story..but i know too with the new terrorism laws HE MAY BE IN GUANTANOMO NOW and for A LONG TIME...
i do knon the bible says at the very end God will be the only one to deliver his people so i can see it getting to the point where we become untimately cornered by these rats...but i do believe it will untimately be FOR THEIR DISTRUCTION AND OUR SALVATION..
IF WE have to fight and die let us fight with courage and if we have to let us die with honor

June 4, 2009 11:23:00 AM EDT

tactical said...
We aren't dealing with the "Left", we are dealing with the "Red Left".

Hal clearly noted that he didn't want the police to kick down his door because there would be a shooting. If the police wanted to arrest him, he would come down to their office and get arrested.

I will help with the defense fund.

June 4, 2009 12:51:00 PM EDT

Anonymous said...
Maybe they arrested him to stop his soaring popularity. They are really, really scared of him.

Check Alexa's information on Hal Turner's website. Wow!!!

Yesterday's traffic rank was 48,156.

It passed 50,000 on May 28.

The 7 day average is now 51,837.

June 4, 2009 12:51:00 PM EDT

L said...
So sorry to hear that the tricksters chose the lower road Hal, acting as if they are the great balancers/negotiators of our society.

I am certain the Victorian-like villians, who are probably, at this moment, molesting their sisters children in Connecticrap, will be eating crow soon.

Take pride in their fear of you, and the friends you have in higher places, as I am certain your lawyer will handle it all with flying US colors.

If you need another constitutional attorney to assist. I have a brilliant one.

June 4, 2009 1:33:00 PM EDT

quidam lector said...
Stay strong, Hal! These persecutions are a mark of honor and your standing grows through every minute of them. Be proud of what you believe, said and did! And remember the Five Words: "I have nothing to say".

Hope to see you back on the air soon.

P.S. I'm wondering if they have isolated Hal from us pre-emptively because something is about to befall America and they don't want Hal to be broadcasting at that time... Or are they trying to upset the 4th of July party?.. They are one mean bunch of buggers and only their father the devil knows what they are really up to.

White Power!

June 4, 2009 1:33:00 PM EDT

L said...
PS counter sue!

June 4, 2009 1:39:00 PM EDT

nes718 said...
The only thing I can think of is when he released the info on the AIG scumbags. "Harassing Communications?" What a fuckin joke!

June 4, 2009 1:43:00 PM EDT

Eddie Haskell said...
Say it ain't so, Hal!
Say it ain't so!

June 4, 2009 3:36:00 PM EDT

Mr Mainframe said...
So, if one were to (hypothetically) say FUCK YOU, YOU TREASONOUS BUNCH OF FILTHY COCKSUCKING LIBERAL PIECES OF SHIT to the CT govt, one could be arrested?

Hey, just asking.

June 4, 2009 5:41:00 PM EDT

Patriot58 said...
Mr. Thomas see the shit storm coming your way..time to jump ship.You swore to uphold the Constitition..better rethink your position and be a man of higher principles.These are but a few of the many who will fight for whats right...Hal Turner is in the right like the Catholic Church is and the Diocese of Hartford...

June 4, 2009 7:54:00 PM EDT

Medico Nisaba said...
You know what's weird? I posted a comment about the possibility of this arrest being used as a way of provoking Hal's fans into committing violent acts so that can be used as an excuse to take away more of our freedoms.

I also mentioned that if "Harassing Communications" was all they had on him, he would be out before long.

Well, to my surprise, the comment was not approved even though many others were and now we get an update mentioning the "Fugitive from Justice" charge.

By the way, I'm recording my posting of this comment so I can have a record of it to share with anyone who may find this situation a wee bit suspicious.

June 4, 2009 8:14:00 PM EDT

cliff said...
much ado about nothing!
connecticut has no use for hal.
they'll growl and threaten then they'll just make hal apologize and promise to never, never, never do that again!

after 20 years they know that this was just venting or puffing and it was most unlikely that anything would happen.

the state of connecticut has no intention of taking on the entire internet!

sounds like bo biden needs to make some headlines.

no big deal.

June 4, 2009 8:53:00 PM EDT

Spirit of '76 said...
My donation is forthcoming. The natives are feeling their oats and we all must expect more such active suppression.

It seems our republic has transformed to a feudal system, with government employees cast as our royalty, us non-government employees cast as serfs. It is forbidden to challenge Royalty, such an act is considered treason. To impudently make even veiled threats is to bring the full force of Their Majesty upon the hapless freedom-lover.

In short, new tactics are required. Pissing in the wind, however satisfying, leaves one open to being picked-off, one-at-a-time, and marginalized if not imprisoned (anyone remember Kevin Strom???).

Going forward, we need a better way to resist, recruit and retake our country until such time, if ever, we have a measure of popular support. I do believe such support is growing ex-Obama, but it is not here NOW.

Let us pray for Hal - he did the work most of us wish we could do.

June 4, 2009 9:01:00 PM EDT

Keith Partridge said...
.... well, considering Hal is the ONLY man who really stirred the pot recently and exposed the web of deceit,
and if what he said is about to happen comes true,
then maybe this is just the start of the roundup of the "troublemakers" ?

or as the rest of you think, "THEY" are simply taking revenge on Hal ?

wish i could donate more, hope those who never donated so far, finally do to help him out

June 4, 2009 9:05:00 PM EDT

Rumpledforskin said...
Money orders are on the way.

June 4, 2009 9:33:00 PM EDT

Fritz Owl said...
I think the "fugitive from justice" may have been added so they can make Hal wear one of those GPS-based "anklets", if and when he does make bail.

If Hal is made to wear such a device on his ankle, all he would have to do is purchase a GPS jammer, which would prevent the device from getting the satellite signal, thus the Conneticut authorties would not be able to track him, as long as he was within range of the device.

In fact, I ADVOCATE that Hal's family IMMEDIATELY begin shopping for a GPS jammer. They can be purchased now for as little as $150. This way, if Hal does make bail, and they do make him wear a tracking device on his ankle, all he has to do is carry the GPS jammer with him and they won't be able to track him, as long as the device is turned on, and he remains within range of the device.

June 4, 2009 9:50:00 PM EDT

Harry said...

Itis going to be a long night tonight . . . if no one does anything . . . you know what to do . . .


Truth will set you free according to Jesus in John 8:32

Wisdom [is] better than weapons of war: . . . Ecc 9:18
Proof Christians are the "chosen": Rev. 17:14
Proof "Jew" are the "chosen" of Satan: John 8:44
Now that Jew have their own Nation, Jew Must Pay Up For Death of Our Saviour as per agreement found in Math. 27:25
Avriani newspaper

June 4, 2009 10:03:00 PM EDT

PoconoPuke said...
HT believed government when they phoned him.
The ONLY time you should believe government is when they say they are going to kill you.

June 4, 2009 10:15:00 PM EDT

easierthanworking said...
Something's fishy here.... The first report said that the N. Bergen police had called Hal and told him they wanted him to come down to discuss a death threat that was made on Hal and he went down at their request. When he got there he was arrested on the warrant out of Ct. Now they're saying Ct. authorities had contacted HT and asked him to turn himself in and when he didn't they filed a Fugitive warrant. So if Ct. authorities had notified HT of the pending charge and asked him to turn himself in which he had not done, so they then filed a fugitive from justice warrant. Well if Hal had been asked to turn himself in, does anyone think he is dumb enough to fall for a trick like the N. Bergen cops pulled? Does anyone think HT would not have thought "well, I've been asked to turn myself in by Ct. cops and I'm not doing it, so now I'm being asked by N. Bergen cops to just come down for a friendly chat about a death threat made against me"? So ask yourself this question, is HT dumb enough to not connect those dots? A rebel like Hal is just going to fall for that "come on down for a chat" crap? I DON'T THINK SO. Hal Turner is not a blockhead. Something is not right here. If Hal was about to break something big, I'd be real suspicious if anything bad was to happen to him while in custody. Real suspicious.

June 4, 2009 11:01:00 PM EDT

luv2cats said...
Harassing communications? When was this law invented, 24 hours ago? This is how it starts folks. They come for the first amendment then they take the second. May Yahweh God watch over Hal and may he leave Gaul soon.

June 4, 2009 11:55:00 PM EDT

L said...
Discovery is a wonderful process whereby Connecticrap will have to PROVE the timeline by which THEY CONTACTED HIM. No proof, motion to dismiss...fugitive from justice warrant fraudulently obtained without presentment of factual data to prove just cause hence false arrest. Show me the original docs....Connecticrap.

counter sue sue sue......counter sue sue sue I look forward to their legal ass whoopin!

June 5, 2009 12:02:00 AM EDT

James said...
I have sent the following letter to the ACLU:
Dear ACLU,
I, as an advocate of free speech and civil liberties, request that the ACLU take an active interest in the arrest last night of Mr. Hal Turner. One may not always agree with his methods of resolving civil differences, but he is devoted to seeking the truth and keeping fellow Americans informed. He has become quite noted nationally and represents a growing and concerned segment of the population that feels that our rights and freedoms are being slowly dispensed with. This is, in my opinion, such a case.
I strongly urge the UCLA to immediately follow up on this and provide the defense needed. Hal Turner represents for many Americans the ideals this country was founded upon.
Dr. Jim S.
Miami, FL

June 5, 2009 12:17:00 AM EDT

Mark said...

You think that the bandwidth on your server is expensive, wait till you get your attorney's bill.

Hope you are out before the shit hits the fan for your family's sake.

June 5, 2009 1:24:00 AM EDT

master said...
The lying fools don't even know we are trying to save their lives, and they continue to serve their overlords.

I can't even get mad anymore it is just so pathetic.

June 5, 2009 3:57:00 AM EDT

Tips Experts For You said...
This blog have great content and really possible to get helpful information

June 5, 2009 4:18:00 AM EDT

Jim said...
I found this quote on

“Mr. Turner’s comments are above and beyond the threshold of free speech,” Capitol Police Chief Michael J. Fallon said in an e-mail announcing the warrant. “He is inciting others through his Web site to commit acts of violence and has created fear and alarm. He should be held accountable for his conduct.”

So much for free speech/constitution, now if your a police chief you can decide where your rights to free speech ends. Our time is now! We should start by liberating Hal then we can restore the constitution.

June 5, 2009 7:25:00 AM EDT

Harry said...

Who has news on Hal?
Why isnot that person here?
Where did everybody go?
Where is Hal?
What jail is Hal in?
What state is Hal in?
Who is his lawyer?
Why doesnot his lawyer address his followers/fans/audience/public?
Is Hal's arrest in the newspaper?
Where can we find record of the arrest?

Hal has a lot of respect and trust in the po lice . . . uh . . . well . . . he did that is . . . so i do believe he went to them in faith in them.

The "Fugitive from Justice" means NO BAIL!!!!! Thatis the Jew-trick to worry about, and the only recourse, when dealing with Satan, is to donot play in his ball field. You must play your own game in your own ball field. You know waht to do . . .


Truth will set you free according to Jesus in John 8:32

Wisdom [is] better than weapons of war: . . . Ecc 9:18
Proof Christians are the "chosen": Rev. 17:14
Proof "Jew" are the "chosen" of Satan: John 8:44
Now that Jew have their own Nation, Jew Must Pay Up For Death of

Our Saviour as per agreement found in Math. 27:25
Avriani newspaper

June 5, 2009 8:58:00 AM EDT

Derrick said...
I am wondering who is moderating these comments that they are getting through.

I tend to agree with others who have said "something's fishy here" -- it doesn't sound like HT.

June 5, 2009 10:48:00 AM EDT

easierthanworking said...
It's just come out that posted an article (which has now been taken down) that listed the top 10 conservative women who deserved to be hunted down and raped. Women like Michelle Malkin, Elizabeth Hasselbeck, Megyn Kelly and more. So if HT is in jail for "inciting violence" how come Playboy management isn't in jail for "inciting violence"?

June 5, 2009 11:03:00 AM EDT

The Chairman said...
I'm curious, how could Hal be a 'fugitive from justice' when he was never in custody, never on trial, and never convicted of anything? What a bunch of CT kangaroos.

Post a copy of the warrant(s) and the names of those who signed the warrants on this site... it's public info.

Okay FBI: Dr. GreenBAUM was my handler from 1962-72... How many of Dr. Green's Tin Men shall I trigger?


June 5, 2009 11:14:00 AM EDT
Deep Knight
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Re: Inside Information

Post by Deep Knight »

Some of these turds just posted their anti-Semitic boilerplate statements. Yeah, we get it, they don't like Jews and their reasoning abilities are less than zero. One would think they could just state that as such and spare us the ravings.
Harry, one of the BatShit Crazies who support this idiot wrote:Hello,

This is a Jew thingy. How do i know? John 8:44

Didnot the arrest start out with a lie? Whois the father of the lie? Satan. Whoare his children? According to Jesus in John 8:44 itis the Jew . . .

In Hawaii they have a "Kill a Howiie Day", in that all the 21-year-old High School boys go over to the Jr. High and beat up a Howii [a "Howii is a white kid from the "mainland"] . . . so why cannot we have a Kill a Jew Day? I can assure you, just one day of celebration would bring Hal home a-flying . . . I doubt he has been given bail, because Jew will have him charged with Jew's terrorist sht laws . . . If you play Jew's game - you lose, so play your own game. That game is to resound truth. Truth is to Jew what water is to fire.


Truth will set you free according to Jesus in John 8:32

Wisdom [is] better than weapons of war: . . . Ecc 9:18

Proof Christians are the "chosen": Rev. 17:14
Proof "Jew" are the "chosen" of Satan: John 8:44
Now that Jew have their own Nation, Jew Must Pay Up For Death of Our Saviour as per agreement found in Math. 27:25

And what does the good book say about Harry? He gives us the reference himself!

John 8:44 (King James Version)

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
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Re: Inside Information

Post by texino »

The word is "Haole" and if you kill one, you will have Steve and Dano on your case big time. Aloha!
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Re: Inside Information

Post by fortinbras »

Today on FourWinds10 an essay by "Dick Eastman" about "I know what happened to the Air France flight" that went down over the Atlantic going from Rio to Paris. Eastman tries to associate this with a couple of other air crashes over the past 30 years and hints that some of them were deliberate sabotage or terrorism even though the official findings were otherwise.

As for the recent Air France tragedy, he emphasizes that there weren't any American Jews or Israelis on board and sort of leaves that hanging as if it proved something. The flight was, after all, from Rio going to Paris, on Air France rather than an English-speaking airline; as far as I know there weren't any Americans of any sort aboard, nor anyone identifiable as an Arab. This is just exploiting a misfortune to sneak in some totally unsubstantiated suspicions.
Deep Knight
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Re: Inside Information

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:The word is "Haole" and if you kill one, you will have Steve and Dano on your case big time. Aloha!
Wasn't Howiie Wally's friend on "Leave it to Beaver?" As for Steve and "Book 'Em" Dano, they were caught up in Pineapplegate in the 80's (money & tropical fruit for influence) and retired to the mainland. "Five-Oh" was never the same, and in the late 90's was downgraded to "Four-Two."

One of the people that "Jennifer Lee" used to promote lived in Maui and had the thesis that ancient Egypt and Hawaii had contact with each other and influenced each others' religions. In his self-published book "Keeper of Secrets" he reveals how he traveled to Egypt, visited the pyramids, impressed the hell out of the natives with his powerful energy field (not to mention the local women who gave themselves to him freely) and was finally taken into the confidence of "The Gatekeeper" for the pyramids, who tells him that Ra is the Great Kahuna. No mention of Steve "Five-Oh Freeze" and Dano, though (must be in the sequel, "Blabber of Secrets"). I believe the name was Steve "Raja" Shore or Shorr.
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Re: Inside Information

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:As for the recent Air France tragedy, he emphasizes that there weren't any American Jews or Israelis on board and sort of leaves that hanging as if it proved something. The flight was, after all, from Rio going to Paris, on Air France rather than an English-speaking airline; as far as I know there weren't any Americans of any sort aboard, nor anyone identifiable as an Arab. This is just exploiting a misfortune to sneak in some totally unsubstantiated suspicions.
There weren't any Eskimos (Inuit) on the flight either, and how many times have we heard of flights crashing after they "iced up?" Gotta be something there, all we need are a bunch of online idiots "researching" the International Arctic Conspiracy and I'm sure we'll get to the "truth!"
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Re: Inside Information

Post by fortinbras »

Today FourWinds10 follows up with a Bellringer message that (1) at least one passenger aboard the Air France jet was supposedly involved in an ongoing conspiracy with Old George Bush and (2) a huge flying saucer armada was detected about the time the Air France jet went down.

So Bellringer, like Eastman, claims to "know" what happened, except their two stories don't mesh. Or, if they do mesh, then (1) Jews/Israelis have some sort of special arrangement with the flying saucer fleet, and (2) the Bush family doesn't.
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Re: Inside Information

Post by texino »

Those Airbus jets are really tough to fly when the computers quit. A little wind generator drops down and gives enough power for the backup computer to steer but since every thing is fly by wire I imagine it gets pretty scary during a power loss in a storm. Anyway when you think about how frightening it must have been for all concerned, then trying to use this disaster as some sort of conspiratorial fodder simply amplifies the stupidity and uselessness behind the whole NESARA crime. Remember? It was a crime and people went to jail and they are still there. They spent the money they took in in the manner of a Ponzi pay off. The rest, they spent on their selves and the feds got some back. Where it is not, is multiplying in some secret HYIP mega trade. Never was, never will be from now to the end of time or the next tomorrow. I'm working on a map that shows the Maroon States and I think it will show some interesting
correlation with areas of high tornado activity possibly proving that an OZ like connection may have more to do with this than we realized and perhaps the whole mess will just sink into the pages of the make believe ending it deserves.
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Deep Knight
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Re: Inside Information

Post by Deep Knight »

3 pieces of inside information:



The book is "Keeper of Secrets" and the correct authors name was Steven M. "Raj" Shorr. Do not be confused by the 2 other books of the same name (the first by Mark Roeder, which is part of a series called "The Gay Youth Chronicles" and another by Anjuelle Floyd which is a collection of 6 stories about "karmic truth") or the fantasy plastic "model" of this name from the series "Hogs of War" (below).


With such media spin, what really is the Truth of this incident? Given the history of past airplane crashes, we immediately suspect foul play. Who was on this plane that was working with good intent, that the Darkside needed to have removed from the “play”? No official passenger manifest has been released to the public, so again, much speculation is rampant based on individual research and personal contacts.

In the Christopher Story Report of Monday, June 8, 2009 we learn that “Michael (Butch) Harris, a top geologist with Oklahoma City-based Devon Energy Corporation and his wife, Anne, had been on the aircraft.”


Before moving to Brazil, Michael ‘Butch’ Harris and his wife Anne lived in the Woodlands area of Houston, which ‘just happens’ to be where George Herbert Walker Bush lives.

We ‘speculate’ that Mr. Harris was en route from Rio de Janeiro to Paris where he was to realise a brief from Bush Sr. to leverage Devon Energy Corporation's 25% stake in the ‘Jack 2’ oilfield with the corrupt ‘Kissinger-Bush’ bank, Paribas, for an enormous credit line, enabling the desperate Bush Crime Family to ‘start over’ with a pile of cash for the usual leveraging and hypothecation purposes. We further ‘speculate’ that Air France 447 was sabotaged, to close off this option.

That George Bush Sr. would have no compunction in arranging for one of his associates to run the risk of being murdered in mid-air given that the whole world (with the sole exception of the crime network’s remaining cornered assets) is intent upon removing the Bush Crime Family from the chessboard, goes without saying.


So, what is the Truth in all of this confusing information? We know the Darkside has fought for years to establish their One World Order. They have fought against the banking change to a global gold system, that would remove their fiat money Federal Reserve System by which they are presently trashing the whole world and stealing all they can for themselves. We know they are desperate, for they are “out of money” to continue on with their plan for world control.

We know they are losing badly. We know that George Bush, Sr. and Henry Kissinger are key players, and that the Bush/Clinton/Obama Cabal are deeply involved in stopping the NESARA Mission and in establishing a One World Order with them in control of the whole world. These people have demonstrated over and over that they will do anything to win.

So, what does this have to do with the “crash” of Air France 447? If Michael Harris was “their man” on this flight and was completing a most vital step to provide the means to keep going with their evil plans, why would they “take him out” by destroying the airplane on which he was a passenger? They didn’t! We did, that is the Good Side did it!

“Oh, but why?” you ask. How could the White Knights and our good people kill 228 people to stop Michael Harris? They didn’t do it, and no one died! Let me explain.

As in the “crash” of the Columbia shuttle craft and in the destruction of the World Trade Towers, the Forces of Light under orders from Hatonn moved in with their starships and beamed aboard those people, who were in harms way. The seven crew members of the Columbia, the 20,000 persons of the World Trade Towers and the 228 passengers of Air France flight 447 will be returned to bear witness of what happened in these incidents.

We can now sort out the spin in the news media. No bodies from flight 447 were found. The two bodies reported yesterday and the suitcase were “planted” purposely to give validity to the official story. The airplane was vaporized by the technology of the Star People, so no debris and no oil slick and no black boxes from flight 447 were found.

The evil would-be world controllers know what happened and are furious about it, for this was a certain last step in their plan to win. They could not thwart Divine Intervention. They have lost, and the Light has won---again! Know it!

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
3. Again from Bellringer's site:

June 8, 2009

Breaking NEWS : A french PILOT Disclose : "last message :Mayday...Mayday..!" then "ANTI ICE FAILURE". So weird : Huge ALIENSHIPS Fleet was caught by NASA MODIS Sattelite over Crash site just before Incident. It is Time to UNDERSTAND this PUZZLE ! Follow-me.

Texino wrote:...trying to use this disaster as some sort of conspiratorial fodder simply amplifies the stupidity and uselessness behind the whole NESARA crime.
The Stupid! The Stupid! So powerful that it hurts!
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Deep Knight
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Re: Inside Information

Post by Deep Knight »

Bellringer vs. Reality. On the news I just heard that 28 bodies had been recovered and that relatives were identifying bodies.

From: SK
To: <>
Sent: Monday, June 08, 2009 8:26 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


Hell Mr. Bellringer,

Thank you for enlightening the world with your deep insights and answers to today\'s troubling questions.

I read with great interest on what happened to Air France 447. You had mentioned that on orders of Hatonn the good Aliens had vaporized the aircraft and took the passengers and crew to safety. If that is true how do you explain the discovery of the vertical stabilizer and 24 bodies so far?

Did the French, Brazilian and US governments place a replacement stabilizer and 24 bodies in the ocean to offer a plausible explanation as to what happened to Air France flight447?

Again, thank you Mr. Patrick Bellringer for your wonderful service to us all.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: June 8, 2009

Dear S.K.

Thank you for your letter and kind words. We must use great discernment to sort through all the lies in today's media.

Did you are anyone see any bodies recovered from Air France 447? Could this be possible, if they fell five miles to the ocean, which is 7000 feet deep to the ocean floor, which was said to be very mountainous, because it is part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge? And, of course, there were no sharks anywhere in that area, or any other predators!

They can do amazing things with news videos. Was there a vertical stabilizer found? Was it from Air France 447 or a fake? How would you know? Were they using NASA's Hollywood moonlanding set to again fake the news of this "recovery" to the public? Just because we are shown pictures and hear stories on T.V., does not make for Truth.

Would there be any reason to lie to us about the disappearance of Air France 447 and its passengers? Governments and elitists don't lie---or do they?

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

I see, we shouldn't believe videos because they might be faked (unless they're of UFOs, which Bellringer posts frequently) but we should believe a "channeled" voice that hasn't ever been right about NESARA, packie deliveries, or anything else. And how did they get those bodies anyway, clone the survivors and then kill the clones? Isn't that against some galactic law, you know, the ones Bellringer always brings up when The Forces don't do what he says they're gonna do?
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Re: Inside Information

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

It's hilarious how Dumbbellringer has all sorts of super-duper top-secret hush-hush information about things like the Air France crash, and yet has no credible information on 1) when these programs will be announced and fund, or 2) why we should believe anything he says.
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Re: Inside Information

Post by Deep Knight »

Back to Hal Turner, he's out on bail. This is what a Bellringer post (no doubt cut 'n pasted from Hal's site) sez. As I understand it, his legal theory is that it wasn't really a threat 'cause everyone knows he's an idiot so nobody would take it seriously.

June 9, 2009

Jersey City & Kearny, NJ (TRN Staff) -- At a 3:30 PM hearing held yesterday in the Superior Court of New Jersey at 595 Newark Avenue, Jersey City, the Honorable Judge Kevin Callahan ordered that Hal Turner be freed on bail. At about 2:30 AM Tuesday morning, Turner was released from jail after posting $25,000 bail.

Turner had been held without bail at the Hudson County Correctional Center in Kearny, NJ after the State of Connecticut filed criminal charges against him over an opinion Turner expressed on this blog.

The opinion was uttered in New Jersey. At no time relevant to the criminal charge was Turner in Connecticut and no time did he contact any individual person in Connecticut. The unedited, original opinion which generated the arrest was titled "State Restricts Catholics from Politics" and remains available to the public lower on this page

Panicked Prosecutors rush to change charges

When Turner was first arrested, Connecticut claimed he had committed "Harassing communications" which is listed on the official arrest report. Apparently, Connecticut cannot make up its mind as to what they are charging because yesterday, Connecticut changed its charge. Turner is now charged with "Inciting harm to property or persons" a felony which carries a jail sentence of 1 to 10 years in prison.

Speaking about the charge against him from an undisclosed location after his release from jail, Turner said "Connecticut doesn't have a legal leg to stand on." "My remarks which advocated taking certain actions were crude political hyperbole uttered in a context which did not lend itself to imminent lawlessness. Saying something on the internet is a far cry from saying the exact same thing while standing in front of an angry mob outside a politician's house" he continued.

Rutgers Law School Professor Frank Askin, director of the Constitutional Litigation Clinic, seems to agree. Askin told a local newspaper in Jersey City that based on the portions of Turner's blog he has seen, Connecticut may not have a case. "It's probably free speech,'' he said in an interview with The Jersey Journal. "The definition of incitement is very, very narrow under the Constitution's First Amendment."

The legal distinction is between "advocacy" and "incitement," he said. "I think it's on the advocacy side of the line and it is protected by the First Amendment."

Supreme Court Case Law Supports Turner

The legal standard for what is "advocacy" and what is unlawful "incitement," was established by the U.S. Supreme Court in a case "Brandenburg v. Ohio" 395 U.S. 444, 447 (1969) which ruled that advocating crime is protected free speech as long as the remarks are uttered in a context which does not lend itself to imminent lawlessness. In that case, Brandenburg, a leader in the Ku Klux Klan, made a speech at a Klan rally and was later convicted under an Ohio criminal syndicalism law. The law made illegal advocating "crime, sabotage, violence, or unlawful methods of terrorism as a means of accomplishing industrial or political reform," as well as assembling "with any society, group, or assemblage of persons formed to teach or advocate the doctrines of criminal syndicalism."

The question for the Supreme Court was this: Did Ohio's criminal syndicalism law, prohibiting public speech that advocates various illegal activities, violate Brandenburg's right to free speech as protected by the First and Fourteenth Amendments?

The Supreme Court ruled that the Ohio law did, in fact, violate Brandenburg's right to free speech. The Court used a two-pronged test to evaluate speech acts: (1) speech can be prohibited if it is "directed at inciting or producing imminent lawless action" and (2) it is "likely to incite or produce such action." The criminal syndicalism act made illegal the advocacy and teaching of doctrines while ignoring whether or not that advocacy and teaching would actually incite imminent lawless action. The failure to make this distinction rendered the law overly broad and in violation of the Constitution. The Connecticut law under which Turner has been charged suffers the same defect. In addition the circumstances of Turner's utterance -- on the internet -- lacks the potential for "imminent lawlessness."

A second U.S. Supreme Court case also deals with this issue with regard to talking about killing elected politicians.

" Watts v. United States" 394 U.S.705 (1969) Id. at 708 which specifically allows and protects talk of killing government officials (even the President of the United States) when there is little likelihood the speech will be acted upon. Such talk is defined by the court as "crude political hyperbole."

Between the Brandenburg case and the Watts case, Turner says he will defeat Connecticut. He says that his opinion, published on June 2, did not result in any illegal actions anywhere, yet he was arrested a full day later even though nothing happened. "Having an entire day go by with no criminal act kind of cuts the heart out of the idea my remarks could cause imminent lawlessness" he said.

Turner says once he defeats the criminal charge, he will sue Connecticut for false arrest, false imprisonment, deprivation of Constitutional rights under color of law and libel for falsely calling him a fugitive from justice.

Court Records show Connecticut lied

He seems to have a good case already. In a shocking twist to this story, it is now a matter of official court record that the State of Connecticut executed a false instrument to have Turner arrested and held without bail and also filed a false affidavit in yesterday's court hearing.

In both instances, Connecticut informed New Jersey authorities that Turner had fled prosecution which was why Connecticut issued a "fugitive from justice" warrant. Since Connecticut's Warrant claimed Turner had fled prosecution, Turner was arrested at his New Jersey home and held for days without bail. One might chalk the Warrant up to an error, but not after yesterdays court hearing.

In that court hearing, Connecticut submitted an Affidavit to the Superior Court of NJ which also said Turner had fled prosecution. There's just one problem: Turner did not flee prosecution. Connecticut lied, twice.

"This prosecution is malicious" said Turner. "They are trying to intimidate me into shutting up but I will not be intimidated. They have willfully lied in official documents, twice! " he continued.

Turner went on to say that his opinion piece was published on June 2 at 10:00 AM. The next day, he was in jail as a fugitive. "How could I have fled Connecticut when I wasn't in that state to begin with" he asked. "They are trying to bully me into being quiet-- but by arresting me falsely, they have only made things worse for themselves. King George III did similar things in 1776 which was among the reasons cited in the Declaration of Independence that resulted in his government being overthrown. Connecticut seems to have forgotten history. Those who fail to remember history are sometimes doomed to repeat it" Turner added.

The case now moves to the Connecticut Courts where it will be vigorously fought. At stake: The public's right to speak their opinions without being jailed as fugitives" versus Connecticut trying to jail a person for 1 to 10 years for speaking his opinion.

The legal costs for this case are expected to be extraordinarily high. Anyone wishing to assist in this defense of free speech is invited to send donations of cash, check or money order to:

Hal Turner
7th Level of Hell
North Hades, NJ 06660
"Follow the Money"