Liberty Dollar grandy jury target letters

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Liberty Dollar grandy jury target letters

Post by Demosthenes »

April 2009 Vol. 11 No. 04

Welcome Liberty Dollar Supporters!

Call to Action: RCO program is back! Click HERE for info.

BREAKING NEWS: FBI in Evansville!

On Tuesday, May 12 Agent Andrew Romagnuolo (aka "Agent F" because he is not an "A" agent) and another anonymous FBI agent visited Evansville. They surprised Sarah Bledsoe in her bathrobe at 6:45 in the morning to hand deliver the famous "Target Letter" informing her that she is a "target" of a criminal investigation. As you may recall Sarah was with NORFED, the previous organization, from its inception and took the daylong assault of the FBI raid. She has not been associated with the Liberty Dollar since the raid. We understand that the agents tried to find Rachelle Moseley, current manager of the Liberty Dollar Fulfillment Office for the past year. Unfortunately she was not on hand to meet with the FBI agents. I am still awaiting my Target Letter with glee as I see this action as a very positive development towards getting the Liberty Dollar in court. Remember that's why I sued the US government two years ago, so we can vindicate and validate the Liberty Dollar. It's all part of getting your property back and establishing a private voluntary barter currency (PBVC) to save America from the ravages of hyperinflation. Meanwhile, due to your strong support, Liberty Dollar just had its best month ever and used that business to issue the politically over-the-top Tea Party Dollar! Please note all the great news below! Note: Article #8 for the Legal Update on recovering the seized material.

WOW!!! Over 60,000 Tea Party Dollars Ordered in 24 HOURS!!!

Thank you for the tremendous response to the Tea Party Dollar (Tea Dollar or simply T-Dollar). We have received confirmation from the manufacture that unless there is a shipwreck, glitch or some other major hang up… So if you ordered last week, you will have T-Dollars in time for the Fourth of July demonstrations! Plus hundreds of T-Dollar flags for everyone who ordered 100+ T-Dollars. Please note Article #2 below for an update on the FREE flag program.
WOW what a showing! But 60,000 is not the end. Announcing more T-Dollars for the Tea Party Rallies! As not everybody was able to reply to the 24 Hours Special… and many who did want even more… We ordered 100,000 Tea Party Dollars!!! THAT'S OVER THREE TONS OF COPPER T-DOLLARS!!! Why?! Because we all know that our country needs REAL MONEY. One dollar for one ounce. How simple can it be?! So simple, you would think the government would get. But they don't! Could it be that they just don't want to "get it?"!! It would lead a thinking person to consider that they might be conspiring against the American people and our Constitution?
For me, it is obvious that "they" need a few more peaceful demonstrations to "get it!" And of course, we all need real money like the T-Dollar to protect our purchasing power before the government steals everything with their coming hyperinflationary depression.

Table of Contents:

1. Tea Party Dollar
2. Flag Changed to 2 X 3
3. NEW Bank Card Processing
4. NEW Liberty Associate Rates on Silver!
5. Money and Markets article
6. New RCO Program
7. FREE & Immediate Shipping on 2009 Silver Libertys
8. Legal Update - Deadline Nears

1. Tea Party Dollar

PLEASE NOTE: All Tea Party Dollar orders are PRE-ORDERS. As stated several times, the orders place previously (before this new offer) will be available in time for the July 4th demonstrations. Your order is NOT available now.

Announcing MORE T-Dollars for your next Tea Party Rally! Were you one of many supporters who did not want to order 100 T-Dollars and didn't order the over 100 minimum??? Now you can get 1-99 Tea Party Dollars at face value and still have all the fun of using REAL MONEY instead of that cheap government carp. Just click HERE to order.

PLUS… For a very limited time… You can still get 100 T-Dollars for $0.90 each plus shipping. This offer will be discontinued soon as we have a VERY limited number of T-Dollars available.
Click HERE to order.

WAIT… Get the Special T-Flag Bonus for only $4: Order 100 Tea Party Dollars and get the special Tea Party Dollar Flag for your Fourth of July demonstration for only $4! Please note, the flag will be sent to you in time for the July 4th demonstrations but the 100 T-Dollars will not arrive by July 4th unless you ordered in the first offering. Click HERE for the 100 T-Dollar + Flag special.

BETTER YET… Contact a RCO to get your own Tea Party Dollars in time for the Fourth! And ask them for a flag or two!

BEST EVER… Become a RCO and get your all your Liberty Dollar and Tea Party Dollars at a serious discount such as only $0.75 each for a minimum order of 1000 copper T-Dollars!!! Click HERE for new RCO info.

IMPORTANT: Please note that we cannot promise that these new orders for T-Dollars will be here in time for the Fourth of July events. But there is no better way to share the Tea Party mission and show your support than to share a T-Dollar with your friends. Please place your order now before everything is sold out. Every copper order has sold out. Order now to avoid disappointment.

Every $1 Tea Party Dollar (T-Dollar) measures 39mm (larger than the old US Silver Dollar) and contains one full ounce of pure copper. One ounce for one dollar! So simple even the government should be able to understand it… but obviously don't!!

Now… could you just imagine if those Fumbling Bunch of Idiots (aka FBI) raided the Liberty Dollar just in time to confiscate the politically expressive Tea Party Dollar like they did the Ron Paul Dollar? Obviously, it is impossible to mistaken the T-Dollar for a counterfeit US dollar that is solidly protected by the First Amendment. And while I would never bait this government to pull such a boner again… time is drawing close to resolve their ridiculous course of action regarding the Liberty Dollar. Remember they never found any Weapons of Mass Destruction… so anything is possible. Please note article #8 for the Legal Update.

Editor note: We now know as per the Target Letters that the government is going to pursue the criminal investigation which will trump the civil efforts to recover the seized material and further extend the pain to so many of you. Please stay tune for action you can take to guarantee that your property is returned ASAP.

2. Flag Changed to 2 X 3

We don't like to change an offer… In the heat of the T-Dollar blitz the 3 X 5 foot flag seemed like a good idea. But then we realized a flag that big would take two people to hold it and we didn't think that was best from an individual perspective. So we have changed the FREE flag offer to a 2 X 3 foot flag and to be fair, everybody who ordered 100+ T-Dollars will get TWO free flagsJ. Please share one with a friend and be happy. Otherwise let us know.
Currently we still have a limited number of 2 X 3 foot Tea Party Dollar flags for $6 each or order two or more and recieve them for only $5 each! Please click HERE to order.

3. NEW Bank Card Processing

We are very pleased to announce that we have a new processor for the Shopping Cart orders! WOW what a difference. Most important for you is that you will NOT be charged the odorous 2% foreign exchange fee as the new processor is in the United States. Be happy and order now. T-Dollars and flags are going fast!

4. NEW Liberty Associate Rates on Silver!

As announced last month, just like AAA and AARP, there are advantages to being a Liberty Associate. One of them is reduced rates for Silver Liberty and other specials throughout the year. For example: During May, Liberty Associates can order 1-64 Silver Libertys for only spot + $3.00, 128 Silver Libertys for spot + $2.50 and 512 Silver Libertys for only spot + $2.00!! Of all the one ounce silver products in the marketplace, the $20 Liberty Dollar best exemplifies the concept of silver money. Please consider becoming a Liberty Associate today for only $24 and save!

5. Money and Markets: "A Sneak Peek at the Future ..."

Please click HERE for an interesting peek into the future.

6. New RCO Program

Continuing with the many changes to modernize the Liberty Dollar, the Application to open a Regional Currency Office (RCO) has changed. Now you can become a RCO by filing an application, completing a phone interview and paying the $1,000 annual fee.* The advantages of being a RCO are: 1) Participate in "Bulk Orders" with fellow RCOs for bullion rates of only spot plus $1.50 for $20 Silver Libertys. 2) Enjoy special pricing and offers for only RCOs from time to time. 3) Exclusive use of the RCO user group and conference calls for added market advantages. 4) Participate in the "Naked Back" Silver Liberty program that facilitates RCOs to customize their issues with the name or logo of their region, business or entity. 5) Receive a custom punch that RCOs hand stamp on the "Naked Back" Silver Libertys. 6) Receive 10 Merchant Displays, Merchant decals, 250 brochures and other miscellaneous info. *RCO Guarantee: I am so certain that you will enjoy being an RCO, I will refund your $1000 fee at the end of the first year if you make an earnest effort, order over 1000 ounces, return collateral materials and are not 100% satisfied. Please click HERE for more info.
Please check out all the RCO info online via the menu button in the left column on the home page. Chick HERE for the application. Please note some of the RCO info on our site may be outdated. It is hard to keep everything updated but we are trying!

7. FREE & Immediate Shipping on 2009 Silver Libertys

All 2009 Silver Libertys on the Shopping Cart are shipping FREE with "immediate shipping." I regret to tell you that the Fulfillment Office in Evansville is swamped and "immediate shipping" is now more than two weeks. And while that is a terrific improvement from our normal 30 day plus delivery time… it is not exactly "immediate." Please bear with us as we fine-tune the delivery from our new mint. We hope shipping will be less than a week within a month or so.

8. Legal Update - Deadline Nears

Well our dearly beloved government is up to their usual dirty tricks. After I filed my personal Rule 41g Motion to recover the office computers, etc that was still not covered by the overly broad Search and Seizure Warrants, the DOJ had 60 days to reply. They didn't respond. In any non-government civil action I would win by default. But not when the gov Court works with the gov Defense. Imagine that! After I brought this default to the Court's attention, the Court gave the DOJ seventeen more days to reply. Guess what the DOJ did? They filed for a 60-day extension! So I countered that DOJ Motion with a strongly worded objection which I expect will be denied in favor of the… DOJ, image that! Now the most interesting part of all this positioning is that the DOJ's request for 60 additional days in addition to the already 77 days for a whooping 137 days to reply ends on June 17th, just three days before the DOJ second six month extension (that is 365 days of extensions!) to reply to the major Rule 41g Motion to recover all the gold and silver seized at Sunshine Minting and the Liberty Dollar offices, ends on June 20! To recap, the US Mint posted their warning in 2006 and the FBI raided Liberty Dollar in 2007, so we are now years into this pissing contest over a trumped up investigation that needs to be resolved and your property retuned proto! But as we all know (and of course the government is certainly reading this:) in all likelihood that is not going to happen. If we can believe the FBI, the raid on the Liberty Dollar was part of a much larger investigation that started two year earlier. That would make this a five-year investigation! Over what?! How damn slow is this damn government… of the people, by the people and for the people? Obviously pretty damn sloooow. Something must happen by June 17. The government just does not get it because they just do not want to. If they did, they would be in the REAL MONEY business. Meanwhile, even though I have moved back to Hawaii, Liberty Dollar just had its best month ever and exchanged over 60,000 of those dreaded depreciating non-federal non-reserve IOUs for … Tea Party Dollars - the REAL MONEY!!! This is your last chance to send that long over due letter to the Magistrate in Asheville.

Closing Remarks:

I know it is very tough to be deprived of your property. Me too!! The gov action is not right or just. The DOJ action is not about being right. Very simply, they are just trying to drive the Liberty Dollar and the ideals it represents out of business. Thank you for not allowing that to happen! Stay tune for the show down. Ultimately, you will get your property back, if for no other reason, because your name was NOT on the search and seizure warrant. Hang on to your warehouse receipts and hang in there. Our Founding Fathers are smiling upon us. We must remain true to the principles that this country was founded on!

Many thanks for your continued support. For it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.

Thank you for returning America to value - one Liberty Dollar at a time!

Bernard von NotHaus
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Re: Liberty Dollar grandy jury target letters

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

I am still awaiting my Target Letter with glee as I see this action as a very positive development towards getting the Liberty Dollar in court.
Won't he be in for a rude surprise.
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Re: Liberty Dollar grandy jury target letters

Post by Demosthenes »

May 2009 Vol. 11 No. 05
Welcome Liberty Dollar Supporters!

Table of Contents:
1. FBI Dirty Tricks & Target Letters
2. Tea Party Dollar… Going… Going… Soon to be Gone!
3. All Tea Party Dollar Orders are PRE-ORDERS
4. Federal Reserve to Create a Recession
5. Liberty Dollar M&M! How Sweet!
6. Bernard's Personal Rule 41g Motion

1. FBI Dirty Tricks & Target Letters

In case you missed the last Newsletter that was mistitled - the Liberty Dollar is officially under "criminal investigation." Have you ever heard the phrase, "Anything you say can and WILL be used against you?" Please be informed that if you have any Liberty Dollars you are NOT in any danger of going to jail but you may be contacted by an FBI agent who may take your comments out of context and be used against you and/or the Liberty Dollar. I know it is hard to imagine that our very own government might misrepresent the facts, but if you think that is not possible, just read the Affidavit (begins on page 9) submitted by Special Agent Andrew Romagnuolo for the original Search and Seizure Warrants.

So while I urge you to be respectful and helpful to the criminal investigation… My non-legal advise is: DO NOT talk to the FBI or any law enforcement officer without an attorney present. This is your right - please exercise it. Simply tell the law enforcement officer that you wish to have an attorney present. Why should you be at risk when there is so much mistrust? Remember you are not required to even talk to a law enforcement officer unless you are subpoenaed. And then you have still have a right to have an attorney represent you. And if you can't afford an attorney, the court will provide one. Quite frankly, I think it would be GREAT if 1,000 people requested an attorney so we could all take part in this !@#$#@! criminal investigation. Meanwhile, Liberty Dollar is making as much Real Money as possible and remains dedicated to providing an "inflation proof" solution to our country's mounting monetary problems.

Seriously, several calls have already been reported. So please be on guard for FBI, crank or mysterious callers. Given the government thirst for dirty tricks, scare tactics, misc. calls and other ploys of disinformation, please report anything out of the ordinary that you think might be related to the Liberty Dollar. Please call or email the Liberty Dollar office IMMEDIATELY: 888.LIB.DOLLAR or email:

Please note the government is not required to send out a Target Letter to anyone, even if they are the target of an investigation. In fact, Target Letter is a misnomer because it is NOT sent to "targets." It is mainly used as a scare tactic against people who may be called to testify before the Grand Jury. Maybe 1,000 people whose property has been seized should call the FBI and volunteer to testify… all with a court appointed attorney of course.

In response to the FBI's Target Letters to Sarah Bledsoe and Rachelle Moseley, some Liberty Dollar supporters feel cheated by the recent FBI action:

Matthew Pitagora - RCO of San Jose wants a Target Letter.

"What? The DOJ only targets women for their Grand Jury Investigations these days? I want to be the target of a Federal Grand Jury Investigation! Come on FBI! You know where I live, so come on over and deliver my target letter at 6:45 AM. Oh wait, I forgot... I'm a BoR, Article 2 militia man, so I will get the standard 3 AM, flash-bang no-knock, with the fully armed, armored and offensive assistance of the U.S. Marshalls and federally bribed, local LEOs! So much for equality, justice and the American dream!"

Art Nicolet - RCO of Tucson agrees!

"This is discrimination! How come the FBI picks on women?? I want my target letter too! Oh, by the way I was sworn in as an American Online Grand Jury member today through You see, the government would have you believe that only the federal courts convene a grand jury. But wait! The Constitution provides a means for ordinary Americans to form a grand jury to investigate illegal and immoral acts of politicians, bureaucrats and even the FBI. Go check it out. Let's convene a Grand Jury to investigate the illegal seizure of our personal property of gold and silver. We don't have to wait for the government to decide what it is going to use as a ploy to postpone return of our assets. In the meantime I can't wait to get my target letter."

[Editor note: I must confess that I too feel left out of Agent F's most recent holiday in Evansville. If he really wants to take a holiday he should "hand serve" my T-Letter in Hawaii! Now that would be real vacation. P.S.: Contrary to what you might think, "Agent F" does NOT stand for the F-word as defined by FCC. Nor does it stand for Fool, Fumbling or Funny. He is none of those. "F" simply stands for Failure because he is not an "A" agent nor is he going to win.]

2. Tea Party Dollar $1 Going… Going… Soon to be Gone!

I am still amazed that over 60,000 Tea Party Dollars were ordered in 24 hours! WOW! And the orders are continuing. The first T-Dollars have been shipped and are due to be in your hands by the Fourth of July! Please click HERE to avoid disappointment and order your Tea Party Dollar now. Still only a $1.00 or less! Disclaimer: Please note the Tea Party Dollar is NOT government issued money and is in fact a private voluntary barter currency (PVBC)dedicated to providing Americans with an inflation proof solution to our mounting monetary problems.

Get your Tea Party Dollar flag now! This terrific flag will be available in time for the Fourth of July! Currently we still have a limited number of 2 X 3 foot Tea Party Dollar flags for $6 each or order two or more for only $5 each! Please click HERE to order.

3. All Tea Party Dollar Orders are PRE-ORDERS

Let's face it… the Tea Party efforts and the rise of the people's opposition to government spending and bailouts is pretty damn amazing. And so is the Tea Party Dollar as evidence of that movement. Please note that all T-Dollars are ordered and paid for before delivery. This has been specified in all the offers. We had just enough lead-time to get the T-Dollars before the Fourth of July events. You can look forward to having your order in time IF YOU ORDERED IN THE FIRST 24 HOURS.

All orders placed after the initial 24 hours offer will not be available until after July 4th. We will ship them ASAP.

Meanwhile, I understand that the first $1 Tea Party Dollar has been posted on eBay for $5.99! And it is not even here yet. I am sure there is much fun to be had with such an inexpensive $1 item and I hope you have ordered enough. We do not plan to order more T-Dollars. Please click HERE to avoid disappointment and order Tea Party Dollars. It's time to join the Party!

4. Federal Reserve can/will/have Created the Recession

Jon Nadler, Senior Analyst with Kitco Bullion Dealers in Montreal, finally gets it right in a long-winded article by quoting Marvin Goodfriend, a former official at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond: "Anybody who has been a central banker wouldn't want to see inflation expectations become unhinged." Goodfriend continues, "The Fed would have to create a recession to get its credibility back." Goodfriend is now a professor at Carnegie Mellon University's Tepper School of Business in Pittsburgh.

Look at that quote! A Harvard professor acknowledges that the Federal Reserve has the ability to "create a recession" in the U.S. economy to regain its credibility! They can… will… and have done exactly that! The only thing more amazing is that the American people are standing by while the government steals their purchasing power, retirement money and everything they and their children hope to enjoy! Simply amazing!!! Time for REAL MONEY to the rescue!!
If you have lots of time to waste, I recommend you read this looooooooooong article at:

Chris Powell, Secretary/Treasurer of Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc. (GATA) confirmed, "Yes, the manipulation of interest rates is part of the manipulation of gold and the tyrannical power to control the whole economy." If you are not familiar with the great work by GATA, please visit them at

5. Liberty Dollar M&M! How Sweet!

Now on a sweeter note. Did you know you can order custom M&Ms?! And as you may guess there are LIBERTY DOLLAR M&Ms!!! This is all the great work by Dave Gillie - RCO for Flint. Recently, I stopped by Dave's Coney Island Restaurant and discovered… the Liberty Dollar M&M! They are the real thing and packaged 50 per bag. Just click HERE to design your custom M&M, select color and package! WOW what a great idea for a sweet commodity currency!

6. Bernard's Personal Rule 41g Motion

The court denied my Motion to give the government an additional 60 days to reply to my motion for recovery of the office computers, etc., that were not covered by the overly broad Search and Seizure Warrants. The DOJ's 137 days to reply ends on June 17, just three days before the DOJ must reply to the much larger Rule 41g Motion for recovery of all the gold, silver, copper, etc., seized in Evansville and Coeur d'Alene over a year and a half ago. Stay tuned and responsive to these actions to help get your property back ASAP!

Closing Remarks:

Thank you for reading this newsletter. The first 50 people to email with the word FREE in the subject field will receive a free Tea Party Flag! As the Liberty Dollar heads to court, we all need to hang together or we will all hang separately. And as our Founding Fathers discovered, it was advantageous and just more fun to hang out together. Please continue to spread the Liberty Dollar solution to the current government created monetary problems. Real Money is the solution!

Many thanks for your continued support. For it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.

Thank you again for all your efforts to return America to value - one dollar at a time!

Bernard von NotHaus
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Re: Liberty Dollar grandy jury target letters

Post by Gregg »

Will someone tell this bozo you don't get a court appointed attorney unless you

a) indigent

b) the target of the investigation

so much for his little plan of everyone volunteering to answer questions, demanding a public defender and bankrupting "the man" by doing it.

besides, wouldn't one look just a bit foolish it he were to "volunteer" to answer questions, and then refuse to answer questions without an attorney present?
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Re: Liberty Dollar grandy jury target letters

Post by Demosthenes »

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Re: Liberty Dollar grandy jury target letters

Post by LPC »

Demosthenes wrote:One of the LD target letters: ... ter_sb.pdf
This is probably a silly question, but why does the letter start out in a proportionate font (Times Roman?) and then switch to Courier (a fixed-width font) for the rest of the letter?

I would expect this to be a form letter, and it's only the date, addressee, salutation, and first sentence that needs to change, but it still looks like the product of word processing (by which I mean that the letter was printed as one document, and the first sentence was not typed onto a pre-printed form), so why didn't they make the fonts the same in both parts of the letter?

I expect it's a matter of indifference to the U.S. Attorney, but it looks weird to me.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: Liberty Dollar grandy jury target letters

Post by . »

Shouldn't take too long to turn the clerical types into cooperating witnesses.

VonNutBall probably won't have to wait more than a month or two before he's the proud recipient of his very own target letter. Except that the anticipated disposition in his instance will be an indictment, not an offer of immunity.
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Re: Liberty Dollar grandy jury target letters

Post by LPC »

I obviously have a very different view of strategies from von Nuthouse, because if I wanted to test the legality of something in court, I would much rather be the plaintiff in a declaratory judgment action that the defendant in a criminal prosecution.

(The consequences of losing the civil action are obviously much more tolerable.)
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
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Re: Liberty Dollar grandy jury target letters

Post by fortinbras »

I had not noticed that about the letter but it may simply be the result of putting a preprinted form letter into a word processor to have the individual address and date added.

The latest version of the LDs being minted by Von NotHaus have a bunch of new text clearly intended to shield Von NotHaus and his organization from legal liability. This is mostly expressed in abbreviations which are not explained on the LDs themselves (tell me, does genuine US currency contain abbreviations?) but which are explained in the latest LD newsletter. The $20 denomination is qualified by "NFV" (Nominal Face Value) and "MSRP" (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price) and then the LD includes the new abbreviation of "PVBC" (Private Voluntary Barter Currency). These qualifiers hadn't appeared on previous versions of Von NotHaus funny money so, instead of insulating him from liability, it may hammer home the legal liabilities already accumulated at the time the FBI raid a couple of years ago.
notorial dissent
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Re: Liberty Dollar grandy jury target letters

Post by notorial dissent »

My personal opinion is that von Nutburt is beginning to sound more than a wee bit shrill, rather reminiscent of good ole PH, now that I think of it. I think desperation is beginning to call at his door, and while he is loudly denying it to all who will listen, I think the dingy is sinking with all hands.
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Re: Liberty Dollar grandy jury target letters

Post by . »

VonNutBall indicted. In fact, he was probably under (sealed) indictment when he wrote his last "newsletter."

Four Defendants Indicted in Unlawful Coin Operation

ASHEVILLE, NC—Bernard von NotHaus, 65, formerly of Evansville, Indiana, and two additional defendants from Evansville, along with William Kevin Innes, 53, of Asheville, North Carolina, have been indicted in U.S. District Court for the Western District of North Carolina on conspiracy and other charges in connection with an alleged unlawful operation to publish, possess and sell for profit, coins in resemblance and similitude to U.S. coins. All four defendants are also charged in the alleged conspiracy with uttering and passing, and attempting to utter and pass, a coin of silver in resemblance of genuine coins of the United States in the denominations of five dollars and greater, and intended for use as current money. The four are also charged with one count of mail fraud, while von NotHaus and Innes are both charged in two additional counts each, with selling and possessing with intent to defraud, Liberty Dollar coins; and with uttering and passing, and attempting to utter and pass, a coin of silver in resemblance of genuine coins of the United States of the denominations of five dollars and greater, and intended for use as current money.

Today’s announcement is made by Acting U.S. Attorney Edward R. Ryan for the Western District of North Carolina; Owen Harris, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in North Carolina, and Van Duncan, Sheriff of Buncombe County, North Carolina.

Acting U.S. Attorney Edward R. Ryan of the Western District of North Carolina said, “When groups seek to undermine the U.S. currency system, the government is compelled to act. These coins are not government-produced coinage, yet purchasers were led to believe by those who made and sold them that they should be spent like U.S. Federal Reserve Notes. Such claims are in violation of federal law.”

Defendant William Kevin Innes was arrested on the charges on June 2, 2009, and made an initial appearance before a federal Magistrate Judge in Asheville today. Innes was ordered detained pending a detention hearing which is now set for Monday, June 8, 2009 at 9:35 a.m. before Magistrate Judge David Cayer in the federal courthouse in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Bernard von NotHaus, 65, Honolulu, Hawaii
Pending arrest

Sarah Jane Bledsoe, 42, Evansville, Indiana
Pending arrest

Rachelle L. Moseley, 34, Evansville, Indiana
Pending arrest

According to the allegations contained in the indictment, which was returned and filed under seal by a federal grand jury sitting in Charlotte, North Carolina, on May 19, 2009, since 1998 NORFED, The National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve and Internal Revenue Codes, together with its officers, members, associates, and customers (collectively NORFED), has been issuing, disseminating, and placing into circulation, including by use of the Postal Service and United States mails, the Liberty Dollar in all its forms throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. The indictment alleges that the purpose of NORFED is to mix Liberty Dollars into the current money of the United States, and further alleges that NORFED intends for the Liberty Dollar to be used as current money in order to limit reliance on, and to compete with, United States currency.

The indictment alleges that members affiliated with NORFED sell the Liberty Dollar coin at a greater price than they pay for it, and that the profit for these individuals is the difference between their discounted purchase price and the price for which they sell the coin. Additionally, according to the allegations contained in the indictment, a person who is not affiliated with NORFED pays the face value minted on the coin.

In the allegations of the indictment, Bernard von NotHaus is described as having been the president of NORFED and the Executive Director of Liberty Dollar Services, Inc. until September 30, 2008. He is also described in the allegations contained in the indictment as the monetary architect of the Liberty Dollar and has been the Regional Currency Officer in Evansville, Indiana where NORFED corporate offices are maintained. According to the indictment, Bernard von NotHaus designed the Liberty Dollar currency in 1998. The indictment alleges that William Kevin Innes is the Asheville, North Carolina Regional Currency Officer for NORFED and one of three members of the NORFED Executive Committee. Also, according to the allegations contained in the indictment, until around March 2008, Sarah Jane Bledsoe was the NORFED Fulfillment Office manager in Evansville, Indiana, and Rachelle L. Moseley works in the Evansville, Indiana corporate office of NORFED and has been employed as the Regional Currency Office Manager and Chief Operations Officer.

“People understand that there is only one legal currency in the United States. When groups try to replace the U.S. dollar with coins and bills that don’t hold the same value, it affects the economy. Consumers were using their hard-earned money to buy goods and services, then getting fake change in return,” said Owen Harris, the Special Agent in Charge of the Charlotte Division of the FBI. “No one in this country is above or beyond the law, and our law enforcement partners will continue to bring violators to justice.”

If convicted, each of the defendants faces a maximum sentence of five years’ imprisonment on the conspiracy charged in Count One and a maximum sentence of 20 years’ imprisonment on the mail fraud charge in Count Two. As to the additional counts with which von NotHaus and Innes are charged, Count Three (publishing) carries a maximum sentence of 15 years’ imprisonment, and Count Four carries a maximum sentence of five years’ imprisonment.

The indictment includes a Notice of Forfeiture and Finding of Probable Cause that the defendants forfeit to the United States all of the property involved in the offenses with which they are charged in the indictment, and all property traceable to such offenses.

The case was investigated by the FBI, and the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office, with assistance from the U.S. Secret Service, Treasury OIG for Tax Administration, the NC Joint Terrorism Task Force, and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service. Acting U.S. Attorney Ryan express his gratitude to the United States Mint for its role in the indictment. Ryan characterized the Mint’s role as “significant and vital.” The prosecution is being handled by Assistant United States Attorney Jill W. Rose of the Asheville Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of North Carolina.

The details contained in the indictment are allegations. The defendants are presumed to innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

A copy of the bill of indictment can be viewed by visiting website: and clicking on the word “news.”
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Re: Liberty Dollar grandy jury target letters

Post by webhick »

. wrote:VonNutBall indicted. In fact, he was probably under (sealed) indictment when he wrote his last "newsletter."
From a previous thread:
SteveSy wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:So much for never...

How how the two-year anniversary of the raid (November 15, 2009)? You're getting a bit of a benefit here since indictments usually come down roughly two years after raid.
I would stick with never but that means you'll never have to pay :) Your offer is fine and like I said if it does go to trial after that time, I'll glady donate your $20 back plus another $20 that I'll owe you.
And since we're placing this bet on a public forum, how about the loser pays $20 to the winner's favorite charity?
Fair enough, with a receipt posted as proof.
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Re: Liberty Dollar grandy jury target letters

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Hey Steve...

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Re: Liberty Dollar grandy jury target letters

Post by Lambkin »

Doesn't it have to "go to trial" for Steve to lose his bet? Surely the gov't will chicken out before then. Double or nothing?
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Re: Liberty Dollar grandy jury target letters

Post by webhick »

Lambkin wrote:Doesn't it have to "go to trial" for Steve to lose his bet? Surely the gov't will chicken out before then. Double or nothing?
Yeah, but I figured it needed reminding. My question is whether the bet hinges on when the trial date is set, or when it actually happens (you know, after Nutball stalls as long as possible).
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Re: Liberty Dollar grandy jury target letters

Post by The Observer »

What if von Nothaus ends up pleading out and avoiding trial? Does the bet still count?

If so, what happens if Steve pays up in Liberty Dollars?
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