Sooey-Head is about to lose his child's money

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Sooey-Head is about to lose his child's money

Post by Nikki »

It's a shame we don't know who THIS moron is. If we did, we could take some action to protect the child's money. From ... ars-9.html under the topic of "Pure / Common Law Trusts - I have used them for years"
I am very curious about Pure Trusts. I have just been awarded a sixable settlement of more than 5 figures, and I must construst a trust, for the money belongs to a small boy. I spoke to my banker about a pure trust, and he rolled his eyes at me. How does one go about creating a pure trust? Can a pure trust be considerd equity? Is it held in gold, as I have heard? Please advise, i need to know these things soon. Thanks, Freetalker
Well, I know that a Trust is an enity all it's own, like an artificial being that never dies. I have been researching this, for good reason. My young disabled son is soon to recieve a large settlement. I wish to secure this money away from the greedy hands of the bank, and the IRS, of which I know is acting in an illegal manner. I also wish to use the trust as equity. Social Security tells me the money [has] to be in a trust, but as I said, I want a pure trust, if at all possible. I have seen sites that stated pure Constitutional trusts are illegal, and a way to avoid taxes, and I have also seen sites that offer to sell me one. I have some experience in the law, but none in the finances. I know how banks are, after all, they are part of the FRB. Any good advice will be taken seriously here, this thing must be done, or my little boy will eventually lose most of his money to Uncle Sammy. Freetalker
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Re: Sooey-Head is about to lose his child's money

Post by Cobalt Shiva »

Nikki wrote:It's a shame we don't know who THIS moron is. If we did, we could take some action to protect the child's money. From ... ars-9.html under the topic of "Pure / Common Law Trusts - I have used them for years"
I am very curious about Pure Trusts. I have just been awarded a sixable settlement of more than 5 figures, and I must construst a trust, for the money belongs to a small boy. I spoke to my banker about a pure trust, and he rolled his eyes at me. How does one go about creating a pure trust? Can a pure trust be considerd equity? Is it held in gold, as I have heard? Please advise, i need to know these things soon. Thanks, Freetalker
Well, I know that a Trust is an enity all it's own, like an artificial being that never dies. I have been researching this, for good reason. My young disabled son is soon to recieve a large settlement. I wish to secure this money away from the greedy hands of the bank, and the IRS, of which I know is acting in an illegal manner. I also wish to use the trust as equity. Social Security tells me the money [has] to be in a trust, but as I said, I want a pure trust, if at all possible. I have seen sites that stated pure Constitutional trusts are illegal, and a way to avoid taxes, and I have also seen sites that offer to sell me one. I have some experience in the law, but none in the finances. I know how banks are, after all, they are part of the FRB. Any good advice will be taken seriously here, this thing must be done, or my little boy will eventually lose most of his money to Uncle Sammy. Freetalker
Oh, dear Lord.
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Re: Sooey-Head is about to lose his child's money

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Cobalt Shiva wrote:
Oh, dear Lord.
The laissez-faire argument relies on the same tacit appeal to perfection as does communism. - George Soros

Post by Nikki »

But if he puts it all in a PNJ Pure Trust, he gets even more advantages.

Perhaps the best thing for him to do would be to diversify:

1/3 in Liberty Dollars

1/3 in Clarkson's bonds

1/3 in Dove's 9,000% seed money fund.
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Re: Sooey-Head is about to lose his child's money

Post by wserra »

Nikki wrote:we could take some action to protect the child's money.
In every jurisdiction I'm aware of, the court has to approve the arrangements for the proceeds of a minor's settlement, exactly due to people like this chochem. Most courts have set orders for them, called "infant's compromise orders" or something similar.

We can hope the judge will pick it up. S/He definitely would here.
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Re: Sooey-Head is about to lose his child's money

Post by Cobalt Shiva »

wserra wrote:
Nikki wrote:we could take some action to protect the child's money.
In every jurisdiction I'm aware of, the court has to approve the arrangements for the proceeds of a minor's settlement, exactly due to people like this chochem. Most courts have set orders for them, called "infant's compromise orders" or something similar.

We can hope the judge will pick it up. S/He definitely would here.
What's to keep this idjit from apparently complying with the order, then rolling it to a "pure trust" at a later date?
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Re: Sooey-Head is about to lose his child's money

Post by wserra »

Cobalt Shiva wrote:What's to keep this idjit from apparently complying with the order, then rolling it to a "pure trust" at a later date?
The bank officer whom the court appoints as co-trustee.
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Re: Sooey-Head is about to lose his child's money

Post by Cobalt Shiva »

wserra wrote:
Cobalt Shiva wrote:What's to keep this idjit from apparently complying with the order, then rolling it to a "pure trust" at a later date?
The bank officer whom the court appoints as co-trustee.

The bank officer's going to probably end up hating this guy. If we hear about a bank officer going postal on his co-trustee, we'll know who it was. (c8
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Re: Sooey-Head is about to lose his child's money

Post by Demosthenes »

Nikki wrote:It's a shame we don't know who THIS moron is.
Hmmm. He's a retired automotive mechanic in Ohio who is sponging as much out of Medicaid as he can to pay for things like his dentures. I've found people who were harder to find than that...
Last edited by Demosthenes on Thu May 17, 2007 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Nikki »

Be afraid. Be VERY afraid. When she goes hunting wabbit, she never comes back empty-handed.
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Post by Quixote »

Nikki wrote:Be afraid. Be VERY afraid. When she goes hunting wabbit, she never comes back empty-handed.
Wabbit?! Time to change the avatar.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat
Doktor Avalanche
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Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Quixote wrote:
Nikki wrote:Be afraid. Be VERY afraid. When she goes hunting wabbit, she never comes back empty-handed.
Wabbit?! Time to change the avatar.
Don't. The facial expression is correctly posed.
The laissez-faire argument relies on the same tacit appeal to perfection as does communism. - George Soros

Post by grammarian44 »

This is a really sad case: A handicapped child has a chance to be provided for, and the principal fiduciary for the child is all geared up to squander the money simply because of his horribly misguided beliefs about taxes and the legal system more generally. Yes, there will be a professional co-trustee with more common sense. But that co-trustee only has so much time to devote to the case.
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Post by notorial dissent »

Far too simple, reasonable, and easy, and since it isn't a super duper double secret PNJ absolutely guaranteed constitooshinul trust he'll never go for it.

Post by iplawyer »

This is just pathetic. Is this him? From Suijuris.

Update on my Case


Well, not one member came forward to help me with this, and...I kind of expected it too, being a new member and all. Those of you who gave thought to my problem, thank you.

That being said, I had a small, but powerful victory today at my state hearing. Being only a student of the Constitution, and not a learned master, I had to do a lot of reaserch to bring this victory off. I bagan with stating my case to the state officer, who read me all the "rules" that are supposed to govern me as a Medicaid recipiant. Then the agengy in question got to make their case first, as the burden of proof was on them, not me. After all this, I got to ask a few questions. The first thing I asked her, this officer, was if she was an employee of the state, which she asnwered in the affimitive. I then asked if the state operated on the Uniform Commercial Code, which I know it does. she hem hawed around, and finally stated for the record that she did not know, an out and out lie. Then they showed me that my OMC card covered all expences, that i had nothing to pay out of pocket for my medical costs. Then I sprang my trap.
I asked if it is a fact that the medical provider gets paid immediatly, or if they must in fact wait for their payment, knowing that they sometimes wait up to six months to see a penny from Medicaid. You shoud have seen the shock on their faces when I stated as a fact the during that time between the service renderd, and the actual payment, that it was I who was fully responsible for all of the cost, which is sign a document attesting to this when you sign in at the hospital, doctor, etc. So, it seems that I have actually met my so called "spend down" all of the time, as I see doctors at least twice a month, plus all of the tests I must endure.
(I was in a semi roll over crash in '85, that damn near crippled me, seperating my spine all the way up and down, and breakeing my neck is several places) So, X-Rays, MRIs, Ultrasound, and constant EEGs keep me busy. The look on ther faces was worth a million bucks!
Then I dropped a bomb, and accused two of the caseworkers with conspirity to commit fraud, and trying to get me to actually commit the fraud. The state official promised me that a full investigation would be coming real soon for that welfare office, and also promised me a full review of my case, and my medical records.
Something came up there that took me by suprise. Now I am an American worker, have been for 35 years. i faithfully paid into the trust fund that goes my the name of Social Security. I have a $102.00 spend down based on my gros income, which would not make a small dent in what I once made as a professional automobile mechanic, and then an owner-operator semi driver. It seems that a person who pays not one thin dime into the fund, and collects S.S.I. has no spend down at all. Fair?
I think not. I ended with assuring my full Constitutional Rights, and made it clear that I waive no right.

I have just begun to fight, as soon as I have a decision, I am filing an affidavit against the caseworkers, and the state for a redress of greivance, and a challenge of that particular ruling. Wish me luck, folks, this is for everyone who has ever been on welfare, food stamps, of Medicaid.
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Post by The Observer »

Well, not one member came forward to help me with this, and...I kind of expected it too, being a new member and all. Those of you who gave thought to my problem, thank you.
Typical TP behavior...since everyone of them is only in this game for themselves.
That being said, I had a small, but powerful victory today at my state hearing

Maybe it is just me, but it seems that all of these Sooey cases start off as being small victories that coalesce into major defeats.
I then asked if the state operated on the Uniform Commercial Code, which I know it does.

Ah yes, the old diabolical wouldn't be a Sooey case if we didn't work that angle into the courtroom.
Then they showed me that my OMC card covered all expences, that i had nothing to pay out of pocket for my medical costs.
Only a Sooey proponent could end up in court over a situation where he doesn't owe for his medical bills.
You shoud have seen the shock on their faces when I stated as a fact the during that time between the service renderd, and the actual payment, that it was I who was fully responsible for all of the cost, which is true....
Perhaps the shock was due to the fact that they didn't expect you to make the stupid argument that you were liable for the bill.
...accused two of the caseworkers with conspirity to commit fraud.
The Mangled Word of the Day Award goes to you for that one.
I have just begun to fight, as soon as I have a decision, I am filing an affidavit against the caseworkers, and the state for a redress of greivance, and a challenge of that particular ruling.
Yeah, but what if that decision is against you? Or have you bothered to think that far ahead?
Wish me luck, folks, this is for everyone who has ever been on welfare, food stamps, of Medicaid
So much irony, so little time...
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"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Post by webhick »

Wow. Why was he in court? Was he arguing over his spend-down or was he just there to prove to everyone that for a period of time he was liable for his medical bills? (I have a client on SSDI...her doctor only "bills her" if medicare denies the claim.)
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