Michael, Sorcha, Bellringer & Jane

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Michael, Sorcha, Bellringer & Jane

Post by Deep Knight »

Hmmm... anything that makes this much news HAS to be part of the NWO conspiracy, don't cha think?

June 26, 2009
Russia’s FSB Reports Pop Icon Michael Jackson Assassinated By CIA
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers (Traducción al Español abajo sin)

FSB sources are reporting to President Medvedev today that American pop icon Michael Jackson was “most assuredly” assassinated by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) after an examination of data transmitted by a Russian Military’s Kosmos 2450 satellite show “conclusively” that immediately prior to the music stars death in Los Angeles an electromagnetic pulse consistent in pattern to EMR weapons looted from the former Soviet Union by the United States was employed at the “exact coordinates” of the rock stars home.

To the type of technology being perfected by the US Military-Industrial Complex based upon former Soviet Union research used in these kinds of assassinations we can read about as reported by Cheryl Welsh, president, Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse, in her landmark 2001 report “Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) Weapons: As Powerful As The Atomic Bomb”, and which says:

“A newly declassified U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency report says- extensive Soviet research into microwaves might lead to methods of causing disoriented human behavior, nerve disorders or even heart attacks.... A copy of the study was provided by the agency to The Associated Press in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Act. The Pentagon agency refused to release some portions of the study, saying they remain classified on national security grounds.”

Even more importantly, since Ms Welsh’s landmark report in 2001, the US has continued perfecting this insidious technology they’ve named Active Denial System (ADS), and as we can read as reported by New Scientist in their 2005 report titled “US Military seeks new non-lethal weapon; the prototype of the phaser?”, and which says:

“The US military is funding development of a weapon that delivers a bout of excruciating pain from up to 2 kilometres away. Intended for use against rioters, it is meant to leave victims unharmed. But pain researchers are furious that work aimed at controlling pain has been used to develop a weapon. And they fear that the technology will be used for torture.”

To the ‘final’ employment of these weapons [3rd photo, left] we can also read:

“In January 2007, Theodore Barna, an assistant deputy undersecretary of defense for advanced systems and concepts told Reuters that "We expect the services to add it to their tool kit. And that could happen as early as 2010”.

Apparently the military is still unsure about ADS after all the tests. Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne didn't help clarify the issue when he suggested that the military should use the “pain ray” at crowds in the United States before deploying it in Iraq. It would be hard to imagine that Americans would be feeling okay about trying such weapons on themselves even if they believe they are not lethal.

Wagner suggested a new nickname for the weapon; the “death ray”, since it’s well-known that exposing mammals to microwaves make them explode. He sent an email all around the U.S. in which he used a live example to prove his theory.”

To the reason behind the CIA needing to assassinate Michael Jackson, these reports continue, was an out of court settlement the pop icon signed with son of the king of Bahrain, Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad al-Khalifa, this past November in London, and which stated, in part, that in exchange for millions of dollars previously lent to Mr. Jackson by the Sheikh, Mr. Jackson would allow his sold-out United Kingdom concerts to be a “platform” for warning the World of a soon to occur mass genocide event.

Both Michael Jackson and Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad al-Khalifa have been long standing supporters of the fearless Austrian investigative journalist, Jane Burgermeister, who is warning the world that the greatest crime in the history of humanity is underway, and as we can read:

“Jane Burgermeister has recently filed criminal charges with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest ranking government and corporate officials concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder. She has also prepared an injunction against forced vaccination which is being filed in America. These actions follow her charges filed in April against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing contaminated bird flu vaccine, alleging this was a deliberate act to cause and profit from a pandemic.

In her charges, Burgermeister presents evidence of acts of bioterrorism that is in violation of U.S. law by a group operating within the U.S. under the direction of international bankers who control the Federal Reserve, as well as WHO, UN and NATO. This bioterrorism is for the purpose of carrying out a mass genocide against the U.S. population by use of a genetically engineered flu pandemic virus with the intent of causing death. This group has annexed high government offices in the U.S.

Specifically, evidence is presented that the defendants, Barack Obama, President of the U.S, David Nabarro, UN System Coordinator for Influenza, Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO, Kathleen Sibelius, Secretary of Department of Health and Human Services, Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Department of Homeland Security, David de Rotschild, banker, David Rockefeller, banker, George Soros, banker, Werner Faymann, Chancellor of Austria, and Alois Stoger, Austrian Health Minister, among others, are part of this international corporate criminal syndicate which has developed, produced, stockpiled and employed biological weapons to eliminate the population of the U.S. and other countries for financial and political gain.

The charges contend that these defendants conspired with each other and others to devise, fund and participate in the final phase of the implementation of a covert international bioweapons program involving the pharmaceutical companies Baxter and Novartis. They did this by bioengineering and then releasing lethal biological agents, specifically the "bird flu" virus and the "swine flu virus" in order to have a pretext to implement a forced mass vaccination program which would be the means of administering a toxic biological agent to cause death and injury to the people of the U.S. This action is in direct violation of the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act.”

Interesting to note, too, is on the day of Michael Jackson’s assassination, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that their mathematical models show over 1 million Americans have contracted swine flu and that of the 58,000 confirmed cases around the World the US has over half of them, and even worse, Emergency Containment Areas are now being reported being set up in that troubled country.

Sadly though, and with an acknowledgement that this World star had led a much troubled life, it can never be taken away from Michael Jackson the real love he had for all of humanity and best expressed by him in the chorus of his anthem to the human race, We Are The World:

Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.

© June 26, 2009 EU and US all rights reserved

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]
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Re: Michael, Sorcha, Bellringer & Jane

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Jane Burgermeister responds.

Michael Jackson: Vaccine Fraud

----- Original Message -----
From: JB
To: fourwinds@fourwinds10.com
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 6:37 AM
Subject: Michael Jackson


A person who writes under the name of Sorcha Faal has been falsely reporting that Michael Jackson was backing my investigation of Baxter and vaccine companies in Austria. I want to make it clear I have never had any contact with Michael Jackson. I myself only presented a dossier of evidence of possible genocide by means of an artificial virus and vaccine to the FBI a couple of weeks ago.

I find it extremely tasteless that the death of Michael Jackson is linked in this way to this investigation for no reason other than Sorcha Faal has run out other ideas to pepper his or her "reports" with.

There are many people who admire Michael Jackson and his concern for humanity, and who are deeply saddened by his death.

There are many people, too, who are very worried about the way vaccine companies send out live bird flu for vaccines apparently with impunity.

For Sorcha Faal to connect the two with such a facetious link raises the question: who is this person working for? What is the purpose of this disinformation? To frighten people?

Unfortunately, it seems these rumours are being deliberately spread by individuals who claim to be serious scientists and who have offered to help with the compilation of evidence concerning a possible act of bioterrorism.

However, the stakes in this game are high.
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Re: Michael, Sorcha, Bellringer & Jane

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

How interesting it is that anyone who posts on the fourwindbags site is complaining about someone being fast and loose with the facts!
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Michael, Sorcha, Bellringer & Jane

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From http://www.livescience.com/strangenews/ ... ories.html

Strange News
The Best Michael Jackson Conspiracy Theories
By Robert Roy Britt, Editorial Director

posted: 29 June 2009 04:41 pm ET

You knew it would happen. No sooner did R.I.P. flash on TV screens around the world and the conspiracy theories surrounding Michael Jackson's death began surfacing (and resurfacing) faster than he could moon walk.

Perhaps the best one out there — a strong contender because it can't be disproven — is that he faked his death and the CIA has him working with Elvis and Hoffa. Jackson's personal doctor is said to know the truth, of course.

The Telegraph has compiled a short list of the most, um, compelling, and ranked their prospects. Among them:

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad killed him to distract attention from Iranian protests.
Jackson faked his own death to escape financial problems.
He actually died two years ago.
Paul McCartney knows all about that last one. McCartney, the ex-Beatle, never actually left the band, it's believed. Rather, he died in 1966 and was then replaced by a lookalike (and a darn good soundalike! — I'd sure like to see that replacement in concert before he dies.).

What takes a simple rumor or silly myth to the level of conspiracy theory, anyway?

Gullibility is at the root of many of them; illogical thinking is a key component; fraudulent characters (who may by trying to make money, or just like a good laugh) are often behind them. As our Bad Science Columnist Benjamin Radford has said, "Rumor and logical thought don't mix well."

Many people desperately want to believe in things, scientists say, and facts (typically, rather, a lack of facts) don't matter. It's part of human nature, an odd and largely inexplicable aspect of our strange species. Mass media contributes to the conspiracy theories, and the Internet has made it easier to promote one.

Meanwhile, we're still waiting to learn the truth about the Obama Conspiracies — he's a Muslim, or a terrorist, or both. (Hey, maybe he helped Ahmadinejad!)

While we're on the topic, here's our Top 10 Conspiracy Theories of all time. We might have to revise it now.
10 Big Pharma
Almost everybody (except investors) loves to hate the drug companies. Drugs cost too much, drug company profits are obscene, and it seems that every few months some drug once claimed to be safe is yanked off the shelf after patients die. It's little wonder that the drug industry ("Big Pharma") is looked upon with suspicion. But some proponents of "alternative medicine" believe that drug companies actually conspire to keep people sick to reap profits. For example, Kevin Trudeau (bestselling author of "Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About") claims that important medical information is being kept hidden by a conspiracy between the medical establishment and big drug companies. According to Trudeau, "There are certain groups, including... the drug industry... that don't want people to know about cures for diseases..." Actress and model Jenny McCarthy appeared recently on "Larry King Live," accusing doctors and the pharmaceutical industry of conspiring to suppress evidence of a link between childhood vaccines and autism.

9 Big Pharma
Almost everybody (except investors) loves to hate the drug companies. Drugs cost too much, drug company profits are obscene, and it seems that every few months some drug once claimed to be safe is yanked off the shelf after patients die. It's little wonder that the drug industry ("Big Pharma") is looked upon with suspicion. But some proponents of "alternative medicine" believe that drug companies actually conspire to keep people sick to reap profits. For example, Kevin Trudeau (bestselling author of "Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About") claims that important medical information is being kept hidden by a conspiracy between the medical establishment and big drug companies. According to Trudeau, "There are certain groups, including... the drug industry... that don't want people to know about cures for diseases..." Actress and model Jenny McCarthy appeared recently on "Larry King Live," accusing doctors and the pharmaceutical industry of conspiring to suppress evidence of a link between childhood vaccines and autism.

8 Protocols of the Elders of Zion
"The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" is a hoaxed book that purported to reveal a Jewish conspiracy to achieve world domination. It first appeared in Russia in 1905, and described how Christians' morality, finances, and health would be targeted by a small group of powerful Jews. The idea that there is a Jewish conspiracy is nothing new, of course, and has been repeated by many prominent people including Henry Ford and Mel Gibson. In 1920, Henry Ford paid to have half a million copies of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" published, and in the 1930s, the book was used by the Nazis as justification for its genocide against Jews (in fact, Adolph Hitler referred to the "Protocols" in his book "Mein Kampf"). Though the book has been completely discredited as a hoax and forgery, it is still in print and remains widely circulated around the world.

7 The Roswell Crash Cover-Up
There is one fact that almost all skeptics and believers agree on: Something crashed on a remote ranch outside of Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. The government at first claimed it was some sort of saucer, then retracted the statement and claimed it was really a weather balloon. Yet the best evidence suggests that it was neither a flying saucer nor a weather balloon, but instead a high-altitude, top-secret military balloon dubbed Project Mogul. As it turns out, descriptions of the wreckage first reported by the original eyewitnesses very closely match photos of the Project Mogul balloons, down to the silvery finish and strange symbols on its side. The stories about crashed alien bodies did not surface until decades later and in fact no one considered the Roswell crash as anything extraterrestrial or unusual until thirty years later, when a book on the topic was published. There was indeed a cover-up, but it did not hide a crashed saucer, instead it hid a Cold War-era spying program.

6 John F. Kennedy's Assassination
John F. Kennedy was killed in 1963 in a Dallas motorcade. Who killed Kennedy? Most (though not all) conspiracy theorists acknowledge that Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy from a book depository. Beyond this fact lies a vast area of conspiracy theory that has spawned endless speculation and hundreds of books, articles, and films. Was there a second assassin, perhaps one at a nearby "grassy knoll"? And if Oswald did act alone, who gave him the orders? Activists against Fidel Castro? Organized crime bosses? A jealous husband upset with Kennedy's philandering? Though the Warren Commission report concluded that Oswald acted alone, a 1979 report by The House Select Committee on Assassinations suggested that there was in fact a conspiracy, and likely more than one shooter. In such a complex and sensational case, the conspiracy theories will live on.

5 Paul McCartney's Death
According to many stories and conspiracy theories that circulated in the late 1960s, Beatles guitarist Paul McCartney died in 1966. The remaining members of the Beatles--along with their manager and others--conspired to keep McCartney's death a secret, going so far as to hire a look-alike and sound-alike to take his place in the band. Well, kind of: In a case of seriously twisted logic (even by conspiracy theory standards) the conspirators in this case took great pains to keep the press and public from finding out about McCartney's demise--yet they also wanted fans to know about it, and placed clever clues in album covers and music giving details about McCartney's death. For example, on the cover of the Abbey Road album, all four Beatles are photographed striding across a zebra crossing, but only McCartney is barefoot, and out of step with the other three. This must mean something, right? Despite public denials by the band, fans couldn't just let it be, and came together to look for more clues.

4 The Moon Landing Hoax
In the 1978 film Capricorn One, American astronauts and NASA faked a Mars landing. Though a mediocre film, it was an interesting idea, and one that would endure for decades. In 2001, Fox television aired the program "Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon?," which rehashed many discredited "discrepancies" between the official version of the moon landing and photographs of the landing. (Curiously, they never explain why NASA would distribute photographs that would "prove" that they had faked the moon landing.) Web sites such as BadAstronomy.com have pages and pages of point-by-point, detailed refutations of the Fox claims. Of course, even if there was some credible evidence showing that the 1969 Apollo moon landing was a hoax, conspiracy theorists must also account for later moon missions, involving a dozen astronauts. And there's the issue of the hundreds of pounds of moon rocks that have been studied around the world and verified as of extraterrestrial origin... how did NASA get the rocks if not during a moon landing? Many astronauts have been offended by the implication that they faked their accomplishments. In fact in 2002, when conspiracy theorist Bart Sibrel confronted Buzz Aldrin and called him a "coward and a liar" for faking the moon landings, the 72-year-old punched Sibrel in the jaw.

3 Subliminal Advertising
Ever been watching a movie and suddenly get the munchies? Or sitting on your sofa watching TV and suddenly get the irresistible urge to buy a new car? If so, you may be the victim of a subliminal advertising conspiracy! Proponents include Wilson Bryan Key (author of "Subliminal Seduction") and Vance Packard (author of "The Hidden Persuaders"), both of whom claimed that subliminal (subconscious) messages in advertising were rampant and damaging. Though the books caused a public outcry and led to FCC hearings, much of both books have since been discredited, and several key "studies" of the effects of subliminal advertising were revealed to have been faked. In the 1980s, concern over subliminal messages spread to bands such as Styx and Judas Priest, with the latter band even being sued in 1990 for allegedly causing a teen's suicide with subliminal messages (the case was dismissed). Subliminal mental processing does exist, and can be tested. But just because a person perceives something (a message or advertisement, for example) subconsciously means very little by itself. There is no inherent benefit of subliminal advertising over regular advertising, any more than there would be in seeing a flash of a commercial instead of the full twenty seconds. Getting a person to see something for a split-second is easy; filmmakers do it all the time (watch the last few frames in Hitchcock's classic "Psycho"). Getting a person to buy or do something based on that split-second is another matter entirely. (The conspiracy was parodied in the 1980s television show Max Headroom, in which viewers were exploding after seeing subliminal messages called "blipverts.")

2 Princess Diana's Murder
Within hours of Princess Diana's death on Aug. 31, 1997, in a Paris highway tunnel, conspiracy theories swirled. As was the case with the death of John F. Kennedy, the idea that such a beloved and high-profile figure could be killed so suddenly was a shock. This was especially true of Princess Diana; royalty die of old age, political intrigue, or eating too much rich food; they don't get killed by a common drunk driver. Unlike many conspiracy theories, though, this one had a billionaire promoting it: Mohamed Al-Fayed, the father of Dodi Al-Fayed, who was killed along with Diana. Al-Fayed claims that the accident was in fact an assassination by British intelligence agencies, at the request of the Royal Family. Al-Fayed's claims were examined and dismissed as baseless by a 2006 inquiry; the following year, at Diana's inquest, the coroner stated that "The conspiracy theory advanced by Mohamed Al Fayed has been minutely examined and shown to be without any substance." On April 7 of this year, the coroner's jury concluded that Diana and Al-Fayed were unlawfully killed due to negligence by their drunken chauffer and pursuing paparazzi.

1 The 9/11 Conspiracies
The evidence is overwhelming that the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, were indeed the result of a conspiracy. There's no doubt about it: A close (or even cursory) look at the evidence makes it clear that it was carefully planned and executed by conspirators. The question, of course, is who those conspirators were. Osama bin Laden and the crew of (mostly Saudi) hijackers were part of the conspiracy, but what about President Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney? Did top Bush advisors, including Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld, either collaborate with bin Laden, or intentionally allow the attacks to happen? Put another way, was it an inside job? Conspiracy theorists believe so, and point to a catalog of supposed inconsistencies in the "official version" of the attacks. Many of the technical conspiracy claims were debunked by Popular Mechanics magazine in March 2005, while other claims are refuted by simple logic: If a hijacked airplane did not crash into the Pentagon, as is often claimed, then where is Flight 77 and its passengers? Are they with the Roswell aliens at Hangar 18? In many conspiracy theories, bureaucratic incompetence is often mistaken for conspiracy. Our government is so efficient, knowledgeable, and capable--so the reasoning goes--that it could not possibly have botched the job so badly in detecting the plot ahead of time or responding to the attacks. I find that hard to believe.
In The Water Cooler, Imaginova's Editorial Director Robert Roy Britt looks at what people are talking about in the world of science and beyond. Find more in the archives and on Twitter.
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Re: Michael, Sorcha, Bellringer & Jane

Post by Deep Knight »

From Welcome the Light, Rama and Tara (aka A&A, or Mr. A Hole and Mrs. A Hole) talk about their secret knowledge of Michael Jackson's death and how it was (surprise, surprise) related to NESARA.

Mother Sekhmet Telecall - June 25, 2009
Posted by admin On June - 29 - 2009

Mother Sekhmet’s Conference Call
June 25, 2009
Transcribed by Your Transcription Team
Shirley, Jan, Annie, Katie, Nancy and Jules
Edited By Andrew McManus

Part 1: Roundtable with Tara & Rama

RAMA - Well, to start with the latest, and I firmly believe this, and I hold him in the highest light possible because he is one of our wealthy visionaries, and he was going to make this, I mean, it’s already coming to pass, whether he’s in this dimension or the 5th dimension.

I’ll just say Michael Jackson, his physical body is gone, but he will show up in the way he needs to show up. To share the energy about what has occurred here in the last few hours. I also have to say I believe the dark side did this, because he was going to talk about NESARA.

Tara – Actually, you got a message from Tom the Ring-tailed Cat and he can’t say either way, yet he made it very clear that what he was aware of is that Michael Jackson was going to mention NESARA over the 4th of July weekend, so the dark side killed him… took him out for that.

Rama - In the rest of the news out there . . .

Tara – Let’s just say, you know, they also gave Farrah Fawcett colon cancer. They pulled the plug on her today too. That’s pretty interesting; those are both wealthy visionaries that put their money where their month was. To help us get NESARA announced everybody.

Rama – On Monday/Tuesday, they took out Ed McMahon. I believe they gave him the black mold.

Tara – Oh, they did. They put it into his home, and he sued them. He actually sued the company. He lost all of his money, just ethically, because he got so sick. He got mold in his body.

Rama – He mortgaged everything, like Michael Jackson mortgaged everything to cover his butt.

Tara – For that case against Michael Jackson, and what happened to Michael Jackson is that he was genetically manipulated by the dark side.

Rama - I honestly believe that he was one of the great people or the Assani’s that came back to bring a balance in love. In the understanding of music, also, coming from a very tortured family, I mean, he grew up in the San Fernando Valley like I did. I never met him but once at community events. He was just another kid, and we all were equal no matter what.

Tara – They are saying that things occurred in terms of being addicted to fame in a sense, and when they genetically manipulated him, he wasn’t a pedophile from birth. This was a genetic modification, of the handlers that he had. His father was his handler too, and his father beat him on the stage. We all know/understand the story where he didn’t have a childhood.

Rama – Yeah, and it’s interesting. I’m not trying to gossip or anything, but he married Elvis Presley’s daughter.

Tara – That’s not gossip.

Rama – No. I’m just saying that the tie-ins are very interesting with the blood lines. I believe Michael Jackson was one of the wealthy visionaries, still is. Getting the message out there. I can’t remember this guy’s name, I want to say it’s Arsenio Hall but it’s not. In terms of the rest of the new news today, first on Stephanie Miller and then on Thom Hartmann, they talked about James . . . .

Tara – If you’re watching MSNBC, he’s singing with this brothers. Those were his brothers right there. Okay, right. Oh my God. I do know that, at the highest level, remember he was also being handled by Elizabeth Taylor. Elizabeth Taylor is handled by Henry Kissinger everybody, if you didn’t know that.

So, you know, they had this thing sealed tight. You know, this was a spiteful murder, I guess that’s what I would say about it, because they already know that they’re going down, and so they did it just out of spite. Because they will never give up, and he was going to talk about NESARA over the weekend, oh my God. They’re laughing anyway. You know something is going to happen anyway.

Rama – The way it’s just being said out there, by first Stephanie Miller then Thom Hartmann, and it tied into this guy. He was sitting in for Randi Rhoades today, and he was like somebody that stepped out of the Sopranos that was just laying it out in lavender, how the boys from downtown get it done. He was talking about Michael Jackson; he was talking about Farrah Fawcett; he was talking about the senator from South Carolina, the senator from Nevada, Mr. Newt Gingrich, Mr. Bill Clinton, Miss Hillary Clinton, Miss Susan, her lover . . . .

Tara – Except that they don’t know that that wasn’t Bill Clinton who did that, although I wonder how they’re gonna get that out.

Rama –This guy was just telling it like it was, in terms of the stories about how the dark side compromises people of fame and uses it to coerce the news and cover up what’s really going on. We haven’t heard any news about Iran on any of the major networks that most people get, and that’s only coming from like free speech, world-linked TV and the internet, and things are not good in Iran.

What I have heard is that Mousavi is safe; he is not telling where he is. Yet he is still saying that, you know, this was a rigged election in Iran, and there are many people dying and still and yet, we’re loving them even more for stepping up to the plate at this time. There’s so much shaking in terms of the final crumblings, that you might say Rome is in ruins.

It’s burning, yet some of the final edifices have to fall, and it’s looking quite radical in that sense. When Obama was doing his speech today about the energy, the markets shot up, and as they started to talk about Michael Jackson and the other news, it started to slip a little bit. It was kind of interesting, everything that’s being said right now is the exposure of what occurred.

In the midst of all of this that may have gotten uncovered. I saw this yesterday, Sibel Edmunds was on the Mike Malloy show last night with Brad of Bradblog. Sibel Edmonds talked and spilled the beans, talking about being hired by the FBI, then subsequently being told to shut up or die. She’s coming forward now, she has a blog out there, and to find her, you just go to the national whistleblowers.

Tara – What’s the name of the website? Well, you can put it in Google. She’s the head of the National Whistle Blowers Coalition, I think.

Rama – Or Association. Yet, it is all being laid out about 9/11 and everything ever after, and the criminals will be dealt with according to the laws of love, nature and Nature’s God. And what Thom Hartmann talked about so much, I won’t take any more time of the talking stick, he talked about how we need to disband a standing army in a time of peace.

James Madison brought this up, as well along with Thomas Jefferson, that in a time of peace, funny incidents occurred. Where, let’s say folks are bored, or let’s just say not bored, but they need to create some kind of false flag event to shift the balance of power in certain areas. Like right now the Republicans are going down the black hole. They need to shift the balance of power, at the moment very badly, yet they have nothing up their sleeves.

Tara – Well, they did, they just took him out.

Rama – That doesn’t shut anyone up. They just continue, and the point I’m trying to make is . . .

Tara – No, it doesn’t except that they did that to attempt to shift the balance of power, and they have all kinds of people coming out and saying horrible things about him.

Rama – Of course.

Tara – Again, these things are what they feed off of.

Rama - I am just saying that what is being said out there on all levels is we are coming back to light, balance and love with the Lavender Lad in charge. He’s the final say so, and I would not presume to guess his mind.

Man – On him, I have found out that recently not too long ago, he had been interviewed by “We are Change” about his going to the Bilderberg conference. He let something slip out. This could have been a warning to him, if anybody knows anything about that.

Marietta – What was it that he let slip?

Man – he let slip something, you can watch it. It was, I forget which “We are Change” interviewed him but there’s a YouTube link of We are Changes website. I think also on Alex Jones’ site about him letting some things out about Bilderberg that this is probably just Bielberg telling him he better what your Ps and Qs, so to speak.

Woman - I find this very interesting now that I’m listening, I’m being sort of tied up into this circle of Michael Jackson. As the morning started out, I was watching the hearings with Ben Bernanke. Before Michael Jackson, every single news station was commenting on Ben Bernanke.

When I switched to channel 5, they have a judge who’s a commentator, I forget his name right now. He’s well known and used to be a federal judge. He said I would have Ben Bernanke, Paulson and all of them in jail, prosecuted in one jail in three minutes. He said there’s so much evil going on here.

He said that on Fox News today. Every station, as I was turning it through, was talking about Ben Bernanke and Louis, the CEO of Bank of America. It was getting pretty hot, even the Money channel was talking about it. The next thing I know, Michael Jackson’s dead. Nothing else is on TV, except Michael Jackson. Very interesting.

Tara – Who was it that was saying this? I didn’t get the name that you said was saying all this.

Woman #1– He’s a judge. He’s well known. He’s one of the commentators. He’s one of the speakers on Fox News that comes in when they’re giving critiques.

Woman #2– Judge Napolitano. His name is Judge Napolitano. The guy with the grey hair?

Woman #1 – That’s him, yes.

Woman #2 – Yeah. Napolitano, some Greek thing.

Woman #1 – Yes, and he was saying I would have these guys, inside of three minutes, in prison. He said there’s so much going on here that’s illegal. He just put it right out there on Fox News. The next thing I knew is Michael Jackson was dead and took everything off the air on all stations about Bernanke and this group, and everything now was Michael Jackson.

Tara – There’s a cover-up.

Rama – It’s a cover-up, and it has to do with what’s seriously going on because these guys are about to be arrested and taken to The Hague. St. Germaine calls the shots. I would not get in his way.

Tara – No and that includes Bernanke. Bernanke knows he’s going bye-bye. So these guys did this. You’re right, I see what you’re saying. They did one in, you know, Farrah Fawcett…

Rama – Ed McMahon.

TARA - …in the morning and they sandwiched it. You know, it was very interesting . Barack Obama was looking like he was; he did not answer one single question when he spoke about the energy bill. He did change his words from what he said at the Democratic Convention last year I noticed that too. Remembering that until these guys are arrested, that double agency means what he’s saying is not what he’s gonna say once these other guys are gone, and the house has been cleaned publicly.

Yet he did adjust and said cleaner coal, instead of saying clean coal. Because everybody knows there’s no such thing, and everybody knows that cleaner coal is not even necessary.

Kauwila – Just a couple of short notes along with that today. You know, I often watch channel 38 here, which of course is MSNBC. Sometimes I flip to channel 39, while I’m going to other channels, which is whatever that… what is that CNBC, the money channel where they’re talking about stocks and gold. Usually I don’t see anything, but this time I flipped through like three or four times, every time I flip through, the only thing I saw at the top was silver and gold. Silver and gold and copper but I saw these precious metals.

That kinds of ties in. I usually don’t see that at all. But I just happened to tune and they fly through those little banners that they have at the top. Also I got a message today from the dolphins that were outside. I haven’t seen the dolphins here for quite awhile. I didn’t see them doing anything, but they mentioned a very peaceful higher level gathering that’s going on right now starting yesterday after the operation that I’m sure we’ll hear more about that later, but it’s occurring now I guess.

They told me that it was going on for four more days, and the gist of, one of the short pieces that they gave me was, it’s a very high level meeting. It’s not possible for this meeting to take place or I mean it wasn’t possible until after yesterday’s operation. There’s more light, exponential increase in the amount and intensity, the density, if you will, of the, shall we say, K-Mart blue light special clearance energy.

Everything’s got to go that is not of love and peace, seeing many blowouts on the outer visible realm. Now this was before Michael Jackson came on. No matter how big the tire or how strong they said it is, everything is blowing. Now we see Yellowstone geyser blowing high, high, high into the orbit of the moon, stopped in its tracks. The moon stopped in its tracks so all can see the cover-ups and hidden truths of this craft. That was signed Mother.

Joann – On the Michael Jackson story, you suggested it was a cover-up. Would you say that he was killed, or that was just coincidental? That he was killed for? Was he killed as a distraction?

Marietta – Did you miss the part of the call when Rama was talking about that?

Joann – Well that’s all that I got from it, that it was a cover-up, but I didn’t know if that meant that he was killed to cover, as a distraction. You know what I mean?

Rama – I will just say that it was very interesting in the sense that, you know, we got a call from our friend.

Tara – Tom, the ring-tailed cat.

Rama – No, I was talking about our friend down in Florida. Who called up and said Ben Bernanke is getting roasted on the TV.

Tara – Oh yes. And knowing that it’s already been known, you know, in the right circles, that he was going to be speaking about NESARA over the 4th of July weekend. They also knew that Ben Bernanke was going to be roasted today.

Rama – Yeah.

Tara – The deal is that they knew Bernanke was going to get hit between the eyes today. They knew Mr. Michael Jackson was going to do something on Sunday so they planned it as a simulcast. They took the plug off and took out Farrah Fawcett in the morning. She was a wealthy visionary; she put her money where her mouth was into the hedge funds for the light, along with all the other wealthy visionaries.

Michael Jackson actually inspired all of those wealthy visionaries to do his idea. He created the song, he created the music, he connected with all of them, and then they agreed. They collected $100 million initially just those with him, there were 50 all together. Here he is 50; he’s not quite 51. It’s all so very interesting knowing that 30 years ago, every single wealthy visionary, every single whistleblower in the media, every single member of government who was going to be working for the light has always been a double agent.

They promised that even if it meant death that they would face death, and that is a soul contract. So Michael Jackson had a soul contract. Remember he created his family. He chose his father. So I don’t know what that means in terms of a previous lifetime together where some of roles may have been reversed. Yet he volunteered to go through all of this and sacrifice basically his life so that the rest of us.

I mean it’s the same thing as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Never mind all the other stuff that they induce on their controlled candidate, another Manchurian candidate. They have planned it all, and God rest his soul, and he can choose to come back, right?

Rama – I believe anything is entirely possible and probable now. That we have gone through the ops we went through last night. Like I have said, I have been monitoring the results on the ships screens at the navigation stations.

Michael Jackson grew up in the San Fernando Valley with Rama and they were kids together? I thought they were from Gary Indiana, but there must be a wormhole between the two. Also, wasn't Rama supposed to be born in 1952 and Michael Jackson in 1958? Then again, it wouldn't surpise me if they held Rama back 6 years in school...
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Re: Michael, Sorcha, Bellringer & Jane

Post by texino »

Now that is about the biggest maroon fest I have read in quite some time. If I had to take a wild guess, I'd say that MJ went into respiratory arrest from the effects of a Demerol injection and his Doc did not have any narcotic antagonist handy. With narcotic use, there will always come a point when the lethal dose and the therapeutic dose get very close and a longtime user who enjoys the euphoric side effect as much as the pain relief is very likely to overdose at some time. Management of an OD in the drug dependent patient can be tricky as an antagonist can put the person directly into withdrawal which may cause seizures and other complications, so things could have just gotten out of hand. Of course the whole issue here is these idiots grabbing the the unfortunate passing of well know people and propping them up as NESARA supporters when during their lifetimes there was not a single indication that Jackson, Fawcett or McMahon (Black Mold?) had ever heard of the scam.
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Re: Michael, Sorcha, Bellringer & Jane

Post by Deep Knight »

No doubt a follow up to my article, "Story: Life of a Moron."

Christopher Story

July 7, 2009


That ‘sudden death syndrome’ experienced by a creature fond of making satanic hand signals called Michael Jackson: was it an accident? His body is evidently to be buried in a $15,000 gold-plated coffin encased in concrete. Now why on earth would this be necessary?

The increasingly scurrilous and revolutionary London Daily Telegraph carried a photograph of this ghoul on 28th June (page 9), sticking his left hand up with the two index fingers making a variant of the familiar devil’s salute so favoured by George W. Bush Jr., Mrs Laura Bush, Elizabeth Taylor, Dan Quayle, General Tommy Franks, Silvio Berlusconi, King Abdullah, and now Sarah Palin.

But Jackson, this repulsive, decadent paedophile, a protégé of Elizabeth Taylor, wasn’t just a ‘pop phenomenon’ that erupted out of nowhere, bamboozling and depraving millions of ignorant and gullible sheeple with his overtly pornographic, paedophiliac and filthy narcissism.

No. He was ‘an operation’: and who do you suppose was his ultimate ‘controller’? Think of someone who stands for wall-to-wall depravity and the Works of Darkness to whom we refer in every report. You got it in one: George Herbert Walker Godfather-Satan Bush Sr.. This fact is quite well known among Los Angeles area showbusiness cognoscenti, who point to certain real estate connections.

Michael Jackson was also reported as having 'assisted the CIA' with 'Operation Clydesdale', which was ostensibly concerned with exterminating criminal paedophile gangsters operating in Eastern Europe. This 'line' implies a further 'connection' with the Bush Criminal Syndicate, and would have been intended to cover Mr Jackson's active participation in paedophile operations run by a cadre within the corrupt and depraved Intelligence Power, motivated by the notorious CIA objectives of (a) furthering depravity and (b) generating streams of 'Black' CIA funding in the process.


Michael Jackson was a creature of the Bush-CIA/DVD Crime Syndicate, a money-making 'platform' operation which – like the later J. K. Rowling Harry Potter committee-written, witchcraft-teaching, child-depraving operation directed by a filthy revolutionary cell inside the ‘Black’ components of British counterintelligence – was framed with just two objectives in mind:

• To maximise the revolutionary potential for calling good evil, and evil good, in order to generate mass multiple personality disorder among our children and young people so as to satisfy depraved revolutionary mind-control objectives and to enlarge the pool of children 'available' for abuse.

• To establish a money cow and a consequent flow of funds for 'platform' trading purposes.

As for Jackson, let’s revert briefly to his experience of ‘sudden death syndrome’. It has been put to us by the informed sources who made us aware of Jackson’s ‘Bush dimension’, that those forces who are engaged in warfare behind the scenes against the CIA-DVD Bush-Clinton Crime Syndicate, eliminated Jackson in order to close down the ‘trading platform’ potential that was associated with this manipulated, depraved paedophile. Recall that tickets for exhibitions of narcissistic Jackson depravity to be launched from the epicentre of geomasonry, London, were being sold for venues throughout the world, out to next spring: a nice depravity-spreading little earner, hey what?

Now despite assurances that the fools who rushed to buy tickets to ogle at this devil will get their money back, what do you think will happen to their money?

• If you imagine they’ll be getting it back, keep imagining. Also, there’s an awful lot of loot to be milked from the death of a devil who’s to be buried in a gold-plated casket encased in concrete. And where have we ever read of bodies being buried in cement? Plus: we WONDER WHY he needs to be buried in concrete. No doubt George Herbert Walker Paedophile Bush knows the answer.
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Re: Michael, Sorcha, Bellringer & Jane

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

There's also a lot of loot to be milked from ignorant fools who will believe anything which is politically pleasant to them, and are just as deranged (or just as burnt out by hallucinogens) as the writer of this drivel.
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Re: Michael, Sorcha, Bellringer & Jane

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:There's also a lot of loot to be milked from ignorant fools who will believe anything which is politically pleasant to them, and are just as deranged (or just as burnt out by hallucinogens) as the writer of this drivel.
Better to be burnt out by hallucinogens than buried in cement.
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Re: Michael, Sorcha, Bellringer & Jane

Post by Deep Knight »

Back to Jane Burgermeister and her complaint. From RumorMill News (a conspiracy-friendly site by Rayelan that used to be NESARA-friendly until she got bored with it).

E-mail from JANE BURGERMEISTER "now looking at legal action against whoever writes under the name of Sorcha Faal."

Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 30-Jun-2009 14:17:10 (Thanks kindly, Jane. :)

Jane Burgermeister writes in connection with this post:

Fourwinds10: Jackson not a "backer" of Burgermeister despite words of Sorcha Faal
hobie -- Monday, 29-Jun-2009 16:28:02


Re: Fourwinds10: Jackson not a 'backer' of Bur....

Hi Hobie,

I can confirm I am the Jane Burgermeister who sent the email to Fourwinds10 setting the record straight about Sorcha's Faal's false report linking my charges against Baxter for their role in contaminating vaccine material with 72 kgs of live bird flu virus and the sudden death of Michael Jackson.

I am now looking at legal action against whoever writes under the name of Sorcha Faal. I believe this is a deliberate and cynical attempt by the people behind Baxter etc to manipulate public opinion by trivialising Michael Jackson's death and the Baxter investigation.

Even medical doctors have been emailing me, asking me to confirm the link with Michael Jackson, and I have had to spend a lot of time explaining that the Sorcha Faal report is a tissue of lies.

I would appreciate it if you would post this up.

Thanks, Jane Bürgermeister

I don't actually thing Ms. Burgermeister will visit this site/thread, but here goes anyway:

1. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're not a loon like Bellringer & Rayelan (have you ever read any of the other posts on their sites?). However, most anyone else would not be so generous.
2. If someone at Baxter was trying to manipulate public opinion, why in the world would they have chosen "Sorcha Faal?" "Deliberate and cynical?" Try "clueless and psychotic." Pick another post by "Sorcha" at random and then tell me why anyone would believe this nonsense.
3. "Sorcha Faal" may be David Booth, another internet loon and scammer, but who cares? Sure, you could sue him, but you would run into the "no blood from a turnip" rule. See http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread304918/pg1
4. If you would like to have "Sorcha Faal's" posts taken down, more power to you. However, he/she/it can always start posting under another name and unbelievable cover story. It's like trying to kill cockroaches by stepping on them one at a time.

Ed. Note: Sane people with intelligence actively campaign against the information found in these reports, or would if they read them, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to be taken on a snipe hunt. Due to these missions conflicts Sorcha works to discredit herself with every word, even "a" and "the."
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Re: Michael, Sorcha, Bellringer & Jane

Post by texino »

Story, a complete maroonatic! In my experience everyone who is buried in a casket in the US goes in a concrete vault with an asphalt seal.This keeps the coffins from floating around in a flood and such, but you can open the vault with no trouble if you need to get at the corpse for some reason. I would suspect that Story's hi dollar reports to business concerning finance and intelligence matters have probably taken a dive. I really seems that there is a lot of money in publishing lists i.e. Lloyds List of shipping and Jane's Defense library. Maybe we could start one.
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