CtC users - Abandon All Hope - Part 2

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CtC users - Abandon All Hope - Part 2

Post by Famspear »

Creating a thread entitled "5,000.00 friv. penalty", losthorizons user "free2live" writes:
Just to let you all know, I.R.S. Thieves have stolen 800.00 from a 1,300.00 paycheck this week.
NO judgment
NO due process
NO chance to stop levy
NO help from employer
NO nothing but to quit a job of 13 years and start over.
SCUMBAGS are in charge of our lives!

Obviously, user losthorizon user "Badger" and others of his ilk should view "free2live" as just another whiner, who joins CtC users "kesiroveki," "kensei," and others who have been the subject of IRS levies. Why don't these people stop complaining about these minor inconveniences in their lives, and instead bow down to the Omnipotence of their Guru, the Ex-con PeterEricBlowhardMeister Hendrickson.

OK, OK, His Blowhardiness Himself is currently facing several federal tax felony charges for using the very tax scam he has sold to Badger, free2live, kensei, etc., etc. -- but why should these people be bothered by a minor detail like that?

Ohhhh, the humanity!
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope - Part 2

Post by Famspear »

Now, "free2live" must suffer through the usual array of nonsensical replies from his fellow scammers. From "Submarine Veteran":
I'd suggest you go to the payroll folks and kindly ask them to show you the court order for levying your paycheck.
Actually, I would suggest you tell Submarine Veteran to soak his head. As everyone knows, no court order is required for the IRS to levy on your paycheck.

SubVet continues:
As an American, the seventh amendment ensures that you have a right to a jury trial and therefore a decision by a court of law would be required to attach to your property.
No, SubVet, the Seventh Amendment jury trial provision applies only to suits at common law.

SubVet continues:
A letter from unknown agents/representatives of an entity of the executive branch without a signed contract between you and that entity would be a violation of the separation of powers and clearly unlawful.
No, SubVet, no contract is required here. Your blather about separation of powers is just that -- blather.

SubVet writes:
You want to ensure that the company is obedient to the law and not committing a crime against you by turning over your money without your consent or a court order.
No, SubVet, the company is required by law to turn the money over -- even without a court order. In fact, willful failure to obey the IRS levy could subject the employer to personal liability.

And "woodone" writes the usual drivel:
Free,it seems we are all in the same boat.To all on this forum,do you really believe we are a nation of law anymore?What the service is doing is fraud and extortion.We all know it.The only question is do any of us have the time and resources to spend on defeating the beast.Trust me when I say there are many working incredibly hard on this issue.There is remedy,if we are in fact a nation of law I will win,But it takes an incredible amount of time to achieve.For me it will come down to appearing in district court.Learning court procedure is a daunting task.For most of us we know very little and I know I have to learn it.As your name suggests,live free,there is no other alternative.You sound like a fighter,don't give up,don't give in.I know you won't.We are americans,we won't submit to economic slavery.
Oh, boo-hoo. The tax scammers known as Hendrickson's Heroes are not happy campers today.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope - Part 2

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

free2live wrote:Just to let you all know, I.R.S. Thieves have stolen 800.00 from a 1,300.00 paycheck this week.
NO judgment
NO due process
NO chance to stop levy
NO help from employer
NO nothing but to quit a job of 13 years and start over.
SCUMBAGS are in charge of our lives!
Given the fact that unless you're behind bars you're in charge of you're life, free2live has just inadvertently pointed out the obvious.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope - Part 2

Post by Nikki »

woodone wrote:Free,it seems we are all in the same boat.To all on this forum,do you really believe we are a nation of law anymore?What the service is doing is fraud and extortion.We all know it.The only question is do any of us have the time and resources to spend on defeating the beast.Trust me when I say there are many working incredibly hard on this issue.There is remedy,if we are in fact a nation of law I will win,But it takes an incredible amount of time to achieve.For me it will come down to appearing in district court.Learning court procedure is a daunting task.For most of us we know very little and I know I have to learn it.As your name suggests,live free,there is no other alternative.You sound like a fighter,don't give up,don't give in.I know you won't.We are americans,we won't submit to economic slavery.
Damn :!: So close, but still a miss.

Woodone is absolutely correct. There are many people working very hard to change what the IRS can do and how it does things.

What he misses is that these people have, as a group, a name: voters.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope - Part 2

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Nikki wrote: Woodone is absolutely correct. There are many people working very hard to change what the IRS can do and how it does things.

What he misses is that these people have, as a group, a name: voters.
Maybe he's in Iran. Right now there's a lot of unhappy voters over there who feel the same way he does.

Of course, those people are getting their skulls cracked.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope - Part 2

Post by Nikki »

Unfortunately, access to congress critters costs money.

The last time I checked, to get your message to one of them, you had to spend at least $0.44.

Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope - Part 2

Post by Brandybuck »

Nikki wrote:Woodone is absolutely correct. There are many people working very hard to change what the IRS can do and how it does things.

What he misses is that these people have, as a group, a name: voters.
Hear, hear! I despise the IRS, but having more than two brain cells in my head, I fully understand that they are a legal agency authorized by congress under the authority of a ratified admendment. You get rid of the federal income tax by *abolishing* the federal income tax, not by pretending that it doesn't exist. You start abolishing it by electing representatives who will work to reduce and then eliminate it.

Imagine if William Lloyd Garrison and other 19th century abolitionists decided to fight slavery by pretending it didn't exist? Imagine they went to the slave and told him all he needed to do to be free was to engage in some legal thaumaturgy, such as writing his name in backwards in ALLCAPS and green ink. If such would have happened we would still have slavery today.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope - Part 2

Post by grixit »

I actually met a sovrun once who said that all that was needed was for the slaves to remind Massa of the Magna Carta and they would have been freed.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope - Part 2

Post by Famspear »

Now, "Are You Ready" -- an epic film on Cracking the Code and His Omnipotent Blowhardiness (in three bombastic parts):

Part 1:


Part 2:


Part 3:

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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope - Part 2

Post by wserra »

I didn't get any further than the first frame, with its "legal scholar Peter E. Hendrickson".

Hey, if you can declare yourself something, then I'm a multi-multi-billionaire. Get off my Internet.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope - Part 2

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Nikki wrote:Unfortunately, access to congress critters costs money.

The last time I checked, to get your message to one of them, you had to spend at least $0.44.
Nikki, you're seriously confused.

If you believe a posted letter regarding a serious issue gets more than a cursory review and a canned response that actually comes from a staff member you should find a way to spend some time with a few staff members and lobbyists - more than once.

The "brush off" is the name of the game. The staff might be willing to meet and discuss an issue once, but if there is no political advantage (traction) for the representative or senator you won't get a second meeting let alone an audience with his or her majesty. Lobbyists on the other hand have private cell phone numbers and are conveniently available to host any number of meetings with staff members and when the issue is important enough, with the elected one.

To get a message to one of them that will have any effect requires either thousands of you in their district who agree with you and adamantly move to take them out of office or hundreds of thousands of dollars from the right lobbying firm.

I won't go so far as to say "votes" are purchased outright, but if lobbying didn't work there would be no lobbyists.

Washington is little more than the best team lobbyists could buy.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope - Part 2

Post by Nikki »

I disagree.

I have had several letters personally answered by the legislator -- I know that because there were follow-up personal phone calls from staff members to confirm receipt and a few meetings with the legislators to discuss issues.

They are not unreachable, but they are busy. The right approach gets through the door-keepers.

Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope - Part 2

Post by Brandybuck »

A hand addressed, hand signed letter, gets through the door. An email does not. A photocopied form letter does not. Cut-n-paste does not. Clicking "I agree" on an internet petition does not.

If you want your voice to be heard, write your own damned letter, sign it with a pen, and hand address it. Yeah, it's more work, but it gives you a chance where the one-click mass-angry-messages do not.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope - Part 2

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

I've corresponded and met with staff and legislators both local and federal. In EVERY circumstance it was obvious the staff were driving the bus because the issue wasn't something the office holder had a realistic grasp of.

One leaves these situations with hope. One then realizes over time that the people who rub elbows with them on a weekly basis are their sources of information that percolates up to the office holder.

Hand-written letters are nice gestures. But when you see the hearings and watch staff members whisper in their ears and realize the sheaf of documents they're working from are prepared by people that are developing career-level relationships in DC you finally realize there is a difference between "them" and "us."
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope - Part 2

Post by Nikki »

Agreed that it is MUCH more important to have access to the staff than to HIMSELF. One of the best ways of getting that access is via neighborhood meet-and-greets where the big man rushes from one to another, but staffers stay for the evening.

They really appreciate a quiet place to sit for a few minutes, a private restroom, a ride back to the Metro, and a courtesy note afterwards expressing your appreciation for all the hard work they did -- cc: to the boss.

Once they know your first name ...
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope - Part 2

Post by Demosthenes »

You all are such amateurs.

The best way to catch the attention of a Congressional staffer is to marry one!
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope - Part 2

Post by LPC »

Brandybuck wrote:If you want your voice to be heard, write your own damned letter[....]
Welcome to Quatloos.
Dan Evans
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope - Part 2

Post by Nikki »

Demosthenes wrote:You all are such amateurs.

The best way to catch the attention of a Congressional staffer is to marry one!
That only works once.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope - Part 2

Post by LPC »

Demosthenes wrote:The best way to catch the attention of a Congressional staffer is to marry one!
Or "marry" one with a consummation that is secretly videotaped.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope - Part 2

Post by webhick »

Demosthenes wrote:You all are such amateurs.

The best way to catch the attention of a Congressional staffer is to marry one!
I could have sworn the answer was "give their boss underage hookers."
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