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David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

I will go with the law dictionary definitions on that:

http://friends-n-family-research.info/F ... nition.jpg
http://friends-n-family-research.info/F ... _legal.jpg

David Merrill is clearly my given or Christian name.

- And Noah Webster:
Pseudonomania - false name craziness. A form of insanity characterized by a morbid propensity to lying.
I suppose to you all the voices in my head are the words I read in dictionaries, history books and law libraries; including the federal repository in my video. But it seems to me that a bunch of people who will not for whatever paranoid reason tell me what their names are, legal names or not, whom I presume are Internet people like you all would be a lot closer to voices in my head than accredited authors like Proctor Wiswall and Joseph Vining, whom I have verified are real people out there in the world by having phone conversations.

Crazy me though; I even presume there to be a real live human typing through this website named "."!

http://www.ecclesia.org/forum/images/su ... rrant1.gif
http://www.ecclesia.org/forum/images/su ... rrant2.gif

And of course naming such non-persons as a motor vehicle makes no sense to attorneys unless the motorscooter is full of money - at least $75K to be exact by the Code. So suits against CERTAIN BANK ACCOUNTS are fine...

Of course it makes sense, and is in fact the standard tradition around Quatloos when I start proving my points to dogpile the Insultinator. Your main problem is that without you all telling me your names, then I get to decide for myself whether the voices on the Internet are qualified to make psychiatric evaluations.


David Merrill.

P.S. Crazy synchronicity!

Sucker4lush was talking about the voices in my head on the other thread...

“Recognized Government bonds are as safe as Government currency. They have the same credit back of them. And, therefore, if we can persuade people all through the country, when their salary checks come in, to deposit them in new accounts, which will be held in trust and kept in one of the new forms I have mentioned, we shall have made progress.” The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt; 1933 The Year of Crisis; Random House 1938; page 19. Excerpt from the Address before the Governors’ Conference at the White House. March 6, 1933.
According to another voice in my head, Carroll Quigley - Tragedy and Hope; the history of the world in our time Appeasement, denial and Protectionism are bad.

Sometimes I think the good Doktor spends way too much time listening to the voices in her head... But I should make sure my friend Charlie knows about all this alleged talk!

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Post by wserra »

Doktor Avalanche wrote:Did you really file a court case citing your motor scooter as a plaintiff?
Oh yes, he did.

United States District Court for the District of Colorado, Docket 01-01599 (EWN), styled David Merrill and his motor scooter against Jesus Christ, the Sanhedrin, and the United Nations. It lasted one whole day: "Date Filed: 08/15/2001, Date Terminated: 08/16/2001". In dismissing it, Judge Nottingham used language even better than what Nikki recalls: he called it a "rambling, nonsensical, incoherent blotch on this court's docket". That's one of my all-time favorite judicial lines.

For months after Judge Nottingham threw the case out, Van Pelt kept filing random garbage, such as "REPORT by plaintiff of criminal culpability in fact", "NOTICE by plaintiff of default and declaratory judgment", "The Manhattan Judgment in summary (STATEMENT) by plaintiff, attached is a 3.5" floppy disk with no label" and "RETURN RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL upon US Atty General on 9/24/01 of unknown documents". Finally, on January 2, 2002, nearly five months after the case was dismissed and filings ceased to serve any function, Van Pelt signed off with a "STATEMENT/letter by plaintiff, originally filed in El Paso County Court". It probably says something like "Guess I showed them."

Van Pelt did the same thing when he sued the IRS and the International Monetary Fund (this was still in his "Van Pelt" days), also in Colorado, Docket 95-03136 (WYD). Van Pelt styled the complaint a "Libel in Admiralty in Re: Libel of Rview, Complaint of involuntary Servitude and Peonage re: all property and rights to work and to his estate and trust". Judge Daniel threw the case out on April 10, 1996, four months after it was filed, but Van Pelt kept filing garbage for years. A clerk must have finally notified Judge Daniel, because on May 30, 2001, he entered an order directing that no more documents be filed. The last entry in the docket is how the copy of the order sent to Van Pelt was returned unclaimed, probably marked "Refused for Cause" in red crayon.

You can't make this stuff up. The guy is many McNuggets short of a Happy Meal.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
David Merrill


Post by David Merrill »

You can't make this stuff up.
Demosthenes promoted remedy a while back and stopped, Wesley, when she realized how many people it was bringing to me to draft remedy!

I prefer referrals from around here and who are already jealous of courts of competent jurisdiction - family and friends. Yesterday a fellow in California actually filed his Libel of Review without even reading it first! So in some ways I get your point about careless, but him sending family and friends when it finally sinks in what a charlatan I am, That is genius!

These suitors are so smart, they have you convinced they must be morons!

And by the way Wesley M------; Wesley Serra is not your name.


David Merrill.
Agent Observer

Post by Agent Observer »

Merrill/Van Pelt:
I prefer referrals from around here
Ok. Since you're so fond of links, here are two "referrals" for you:


David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

Wesley Serra, as he calls himself is protecting and privatizing what is considered by his Bar Association to be private intellectual property. It is known as the common law but you must either be pro se (representing yourself) or re-presented by a licensed attorney to practice this common law?

So it is not so insane to read the simple interpretation:

http://friends-n-family-research.info/F ... nition.jpg
http://friends-n-family-research.info/F ... _legal.jpg
Legal Name. Under common law consists of one Christian and one surname...

Wesley Serra is at best Wesley M----- (Michael, Merrill or whatever middle name) his "name" - in quotations for the definition of Name. The quotations mean foreign. And since the dictionary is a law dictionary that means foreign to plain English, as proven by finding the exact same definition at Legal Name. Wesley Serra is his Legal Name, not his name.

You guys really need those pharmaceuticals more than me. If I get so stupid that I do not know my own name, then that will disturb me enough to consider mood modifiers.

You bring to mind one new suitor who loaned me his cell phone in the federal repository to run a Search on his true name. Katherine was so adamant about me specifying a last name she began to shout and get all bent out of shape, so that he could hear her in the quiet library area. By the time I got the request for the Certificate across, he was completely convinced that he needed to cure remedy properly.

http://friends-n-family-research.info/F ... sified.jpg
http://friends-n-family-research.info/F ... rected.jpg

Notice the dates on the correction. I petitioned Congress to look into the falsification of court documents and pretty quick the clerk was replaced and the Certificates were corrected back.

Wesley's motivation is quite clear to me and well, many more Readers than Wesley would be comfortable with if not for his dissociation from reality.

It is a very good thing that the voices on the Internet do not have any authority to name me.


David Merrill.
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

silversopp wrote:
Imalawman wrote: Ah yes, motor scooter v. Jesus Christ - an instant classic in insane lawsuits. One of my favorites.
Hey, I couldn't find the text of that case (I think it died with the old boards), could someone report that? I need a good chuckle.

The docket is easy enough to find isn't it Demosthenes?

Looking at it in full you will see why the Manhattan Judgment upon refusal to file by the clerk (by the way, the clerk is not a judge) was postmarked September 12, 2001. So I suspect that was happening on the morning of September 11. But you will see that a week later, the clerk escorted me through security (no picture ID) and filed the Manhattan Judgment...


David Merrill.

Post by silversopp »

David Merrill wrote:Wesley Serra is at best Wesley M----- (Michael, Merrill or whatever middle name) his "name" - in quotations for the definition of Name. The quotations mean foreign. And since the dictionary is a law dictionary that means foreign to plain English, as proven by finding the exact same definition at Legal Name. Wesley Serra is his Legal Name, not his name.
What on earth is he talking about here? I looked at his links to definitions, and still cannot figure out what he is talking about.

This reminds me of when you got to the bar and sit down next to the really really wasted guy who has some really important ideas on the physical makeup of the universe that he needs to share with you.
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

http://friends-n-family-research.info/F ... nition.jpg
http://friends-n-family-research.info/F ... _legal.jpg

Yes of course...

That is so boring and plain. Pretending you cannot read a simple law dictionary definition.


David Merrill.
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Post by Duke2Earl »

He lives in a world of terrifying significance. The unfortunate part is that his world has no resemblance to actual reality. He also has yet to explain why any of his name games have any significance whatsoever except to him.
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

Duke2Earl wrote:He lives in a world of terrifying significance. The unfortunate part is that his world has no resemblance to actual reality. He also has yet to explain why any of his name games have any significance whatsoever except to him.

But, but, ...but...

I have the photos from the law dictionary!

Post by silversopp »

Duke2Earl wrote:He lives in a world of terrifying significance. The unfortunate part is that his world has no resemblance to actual reality. He also has yet to explain why any of his name games have any significance whatsoever except to him.
As far as I can tell, he's so stupid that he thinks his middle name is actually his last name.

I've heard that you get like 30 points on the SAT just for signing your name right. Those are 30 points that David Van Pelt will never get:

I can see him there scratching his head mumbling about Jesus Christ, common law, and the makers of Scrabble. Finally, out of frustration, he breaks his pen open, swipes his thumb in the ink puddle, and triumphantly uses his thumbprint as his name!

Post by Nikki »

Why does David Merrill get so bent out of shape when we heap redicule on someone named Van Pelt?
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Post by Duke2Earl »

I don't really care what name he wants to go by. I certainly don't care if he wants to change his name. The part where he falls off the truck on his head is when he seems to think that a name change has any legal significance whatsoever. Personally, if he wants to play the name change game I think he should use "The Artist formally known as S--t for Brains."
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Post by Randall »

David Merrill wrote:
Duke2Earl wrote:He lives in a world of terrifying significance. The unfortunate part is that his world has no resemblance to actual reality. He also has yet to explain why any of his name games have any significance whatsoever except to him.

But, but, ...but...

I have the photos from the law dictionary!
They must have a photo you under the definition of "insanity defense".
Doktor Avalanche
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Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Demosthenes wrote:
Since I have been preaching though, Congress has raised the $500 frivolous filing penalty to $5000. What's with that?
That was my doing! :twisted:
You should have pushed for $50,000.

My god...I had no idea he was that mentally unbalanced.
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Doktor Avalanche
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Post by Doktor Avalanche »

You guys really need those pharmaceuticals more than me. If I get so stupid that I do not know my own name, then that will disturb me enough to consider mood modifiers.
I think you crossed that border some time ago, Mr. M:VP. When you start filing suits claiming your motor scooter as a plaintiff you don't need a sign from God to confirm your worst suspicions.
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Post by LPC »

Duke2Earl wrote:I don't really care what name he wants to go by. I certainly don't care if he wants to change his name. The part where he falls off the truck on his head is when he seems to think that a name change has any legal significance whatsoever.
I agree. If he simply said, "I was given the name Va Pelt at birth, but now I prefer to use the name Merrill," everyone would say, "Oh, okay," and that would be the end of it.

But he keeps insisting that Van Pelt and Merrill are two different people, even while forgetting which one he is.

I also want to add that "calling something a different name makes it something different" is a common tax protester form of magic. (See http://evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html#magicwords) VP/M has just applied the same principle to himself and carried it to its psychotic conclusion.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Post by Nikki »

He could give a lot more credibility [ :roll: ] to his argument that he is who he says he is if he simply stopped his knee-jerk reaction every time someone mentions David Merrill Van Pelt.

As long as he keeps claiming pseudonomia and posting pictures of "this is not MY birth certificate", he simply reinforces the argument that he's just a Van Pelt in Merrill clothing.
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Post by wserra »

Doktor Avalanche wrote:My god...I had no idea he was that mentally unbalanced.
He's a respected elder statesman type on Sooey Jooris. Picture the rest of 'em.

BTW, welcome to Quatloos, Dok.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

Thanks for the chuckle. Especially Nikki.

You all are really unclear, even with law dictionary definitions what your own names are? The amusing thing is that I have never had anybody in a face-to-face try to behave like such morons.

In the act of telling me your name, you would discover it. Or morelike re-discover it.


David Merrill.