Letter to the Editor about the Browns

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Doktor Avalanche
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Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Demosthenes wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:
gezco wrote:Did you notice that the other moderator for makethestand.com currently has a slight felony weapons beef with the State of Illinois? My guess he will be joining them once he gets that resolved.
The other moderator is Shaun Kranish and he might have some other slight issues to take care of besides the felony weapon charge. He was arrested again on Sunday night for trying to use Liberty Dollars.

Shaun like to huff and puff about how he doesn't have an SSN (he does) and how he doesn't pay income taxes, but he's a 21 year old, full time student who lives at home with mommy and daddy.
And for a 21 year old kid, he's already got a long laundry list of runins with the fuzz.

2002 Speeding 31+ miles over the limit
2002 Improper traffic lane usage
2004 Speeding 11 to 14 over limit
2005 Disorderly conduct
2006 Aggregated unlawful use of a weapon (felony indictment)
2006 Driving on a suspended license
2006 Resisting a police officer (criminal misdemeanor)

Looks like he's escalating. His life as a tax cheat is all lined up for him.
He still has "pushing old ladies into oncoming traffic", "beating up kids on Halloween for their candy" and "hurting squirrels" to ramp up to.
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Doktor Avalanche
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Post by Doktor Avalanche »

gezco wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:Looks like he's escalating. His life as a tax cheat is all lined up for him.
If he’s aspiring to become a tax cheat, first he’ll need to figure out how to make enough money to actually generate a tax liability. That might be an insurmountable challenge for him.
Pish-posh! A technicality like that never stopped David Merrill.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Couple won't fight verdict of tax evasion
Union Leader Correspondent
10 hours, 29 minutes ago

HANOVER – Tax protesters Ed and Elaine Brown said in a radio interview yesterday they do not intend to appeal their convictions on federal tax evasion charges.

The Browns, for whom a judge filed a notice of appeal with the 1st Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston, said they have abandoned "man's law" and now follow only the rules and laws put forth in the Bible.

"We know there's a possibility that this will end badly and they will end up killing us," Elaine Brown told Terri Dudley, host of "Your Turn" on Hanover's WTSL AM 1400. "Maybe some of us will die, but that happens in every revolution."

The Browns, who sequestered themselves in their Plainfield home after a January jury trial, have said that if they leave, it will be either as free citizens or "in body bags." But whether they perish or not, Ed Brown said, he's confident the ordeal will have a positive ending.

"Only God knows the time frame," he said. "And no matter how it ends, it will be good. It doesn't matter. If they do something to us, they'll make martyrs out of us."

Ed Brown said the U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear the couple's Petition for the Redress of Grievances, which stems from the federal court trial in Concord. During the trial, Judge Steven McAuliffe refused to allow the Browns to argue the legal basis for the charges against them.

"They don't follow their own rules, their own laws, unless it's to their advantage," Elaine Brown said during the radio show.

The couple has asked the federal government since 1994 to cite a law that requires average Americans to pay taxes on their wages.

"They have never done so, and the reason they have never done so is because no such law exists," Elaine Brown said.

The Browns haven't filed a federal income tax return since 1995.

During the interview with Dudley, a Lebanon city councilor, Ed Brown said Lebanon Police Chief Jim Alexander and the Lebanon "city fathers" ought to be "brought to justice."

"They need to go to jail," he said.

Dudley, who stressed throughout the interview her belief that people have a right to their own opinions, said nothing of her seat on the council and changed the subject.

After the show, Dudley, who has known the Browns for about 15 years, said she always keeps her role as a city councilor separate from her job as an interviewer on the radio.

In cooperation with federal agents, Lebanon police tricked the Browns into federal custody last May by telling Ed there was a problem at the couple's West Lebanon property, where Elaine once ran a successful dental practice and had Dudley as a patient.

Ed Brown said the city council should only collect enough money in taxes to "run the city." He said despite the increasing tax rate, all he gets for his property tax dollars in Lebanon is fire protection and a public works truck to plow the road, and "I could do that myself."

"Never once has the city of Lebanon or the town of Plainfield been willing to sit down and discuss these issues," he said.

Ed Brown said he also objects to paying taxes for education so that public schools can teach "communism and homosexuality."

The Browns reiterated that they could have cleared their name at any time by paying the taxes the government says they owe. It's not ego that keeps them holed up in their Plainfield home waiting for a potentially violent clash with government agents, they said.

"Nobody would be that stupid to get into this kind of pressure and anxiety every day" unless they were standing by something they truly believed, Ed Brown said.

Judge McAuliffe sentenced the couple in absentia to serve more than five years in prison. He also submitted paperwork for their appeal, but the Browns said they would take no further court action.
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Post by LPC »

[Judge McAuliffe] also submitted paperwork for their appeal, but the Browns said they would take no further court action.
I wonder if the judge will now apologize to the Browns for filing the appeal.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
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Post by Demosthenes »

Maybe he'll pay the filing fee for them and point out to them any possible issues for appeal.
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Post by . »

Perhaps the judge will apologize for tear-gassing these two losers, if it comes to that.

What's really pitiful is that the feds haven't cut off all access to the outside world. Perhaps wireless law hasn't caught up with reality. Never mind something so simple as a land-line telephone. Or, maybe the feds are just asleep at the switch. What a shock that would be.
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Post by The Observer »

Obviously the judge at this point is going to have to prepare the appeal brief and represent the Browns before the circuit if he wants this appeal to go forward.
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Post by webhick »

CaptainKickback wrote:I have a question. When did the law enfocement agencies of the various dinky little New England states become such panty-waisted candy-*sses?
Since the old man's face fell off. Thankfully, on that fateful morning of May 2, I was out of town getting my groove on so I still have balls. Alas, they will not let me join law enforcement. I think they're afraid of what will happen if they give me a gun.
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Post by gezco »

Reno is strating to ramble on more at mysace:
Friday, May 18, 2007

ah fuck it!
Current mood: working

962 is not the 1,000 i had hoped for. but it is pretty damn close.

i am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

the view from where i am sitting is, if the hat dropped right now, most of you would shit your selves. then run to your beds to take a nap.

now those of you that take that course of action, it could be argued that it is a legitimate course of action for various reason. so do not think i am picking on you.

or could it be that you all have been working?

when the shit hits the fan are you all just going to wait to see what happens?

i have seen over and over again calls to form communication links... what the hell?

HEY ! who ever wanted to start that message me and i will start pushing it. just have the basics typed out so i know you are going to follow the same patterns i have seen before.

if YOU, yes you with the hot pocket! have any other ideas, message me and i will start linking up with those who are willing to connect.




Smoke Signals ( once i learn it )

get your friends together. talk about it. what are you all ready/ prepared to do? Discuss the courses of action that maybe coming about. Ask each other "be you a free man? or a slave?"

Ask your selves, if not you, then who? if not now, then when?

how many plans are set up in case people are missing, if your partners and family are being dragged away.

start bring it this way, comment or message them to me.

i am going to need a few hardcore rockers that can take on a few task. nothing to break the law just helping and being points of contact.

IF you take this responsibility and i filter real freedom fighters your way. we are going to need a at least two points of communication for you. you will not be forced to do anything illegal. or against your beliefs.



please remember that once you plug in you need to be responsible for your brothers and sisters.

At one time, I kind of felt sorry for Ed Brown. The more I hear him speak, and the more quotes I see attributed to him, the more I think he’s just a garden variety paranoid delusional nut job asshole type that deserves jail time. If they do catch him alive, I wonder if he gets the prison camp treatment or if he will get higher security. After all the treats he’s made, I hope they put him in a supper max facility.
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Post by Cobalt Shiva »

CaptainKickback wrote:I have a question. When did the law enfocement agencies of the various dinky little New England states become such panty-waisted candy-*sses?

You know, if the police back there lack the spine, I believe Mayor Villaragosa can lend them a couple squads of LAPD officers to extract the Browns. :wink:
The LAPD motto: "We'll Treat You Like a King!"